If you would like to display a legal message or any other message in a pop-up window when windows starts read below: Start regedit, if you are unfamiliar with regedit please see our FAQ. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon Modify the key legalnoticecaption with what you want to name the window. Modify the key legalnoticetext with what you want the window to say. Restart.
I reinstalled XP Pro with SP1 on my computer today. Everything is working well except when my desktop loads the actual display is about an inch to the right on the screen. If I go into properties and change/apply the screen resolution from 800 x 600 then back to 1024 x 768 it realigns and all is well. I would just prefer to not have to do that each time I restart windows.
I have seen at my school that when you log on, it will say "Welcome Danie, Enjoy your day!". How do i add that to my computer and also being able to change what the message says?
my mate is getting the following message onscreen on boot up:- rundll32.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32"C:DOCUME~1Ala nsLOCALS~1 emp1xPOOO.TMP"
I was wondering if people had any suggestions about the following problem I have.I have a Dell Inspiron 9400 laptop (couple of years old now) and it has Windows XP Media Centre Edition installed on it. I has been running perfectly fine all of this time until very recently.I started it up and selected Windows XP on the boot loader (I have dual boot installation with SUSE 10 but I have not used this for at least a year), and noticed something odd. The initial bios screen at the beginning of bootup had vertical stripes down the page over the top of the dell logo.When the windows XP loading logo appears, I get similar striping. After a few seconds the computer halts to the BSOD and gives the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error and halts.I have managed to boot up into windows safe mode, with no problem, and interestingly the vertical stripes are not evident here.Firstly I thought it might be a graphics card issue, so I downloaded the latest drivers from NVIDIA and installed them in safe mode, however this has not had any effect.After this,
I have run in to the "Page cannot be displayed" message for certain sites. I know it is just my computer because I can access the site from friends' computers. One of the sites is where I get my e-mail and Outlook can't connect to it and neither can my FTP client.
I downloaded a reputable game for the kids yesterday (Ben Jordan 4.) The game automatically changes display to 320x200 when started and reverts back to normal settings when you quit the game. Last night the girls just closed the laptop without exiting the program. This morning the laptop was frozen so I rebooted, however, now Windows reboots in 320x200. It's so large only "Turn Off Computer" is available. When I start in safe mode the Display Properties shows 1440x900. Computer in question is a Dell Vostro 1500 laptop, running Windows XP Home w/SP3
So far I have... 1. Deleted the game files. (There is no install/uninstall) 2. Run Norton system scan and Spybot sweep 3. Did a System Restore 4. Tried to change display settings in Safe mode
I've just started up my computer and the screen won't come on. Although the shade of black appears to alter slightly just after being turned on. I've checked the cables, power to computer and monitor, both fine. The keyboard lights come on and the mouse light also comes on. I can hear the hard disk and fan whirring away too. Before there was no display on startup, this occured after I had a problem with the graphics card the display would appear at the Win XP startup screen. I checked for viruses the last time that the computer was switched on, so it was clean. Not really sure what else to try, short of taking it to a PC repair shop!
Windows display setting keeps resetting after startup On startup of my computer the monitor screen displays normal sized icons, then enlarges to gigantic icons. After all programs are started I right click on the screen and click on properties. Display properties open, then I click on settings and move the slider to my likings, I click apply and the desktop reverts to normal size and operates in all areas normally. The problem is I have to perform this task every time I restart my computer. It's obvious that the apply/ok setting in the display properties setting is not sticking. Is there a fix for this condition? Please HELP. Running Windows XP.
Submitted by: Mel W. Here are some featured member answers to get you started, but please read all the advice and suggestions that our members have contributed to this question. ....
I have a Dell D610 laptop running WinXP Pro. The screen is an SXGA+ (1400x1050 resolution). I have a docking station at home and use a 19" wide screen LCD monitor (1440x900). My docking station at work has a 23" wide screen LCD monitor (1920x1200). The laptop and home 19" monitor look good at normal size (96 DPI) setting. However, the large 23" monitor needs the Display DPI Setting increased to large size (120 DPI) for my old eyes.
The problem is having to constantly change between normal and large display DPI settings. This change requires a reboot to take effect. Is there a program or script available that will run at startup and allow me to choose the DPI setting? Even better would be a startup script that detects which monitor is in use and sets the display DPI accordingly.
The SHIFT key was pressed too long and we got into the Swift Key feature somehow. We got out of it by exiting the application. However, now everytime we start the computer, key strokes don't appear on the screen. You have to hold down the SHIFT key until it makes a sound and then you can type characters and they are displayed on the screen. It is irritating to start the computer and not be able to type anything. There is probably a switch that was set that I can't find. How can I get rid of this "feature?" PC is Laptop Dell 2600 Inspiron running XP Home.
There's a problem on one of my Startups. The Startup Item is "SysMetrix". When Windows display your desktop, usually, this program should starup, but there's a window that popped. To make it clearer... SysMetrix should startup, but this window takes it place. Here's a picture of that window.
For some reason, when my partner's computer boots up, the Windows taskbar is frozen, sometimes for up to a couple of minutes. When it finally becomes available, the Start menu etc works fine, but the system tray does not display everything that it should (for example the volume control) even though I have set it to "always show" in Properties>Customise
I somehow customized my startup to display a screen that reads, "This computer is set to explode in 12 seconds. Run away as fast as you can." The whole startup process stops until I click "accept."
