Restoring Harddrive Data - HD Partitions

Nov 1, 2009

i just formated my old hard disk with all the important data and installed windows over it.i really don't know what to do!right away after i finished to install windows i discoverd the mistake!there is a way to restore evertying?
some details:the old version that was installed on the HD was XP Pro and the current is XP Home editon. the HD has two partitions C and D, now there is only C.
i chose the Quick NTFS formmating option.

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Data Disappeared From HardDrive - Harddrive Partitions

May 26, 2008

My computer operated windows XP sp2, and have 3 hard drives conntected
1. HD 0 is 160 GB divided into 2 partiotions, one 20 GB containing the system the other 140 Gb containes data directories and film directories2. HD 1 is 120 Gb connected through mobile rack and also contains data directories and film directories3. HD 2 is 200 Gb connected through mobile rack and contains only film directories.Untill thursday night everything was perfect, but when i I opened my computer friday morning i found the following1. HD 0 second partition all film directories completly disappeared and the free space is 40 Gb instead of the original 50 Gb

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Formatting Harddrive - Partitions Harddrive

May 23, 2005

about two yrs ago my dad made a massive mistake of making two partitions on my laptop, and giving the C: only 2gigs of the partition, and the D: 28-29gigs. I wanted to format my computer completely anyways, and would like to know how i can format my computer and merge these two partitions. I have the formatting disks, but it never goes to a screen asking me about my partitions, it just formats everything on my C: (my default drive), but keeps everything on my D: intact (games, files, etc.).

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Restoring Harddrive Using Reinstall Backups

Nov 1, 2009

My Toshiba Satellite 1905-303 laptop gave out a year or so ago & we bought a replacement desk top. I've since re-formatted the drive which worked fine as a filestore using a caddy with usb cord. However, I've now discovered some original Toshiba XP recovery disks that came with the machine & a CDROM of a reinstallbackups directory that was done fairly close to when it ceased to work. The disk doesn't seem to function in the laptop when I refit it, so I can't get anything on the screen. Can I recover the disk using a separate machine so that I can then refit it & get XP up & running on it, & if so how?

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Restoring From The Recovery Data In The Hd Partition?

Oct 27, 2007

i want to restore my computer to its original configuration. i know the in the partition named -: (yeah, its like that) lies the information for it, but the computer on startup will not give me that choice (like pressing f10 to restore)... my question is "how do I restore manually using all that data in there?"
any thoughs or comments welcomed

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Restoring Chkdsk Data Back To Explorer Again?

Jul 24, 2006

i got somethin that is called ''A delayed writing failed''(my translation?) at E: S(with dollar tag over S)mft chkdsk manage to repair and delete the bad filepost-segement so i could acces the drive again. but now the problem is thath around 150 Gb of files has instead got hidden on the drive and can't be directley accesed with windows explorer..the files are recovered by chkdsk and the files works

however I can acces thoose files with Nero Burning Room LOL and R-Studio Data Recovery for example.first i tryed to copy thoose files to another hardrive with R-studio and back to orginal harddrive. the problem is that thoose hidden 150 Gb:s is still left on the my discspace is insufficient to succed to copy them back

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Saving - Gathering Data Off An Old IDE Harddrive

Apr 2, 2010

I recently bought a usb IDE HD adapter in an attempt to get data from it. The original motherboard died after 8 years of hard use & I would like to recover the pictures, music & documents on the old HD. Using my current laptop (with Vista for OS) I get the message that access is denied.

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Saving Data To External Harddrive - Install Programs

Jan 24, 2007

I have bought an external hard drive and I would like my various programs to automatically save data to the external hard drive Would I need to install the programs onto that hard drive?

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Existing Data On Old Harddrive - Access Denied Even Know Password

Feb 22, 2006

i just built myself another new computer and i had one of my other hard drives hooked up as slave so i could retain all the data on it, while making a fresh install of Windows on a different hard drive... so here's the question, i went to get files off my user account "Kevin" from my old hard drive, and it says i do not have access. i know the password for the account but it doesn't ask me for a password.. and i can't put it in anywhere, and then i went to sharing and security and it says to drag it to shared folder but when i try and do that it says i don't have permission..

