Getting "No System Disk" Message Upon Startup To Login To OS?

May 31, 2006

For a few days I keep getting this message when I try to reboot. I press "enter" and it goes to Windows.I check the BIOS and the order for booting did not change:Hard Drive and if it fails CD I have Win XP, Pack 2; Pentium 4 dual core and 1000 MB

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Startup Shown Error Message And Unable To Login

Jul 24, 2007

My Dell Inspiron 510m laptop comes up with that message every time i startup the computer. I can't even log in so can't do anything about viruses. I really have no idead about what to do.

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No Disk Error Message On Startup

Apr 19, 2007

Everytime I turn my computer on I get this error message popping up: Windows - No Disk, Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf9c 4 75b6bf9c.

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Unable To Get Into System: Missing Login Option At Startup?

Jan 17, 2005

I cannot get into my PC. All of a sudden I trun on my PC and the login icons is MISSING! There is no username icon to click at the welcome screen. I tried to boot in safe mode and it still requires I click a user. I hit CNTRL+DEL+ALT twice to log on but it wouldnt take my password so I have no way to get into my system. Its Windows XP pro and I am not sure if I have SP2 or not.

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Getting Login Option At Startup: Unable To Get Auto Login?

Aug 25, 2007

i've installed my Win Xp Home using an nLite mastered image on which I selected my user to autologin on boot. Now I want to turn that off, and have the login screen at boot instead. Any hints on how I shall do it?

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Error Message At Startup "no Disk In Drive. Please Insert Disk In Drive"?

Feb 18, 2006

i am running windows xp home. recently every time my computer starts up it comes up with a error "no disk in drive. please insert disk in drive" the message window contains cancel, try again and continue. i have to cancel repeatedly to get it to go away. can anyone help?

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System Configuration Utility Giving Message At Startup?

Apr 1, 2006

I was trying to network 2 home computers together. I ran the network wizard to do this.When the computer rebooted I got this message on the screen.You have used System Configuration Utility to make changes to the way Windows Starts.The System Configuration Utility is currently in Diagnostic or Selective Startup mode, causing this message to be displayed and the utility to run every time Winddows starts.Choose the Normal Startup mode on the General Tab to start Windows in nomal mode and undo the changes you made using System Configuration Utility when Windows starts.

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Warning Message On Windows Startup - System Is Unsafe

Jan 30, 2005

I have winXP pro , and when I start them after I see desktop, I get warning message, telling me that my computer is unsafe, that someone else can see my files, and to follow remove instruction. Link forwards me to a web page with "antispyware software", but problem is still there. I've noticed that this is a screen that appears over my desktop and I'm unable to move it or tu turn it down. Task manager shows no application running.

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Error Message At Every Startup "windows-no Disk" ?

Dec 31, 2006

my wife was trying to download pics from her memory card of her camera (sd card) to my computer so that she could burn the pics to a cd. My computer (Gateway GT5016H) has a slot to insert the memory card into the tower of the computer. She inserted the card, retrieved the pics and proceeded to burn them to a cd. When she was done, she shut down the computer.Now evertime i start the compuer i get an error message pop up "windows-no disk" "there is no disk in drive. Please insert disk into drive." I also must click cancel multiple time to get rid of the error message.

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"Non-system Disk Or Disk Error" Message Booting From Floppy?

Jul 3, 2006

I am trying to update my EVGA 7800GT's BIOS as well as my motherboard's. I have done this a few months ago, same disks and everything.When I create a floppy with the required files and restart, I get the following message:"Non-system disk or disk error. Replace and strike any key when ready."

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Corrupt System32 Config System Error Message At Every Startup?

Jan 3, 2006

corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem ususally when i get this error i format the machine because i hate having to deal with the problem; im the tech guy at a school and i replaced the teachers machine with a new one, i was about to format this when she came in here last minute frantic because she has important accounting information on her local C: drive. she knows she is suppsed to save ALL IMPORTANT nfo on her networkd drive but shes a mornon and doesnt follow instructions. i don't have my copyh of knoppix so can somebodyh tell me a quick fix for this?

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System Wont Get To Startup: Corrupted File Error Message?

Apr 21, 2007

I turned on my computer and windows didn't start up. It didn't even go into post or anything. What came up was that there was a corrupted file. winntsystem32 configsystem. I know this means that that file is missing but I cannot fix it because I don't have my Windows XP CD nor do I have a Startup Disk so I could recover the register. What I have done was, got a BART CD and booted from it and windows loaded but I don't know how to fix or find the corrupted file.

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System Asking To Run Check Disk Upon Every Startup?

Jul 10, 2010

Everytime I boot Windows, I get a message saying that I should allow check disk to run. However, if I let it go through, it will never complete. After about 27%, I get another message for about 1 second that I can't read. All I get out of it is that windows incurred a problem and then it disappears to start the same process over again. I can't run check disk from windows, either. If I just cancel it, everything boots up as normal.

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Wont Boot - Get The Message Non System Disk, Replace

Nov 16, 2006

I have a Hewlet packard computer here, the mother board is a n1996, th eoperating system is ME. The computer justwill not boot at all., it gets to the ME Logo and th escreene just goes black. I can satrt it in safe mode, but i cannot restore it to an earlier date, no mater which date i choose, i just get the mnessage can not restore. I want to, reformat and install XP home, but the CD ROM does not show in my computer and it does not see the disk when i put it in. Also i tried to boot from a Woindows 98boot disk, and themn i get the message non system disk, replace and press any leter to continue.

