Configuring A VPN For Use With A Dsl Broadband Connection

Aug 1, 2005

I would like to configure a VPN between a office based file server and a
mobile machine. Both m/c's are running versions of XP and logins have been
set to allow the remote user to conncet as a properly authenticated member of
group on the offoce m/c.
Problem is I can't set the IP address for the remote machine to connect to.
The office conection is via a dsl setup and I have been given an IP address
for the internet connection by the ISP. After the ISP IP Address I expect to
see a modem (which is also my internal LAN DHCP server) and the IP Address of
the machine I wish to connect to.
If my ISP has given me an IP address, my dsl modem is and the machine I wish to connect to is with
subnet mask how does this translate to a VPN configuration?

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Pro Configuring A Network Connection

Jun 17, 2005

I need assistance with seting up my Network Connection.I had my system set up so I can login to my computer for use at home with no network and a login for when I am connected to a network with a domain. Every thing worked fine until I had to reformat my drive and reinstall XP Pro.Now I believe I have set up my system incorrectly. currently my home login is set for a home workgroup which I do not want. And I can not set up the login for the domain.Please point me to a document or give me some step by step instructions.

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Local Area Connection - Using Broadband

Feb 16, 2008

I am using broadband and it is working good but in a tray there is a one message Local area connection limited or no conectivity so what is the problem.even there is a repair opetion and I tried it but no changes.using xp-2

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Cannot Download And Install Update - Broadband Connection

Aug 10, 2005

So i went to the update page to try and install them but the search bar just keeps searching without giving me any info. I let it run for an hour then closed it.

I have tried windows update and microsoft update both have the same result.

I have a broardband connection and have never had to wait this long before.

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Dial Up Connection - Cannot Uncheck The Connect Using Broadband Listing

Jun 14, 2006

I went to set up a new dial up connection in XP.I went to connection wizard, I click next, I check connect to the internet, I click next, I check set up my connection manually and click next. On the how do you want to connect to the internet page, connect using a broad band connection is allready checked and the other choices are greyed out. I cannot uncheck the connect using broadband listing. Every time I try this it is the same thing.

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Broadband Connection - Internal Wiring - Internet Explorer

Aug 24, 2005

I can connect to broadband by moving the PC into my bedroom, removing the cover from the telephone socket in there and plugging the modem directly into the socket. This is not a satisfactory solution as I do not plan to surf in bed. In other telephone sockets in other rooms, the modem has a flashing green ADSL light which means it is not working properly. My fixed line telephone supplier says is it not a line problem and the ISP (the same company) says it is not a broadband problem. If it is my problem, how do I solve it? I use Windows XP and Internet explorer

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System Working Very Slow/Using Broadband Internet Connection

Aug 7, 2007

Hell. Can anybody tell me what might be causing my computer to run slowly? I have Windows XP and a broadband connection to the Internet.

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Configuring Permissions For Access Database

Jul 23, 2005

I'm working through an ASP.NET tutorial in which the datasource is to be an Access .mdb (the famous Northwind db, to be precise). I'm instructed to configure the permissions the folder in which the northwind.mdb file is supposed to reside. The tutorial instructs me to browse to that folder, and right-click it and select "properties" and select the "security" tab-- but i don't have a Security tab. My user account is an administrator account, but just to test it, i logged is a "Administrator", but there was no change. Why do my folder properties not show a Security tab, and how do i change it so they do?

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Configuring Parameters For DNS Server Search?

Jan 26, 2006

I have a dhcp server wich bring two dns server to my XP my problem is when the first dns server goes down the XP could not resolves names using the second dns server. Both DNS server have the same zone configured. The question is is there any parameters tha i have to configure in the XP to resolve using the second DNS server meanwhile the firs is down

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Configuring Usb Audio Device As Spdif

Dec 3, 2009

I have a USB to SPDIF converter that is supposed to support 5.1 surround. I can hear stereo sound, but not 5.1 surround. I know there are many free tools that enable passthrough on spdif so the receiver does the dedcoding instead of the PC. However windows XP doesn't see the USB audio device as SPDIF is there a way to configure the USB audio device as SPDIF without drivers?

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Configuring Work Groups, Networking/adding Computers?

