Error Message At Startup "no Disk In Drive. Please Insert Disk In Drive"?
Feb 18, 2006
i am running windows xp home. recently every time my computer starts up it comes up with a error "no disk in drive. please insert disk in drive" the message window contains cancel, try again and continue. i have to cancel repeatedly to get it to go away. can anyone help?
In windows XP Pro. Error message: there is no disk in drive Please insert disk. (Refering to A drive). this happened after trouble with an old cable. Replaced the cable and this message pops up on boot.
When I want to move something to, or download anything to My CD drives I cannot get past the message "please insert a disk into drive (which ever)". Neither drive will recognize that there is a empty disk in the drive. I've tried different media and various makes of CD's and DVD.'s. I can burn a disk in the Cd/DVD drive using "Nero". And both drives will open if there is data, music, or pictures on the disk in either drive, but I cannot open a blank empty disk unless it is in conjunction with something I'm doing with Nero. There are no yelow symbols in device manager. And I have uninstalled both IDE channels that the optical drive is on and on reboot win 2000 reinstalled them automatically. I have updated the firm ware for each drive. Replaced the USB cable for the external drive and before I reloaded the updated firm ware I uninstalled both drives and reinstalled with the updated firmware. My three malware/spyware programs have been run as has both of my virus programs.
Compaq desktop, AMD 3200, DVD drive (D) and Asus CD Rom (E) I'm sure I've read about this before but for the life of me, I can't find anything now that fits. My CD-Rom (E) drive appears in "MY Computer" but when I try to use it I get the message to "insert a disk". I've tried data disks, picture disks, and music disks but the drive still thinks it's empty
Everytime I try to start AVG anti-virus test center or Outlook from the desktop, this thing is looking to the A: drive (3.5 floppy) and giving me the following error. "There is no disk in the drive. Please inset a disk into drive A:" If I select 'Cancel' or simply hit the (x) at the top left to close the dialog box, the program starts normally. What would cause this computer to look to the A: drive when starting a program?
My computer was working perfectly well. I left it on and went out. When I came back it had a black screen saying "boot disk error, insert system disk and press enter" in BIOS. This has happened before but I just hit my pc then rebooted then no problem. This time it didnt work, I have tried to vacuum the interior of my pc but to no avail.
Everytime I turn my computer on I get this error message popping up: Windows - No Disk, Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf9c 4 75b6bf9c.
I am getting a Windows -No Disk error There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive.I saw that someone had fixed another persons issue in a previous thread and they requested that the person post a hijack the log file.
I keep getting the following message everytime I boot-up:- There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a diskharddisk3dr15. The only way I can get rid of it is to keep pressing the cancel button until it disappears. How do I remove it?
I am trying to copy some files to a CD Disk, so that I can open them on a different computer. I have put a disk in the drive, highlighted the file, clicked on "send to", and I get the message: "Please insert a disk into Drive E (or F, whichever I happen to try it with)".The drives won't recognize that there is a blank CD. If I put in an audio CD or a DVD, it recognizes it, and plays it fine. It's just the blank ones that are giving me a problem. I have tried several different brands of CD . . . same result . . . "Please insert a disk into drive"
I have a larged data drive that failed a disk check. It stalls when starting stage two (I belive that is the verification of indexing). I have been able to back-up all of the folders except for a large folder of raw video. The PC locks up when I attempt to access/copy this folder (it appears to be part of the problem). I want to make an attempt to recover this data before reformatting the drive. The check disk fails both at start up or if I run from the desktop both in regular and safe mode.
Getting error message when trying to change out a 10 gig to a 250.NVIDIA Boot Agent 201.0462 PXE-E61: Media Test Failure, check cable PXE-M0F: Exiting NVIDIA Boot Agent DISK BOOT FAILUR, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER" this drive I am upgrading also has Windows XP OS. I have another drive on the computer that has 160g.
Im trying to repair install windows XP on my computer.I get up to the actual instalation part and it gives me this message:'Please insert the Compact Disk labeled ' VIA AGP Filter Driver Disk' into your CDROM drive (and then click OK. You can also click OK if you want files to be copied from an alternate location, such as a floppy disk'If i click cancel my mouse locks up and my screen flashes on and off and when i reboot it starts up the installation normally again but gives me this message halfway through the instalation.
my wife was trying to download pics from her memory card of her camera (sd card) to my computer so that she could burn the pics to a cd. My computer (Gateway GT5016H) has a slot to insert the memory card into the tower of the computer. She inserted the card, retrieved the pics and proceeded to burn them to a cd. When she was done, she shut down the computer.Now evertime i start the compuer i get an error message pop up "windows-no disk" "there is no disk in drive. Please insert disk into drive." I also must click cancel multiple time to get rid of the error message.
