Configuring Parameters For DNS Server Search?

Jan 26, 2006

I have a dhcp server wich bring two dns server to my XP my problem is when the first dns server goes down the XP could not resolves names using the second dns server. Both DNS server have the same zone configured. The question is is there any parameters tha i have to configure in the XP to resolve using the second DNS server meanwhile the firs is down

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Configuring A VPN For Use With A Dsl Broadband Connection

Aug 1, 2005

I would like to configure a VPN between a office based file server and a
mobile machine. Both m/c's are running versions of XP and logins have been
set to allow the remote user to conncet as a properly authenticated member of
group on the offoce m/c.
Problem is I can't set the IP address for the remote machine to connect to.
The office conection is via a dsl setup and I have been given an IP address
for the internet connection by the ISP. After the ISP IP Address I expect to
see a modem (which is also my internal LAN DHCP server) and the IP Address of
the machine I wish to connect to.
If my ISP has given me an IP address, my dsl modem is and the machine I wish to connect to is with
subnet mask how does this translate to a VPN configuration?

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Pro Configuring A Network Connection

Jun 17, 2005

I need assistance with seting up my Network Connection.I had my system set up so I can login to my computer for use at home with no network and a login for when I am connected to a network with a domain. Every thing worked fine until I had to reformat my drive and reinstall XP Pro.Now I believe I have set up my system incorrectly. currently my home login is set for a home workgroup which I do not want. And I can not set up the login for the domain.Please point me to a document or give me some step by step instructions.

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No Disk Error Message - C000013 Parameters

Sep 7, 2007

In the last few days I cleaned off some viruses from my son playing games on the internet(wont name them, but he will never get back on those websites) Anyway, it quarantined quite a few things. Since then I have gotten a good bit of function back into the computer but I cannot locate the control panel and the following message keeps coming up when I restart the computer.

Windows - No disk
Exception processing message c000013 Paramters 75b6bf9c 4 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c

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Internet Connection Parameters Blank Upon Reboot.

Jan 28, 2008

Grr, this is why i hate reformatting and reinstalling an OS. My last one never had any problems with it - it had four years of active reliable service under its belt. This new one however has constant bugs.

Anyway, almost always when i boot the computer to windows, and then try to connect to the internet, i'm faced with a connect-to screen with the username and password fields completely blank. Then when i fill in said fields and click Connect i get the following error "cannot delete saved password. Error 711 : a configuration error on this computer is preventing
this connection". I get that twice followed by a third stating "cannot connect the phonebook entry"

It's very strange as it only started happening recently. And not consistently either, sometimes i can reboot and i'll not get the problem, such as now. It took me 20 minutes of rebooting thismorning before i got lucky. And the chance of my booting and not getting the problem seems to be getting less likely.

This appears to be a very uncommon problem, i've googled it quite a bit and found next to nothing, or solutions that didn't apply to my circumstances.

I also tried to create another connection to see if i could get around the problem that way but upon completion of the wizard i received the following error "Unable to create the specified connection. This can be caused by insufficient memory or disk space".

Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Configuring Permissions For Access Database

Jul 23, 2005

I'm working through an ASP.NET tutorial in which the datasource is to be an Access .mdb (the famous Northwind db, to be precise). I'm instructed to configure the permissions the folder in which the northwind.mdb file is supposed to reside. The tutorial instructs me to browse to that folder, and right-click it and select "properties" and select the "security" tab-- but i don't have a Security tab. My user account is an administrator account, but just to test it, i logged is a "Administrator", but there was no change. Why do my folder properties not show a Security tab, and how do i change it so they do?

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Configuring Usb Audio Device As Spdif

Dec 3, 2009

I have a USB to SPDIF converter that is supposed to support 5.1 surround. I can hear stereo sound, but not 5.1 surround. I know there are many free tools that enable passthrough on spdif so the receiver does the dedcoding instead of the PC. However windows XP doesn't see the USB audio device as SPDIF is there a way to configure the USB audio device as SPDIF without drivers?

