Explorer Crashes When Removing CD Or Browsing Network?

Jul 8, 2005

Windows Explorer has crashed a lot of times on all of them especially when doing one of the following: Closing WE while it is searching for a networked
computer Looking at the contents of a CD-ROM in WE and then removing the CD without first closing WE. Usually it sends a report to MS, and then the task bar with the start button disappears. I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del to be able to log out and restart.

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Explorer Crashes And Restarts During Browsing Folders?

Apr 17, 2006

On a new computer I installed windows XP pro, updates and installed basic software, such as Office XP, McAfee, Firefox, etc. Whenever I open My Computer or windows explorer and browse through folders, after a little while explorer crashes and then restarts. This also sometimes happens when I open the start menu. Occasionally, Dr Watson postmortem debugger is triggered and the computer freezes until I end the process from the task manager.

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Explorer Hangs While Browsing A Folder Connecting To Network?

Dec 28, 2005

have a new installation of WinXP SP1. When i try to browse any folder, the explorer either hangs for a long time or crashes occasionally. This happens when my machine is connected to network. If my machine is off the network, it shows the folder contents immediately. I removed all the network shares connected to my machine and still the problem persists.

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Slow Network Browsing: "My Network Places" Takes Long To Click?

Jun 9, 2006

when I browse "My Network Places", the browsing is so incredibly slow. It takes a long while when you click one icon in the “My Network Places” for that to open up and go to the next directory or when just first displaying the computers in “My Network Places”, it goes so slow.
I use Windows Workgroup on the LAN to share out internet. Everything else, other than browsing the network, works great. The internet browses nice and fast.

This morning I opened My Network Places while my pc was still loading all the programs at start-up and "My Network Places" was fast. After a few minutes it was back to normal low pace. Now I guess it is something running on my pc slowing it down. Is it maybe to do with XP Service Pack 2? Before installing SP2 the network browsing on my pc is fast, after installing SP2, it is slow. Other computers on the network without SP2 browse the network quite fast.
All the pc's on the network has XP Pro.

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SP2: Explorer.exe Randomly Crashes And Always Crashes When In Folders

Feb 21, 2009

I am confused, but I will describe this best I can: explorer.exe crashes when viewing folders or anything built on explorer.exe (I guess) at exactly 11 seconds in on them. It also randomly crashes every couple hours. Im extremely confused by all this

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Difficult Browsing The Files In Flash Drive Using Windows Explorer?

Oct 13, 2007

My antivirus detected krag.exe and removed it from my flash drive. However, when I try to open the drive by double-clicking on the corresponding drive (F in My Computer, a pop-up window appears saying "Choose the program you want to use to open this file:". I chose windows explorer since it's what you use when trying to explore or browse through files.

The problem is, the "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" is grayed out and can't be checked/ticked. So, I have to keep pointing the "open with" pop-up box to explorer.exe whenever I want to browse the files in my flash drive.The last attempt that I did to fix this problem was to right click on the drive letter then properties then went to the autoplay tab and chose "Open folder to view files". The "Open with" pop-up box still appears whenever i double click on the drive letter.

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Finding Internet Explorer Browsing Tips With A Scroll Mouse?

Aug 12, 2002

Hold CTRL and use the scroll wheel on the mouse to increase or decrease the font size.Hold Shift and use the scroll wheel to go back or forward between webpages.

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PC Too Slow/internet Explorer Crashes Randomly/ Explorer Service Quits?

Sep 28, 2006

My pc is so slow that it takes ages to play a song in wmp11. Ive used tools like ad-aware and registry mechanic, tune up utilities. But still no improvement. It used to be just fine, until I installed some pay-for-viewing add program. I have uninstalled it since then, but the slowness remains. And the processor is hogged, at the highest level, even though i killed many a startup processes.

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Opening Any Program: Windows Explorer & Internet Explorer Crashes?

Jun 22, 2005

every time i try to open anything that uses these programs i get a 'windows/internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close' crash i think i have a virus in my processes i have 2 strange ones one is n6tgoxae.exe the other is 86851316.exe norton fixes this is for a short while but then the problem soon returns i have also tried spybot search and destroy as well as running AdAware can anyone help me on how to fix my explorer problems and gettin rid of
these processes?

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Explorer Crashes - Shell Stopped Unexpectedly And Explorer.exe Was Restarted

Sep 11, 2007

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180, faulting module netapi32.dll, version 5.1.2600.2976, fault address 0x0003952c. When a user is editing documents in Word 2003 from a network share, the Windows Explorer then shuts down and refreshes the desktop. The error message above is in the Application Event Log. the Event ID is 1000. Done some searches and tried a few things but still user gets this error. After this error in the Event Log another message is "The shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restarted. The Event ID is 1002 for this one.

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Windows Explorer Crashes When I Right Click On File And Explorer

Dec 11, 2004

When I right click a file, windows explorer crashes and then recovers.