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Vanished Data From Harddrive - System Restore In Normal - Safe Mode

Dec 25, 2007

After starting my pc i noticed what 99% of data in my hard disk has vanished. it used to be only a 1GB free space there and now it shows 38,8 out of 39 GB. I tried system restore in normal and safe mode. .Thorough description of situation:
PC runs on Windows Xp SP2. It has 2 hard drives where the biggest one is paritioned into three drives: one for Windows installation, second was used for installation files of other programs (I kept Program Files folder there) and the alst one was dedicated for data storage. So the problem occured with the second drive. and as a result i do not have most of my programs running.

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Way To Recover Old Data After "restoring"?

Aug 20, 2005

I know this is a longshot, but here goes: My wife's notebook had a terrible virus that hijacked the entire machine and the network connection. It wouldn't allow me to restart the machine in safe mode, or restart it at all for that matter. My only choice (after talking to Dell and Microsoft techs) was to use Dell's "System Restore" disk to reinstall XP and start over. Needless to say, we lost a lot of important data, the most vital of which included several MS WORD files filled with notes and contact names for family finances, etc.

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Harddrive Is Split In To Many Drives - Formatting Harddrive

Aug 29, 2006

I know what to do but i am bit curious on the formatting bit. I have 2 hard drives, Harddrive "A" has all the window/program files as well as other programs like games and documents. Harddrive B is where i keep all my big files like videos and movies of course i want to format harddrive A but the thing is that harddrive is split in to 3 drives (C:, G:, F. I dont mind formating the c drive since it is all windows/program files but i dont really want to get rid of the G/F drive. I kno you can format the harddrive through the installation process of windows but i was wondering if it is possilbe to just to format the C: during that process or does it only format the whole harddrive

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Reformated Harddrive - HardDrive Possibly Dying

Jul 30, 2007

I reformatted my hard drive due to OS issues, I was running a trial version of Server 2003 along with XP Pro, and I had to get rid of Server 2003 because it was conflicting with XP Pro, and so the only way to do that was by reformatting both hard drives including XP Pro because Server 2003 was acting as the dominant OS, so I backed up all my ****, and reinstalled XP Pro, but now I get this hard drive problem that it says only 51 Gigs are remaining on a 250GB Hard drive, when the only thing installed on that hard drive is XP pro and maybe 15 applications, I tried using every program I can think of to find hidden files that equal a huge size but nothing shows up

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Lost Half Harddrive - 300GB Harddrive

Oct 1, 2009

I got a trojan that attached to my browser. I managed to get rid of it by system restore.A few days later I noticed I only had 127 GB of my 300GB harddrive showing.I did manage to find the missing space though Disk Management. It was showing 170GB as unallocated space. I named it E: and formatted it.It now shows in My Computer as New Volume E: When I open E:I get 2 folders, Recycler and System volume Information. SVI will not open. It gives me an error, ESystem Volume Information is not accessable, access is denied.I am trying to find a way to either resize E: to 1GB or smaller and move that 169 GB back to C: or get rid of E: altogether and put all the missing space back on C:

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Replaced 5gig Harddrive With 20 Gig Harddrive

Feb 19, 2005

Recently upgraded my laptop to windows XP from ME. I first replaced my 5 gig hard drive with a 20 gig hard drive. I added another 128 memory module for a total of 256. For an old machine it really hums now. Three minor problems are bugging me though. 1. I lost the sounds from my modem. The modem works fine except for no sound. I assume that the sound is from the unimodem half-duplex audio device that is located on the Lucent winmodem. I have checked everything. The system says that it is working correctly. I cannot even find the driver for this on microsoft . I thought if I could load a new driver it might work. No such thing. 2. System restore didn't work until I erased all the memory points and reloaded the program. Now if I open siystem restore and click on "settings" or "help" System restore shuts down. I assume it is corrupted and would like to reload it.