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No Disc Exception Processing Message C0000013 Parameters

Jul 29, 2007

i am getting this error message. Windows - no Disc Exception processing message c0000013 parameters 75b4bf9c 4 75b4bf9c 75b4bf9c

i have taken a system scan with hijack this and here its, hope you can help me

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 17:18:40, on 29.07.2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16473) ...

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Resetting [File Types] Parameters In [Folder Options]

Nov 22, 2005

I recently somehow misconfigured different actions for the [File Folders] file type under [File Types] in [Folder Options]. Now whenever I go to open a folder, it opens a new window for that folder, even though [Folder Options] is set to browse in one window. And I have tried EVERYTHING, and know the only possible solution is to set the paramaters for [File Types].

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Configuring Work Groups, Networking/adding Computers?

Jan 22, 2009

Can anyone point me to a good website or well-written book that will teach me about Installing Windows and configuring Windows Workgroups, Adding a computer to the system, Networking in this context in general.

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Problem Importing SQL Server 2000 - Bak Files Into SQL Server 2005

Sep 11, 2006

The procedure is as follows:

Right-click databases -> Restore Database

I mark 'from device', click the '...' button & select 'File' in the dropdown, then brows to the file itself. Under 'select the backup sets to restore' I check the only checkbox there, then in the 'To Database' I select the name of the database in the file (a new DB name appears there as you select the file).

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Unable To Sync To Time Server - RPC Server Is Unavailable

Aug 8, 2007

XP Pro SP2, all latest updates. When I reboot, I can correctly sync to a time server, but after an unknown amount of time it goes back to saying "The RPC server is unavailable" instantly after clicking Update Now, regardless of what server I tell it to sync to. I also noticed that if I view my nForce Networking Controller status, then click Properties and go to the Authentication tab, everything is greyed out. If I hit OK without changing anything (I can't change it even if I wanted to), a message pops up saying "An unexpected condition occured. Not all of your requested changes in settings could be made" and just goes back to that window. I have to hit cancel to close it

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Set Up An Application Server To Run Office From A Central Server?

Aug 1, 2005

I am currently working on a project and I am in need of a way to run applications off of a central server from an XP client. The applications that need to be run are from the Microsoft Office package. This is for a school project, if more information is needed I can try to provide it

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Build NT 4.0 Server On Primary Domain Server

Sep 26, 2006

I tried the net but couldn't find the info so I am turning to you guys. How do I make nt server in to a promary domain server?

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Terminal Server License Server?

Dec 21, 2006

I'm looking at setting up windows 2003 terminal servers all over the place to replace the awful thing people are currently doing here - vncing servers with one small shared password among everyone <holding my hands over my ears for the backlash>. Don't blame me, it's another awful legacy I have to get rid of...

1. I've got to set up a Terminal Server Licensing server and was thinking about putting this on my second domain controller. I was wondering what would happen in this server dies, though. Is there some way of having resilience in this scenario? Perhaps a second Licensing server or something, the way you have 2 or more Domain Controllers?

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Get Rid Of Puppy Dog In Search, Bring Back 2000 Classic Search

May 2, 2004

Copy the information into the registry to get rid of the puppy dog in the search window.  Brings back the classisc Windows 2000 search box....

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Cannot Use Search Function - File Required To Run Search Companion Cannot Be Found

Mar 27, 2005

Whenever I try to use the Start|Search|For Files or Folders function of Windows XP, I get the following Error message box stating, "A file required to run Search Companion cannot be found. You may need to run Setup". (1) Does anyone have any idea what caused this problem? (2) What file is missing? (3) Can I fix it without having to run Setup?

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Search A Word In *.java Files With Windows Sp2 Search...

Jun 9, 2005

Search a word in *.java files with Windows XP sp2 Search... are not functionally.

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Search The Office 2007 Ribbon With Search Commands

Dec 10, 2009

The new interface in Office 2007 has a great new look but finding your favorite feature can be a little difficult at first. Microsoft Office Labs offers a helpful utility called Search Commands that brings search to the ribbon. Can’t find a specific feature? Just search for it!

 Just download and install the Search Commands utility and you will have a new search tab in Word, Excel and Powerpoint.

