Warning Message On Windows Startup - System Is Unsafe
Jan 30, 2005
I have winXP pro , and when I start them after I see desktop, I get warning message, telling me that my computer is unsafe, that someone else can see my files, and to follow remove instruction. Link forwards me to a web page with "antispyware software", but problem is still there. I've noticed that this is a screen that appears over my desktop and I'm unable to move it or tu turn it down. Task manager shows no application running.
when i am working on my computer or doing anything else. the machine just restarts it self and no warning or messege is given. the monitor just goes black.
I keep getting this Warning message every time I try to open a folder. Attention, some dangerous viruses detected in your system. Microsoft Windows XP Files corrupted. This may lead to the destruction of important files in C: WINDOWS. Download protection software now! Click OK to download the antispyware. (Recommended). I click No and it directs me to a site that tries to get me to download the software. If I let the page run, the computer becomes disfuctional, and I have to use task manager to close programs and get the computer to respond. I've tried using system restore, adaware SE professional, and Symantec Antivirus to get rid of whatever this may be. Nothing is working. I'm not sure what to do at this point
I recieve the following warning message "The are no valid internet connections configured on this system. Press Retry to retry or Cancel to cancel." when I try to download data from a data provider. My internet connection is running perfectly normal and have also confirmed that my settings are as per the data providers recommendations. This is also not a firewall matter as I have enabled this software to download from the internet before. How can I check that this is not a windows problem and that Windows and the software is in synch?
If you would like to change the warning that appears at the top of each new message window that opens in windows messenger you may do this as follows.Open Regedit (start menu, runĀ and type 'regedit' press enter)Navigate to the following
I have xp home, and have Zone Alarm.I have been getting this message come up quite often, which I deny, because I can't find out anything about it. does anyone know what it is and should I allow or deny it please? The only thing I can find out is that it 'could be potentially malicious
There are two profiles to sign in under. my computer was working perfect last night and when i went to start it under my profile a warning message came up, it read: Windows can not load the stored profile, this may be because the is insufficent security rights or a corrupt local file, windows is giving you a temporary file to log in as any changes you make will be lost when you log out.: confused when it gives me this temporary page everything is gone, all documents, music, photos etc. what caused this and how do i fix it?
I was trying to network 2 home computers together. I ran the network wizard to do this.When the computer rebooted I got this message on the screen.You have used System Configuration Utility to make changes to the way Windows Starts.The System Configuration Utility is currently in Diagnostic or Selective Startup mode, causing this message to be displayed and the utility to run every time Winddows starts.Choose the Normal Startup mode on the General Tab to start Windows in nomal mode and undo the changes you made using System Configuration Utility when Windows starts.
Out of no where i get this windows warning message saying i have spyware on my comp. I used AVG and scanned the whole comp for virus's and such but the message will not go away. The spyware is preventing me from using google so i can search and fix my problem so i need someone's help to please fix this.
I have a PC clone with a ASUS P4S800 motherboard with integrated sound. I have tried to load drivers from the motherboard CD to download SoundMax. In system's hardware devices under Sound, Video and game controllers there is: Audio Codecs, Legacy Audio Drivers, Legacy Video Capture devices, Media Control devices, SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio with a yellow exclamation mark and Standard game port and Video Codecs. I have uninstalled the Soundmax three time and everytime I re-installed, I would get the yellow in a triangle and a warning saying it is corrupt.
how to prevent the message in the Security Information dialog box:"This page contains both secure and nonsecure itemsDo you want to display the nonsecure items?" I occasionally get this when accessing certain sites, like my Yahoo mail server site, and it is a pain in the butt.How do I set my system to always display the page first time, without this annoying message?
corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem ususally when i get this error i format the machine because i hate having to deal with the problem; im the tech guy at a school and i replaced the teachers machine with a new one, i was about to format this when she came in here last minute frantic because she has important accounting information on her local C: drive. she knows she is suppsed to save ALL IMPORTANT nfo on her networkd drive but shes a mornon and doesnt follow instructions. i don't have my copyh of knoppix so can somebodyh tell me a quick fix for this?
I turned on my computer and windows didn't start up. It didn't even go into post or anything. What came up was that there was a corrupted file. winntsystem32 configsystem. I know this means that that file is missing but I cannot fix it because I don't have my Windows XP CD nor do I have a Startup Disk so I could recover the register. What I have done was, got a BART CD and booted from it and windows loaded but I don't know how to fix or find the corrupted file.
my wife was trying to download pics from her memory card of her camera (sd card) to my computer so that she could burn the pics to a cd. My computer (Gateway GT5016H) has a slot to insert the memory card into the tower of the computer. She inserted the card, retrieved the pics and proceeded to burn them to a cd. When she was done, she shut down the computer.Now evertime i start the compuer i get an error message pop up "windows-no disk" "there is no disk in drive. Please insert disk into drive." I also must click cancel multiple time to get rid of the error message.
when i click on certain websites,i get the above message(click to open).it's quite random,ranging from logging into yahoo mail,to the opening page on here. have to click the message 2 or3 times for it to disappear,then everything works fine,until i click a link on any affected webpage. it does the same when i hit the back buton. the only thing i've done which i think may affect the running of my internet,is to run CC cleaner,and also advanced windows care pro
I am using Windows XP SP 2. Every 20 minutes to a few hours i get this errorwarning message.... Error: (login): 0x10e0 The operator or administrator has refused the request What causes this message?