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Recover Data From Corrupt HDD: Not Allowed To Copy Data?

Dec 31, 2006

I had a bad HDD failure which corrupted part of my WinXP OS with the result that I am unable to boot into Windows. I have reloaded Windows on another HDD and I will be able to recover most of my data from backups. However, there is still some recent data on the bad disk which I am frantic to recover. I am able to find the "Documents and Settings" folder where I believe the "Outlook Express" data is held

I am unable to get into the folder as my username on the computer was passworded (the password is known). Neither am I allowed to copy the folder to my new drive. I cannot access the folder from my new OS even when I password myself with the same username / password. I have attempted to repair the bad drive's copy of Windows but that wasn't successful. I don't want to replace the bad copy with a fresh as this would reformat the drive taking with it the folder I want (and can't copy). Any work on the folder would need to be on the bad drive, it seems. I have run out of ideas.

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Install On Hard Drive With Data Without Losing Data?

Jul 10, 2005

Can I install XP on a hard drive which has only one partition with data without destroying the data?

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Data Has Been Lost: Save All The Data For The File

Jul 14, 2010

was unable to save all the data for the file The Data has been lost

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DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5] Data Recovery?

Sep 26, 2006

i have a hard disk that has been recently affected by Win32/Mywife.E@mm virus and all the .doc and xls files have been reduced to 1kb irispective of their initial sizes and when you open the files you get this error; DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5] I would like to recover the affected files to their original state, i have searched the internet over and no one seems to have the solution documented currently i am trying to download QuickView Plus (Version 8), i have tried all aplications i can come across, including recover my files, winhex, get data back for ntfs, and r-studio.

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Retrieve Cut Data - Transfer That Data In Another Pc?

Apr 7, 2010

to transfer that data in another pc. But some reason my usb hard disk not working detecting on both pc in this way lost my all data. I want ask you can i recover CUT data from original hard disk? and How?

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Restoring From The CD

Aug 28, 2005

Am I able to restore the Windows XP operating system on my laptop from the CD without trashing my other data/programs? I have used "System Restore" quite often and now notice several small glitches occurring from time to time so am wondering if small portions of the system have become corrupt (sorry for the nontechnical terminology). It would be nice to be able to restore the system directly from my CD but I haven't been able to discover if this is possible.

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System Is Not Restoring

Mar 16, 2006

I've been trying to resolve multiple problems that suddenly appeared with my pc by myself for days. I need help, please!

1. Flash has stopped operating.
2. System Restore gives me an error message, "Cannot Be Restored" -- I've tried multiple restore points.

I tried downloading simple Flash and got the error message "No Platform for this application". Shockwave Flash did install, but my flash animation is still not working.

My operating system is Windows XP Service Pack 2. Here is my Hijack This log:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0
Scan saved at 2:28:07 PM, on 3/16/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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Restoring Crashed Using BKF

Aug 24, 2008

It is ironic that I am here, because I own a tech business, but I have been stumped so long that I need to go ask the big-guns.My problem: My computer was acting up.My solution: Reinstall XP.My second problem: I have a SATA drive which XP doesn't support by default.My solution: Use nLite to package my drivers into my install disc and burn a new copy.My third problem: install goes as planned, but when the computer starts up it gets to the Windows Logo loading-screen and crashes right as the blue bar enters the screen. The computer simply freezes, shuts down, reboots, and says "Windows did not shut down properly" or whatever the hell it says.So now I have no clue what to do. I know it's not the wrong drivers--I got them directly from ASUS's website and made sure it's the 32-bit Windows XP drivers.

