Removing "Sticky Note" File Details Explorer?

Dec 3, 2007

Whenever I point to some files in Windows Explorer or similar program a yellow "sticky note" displays with either the filename or occasionally a summary of the details of the file such as Date Modified, Size etc. I find it really annoying since it covers up an area such as other files etc.I have tried "Disable Notification Area Balloon Tips in Windows XP" and "EnableBalloonTips" registry entry is already set to '0' plus I even recreated and still no go...still appears. Does not appear on every file but once in a while it will happen/

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Explorer Doesn`t Show Any Details For Any Media File Type

Jul 15, 2009

I have the following problem: Explorer doesn`t show any details for any media file type like artist or album, when choosing Details view. Additionally, clicking on file properties doesn`t show any info either, nor simple, nor in advanced view.The files are fine, and other software reads the media file info correctly, including WMP 11 and Winamp.

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How To Get Folders Explorer Default Details Listing

Aug 11, 2008

How do you get folders in windows explorer to default to details? It usually defaults to listing

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Only See Details View On All Folders When Using File Open

Feb 15, 2008

I have Windows XP Pro and Office 2003. Whenever I use Windows Explorer or do "File-Open" on Office, for some folders I see the "Details" view, for others when I click on them the "Tiles" view, etc. Is there any way to force it to say "Details" view for all programs and folders?

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Temp File Causing Errors / Removing File Permanently?

Oct 26, 2006

I have a laptop, and a file named 1.tmp has appeared (how or why I do not know) in my c/windows/system32 folder that throws up an error message window saying it cannot find the program to run the tmp file, and that appears on my screen every time I log on.So; I thought I could simply go into the sys32 folder and delete the 1.tmp file by putting it in the trash can, as it obviously does not belong there.BUT it will not let me, if I try I get an error message telling me I do not have access or the disc is full even when I use the administrator level so now I am completely at a loss and I do not understand.

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Completely Removing Internet Explorer

Jun 26, 2007

I've already disabled access to it, and removed it using the add/remove windows components functions, but IE is still used in Windows Update (I'm told) and Hotmail (I've seen), also in pop-ups from adware, but that isn't much of a problem for me because I don't get adware.Anyways, seeing as I have no desire to ever have windows update run on my computer at any point in time, and I would rather hotmail use my default browser (firefox) to open sites, is there any way to further remove IE beyond what I have done?

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Explorer Crashes When Removing CD Or Browsing Network?

Jul 8, 2005

Windows Explorer has crashed a lot of times on all of them especially when doing one of the following: Closing WE while it is searching for a networked
computer Looking at the contents of a CD-ROM in WE and then removing the CD without first closing WE. Usually it sends a report to MS, and then the task bar with the start button disappears. I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del to be able to log out and restart.

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PC Keeps Turning On Sticky Keys

Aug 6, 2005

My PC keeps turning on sticky keys. I have turned this off in control panel and in the dialogue box that appears but it just keeps turning on and off randomly.I reset the sytem to an earlier date and that cures it for a day or two then back.I have rune three different virus checkers but they find nothing.

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Sticky PC Performance After Registry Backup.

Dec 24, 2008

My operating system is WinXP Pro SP3 (build 2600) fully updated, 1 GB upper memory, 2.4 Intel Celeron Processor, Motherboard ECS P4M800PRO-M478 1.0, two CD/DVD drives (LITE-ON DVDRW LDW-411S and SONY DVD RW DRU-190A ), and an external Maxtor hard drive backup.

For the last 2 months, when I backup the registry or the hard drive and reboot, the PC performs poorly - i,e,
A light on the front of the PC begins an unending cyclic blinking. Playing a video on the internet results in interrupts in the video and sound synchronized with the blinking. The Solitaire card game has interrupts when cards are dealt. Typing is sticky in MsWord 2007 The blinking and sticky PC performance can be ended by reinstalling the backed up registry and rebooting.

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Removing Or Deleteing Large File

Jan 4, 2006

I have XP PRO. and have copied an image of my system to a seperate drive,about 15 GB.How do I go about removing the image without formating the drive?

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Sticky Cursor Movements - Thinkpad Z61m - Pro SP

May 22, 2009

Lately I have been having an issue with my cursor movements. I have an IBM Thinkpad Z61m. When this intermittent problem happens I cannot move the cursor smoothly across my desktop using either the trackpoint stick, glide pad, or USB mouse. The cursor may move or not move initially, but if it moves it stops as though stuck. I can move it again but invariably it will stick at some point. It makes it very difficult to get the cursor where I want it. I seem to fall short or overshoot. Things I have noticed that may offer a clue: When the "sticky cursor issue is happening I notice (in Task Manager) that my CPU usage is high, like 50% and higher. When this issue is not present it ranghes from zero to maybe 7 per cent.