Right clicking on a folder works OK.

My OS is Windows 2000 Professional.

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Explorer And Internet Explorer Crashes - Ole32.dll

Jul 1, 2005

I am having problems starting both Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer. Both generate the same error: "Internet (or Windows) Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." The details show that ole32.dll is the guilty module. So far I've had no success in locating a solution. I am using Windows XP Home Edition. I should also note that the control panel won't function either since it is basically part of Windows Explorer.

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Computer Crashes When Belkin Wireless USB Network Adapter Plugged In

Oct 28, 2007

I have FINALLY got to the bottom of why my PC is freezing, after weeks of trial and error. It runs perfectly normally when I unplug the Belkin USB Wireless adapter. Is there a way of repairing this? Do I need to download something to stop it from happening?

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Explorer Crashes As Soon As I Log In?

Oct 22, 2005

I don't have the windows bar (the one with the start) and I can only run programs through the CTRL+ALT+DEL and having a new task created. I was contaminated with several trojans/worms/etc but I think now I clean, since i already run Spyware Dr. and Spybot. I also already run Trend micro online clean and I have avast antivirus installed.

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Tried Everything Explorer Crashes

Nov 18, 2007

My office comp is never on the internet but it got this issue:Got DR Watson Postmortem Debugger alert. Comp froze. This happens whenever accessing My Computer or accesing files in ext drives.In Safe Mode I tried Ad-Aware, SpySweeper, spybot, and some others.I disabled Dr Watson. Now I get this error when accessing problem areas on my comp;So when I click OK explorer crashes... but doesn't freeze up like it did with DrWatson enabled.

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Completely Removing Internet Explorer

Jun 26, 2007

I've already disabled access to it, and removed it using the add/remove windows components functions, but IE is still used in Windows Update (I'm told) and Hotmail (I've seen), also in pop-ups from adware, but that isn't much of a problem for me because I don't get adware.Anyways, seeing as I have no desire to ever have windows update run on my computer at any point in time, and I would rather hotmail use my default browser (firefox) to open sites, is there any way to further remove IE beyond what I have done?

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Explorer Crashes With NTDLL.DLL

Feb 1, 2005

When in Windows Explorer (XP Pro) and burrowing through folders I get the following error:

Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
AppName: explorer.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName: ntdll.dll ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 000106c3

I can make it happen consistently by going to the eighth level of sub-folders.It just closes Explorer and then everything comes back up (except for Explorer or my email if I was attaching a file).

I have tried everything, including a reparative install of Windows XP Pro. I have run sfc /scannow. I try to do regsvr32 ntdll.dll and I get the following error:

ntdll.dll was loaded, but the DllRegisterServer entry point was not found. The file can not be registered.

I have run Ad Aware SE, SpySweeper and Spybot (and even a TDS-3 full system scan). Spyware/virus is not the problem. Caches/temps are cleared, she defrags fine. This is a Dell Latitude 600m 1.6GHz 768MB.

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Explorer.exe Crashes Every 20 Seconds?

Mar 3, 2008

I log into my account, windows loads up and during start up, explorer.exe just crashes, it completly removes itself from the task manager every 20 seconds, desktop icons then dissapear with only the wallpaper/background showing. This is a real problem, I've used Spy Doctor and Kaspersky, it found a few malware and trojans and my system appears to be clean however my explorer.exe continues to crash every 20 seconds, forcing me to launch programs through task manager in order for me to function on the Computer. I've read up this problem throughout google and tried some of the advice thats been given to others with a similar problem as the one im facing with however it still crashes.

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Explorer Crashes Then Restarts

Mar 7, 2006

I first noticed that explorer would crash a few weeks ago after I stumbled across an infected .wmf file while surfing the net. I was logged in under my limited account and my anti-virus detected the .wmf but it could not take action, I believe due to the fact I use system restore. I finally was able to delete the .wmf after which I ran several different scans and could not detect anything except Microsoft (R) HTML Application host had been altered (24,576 bytes to 24,064 bytes), so I replaced the file (note: explorer was already crashing before this point). The only time it seems to crash is once in a while when I click on My Document, Control Panel, My Pictures etc.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 8:19:13 PM, on 3/7/2006
Platform: Windows XP (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2600.0000)

Running processes:

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Explorer Crashes - Run Any Program To Help

Oct 9, 2007

Every time i try to run any program to help, it says Windows Explorer is not responding, furthermore, i cannot access the internet. When i try to access the network connections, it says to make sure Network Connections is running. Also, i just deleted a trojan, i cannot recall the name, but AVG couldnt delete it. I saw it was located in the temp internet files folder, so i just cleared it. It also said there was a change in kernel32, but i've been told thats rather common.