I have tried reinstalling Windows like 10 times over the past 3 days, so I know it wasn't just a faulty install.My CD drive is 6 months old and my hard drive 2 months old. They both run perfectly, so I know it's not them.Being the genius I am, I backed up my entire hard-drive on a BKF file with a clean install!
So now I can just use the BKF file to write to my hard drive... if I had a working computer. So here's my situation: I'd accept a helpful fix for the thing above, but I don't think there will be any fixes for it that I haven't already tried. But what I really do want is some advice on how to write my BKF file to my SATA HDD. I have my SATA connected to my computer via an external USB converter-switch-like-thing, so I have access to it. The BKF is stored on my laptop's HDD, but my Laptop is Vista (ewwie). I need to know how to take the BKF file from my Vista laptop and restore it onto my SATA HDD that is attached via USB. Vista's restore capability doesn't support XP's BKF files, so I was wondering if anybody knows of a third-party application or any way to get this back up, and quickly. I'm a developer and my computer has been down for 3 days!

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Restoring One For The Drives

Mar 5, 2006

I recently recovered from this: But now my D: is in RAW format, and I want it to be able to read CDs again. Same with the E:.

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Unable To Restoring PC

Aug 11, 2005

I want to restore my PC to a week ago. I have not put anything on but it is a new PC and it loaded and updated antivirus program & spyware programs.What are my chances that it will restore back to a week ago properly before the programs were updated without creating other problems. It seems like an awful lot for it to back out. Then I could change some of the choices I made.

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Need Help Restoring From .MIG Files

Jun 6, 2007

I recently upgraded from Vista to XP because of incompatability issues with my hardware and software. Before I upgraded, I backed up all of my files and settings using the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. I placed the backup files on my external hard drive. Now when I try to restore from the backed up file, which is a SaveData.MIG file, the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard does not recognize it as being a viable file. Also, the file itself it write protected, but when I try to un-protect it, it reverts back to being protected.

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Restoring From A Backup CD

Jun 29, 2006

I use the Enhanced Windows Backup program. I have just copied backup files to a CD. The files have my docs on it, along with Local Settings, All Users, Start Menu, etc.Fortunately, I haven't had to restore any info due to computer crashes. I tried to check if the files got copied to the CD and all I can see is the name of the folder, but not the individual files. My concern is how do I know if the files are there and then, what would I have to do to get them transferred to my computer in case of a computer crash?

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Restoring Files

Sep 2, 2005

Before my hard drive failed some files were copied to a CD-R disk with Roxio CD Creator 5.01 Basic. Attempts to open these files or copy them to a new HD has failed. Some error messages have indicated that the files are "Read Only". Others have suggested trying to open them with the program that
created them. (Mostly MS Works spreadsheets and Word).

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Want To Resize Partitions

Mar 8, 2004

I installed Windows XP Home on a barebones computer, and mistakenly made the partition for the C drive much smaller (1.96 G with only 33MB free) than the D drive (1.6 G used, 24.9 G Free). Now I keep getting low disk messages. I want to resize the partitions so that the C Drive is larger without having to reformat both drives if that's possible. The file system on the C drive is NTFS and FAT32 on the D drive.CPU is 1.3 Ghz Athlon with 120 RAM.

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How Can I Make Two Partitions One Again ?

Feb 11, 2008

I have a question for you all and I hope you can answer it.I have two partitions on my harddrive at the moment. The first partition is my C: partition, where Windows XP and all the applications are run from. These partitions were set up by the people that made my computer. I have about 4 % diskspace left on the C: partition and I want to create more storage space on the hard drive by removing the second partition.The second partition is a back up of my older hard drive.I have both backed up already on external harddrive and I use Acronis True Image 10 Home to make a weekly image of my hard drive.

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Deleting Partitions?

Nov 10, 2007

Hey there, i'm currently running on Windows XP with a 120 gig Maxtor Harddrive. During my last reformat I'm guessing I did it wrong and mistakenly made a second partition while leaving the old one intact. I've checked through all my biggest storage heaps for what could be causing my HD to be so full. But my multimedia section is only 28 gigs, whereas the harddrive is showing 85 gigs worth of used space.
Multiple partitions is the only thing I can think of. So is there a way I could find out if I have an extra partition, which one is the right one to delete, and the process of deleting it, possibly without having to transfer all my files. Any help would be appreciated.

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