If I am listening to audio or watching video both will start stuttering. The audio makes sounds like a machine gun, like "dat, dat, dat, dat, dat." I have also seen the blue screen of death warning me that Windows has detected a problem ans is shutting down to prevent damage to my computer. Its hard to remember all that was written on the BSOD, but I seem to recall a reference to IRQ. I use a Sprint Mobile Broadband card (Merlin S720) and thought maybe this device or its software was causing my "sticky" cursor issue, but it doesn't appear to be the culprit since I removed the card and closed the software application.

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Sticky Keys And Missing Accessibility Options?

Jun 15, 2005

I would like to disable the Sticky Keys feature that makes a box open up when I hold down or repeatedly use the shift key. I am unable to access the settings to change this because of missign Accessibility options. Not only are they missing but the ones that are available at Start/Control Panel/Accessibility do not function. When clicking on an option a box appears saying "window could not find the file."I would like to reinstall my missing mircrosoft features but to start with I would like to disable sticky keys.

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Aug 12, 2002

I don't know if this is on any other site.I was just bored and noticed my shift key was hard to press i kept hitting it and i found out if you hit SHIFT 5 times a program called STICKY KEYS pops up.I didn,t find it that useful but its there.

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Removing A Spyware File Found In Directory?

Jul 8, 2005

When my Norton Internet Security 2005 runs a disk drive scan it locates a file it identified as Spyware in the Windows Directory. The file name is symentra .exe. I've currently blocked access to the Internet for this file but when it tries to access it just keeps trying relentlessly. Does anyone know if I need this file or is there a way to delete it?

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Possible To Add A Note To The Folder?

Feb 19, 2009

In Windows XP, is it possible to add a note to the folder? For example, I have a folder "Scanned Documents for Genealogy" and I would like to add a note somewhere in that folder, or attached to that folder, that indicates that those documents have all been added to my genealogy software program.I know I could create a document in the folder, title it NOTES ABOUT THIS FOLDER, or whatever, but I'm wondering if there is a simple way to attach a note to a folder?

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Exe Files Keeps On Opening In Note Pad?

Jan 9, 2006

My PC was running flawlessly for about two months now, and then yesterday I came back to find my computer off. I turned it back on and when it got to the desktop, no task bar items started, and all of the .ink shortcuts on my desktop wouldn't display icons, just the broken icon icon, if you know what I mean. Anywho, when I went to start any program, it would either ask to use the web service to find what to open the exe in, or just open it notepad. Why note pad works and no other exe does

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Windows Explorer Crashes When I Right Click On File And Explorer

Dec 11, 2004

When I right click a file, windows explorer crashes and then recovers.

Right clicking on a folder works OK.

My OS is Windows 2000 Professional.

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NOTE: OEM Licensing Terms Have Changed?

Dec 19, 2009

Recently, Microsoft modified the licensing terms for OEM editions. Previously,purchasers were permitted to apply OEM licenses to their own computers provided the licenses were purchased with qualifying hardware. However, the Windows OEM System Builder EULA now prohibits purchasers from applying OEM licenses to computers they are building for themselves, friends, family members, etc.As explained in the revised license comparison, "[OEM licenses] must be preinstalled on a PC and sold to another unrelated party." (Emphasis added.) These revised licensing terms apply to all OEM versions of Windows currently sold, including Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. Please keep these revised terms in mind when building your own computers

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Microsoft Getting It Right With ''One-Note'' And ''One-Care"?

Feb 25, 2006

Tow recent additions to the Beta stable have left me impressed enough to tout it's benefits.
:One-Care" is a lifesaver program that is a joy to use as soon as you open it from the download try it and you will like it - or not(Tell Me) You read everyday about backing up problems but now I believe that has been resolved in one fell swoop by this program. What's going on? did Microsoft finaslly hire a programmer who lived in the real world?

The other program is "One-Note".I find myself happily configuring this program to the way I do things and it responds (some quircks but the feedback allowance appears to be listening)Try the programs for discussion at the outset before they print the final copies and some ogf the little things that need tweaking may actually be done without getting zillions of patches.

