Dell Easy Note Loading Wont Work?

Jan 11, 2007

i need help with my dell easy note laptop well when i turn it on it comes up at the bottom with a progress bar (almost like the one if you shut the lid and open it and again and it says resuming windows) wich takes a very very long time to complete and when it dose it then starts windows any idea how to make this startup quicker or maybe even get rid of that bar altogether

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Re Loading Windows / Easy Way To Setup And Maintain System

Jan 16, 2005

I have a new computer with a 120g hard drive and a 20g hard drive as a slave. I also have 1 gig of memory.In setting up partitions for my computer, is it ok to have just one partition or should I make several?I do nothing fancy on this computer as far as gaming or any type of designing. All I am interested in is just an easy way to setup and maintain my system.

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Showing Self Loading Image For Dell Latitude

Apr 4, 2010

If this has been addressed in the forums; then apologies all around. I have a Dell Latitude L400. The HDD has been low level formatted and is clean, I also know it to be fully operational, It won't boot from the USB port, so there is no hope of loading XP back onto it through a usb dvd drive. I have read that there is a docking port adapter for this thing, but the cost of finding one; well, you do the math. I have tried repeatedly to 'preload' DOS or even XP to no avail. Call it Karma or stupidity, but I simply can not find a definitive answer as to how to get anything onto the laptop drive stable enough to get Xp to load normally. Forget the preloading from another computer because all it does is 'windows' logo and then blue screen, so that's out. and no amount of bios jocky-ing is going to do it either. And just to be redundant, this isn't a netbook or current technology that recognizes booting from the usb port, so we can skip that too.

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DELL XPS400 System Loading But Won't Boot Up

Sep 26, 2007

My son recently used our computer one evening and logged off without a hitch. The very next day, when I went to use it, all I got was the WindowsXP splash screen indicating that the system was loading. However, that's as far as the operating system would go. I can only use the computer in Safe mode. I have all the backup & resource CDs. Is there anything I can do besides a full restore. What do I do first? This is a WindowsXP Pro MCE2005 operating system.

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Dell Boot - Flash Screen - Loading Discription

May 24, 2007

So I was surfing the net, when I got the dreaded BSOD, so I restarted my machine, and the flash screen cameup okay, at first, after the flash screen, it was saying
"Loading descriptor for PBR 2...done Disk Read error Press control, alt, delete ro restar now it is saying"Loading descriptor for PBR 4...done

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SP2 Work On My Dell Pentium Lll

Aug 26, 2006

Hey There! I have a Dell Dimension L500r with a pentium lll processer, 256 MB of Ram and and 80 GB hardrive that is currently running Windows 98 SE. I want to update to Windows XP but i don't know if my computer could run. I really don't care if it's pretty slow but i would like to atleast listen to my music in media player and run the internet even if it was as slow as crap. It's running very well right now. I have considered windows ME but i can't find the upgrde CD ANYWHERE! I really would like XP.

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Loading Normally Option - Up And Down Arrows Won't Work

Nov 24, 2007

Computer has been acting up for a few days, programs not responding, clicking links to internet web page searchs can't find page but copying and pasting address opens page. Downloaded and installed windows update and restarted computer. Now it continues to restart. Screen comes up with options for starting in safe mode etc., but the "start normally" option is highlighted and the up and down arrows won't work, nor with the function buttons.

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Will Dell Operating System Work?

Jan 2, 2008

Is it possible to install a dell-made operating system on a non dell computer and have that computer be 100% and stable? I'm really not sure anymore. I thought so. I hope so because people are selling Dell operating systems for really cheap because anyone who buys a vista laptop from dell seems to get a windows XP CD too. My other thought is, what if I install a normal windows XP, but then use the Security code from a dell operating system.

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New Dell Dimension - Cannot Work Online

Sep 25, 2005

I often but not always get an error message when working online. I am not sure whether it is a dell problem or my internet service provider. I have dial up. A small box pops up in my face and it says . . . windows must now shut down because the RPC service terminated. System shutdown initiated by NT/AUTHORITY then it counts down 60 sec and shuts off my computer. I have no control when it does this, i cannot X it out or make it stop. Very annoying. Sometimes it goes for hours and does not do anything, sometimes it will do it 3 times in 30 min. I have scanned for virus' and it comes up clear.

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Stuck At Loading Screen Safemode Doesn't Work

May 31, 2008

I'm pretty sure I had a trojan or something cause my computer kept getting worse. I tried several scanning programs but none of them cleared it up completely.Anyway, now I can't even get past the windows loading screen, and if I try to log in through safe mode, I get stuck at the screen that says "SyS.multidisk" or something.Is there any way that I can log in dos mode or something and completely wipe my system clean and reinstall windows xp? I don't have the disk, it came with windows XP already on it. I don't care if I lose all my files, I just want a working computer again, free of any trojans or anything.So, can I somehow log in dos mode or something (I don't even know how to do that), wipe everything clean, including whatever virus screwed up my comp, and reinstall windows XP without the disk? I'm assuming I have a copy of windows XP saved on my hard drive or something, cause my computer came with windows XP already installed and they didn't give me a disk.