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System Shows No Disk Exception Processing Message

Oct 26, 2007

When I access MSN MONEY I receive error message WINDOWS - NO DISK exception processing message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf9c4 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c I can cancel the error but it continually reappears as I search other pages. If I exit Internet Explorer and open it again and avoid MSN MONEY the error message does not appear.

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Booting New System With Old Hard Disk: Getting Access Denied Message?

Feb 6, 2006

my computer MB took a dump so I bought a new system. I figured I just boot the new system using my old hard drive. No dice. So I boot the new system using the hard drive and OS that came with it and installed my old drive as a slave. When I try to access the documents and settings folder on the old hard drive so I can pull over the favorites, documents, etc. to my new drive it says access denied. The username and password on my new system are the as on the old one. Any ideas on how to get access to that folder?

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Getting The Network Login Message During Boot Up?

Dec 8, 2006

im using windows xp sp2 and i kinda messed with things a little. now im getting the network login message during boot up. i tried system restore but there weren't any dates to go back to. how can i get rid of this?

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Error Message Appear Every Time When Login

Oct 27, 2007

I have provided two screenshot and here's the list i aware my system are cross-linked files. I have tried Seagate Disk Ulitity and Chkdsk to solve cross-linked files. I am aware that other partition has solved and enable me to resize but Windows XP parition wont allow me to resize because Windows XP has cross-linked.. And i want to dealt with this error, It has mad me enough.

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Getting Access Denied Message And Asking To Login To Administrator?

Feb 29, 2004

Please login with adminstator privilegages and try again? I'm logged in as Admin on my Windows XP Home. It happens when i try to start COD and The Sims.

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Error Message Pops Up On Login Dserve.exe

Oct 12, 2006

Dserve.exe error message pops up on login.

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Bypassing The Login Screen On Startup?

Jun 16, 2005

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't find do I bypass the windows xp login...?

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Prevent Login Box From Appearing At Startup

Jun 5, 2005

I cannot figure out how to prevent log on to window box from appearing during startup. I go to user accounts then to change the way users log on or off but I get an error message: Client services for netware has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switching. To restore these features you must uninstall client services for netware.

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Warning Message Error Code Login 0x10e0

Nov 16, 2008

I am using Windows XP SP 2. Every 20 minutes to a few hours i get this errorwarning message.... Error: (login): 0x10e0 The operator or administrator has refused the request What causes this message?

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Login Screen Coming Up And Freezes The Startup?

Mar 7, 2006

Winxp media center edition.Something I did has caused a login screen to come up and freeze the startup until I close it. Asks for a password but a click will make it disappear. How do I get it off?

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Unable To Turn Off Network Login At Startup?

Dec 11, 2004

EX-office laptop, and everytime it boots up the Windows 2000 logon screen comes up. How do I get rid of this?

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Error Message - There Is No Disk In Drive Please Insert Disk

May 2, 2006

In windows XP Pro. Error message: there is no disk in drive Please insert disk. (Refering to A drive). this happened after trouble with an old cable. Replaced the cable and this message pops up on boot.

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Login/startup Errors - GetLastError=2hDevice=fffffff

May 3, 2006

In the first error if I click on OK for the GetLastError=2hDevice=fffffff I get the error in the second error about tttFailed to open GVCpl WinNT driver Please reboot your system. The other message just goes away (Could not start GPCIDrv driver). It seems to be tied to the Gigabyte driver. The other thing that I have noticed is that Wall Watcher doesn't log anything anymore.

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Eliminate The Login Screen From Startup - Safe Mode

Jan 4, 2008

I'm using Windows XP Professional. I am not able to log back into my Administrator account. I'm stuck in a limited user account and though my Administrator account is set w/o a password, I still can't login, even through my computer's Safe Mode which is was the Dell service person suggested

I was trying to eliminate the login screen from my computer's startup. Initially, I used a tip from by entering "control userpasswords2" in the Run menu and turning off the "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer" option

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Getting Rid Of Startup Message

Mar 10, 2007

I somehow customized my startup to display a screen that reads, "This computer is set to explode in 12 seconds. Run away as fast as you can." The whole startup process stops until I click "accept."

I think it was some program that I was fooling around with and I thought it would be cute. But I've been sick of it for a long time now and don't know how to get rid of it.

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Error Message On Startup

Mar 26, 2005

When I start my computer I get a blank notepad type window that is titled: C:PROGRA~1COMMON~1SYMANT~1CCAPP.EXE.The error message reads: Error-16 bit MS_DOS Subsytem..The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.CS:053e IP:0235 OP: 636b696e67..I am using XP Home, SP1.

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Display Legal Message On Startup

Aug 12, 2002

If you would like to display a legal message or any other message in a pop-up window when windows starts read below: Start regedit, if you are unfamiliar with regedit please see our FAQ. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon Modify the key legalnoticecaption with what you want to name the window. Modify the key legalnoticetext with what you want the window to say. Restart.

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