Jan 22, 2009

Can anyone point me to a good website or well-written book that will teach me about Installing Windows and configuring Windows Workgroups, Adding a computer to the system, Networking in this context in general.

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Fast Cable Broadband For AOL

Dec 12, 2004

I am thinking of gettin this really fast cable/broadband for AOL and its askin me that i need to have the above. i know for a fact i have alot of memory so iam sure thats cool but the 233 HMZ iam confused about, my PC is pentium 4.

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Computer Showing 100% CPU Usage While Using Broadband?

May 3, 2006

When using AOL Broadband the computer slows down and sometimes takes several seconds to refresh a page.I happened to open the Task Managerand two things came to light:I cannot get the complete Task Manager panel...It only shows TASK and used to show lots more.Also,and this is my problem,it shows CPU USAGE 100%.If I close AOL and go back online it is ok for a while and then starts to slow down to a crawl.

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Unable To Check Broadband Speed?

Sep 5, 2005

I have taken out a subscription to Bulldog broadband (part of C&W in the UK) which claims to supply [upto] 8 MB per second download. Is there anyway this can be checked?
This company is the only one offering such a high speed while its rivals are offering only 2 mb per second for the same price. Surely there must be a catch somewhere and if so how can this be checked?

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Change Network Broadband Service

Jun 26, 2005

Small home network with a wireless gateway router. Currently on dial up but looking to change to broadband:What kind of firewall do I need to install so a broadband service provider.

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Transferring From Dial Up To Cable Broadband / Loosing USB Port?

Feb 11, 2006

Just went from dial up to cable broadband on my stationary Dell Inspiron 4100 laptop. Problem, had to sacrafice my only USB port for the connection, this was the port my printer was pluged into, I need my printer but there's no where to plug it in,my laptop has only one USB port & now it's occupied by the cable modem. Is it possable to hook the modem to another port, some of the other ports are, modem connector(telephone),network connector(telephone style jack),S-video TV-out connector(7 pin jack)& last a PC Card slot.

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System Crashed In Safe Mode After Installing Broadband PCI Card?

Oct 19, 2007

When I install my BT Broadband PCI card (the one with an aerial sticking out the back), it crashes my system.Which is understandable because after a new install XP (recovery disk) on new hard drive, I am running on XP SP1 - and XP doesn't understand this new card. But should it crash in Safe Mode?If not, do you think this might indicate the motherboard is at fault?

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Cable Connection Wont Work: Internet Connection Breaks After 15 Minutes?

May 25, 2006

my cable is not working properly.Every 15-20 minutes my internet connection is broken even though the modem is online and there is no problem with the cable coming into my house. I have to reset the cable modem and then it works for another 10-20 minutes until the next cut. Ive had this problem before (last time i changed computers) but cant remember how it was resolved. I already talked to my ISP support but these guys are brain damaged or something and cannot even comprehend my problem and all 3 actually concluded that i had somehow contracted some killer virus immediately after connecting my computer and this virus was the root of my problems

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Unable To Delete Broadband Connections In Network Connections?

Jan 6, 2005

I have been trying for a while to delete three broadband connections i seem to have made, but not enabled. They are located in the network connections dialog under the broadband heading. On top of this they keep asking me which server to connect to. When I try to delete them, it asks me if i want to send them to the recycle bin, I click yes, and then nothing happens, they don't go anywhere.

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Error Disabling Connection / Not Possible To Disable Connection

Aug 18, 2006

I go into network connections, then I try to disable my lan connection and enable my wireless and bamm."Error Disabling Connection- It is not possible to disable the connection at this time. This connection may have one or more protocals that do not support Plug-and-Play".

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Bridge Connection On Local Area Connection

Oct 22, 2008

I have tired to get rid of this bridge connection that is on my local area connection. I try to remove it with the bridge connection area and all it says is "To create a Network Bridge, you must select at least two LAN or High-Speed Internet connections that are not being used by Internet Connection Sharing." I have AT&T hig speed internet and tired talking to them and they said it was on my end, plus I spend two hours on the phone to someone who doesn't know much english and not alot about computers. So can someone please help me. The only way I can connect to the internet is through the my D-Link router which sucks

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Local Area Connection - Network Connection

Feb 28, 2008

i havn't (Local Area Connection ) in network connection in my computer why ?
what I must to do to make (Local Area Connection)?