I have created a Bart PE bootable XP cd. I can boot into windows using this CD I would like to know how to copy the data in my hard disk to pen drive or flash drive.
I trying to help a friend with their computer; Dell Dimension 4700, XP Pro, and getting the error message: A DISK READ ERROR OCCURRED. PRESS CTRL & ALT & DEL Does this mean the hard drive is bad?
I use Windows XP Professional OS on an Intel Pentium 4 PC with 512 MB RAM. Presently I have a single disk drive of 40 MB which has been divided into three logical drives C, D and E with total sizes of 20, 10 and 10 MB respectively. I now want to add a second disk of 80 MB capacity and would like to increase the total size of the three existing logical drives to 40 MB each.Is there a feature available in Windows XP that will permit me to do this without having to reformat the existing 40 MB disk drive ?I have certain software installed in the PC for which the setup files are not available. Reformatting the existing disk drive will result in the loss of these applications. I would also not like to add more logical drives i.e. F, G, H etc.
If I go into Drive Management under My Computer, and I see two "disks" both in the bar for "Disk 1" does this mean that all of Disk 1 has been split into two partitions but is still one physical disk?
I tried to install Ubuntu onto my HD yesterday, and i ran into an issue during the install (i received a message that said the optical disk or hard drive had an error and that the instal would be aborted). So the Ubuntu install was aborted, and i tried to boot back into windows but received this message:
Quote: Load needed for kerenl:
kdcom.dll I have tried to boot into safe mood with no luck. So i tried to do a repair from the XP disk i have, but then i received this error message:
I am having an issue with a Maxtor Model Number 92739U6 hard drive. I have just finished formatting and installing windows xp home edition. Everything was going ok until I restarted the computer. First right after I restarted the computer I got an error message A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press CTRL+ALT+Del. I was unsure what caused this error message so I started to research this issue on Maxtor?s website and they advised me to use fdisk /mbr to repair the error. I did that and restarted the computer. Same Error?. The thing I can?t figure out is why I am able to boot right to windows using a boot disk.
I am trying to update my EVGA 7800GT's BIOS as well as my motherboard's. I have done this a few months ago, same disks and everything.When I create a floppy with the required files and restart, I get the following message:"Non-system disk or disk error. Replace and strike any key when ready."
I get a 'no disk' message from my cd players. Windows recognizes they are there, and I have changed cables, drivers and rebooted from install and uninstall but nothing seems to be getting windows to recognize that there is a disk in the cd player.
My dad sent my daughter a "E Machine" with XP Home. Before he sent it, he transferred all of his personal files. When I hooked it up, the screen said "Boot disk failure. Insert system disk and hit enter". The company sent us a new set of bootable CDs as we thought the problem might be in the CD.
I recently tried to reinstall windows xp, but the installation was interrupted and left me with a partially installed windows on my hard drive. Now, whenever I try to install again, it gives me the error: NTLDR is missing. I made a msdos boot disc to reformat my drive such that I can try installing windows again. However, I have two hard drive (one for windows and programs and one for storage) and I don't know which one is which letter. How can I find this information, so that I don't accidentally wipe my storage drive?
An external hard drive. When it is on & I try to boot,I get the following error : Invalid system disk Replace the disk, and then press any key I then have to turn off the external & press any key to get it to boot. Is there a way that I can boot with that external turned on. Some setting I need to change perhaps? I have an E-Machines computer about 2 years old.
My CD-Rom drive wont open CD-RW's for some reason, when i insert the disk and try to open it i get the msg Please insert a disk in the cd-rom drive.considering that i've used these same cd-rw's in the past and never had a problem I'm kindda lost. i cant think of anything i've changed that would cause this problem.
i'm useing an acer cd-rom drive and the disks in question have Fedora core 2 on them, I cant get my computer to boot off them, so i tried opening them in windows and there not even being recongnized by the drive, I used them awhile back w/o and trouble but have re-formatted since then