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Note Book Wouldn't Go Into Hibernate

May 29, 2010

I can't get my samsung n110 netbook to hibernate. It always would work perfectly fine. Today (this just started today) it wouldn't go into hibernate. Instead it would just stay on. Typically, closing the screen would send it to hibernation mode, but it won't do that anymore. So I went to start>turn off computer. Held shift, and clicked hibernate. The windows screen came up, and said "Preparing to hibernate". It stayed on that screen for around 3 seconds, then just went back to the desktop, as if nothing happened. I read in multiple places to disable hibernation, restart, enable it again, then try again. I tried that, and it didn't work. Any idea on how this can be fixed? Keep in mind, standby works perfectly fine.

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8gb Flashdrive OS Backup For Note Book

Dec 26, 2009

I received a Gateway Lt Netbook. This is kind of just a cheap computer to us till I go off to college (in two-years). Then I'm getting a macbook pro or hopefully one of the mac products. Even though this is just a computer to use till then. I want to back this up, my family's external harddrive is full though. I was wondering if I could back up my xp netbook to an 8gb flashdrive? Also, could someone tell me how to do this (I'm use to press the button and it backs everything up). If I need a program, preferably freeware or cheap, but I want something that works. If I really need to I will splurge on it, it just I am tight on cash right now.

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Note Book Has Disk Error

Jul 8, 2010

My netbook has disk error how to solve it?

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Picture Shown In Note Pad Issue

Aug 24, 2005

It will open in Notepad but no picture Just a jumble of code.

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File Opens With Wrong Program - Bad File Icon In Explorer View

Aug 3, 2007

I recently had to do a system restore and now my .jpg and jpeg files have a bad file icon. They still do open with the windows pic program as I want them to - but only on the admin accout, I usually surf and play and do everything else with a user account, and even if I reset everything under folder options for the file associacions it somehow doesn't apply to the other account.

windows tells me in the file association menu that I changed the file association's properties and can set them back to standart "photo suite 6" - a program that I uninstalled ages ago

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Microsoft Office Document Imaging And One Note?

Feb 8, 2008

i deleted microsoft office document imaging and One Note from my printer sectiona while back because I was unaware of their functions. While playing on a different computer, I experimented with the programs and found out what they are used for. But now they are still gone on my computer. How do I get them back deleted them from printer and faxes and now I want them back.what do i do?

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Pictures Folder Has The Musical Note Background

Apr 29, 2008

This isn't a problem as such.. it's just darned annoying. When I click the My Documents folder on my desktop, and open the My Pictures folder, it has the musical note background and no film strip facility.I know that the My Documents and My Pictures folders are deemed as System folders in XP and cannot be customized, but here's the thing.. If I open the explorer file tree and go to the Documents and Setting folder, and open the My Documents and My Pictures from inside it.

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Cannot Log On Due To No Details Of The Existing Password

Oct 27, 2009

In lieu of non payment of an invoice I have been given an IBM R50e with XP Pro installed. The big problem is that I cannot log on due to no details of the existing Password that has been set up. how to overcome this? I have no software discs and really want to keep the installed software as its all legit.

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Dell Easy Note Loading Wont Work?

Jan 11, 2007

i need help with my dell easy note laptop well when i turn it on it comes up at the bottom with a progress bar (almost like the one if you shut the lid and open it and again and it says resuming windows) wich takes a very very long time to complete and when it dose it then starts windows any idea how to make this startup quicker or maybe even get rid of that bar altogether

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Investigating The Details Behind A System Restore

Sep 1, 2010

This past Monday morning, I started having trouble with my desktop PC (WinXP Pro SP3 with all critical updates). I was getting frequent errors "spooler subsystem app has encountered a problem and needs to close." As part of troubleshooting the problem, I looked at what System Restore Points had been taken around this time. I found one suspicious entry that I can't explain. There is a Restore Point entry with the description, "Unsigned driver install."I don't remember installing anything that morning, so my question is how do I find out what "unsigned driver" was installed using the date/time stamp of the Restore Point?

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Settings For Details View Rather Than The Default List?

Aug 10, 2005

Is there a hack or a setting to make the default view in a dialogue box the details view rather than the default list?

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Recycle Bin Details View Does Not Correctly Sort

Mar 14, 2006

My "Recycle Bin" will not display the files within it with the correct filters while in the "Details" view.For example, I have the "View" set to "Details", and the two columns I have showing are "Name" and "Type", with "Name" selected as the preferred sort order.With those settings in place, the "Recycle Bin" is not displaying the files in the correct order.I am not sure of the order that it is displaying them, as I can't pick-up on any pattern.

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