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Getting Error Loading OS Message / System Wont Work?

Jan 2, 2009

My Dell XPS Gen 3 from 2004 underwent a serious issue when I installed Kaspersky Internet Security resulting in BSoD when I booted computer. Long story short, I had to buy a replacement HDD as the original drive fell and now only plays music (Took it out to extract important files, all save, but when troubleshooting it back on PC with the recovery console it fell).

On my PC I had two extra HDDs, one at 170gigs for music/pics and some apps and a 500 gig for media and some apps. I unattached both those HDDs when I did a fresh install of XP Home Edition on my Dell XPS. After that install seeing everything loads and works as expected I powered down PC and attached my other two drives to get an Error Loading OS.

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Compaq Recovery Disc Wont Work On Dell?

Aug 21, 2007

i made a set of recovery discs from my compaq presario but it won`t work on my dell.

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Possible To Add A Note To The Folder?

Feb 19, 2009

In Windows XP, is it possible to add a note to the folder? For example, I have a folder "Scanned Documents for Genealogy" and I would like to add a note somewhere in that folder, or attached to that folder, that indicates that those documents have all been added to my genealogy software program.I know I could create a document in the folder, title it NOTES ABOUT THIS FOLDER, or whatever, but I'm wondering if there is a simple way to attach a note to a folder?

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Exe Files Keeps On Opening In Note Pad?

Jan 9, 2006

My PC was running flawlessly for about two months now, and then yesterday I came back to find my computer off. I turned it back on and when it got to the desktop, no task bar items started, and all of the .ink shortcuts on my desktop wouldn't display icons, just the broken icon icon, if you know what I mean. Anywho, when I went to start any program, it would either ask to use the web service to find what to open the exe in, or just open it notepad. Why note pad works and no other exe does

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NOTE: OEM Licensing Terms Have Changed?

Dec 19, 2009

Recently, Microsoft modified the licensing terms for OEM editions. Previously,purchasers were permitted to apply OEM licenses to their own computers provided the licenses were purchased with qualifying hardware. However, the Windows OEM System Builder EULA now prohibits purchasers from applying OEM licenses to computers they are building for themselves, friends, family members, etc.As explained in the revised license comparison, "[OEM licenses] must be preinstalled on a PC and sold to another unrelated party." (Emphasis added.) These revised licensing terms apply to all OEM versions of Windows currently sold, including Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. Please keep these revised terms in mind when building your own computers

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Microsoft Getting It Right With ''One-Note'' And ''One-Care"?

Feb 25, 2006

Tow recent additions to the Beta stable have left me impressed enough to tout it's benefits.
:One-Care" is a lifesaver program that is a joy to use as soon as you open it from the download try it and you will like it - or not(Tell Me) You read everyday about backing up problems but now I believe that has been resolved in one fell swoop by this program. What's going on? did Microsoft finaslly hire a programmer who lived in the real world?

The other program is "One-Note".I find myself happily configuring this program to the way I do things and it responds (some quircks but the feedback allowance appears to be listening)Try the programs for discussion at the outset before they print the final copies and some ogf the little things that need tweaking may actually be done without getting zillions of patches.

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Note Book Wouldn't Go Into Hibernate

May 29, 2010

I can't get my samsung n110 netbook to hibernate. It always would work perfectly fine. Today (this just started today) it wouldn't go into hibernate. Instead it would just stay on. Typically, closing the screen would send it to hibernation mode, but it won't do that anymore. So I went to start>turn off computer. Held shift, and clicked hibernate. The windows screen came up, and said "Preparing to hibernate". It stayed on that screen for around 3 seconds, then just went back to the desktop, as if nothing happened. I read in multiple places to disable hibernation, restart, enable it again, then try again. I tried that, and it didn't work. Any idea on how this can be fixed? Keep in mind, standby works perfectly fine.

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8gb Flashdrive OS Backup For Note Book

Dec 26, 2009

I received a Gateway Lt Netbook. This is kind of just a cheap computer to us till I go off to college (in two-years). Then I'm getting a macbook pro or hopefully one of the mac products. Even though this is just a computer to use till then. I want to back this up, my family's external harddrive is full though. I was wondering if I could back up my xp netbook to an 8gb flashdrive? Also, could someone tell me how to do this (I'm use to press the button and it backs everything up). If I need a program, preferably freeware or cheap, but I want something that works. If I really need to I will splurge on it, it just I am tight on cash right now.

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Note Book Has Disk Error

Jul 8, 2010

My netbook has disk error how to solve it?

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Picture Shown In Note Pad Issue

Aug 24, 2005

It will open in Notepad but no picture Just a jumble of code.

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Microsoft Office Document Imaging And One Note?

Feb 8, 2008

i deleted microsoft office document imaging and One Note from my printer sectiona while back because I was unaware of their functions. While playing on a different computer, I experimented with the programs and found out what they are used for. But now they are still gone on my computer. How do I get them back deleted them from printer and faxes and now I want them back.what do i do?