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Internet Connection Wizard - Dialup Connection

Jun 24, 2005

I recently reinstalled Windows XP Home on a friends computer, but when I went
to create their dialup connection to the internet, I couldn't.I went into the 'Internet Connection Wizard'. Told it that I was connecting directly to the internet. Then I told it I was going to set up the connection manually. But whenever the option comes up to setup a dial-up or broadband connection, the dial-up option is greyed out and unselectable.In device manager, it shows my modem as being fine. It's installed with no conflicts.

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Fresh Reinstall Cannot Reinstall Broadband

Jan 22, 2008

Because of massive system porblems I have had t reinstall XP Pr with SP2. Before reinstalling XP I formmated the hard drives t give me a blank canvas to work. The reinstall worked fine but I cannot reinstall my Virgin Media Bradband service. Before the reinstall the bradband service was wrking fine..When I originall took out the bradband service it was through NTL. My cable modem states 'NTL' and the broadband disk has NTL' on it and I registered it tthough NTL. Now Virgin Media has bought up NTl annd I don't know if there is a compatibility prblem. Des somebdy else know?

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Cant Connection To Internet - Tried Direct Connection

Apr 13, 2005

I got a Toshiba with windows XP.. Its an older laptop and runs slow.. which is fine for what i need it for.. It is connected through a Dlink Cable modem. Recently moved and had a DSL connection of 3 years no problems. Had to switch to cable broadband. The lights all light up solid no problem. Network cable connected to no problem. Problem : NO internet

Unplug netowkr cable from cable modem (get the network cabled unplugged in windows, so it is seing the modem or atleast talking to it)Tried using the windows xp network srtup wizard. I did that hub one (connected thourhg a hub) and i tried the direct connection (goes from modem to computer).

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Remote Desktop Connection: "virtual Private Network Connection"?

Jul 11, 2005

I've been trying to use Remote Desktop to connect from my home computer to my office network's machines. I've followed all the instructions except for the part where it talks about getting a "virtual private network connection". Not sure if I have this part done right. Not even sure if this is the problem. Is there something that needs to be set up before being able to connect from a home computer to an office machine?

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Connection To ISP

Feb 27, 2007

I have just checked the 'connections options' and found that the box 'always dial if a network connection is not present' has been checked. Am i right in thinking that the 'always dial my default connection' box should be checked instead? or doesn't it make much difference? (I am usding Windows XP home) A friend of mine set up my email up for me and I am using 'Orange' as my ISP. For some reason he has put 'Orange anytime default 2' instead of just Orange. I hope this all makes sense?

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Help Setting Up A VPN Connection

May 18, 2005

What info do I need on the server side to allow access to the client computer. I know in xp (the server) in this case, you can allow users access by adding them and giving them access. Just wondering what kind of info I add on the server side for the client to have access.. Do i put in the client computer name, workgroup or Ip address? Internal IP address or external? I'm basically trying to setup a connection to allow me to use remote desktop from work to access my home PC. Home PC is using xp pro and work PC is using Win98. I've already setup the VPN connection at work (win98), just need more info on setting up the Host PC. Like what exact info I need from the client PC, to add this info to allow access to my Host..

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VPN Connection (wizard)

Jan 13, 2005

When trying to make a new VPN connection with XP the options about "dial-up"
and "vpn" are grey. Whats up?

1) Create new connection
2) Connect to the network at my workplace
3) now the "dial-up" and "vpn" are grey

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Vpn Connection Problem

Jul 1, 2005

on the connect box, it asks me for user name & password, is this for my
company's private network? if so, then what is it & where can I get this

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VPN Connection Problems

Jul 14, 2005

I have a Linksys Router WRT54GS with latest firmware v4.50.6.
I have IPsec, pptp, and l2tp passthrough enabled with port 1723 being
forwarded to the correct ip address. I have disabled all firewall
software. I try to establish a vpn connection to myself using the local
ipaddress and it gives me error 800. Likewise, using my wan ip address
fails also. Anyhelp setting this up would be appreciated. Thanks

ps ipsec services and remote access services are enabled and started.

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