I recently got hijacked real bad. I cleaned most of it out of the pc. But i am still getting that message and I can't use internet explorer. When i open explorer a internet cleaner ad pops up instead of my home page. When i click the homepage button it just keeps going back to the ad page. I am using firefox to write to you guys.
Some dangerous viruses detected in your system. Microsoft Windows XP files corrupted.Your personal data at the reach of anyone's hand. Internet history records and other personal information (passwords, chat sessions logs, adult materials) easily reachable. Download protection software now!
Click OK to enable antispyware software. (Recommended)
Yes No
(than it opens a site I just close it out everytime it shows it.)
why does it say warning disk write cache is disabled.but in device manager everything seems fine and are there any other things you recomend i do to get a faster bootup. everything performs great but there may be more i can do for a even faster bootup.
I would like to know how to keep the "unsafe removal dialog box" from popping up everytime I remove my digital dictation device. I know it is best practice to just double click the "safe removal icon" but I just want to disable the "unsafe removal dialog box" popup all together. Operating System: Windows 2000
For a few days I keep getting this message when I try to reboot. I press "enter" and it goes to Windows.I check the BIOS and the order for booting did not change:Hard Drive and if it fails CD I have Win XP, Pack 2; Pentium 4 dual core and 1000 MB
I screwed around with some of the settings with my firewall and stuff and now when i go to surf the web, on most of the webpages this warning comes up ... "Security Warning: The Current Webpage is trying to open a site in your Trusted sites list. Do you want to allow this?"
I'm experienceing problems running the internet. Each time I try connecting tho the Net, despite changing the default homepage which has been changed to c:secure32.html I get a warning message about spyware I have also run Spybot Search and Destroy and the Lavasoft Ad-ware and removed all of the critical objects.
I'm really desesperate to figure this problem out. My computer keeps shouting down without even a simple warning. The BIG problem is none other than this: My exames are aproaching like real fast and me and my colegues are all using our school PC's and whatnot. I've already formated it but the problem is still there though! Error Message: C:DOCUME~1Margem DEFINI~1TempWER8533.dir00Mini110708-10.dmp C:DOCUME~1MargemEFINI~1TempWER8533.dir00 sysdata.xml.
my PC has started rebooting without any seeming rhyme or reason -- and each time it restarts the disc check finds unhappy things.at first i thought the crashes were because of system overload -- too many programs running and/or tasks i was having it do all at once. with no applications running - and it'll blip out and reboot all on its own. more than once.i know there isn't a virus; i run norton and i also went digging, just to be sure. i also finally had it checked out; they couldn't find anything specific. i've stripped about all i can think of from my start-up and have removed software i like but don't have to have, trying to make it easier on the computer.the 'crash' doesn't give any warnings or errors. my computer simply does a restart.
so i get my laptop from my brother who was borrowing it and i see in the start menu that there is a little icon that flashes from a blue and white question mark into the red circle with one line symbol. when highlighted it says Critical System Error!. i click on it and it pops up a page for me to download some antimalware or something. idk what's going on so i'm doing an ewido scan and i did a hijackthis log
Recently went to Windows XP web site to check for updates. Found 2 "Hardware Updates: 1.ALPS pointing device and 2.Storage-primary IDE channel.(don't have a pointing device on my desktop) Tried to download updates on both desktop and notebook computers.Immediately got warnings from my virus software and computers crashed. Tried to reboot and got message that the registry was corrupted. I used Acronis to restore hard drive images and all is well now, but can anyone explain this? Don't know whether this was a virus or whether the downloads caused the crash but I trusted Microsoft.
I somehow customized my startup to display a screen that reads, "This computer is set to explode in 12 seconds. Run away as fast as you can." The whole startup process stops until I click "accept."
I think it was some program that I was fooling around with and I thought it would be cute. But I've been sick of it for a long time now and don't know how to get rid of it.
When I start my computer I get a blank notepad type window that is titled: C:PROGRA~1COMMON~1SYMANT~1CCAPP.EXE.The error message reads: Error-16 bit MS_DOS Subsytem..The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.CS:053e IP:0235 OP: 636b696e67..I am using XP Home, SP1.
If you would like to display a legal message or any other message in a pop-up window when windows starts read below: Start regedit, if you are unfamiliar with regedit please see our FAQ. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon Modify the key legalnoticecaption with what you want to name the window. Modify the key legalnoticetext with what you want the window to say. Restart.