I think it was some program that I was fooling around with and I thought it would be cute. But I've been sick of it for a long time now and don't know how to get rid of it.
Getting right to it I have a Dell Dimension 4300 that I am fixing up for my daughter adding memory and a larger hard drive. It has Win Xp home installed on it and I have gotten the CD Key # off of it using an extractor. Now my question is because I do not have the upgrade CD (which came with it) for reinstalling it can I use my other (legal) XP upgrade cd to reistall it, using the Key # retrieved from the Dell to verify it with MS for upgrades/downloads, etc. or will I have to use the CD key # which came with my disc.
I have just recently been searching for the best price for buying Windows XP Professional for my computer. I have looked around, and found at NewEgg this right here:XP Professional OEM. Is this legal software? I've seen these a lot over the internet, and have wondered why they are cheaper, and such. Will I have trouble with updating it? I just want to make sure I buy genuine software, as I got screwed by buying XP Pro from online, that alas, was not.
I bought a used computer recently that has what turned out to be a pirated copy of WinXP Pro on it. I have a new, legal OEM Copy of WinXP Pro with sp2B.Is there anyway I can Validate the exsisting WinXP Pro installation with the legal copy WITHOUT having to reinstall everything from scratch?
When I start my computer I get a blank notepad type window that is titled: C:PROGRA~1COMMON~1SYMANT~1CCAPP.EXE.The error message reads: Error-16 bit MS_DOS Subsytem..The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.CS:053e IP:0235 OP: 636b696e67..I am using XP Home, SP1.
Does anyone know if there is a character limit for the HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystemLegalNoticeText value.We have a very long legal notice that is being truncated. The messagedoes include commas.
Illegal version of xp pro on my computer, now i am trying to install a legal and clean version of xp home but when i try to boot fromt he cd nothing happens, what am i suppose to do?
Ran the install program to repair my legal xp copy and now it needs to be authenticated using the actual coa key number attached to the machine correctly entered. The online authentication says it's invalid.
This is the alert: (more or less)Exception...Component Manager::Create Instance returned failure code:" nsresult 0x805700015 (NS_ERROR_XPC_CI_RETURNED FAILURE)" location: jsframe::chrome://searchshield/content/overlay.js::InitSDK::line352" data:no The only thing I have done lately is to remove a program I found in my list of programs which was something like Microsoft Visual C++. I rebooted after I removed it.
Each time i start up my Windows 2000 proffesional pc, I get an error message "kernel32.dll" just in a grey box and no options or anything. I had a problem withmy pc a while ago, had it wiped, and the other day i went on, it came up, i wasnt sure what it was so i just closed it :s, then i did my weekly virus scan, however mcafee doesnt work, also the internet is unbelieveably slow and often just says this page is unavailable. Msn messenger still works fine though?
Everytime I turn my computer on I get this error message popping up: Windows - No Disk, Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf9c 4 75b6bf9c.
Upon starting my computer, everything boots normally, but every time it does, a blank error message box appears (with that red X) with the only contents in the box an 'ok' button. When I hit the OK button, nothing happens (the system mostly runs fine, except for some random shut down issues (after about, say, 100 hours or so of being on). I am on Windows XP Home edition. Running Adaware, Spyware Doctor, and Norton A/V doesn't fix it.
I'm having trouble changing my product key. when I upgraded from 98 to XP pro,it was with a pirate copy of XPpro CD. However, I very soon saw the error of my ways and legalised my software online by purchasing a licence with which came a new product key. This was all done online and automatically. Now, here's the thing. Due to an old and failing C drive, I have installed a new hard drive with the intention of transfering all of my files over to it before the old one gives up completely and I lose everything.
The problem is, although my existing OS and product key are completely legal, the only system CD I have is my old pirate one which will not load using the legal key.I have loaded it using the old key with the intention of changing it afterwards but, having followed the process to change it, when I run Jelly Bean Keyfinder, it shows the old key.I have also tried a microsoft windows verification and it confirms that it is not a legal licence.The process I used to change the key was: Change the OOBE Timer number in regedit, Run c:windowssystem32oobemsoobe.exe /a and run change product key, reboot and run c:windowssystem32oobemsoobe.exe /a again which tells me that windows is already activated.
I found a computer here that has an "illegal" copy of XP on it.
I bought an OEM copy of XP with RAM to put in this said machine.
Is there anyway I can just enter the information from the outside of the cd into XP somewhere so I wouldn't have to reinstall and keep this CD with the computer at this point then?
I have a computer that was given to me to use as a backup. It has two small HDs: C is about 6 Gb and D is about 9 Gb. Win XP Pro is on drive C. It is set up as NTFS. The processor is about 1.5. I do not have the CD and, thus, do not want an illegal copy of XP on this computer. I have legal copies of 95, 98SE and an ME upgrade. I would like to reformat the HD to Fat32 and put on one of these older OS. However, when I try to FDISK it will not allow me to reformat the disk, apparently because it is NTFS. It has only the one partition.
When I turn on my computer the following message comes up.Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: system32DRIVERSisapnp .sys You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to repair.
For some reason zonealarm gives me the following pop-up every time I boot up my computer : ZoneAlarm Security Alert/Server Program/ Generic Host Process for Win 32 Services is trying to act as a server. Identification: None Application: svchost.exe Source IP: 135 I click : "remember this setting" [or I used to] and it does NOT remember - it comes up every time.I've tried rooting around in Zonealarm to figure out how to turn this off - no luck. Any ideas folks????