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Pictures Folder Has The Musical Note Background

Apr 29, 2008

This isn't a problem as such.. it's just darned annoying. When I click the My Documents folder on my desktop, and open the My Pictures folder, it has the musical note background and no film strip facility.I know that the My Documents and My Pictures folders are deemed as System folders in XP and cannot be customized, but here's the thing.. If I open the explorer file tree and go to the Documents and Setting folder, and open the My Documents and My Pictures from inside it.

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Better Easy IP Check

Aug 12, 2002

Use this if you just want to display your IP address and not the extra information (default gateway / subnet mask)Simply copy and paste the following into notepad@echo.@ipconfig | find "IP Address"@echo.@pauseAnd save as IP.BAT (save to your windows dir if you want to be able to access it anywhere)Now when you type IP you will see:---------------------------IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : x.x.x.xPress any key to continue . . .---------------------------(information about the code: @echo. produces a blank line, @ipconfig | find "IP Address" causes the output of ipconfig to be piped to the find command, which looks for the line containing "IP Address", find then outputs your IP address, @pause causes the terminal to wait for user input before continuing. The @ before each command tells the terminal not to echo the command being typed.)

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Finalizing DVD-RW In Easy CD Creator

Aug 3, 2005

I'm saving picture and video files on separate DVD-RWs. I have Easy CD Creator 5x basic that came w/ the computer and updated it with the patch I pulled my first DVD from a year ago out and added pictures onto it from this year's trip. Original files were there as expected and additions were no problem. Secondly, I started a 2nd disc of all video wmv files. I filled that one to the hilt and do not wish to add to what little room is left.My settings are set thusly: "The selected Record Method finalizes the session. The CD itself is not finalized so additional sessions can be added later. To change this setting click options."Actually, this is the setting I prefer, but in the case of the second disc, it's full for me now and if I wish to possibly play it on my DVD player it needs to be finalized.Problem is, this option isn't available (appears all faded-out) when I click on file, and appears the same to the lower right when I'm looking at disc properties. Only real option in bold black at these times is ERASE, and I don't want to do that! The discs play great on my computer, all material is recognized, etc., but this inability to finalize has me confused. Certainly in theory, a RW disc by its nature will never be truly finalized. Is that what's holding things up? I do believe I should be able to finalize these,

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Hiding The Recycle Bin The Easy Way?

Feb 20, 2003

An easy way to hide the Recycle Bin is just to create two .reg files.... open your notepad and copy and paste the listing below and save it as Hidebin.reg and click the .reg file to enter it into the registry. You have to refresh the desktop to see the changes.

To bring back the Recycle Bin, open notepad and copy and paste the listing below and save it as Showbin.reg and click the .reg file to enter it into the registry, once again refresh the desktop to see the changes.


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Easy Re-install Of Applications

Aug 12, 2002

If you need to re-install a hidden Windows component, there is an easy way to do this. Open the INF folder in your windows folder [C:WINDOWSINF] Find the *.inf files. Find the application title you need in the filename [for example messenger is msmsgs.inf] If you are unsure of the installer, RIGHT CLICK on the file, then select open, at the top of the file should say what application it is:; MSMSGS.INF; Setup INF file for Messenger When you have found the file the right click on it then click install.Tip:  To reinstall Microsoft Outlook Express, Right click and select install on MSOE50.inf.

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NT Backup Install Easy Way

Jun 20, 2003

NT Backup is, by default, installed only with XP Pro.To install it in XP Home Editon doubleclick this file on your XP cd:VALUEADDMSFTNTBACKUPNTBACKUP.MSI.Start>run>NTBACKUP.

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Easy To Remember Strong Password

Apr 17, 2010

I found a Guide to Easy To Remember Strong Password on this site

Now i am curious to know how long should a password be

Also please suggest your ideas of Secure password

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Win Xp Adaptec Easy Cd Creator Drivers

Dec 8, 2007

I have updated to win xp from win me. The Adaptec Easy CD Creator will not work as a message comes up saying "Drivers are not compatible and could cause problems" so they don't load when I have reinstalled the program.This came with my computer when I bought it with win ME. I have the original disk. I have looked at the web site which now is Roxio, but cannot get a straight answer as to what and where the drivers are to download. They keep wanting me to buy their ver. 10 which is $70. All I want is the program I had before no fancy technical program. I just copied some floppy's and cd's. I don't need all that photo stuff that is on the new program. Also do not need to copy DVD's.I read about registry, but don't want to mess with that after getting my computer running smooth now that I have the Win XP installed.What drivers do I need? When I find a web page their are so many I don't know what to do.

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Burning MP3 To Disk With Easy CD Creator?

Jun 24, 2005

I have Roxio Easy CD Creator but can't burn MP3s to a CD. The Roxio Drag and Drop always has the CD drive locked. I get an error in Easy Cd Creator about this. I can't find any way to turn off Drag and Drop.

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Free And EASY To Use PDF Creator Software

Aug 3, 2006

I am looking for a free PDF creator program that is easy to use. I need to deploy this on about 50 PCs in my office and it needs to be idiot proof, I looked at some of the open source PDF creators and they work well but have too many options for users to screw up. I just want something that lets you print to the PDF printer and then save the file as PDF.

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