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Explorer Crashes When Starts

Mar 24, 2009

I have a Windows XP Pro SP3 totally updated.I switch on the computer and runs well. No problems are shown. At login screen I put my credentials, it starts to load my desktop and then, before anything can load appears a message saying this (or something like this):Explorer.exe must restart because it can load an application.I click on Ok and then nothing happens. I only see my desktop background.Well, I reset the computer pushing the button on the PC. I load Windows XP on fail-safe mode and login as Adminitrator. Everthing goes well.Then, I reboot Windows by software to start Windows as the usual way. Then, I login on my session and it works well, I have no explorer crash and I can work.But this is not the key to solve the error because it returns to happen.

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Explorer Crashes With Avi Files

Oct 8, 2006

In Windows Explorer anytime I want to copy or delete an avi file WE closes and get the attached error report.

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Explorer Crashes - Can't Find The CD

Dec 21, 2007

I have a Compaq running windows XP SP2 with the latest updates. For about a week now when you start windows and login as a user or administrator and even safe mode explorer crashes as soon as it starts and every time you try to restart explorer it crashes again. I can do ctrl-alt-del an start a new task other than explorer and the task works just fine but explorer will not work. I've ran anti-virus and spy-ware software and found nothing. I've removed all software that isn't a Microsoft product and still no luck. I would just reinstall windows but I can't find the CD.

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Right Click Crashes Explorer To See The Size

Jan 20, 2005

Crashes if I right click on my HardDrive icon to see the size.

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Right Clickon A File Crashes Explorer

Apr 10, 2007

whenever I right click on a file inside Windows Explorer, it crashes (explorer.exe). It's not slow or anything, it just exits, the screen goes black for a bit, then goes back to the desktop.

The detailed error message is as follows: Faulting application explorer.exe version 6.0.2900.2180 faulthog module kernel32.dll version 5.1.2600.2180 fault address 0x0001eb33.

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Explorer Crashes On Right Click On AVI File

Nov 29, 2008

I Right-Click On A AVI File To Select What Player To Play It In, I Recieve 'Windows Explorer Has Encounted A Error'.

If I Just Double-Click It, Opens Up Realplayer And That Crashes With A Similar Error I Have Tried Windows media Player To Play Files,But That Does Exactly The Same.Its Not Just Limited To One AVI File, It's All Of Them
Done Virus Check, Spyware Check, And undo Check All Clear Now

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Explorer.exe Spikes My CPU And Occasionally Crashes My PC?

Jan 27, 2005

I have what I believe is a fairly unusual problem. I am running WIndows XP. Whenever I access the MY MUSIC folder on my PC lately, explorer.exe spikes my CPU and causes my PC to run like crap. My CPU runs at 100% until i do one of two things: End the explorer.exe process in the task manager (but then i obviously have no way to control WIndows), or if I shut down the MY MUSIC folder, and wait 5-10 minutes, explorer.exe slows down. It is currenty running at 100% as i write this. Yes I download music legally, and yes I get some ambitious movies once in a while. But this problem started happening when I downloaded Service Pack 2. I could not even use the MY MUSIC folder

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Explorer.exe Continuously Crashes / Restarts

Feb 22, 2008

Explorer.exe will load when my machine starts up. About every 5-10 seconds, it will close, meaning my desktop blinks off. Another 10 seconds later (or around that) explorer.exe will start again and my desktop will come back. Eventually, it stops trying to load and the desktop stays off. I can go to task manager and run explorer.exe to repeat the process of having explorer.exe run, stop, run, etc. I don't receive any error messages when this happens. This machine has the latest Microsoft updates incl service pack 2.

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Explorer Crashes - Open Up Folders

May 19, 2007

when I would open up folders and Windows Explorer would have an error message and then it would refresh my computer and close all Windows Explorer Window(s). Ive researched quite a bit in my spare time in the past two days and found that it could be related to ntdll.dll. But in my research I haven't really found any solutions, yet it almost seems like a common/uncommon problem.

I have done a few system restores all of which were unable to return to a previous state. I am up to date on the latest virus/spyware/adware definitions and ran scans using: Norton Internet Security 2007, Spy Sweeper, AdAware, Spybot Search & Destroy and Stinger......

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Explorer Crashes When Just Highlight An AVI File

Dec 17, 2007

I have set a file to be opened when I double click it. However as soon as I simply selected any video file (have noticed this problem mostly with avi files), explorer crashes. Any clues? Can some help me... want to rename my video files but simply can't because I select the file and even before I press F2 or right click (to rename)the same explorer crash problem

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File Explorer Crashes All Time

Mar 29, 2005

I have been having a serious problem with explorer If i try and right click any file, explorer will hang, then my desktop and toolbar goes blank, the tool bar and desktop icons eventually return. The same happens if i left click the file menu button for explorer. Sometimes, (not everytime) a message appears telling me drwatson post mortem debugger has encountered a problem and needs to shut down. explorer.exe returns to the process list in task manager.

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