Download Search Commands from Microsoft Office Labs

Visit Search Command homepage

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MS/explorer Search Is Hyjacked Porno Search Window

Dec 21, 2006

my computer was infected. I used to able to do a search from the address bar, but now I'm hyjacked to some sort of porno search engine.I use spybot,zone alarm,AVG, webroot. I've tryied using Hyjack this program in atempt to find problem.Still suffering!!! Any suggestions ?

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Search Assistant Missing Components - Search Command

May 31, 2005

Not sure where to begin with this. I think I deleted a file I shouldn't have with the HJT log while I was cleaning up some spyware stuff. Anyone know how to help me get back my search command?

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Yahoo Search Has Replaced IE6 Search Companion

May 7, 2009

I am running Windows XP SP2 with Internet Explorer 6. Yahoo Search has replaced Search Companion and there is no preference button. There is a Customize button but it only brings up a pop-up page that says Ops wrong page. Try again Later. how I can Get the MSN Search Companion back.

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Case Sensitive Search In Explorer Search

Jul 14, 2005

What are the rules for a case sensitive search when searching for all files and folders in XP. I have set the option, and have tried searching in both upper and lower case options, and still get the same results.

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Search Companion Has Reverted To Old Search Results

Sep 3, 2005

My Search Companion now calls itself Search Results and does not offer to find Pictures, music, or video, Documents, etc. Also the animated assistant is not available nor is the change preferences option. I had a nasty virus attack and had to repair XP Pro. All else is repaired as far as I can tell, but this version of Search is not nearly as handy.

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Missing Search Engine - Search Companion

Mar 23, 2007

i have just gone to a search in the search link in the start menu and got a file missing message saying a file that is required to run search companian could not be found you may need to run set up

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Pro - Search... Turning Off Search Of Zip Files

Mar 28, 2006

is there a way in Windows XP to turned off searching in *.zip during the Search command? I search multiple network drives serveral times a day for files and do not need to search in the *.zip files. By searching the *.zip files the time is greatly increased. When I had Windows 2000 the search would take about 1 minute (did not search *.zip files) and now in Windows XP the search takes over 12 and half minutes (1079 *.zip files)
I did a test by making all the *.zip hidden and did the search again - averaged about 59 seconds. Unforunately, I have to leave the *.zip files as not hidden.
Any ideas?

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Can Not Access The Server Using Server Name

Mar 3, 2009

I Cannot Access The Server Using Server Name (\Server01)But I Still Can Access The Server Using It is IP Address (

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SEARCH Won't Work File Missing / File Required To Run Search Companion Cannot Be Found

May 5, 2005

I'm battling spyware removal at the moment (aurora) and somehow my win xp sp2 search function no longer works. i get an error "A File That Is Required to Run Search Companion Cannot Be Found" you may need to run setup I went to the microsoft website and downloaded the hotfix, however it doesn't work with sp2! anybody know how to fix this? I checked and i do have the srchasst folder in windows.

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Saving A "Search Companion" Search List As A Text File?

Sep 4, 2006

I have WinXP Home - SP2. When i do a search in "Search Companion" and a list is shown in 'search results' is there then a way to save that list to a text file that can subsequently be printed out?

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Search Function Not Working - "Search Not Responding".

Mar 8, 2005

My "Search" fonction does not start. I used it without problems for months but when asked I get now only the first window with the dog and nothing else.When I click ctrl + Alt + Suppr I get: "Search not responding".
I tried to set the system to several previous restore points: No result

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Cant Get Rid Of Power Search/Sir Search

Oct 7, 2003

when i was downloading a free screen saver i also got a "free" toolbar called Power Search and I keep getting redirected to Sir Search page, which may or may not allow me to surf where I want to go.

i used spyware and I have run AdAware (twice) and Spybot Search and Destroy and even Spyware Blaster. I have gone in to all the programs and tweaked the settings as much as I can on the free versions but nothing has removed them so far.

I have hidden the Power Search toolbar from view but it is still there. And it isn't listed in Add/Remove programs.

Is there a website somewhere that gives removal directions for this?

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