Internet Connection Parameters Blank Upon Reboot.

Jan 28, 2008

Grr, this is why i hate reformatting and reinstalling an OS. My last one never had any problems with it - it had four years of active reliable service under its belt. This new one however has constant bugs.

Anyway, almost always when i boot the computer to windows, and then try to connect to the internet, i'm faced with a connect-to screen with the username and password fields completely blank. Then when i fill in said fields and click Connect i get the following error "cannot delete saved password. Error 711 : a configuration error on this computer is preventing
this connection". I get that twice followed by a third stating "cannot connect the phonebook entry"

It's very strange as it only started happening recently. And not consistently either, sometimes i can reboot and i'll not get the problem, such as now. It took me 20 minutes of rebooting thismorning before i got lucky. And the chance of my booting and not getting the problem seems to be getting less likely.

This appears to be a very uncommon problem, i've googled it quite a bit and found next to nothing, or solutions that didn't apply to my circumstances.

I also tried to create another connection to see if i could get around the problem that way but upon completion of the wizard i received the following error "Unable to create the specified connection. This can be caused by insufficient memory or disk space".

Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Lose Internet Connection After Reboot

May 30, 2010

My computer keeps losing internet connection everytime i reboot. It also changed the theme from Windows XP to Windows classic. The programs have been running extremely slow. I have tried to search for solutions but I can't find any.

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Cable Connection Wont Work: Internet Connection Breaks After 15 Minutes?

May 25, 2006

my cable is not working properly.Every 15-20 minutes my internet connection is broken even though the modem is online and there is no problem with the cable coming into my house. I have to reset the cable modem and then it works for another 10-20 minutes until the next cut. Ive had this problem before (last time i changed computers) but cant remember how it was resolved. I already talked to my ISP support but these guys are brain damaged or something and cannot even comprehend my problem and all 3 actually concluded that i had somehow contracted some killer virus immediately after connecting my computer and this virus was the root of my problems

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Desktop Blank After Bootup From Either Reboot/shutdown

Nov 24, 2007

I have reinstalled Windows XP Pro SP2 on my a computer that I built and started to install other programs as usual so that I could use this computer. The Windows Update balloon saying there are updates for your computer(it also claimed that I could work on other things while the updates occurred. So I installed other programs--Photoshop CS2, Quicktime Pro 7, Wacom Pen Tablet software drivers. The Windows Update happened three times. 1st had about 20 different updates, I rebooted with no problems. 2ns had 35 updates including IE 7, rebooted with no problems, 3rd time had 47 updates, rebooted and now my desktop is blank. My Pen Tablet (mouse) works but I don't see any icons or the START bar. My programs still work because when I open the Windows Task Manager and choose New task, I can browse for programs. Surfing thru other threads in this forum, I thought maybe I had a virus or malware.Just have never had any error messages. so I downloaded and ran these program scans: WPFind3u, VundoFix, AntiSuperspyware. Scans came up with no find of malicious stuff, but my desktop was visible afterwards. I've even tried starting up in safe mode. I get a black screen there--no icons on desktop.

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Ntoskrnl.exe Missing/corrupt / Getting Blank Screen And Reboot?

Feb 5, 2005

i start my laptop and i get the error message windowssystemNtoskrnl.exe missing/corrupt. After that the screen just goes blank and tries to re-boot.

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Moniter Goes Blank On Reboot Can Hear Computer Running

Nov 11, 2007

My computer is windows XP and Pentium 4. I had problems with booting the computer for a few months now and has gotten worst. When I press the reboot button, I hear the PC running, but the monitor is just blank. I had to click the reboot button MANY times before it starts, and whenever it does, I hear a beep sound and this green light flashes from the CD drive. After a few months later, I did it again but this time I don't hear the beep or see the green light flashing. So I figured out a way to make it work, and it was by clicking the reboot button like 10 times, then switching the back switch on the PC off, then turn it back on and reboot again once. So I was wondering if there's a problem with the monitor(about 9 years old),the graphic card(renewed it recently) or something else.

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Internet Connection Wizard - Dialup Connection

Jun 24, 2005

I recently reinstalled Windows XP Home on a friends computer, but when I went
to create their dialup connection to the internet, I couldn't.I went into the 'Internet Connection Wizard'. Told it that I was connecting directly to the internet. Then I told it I was going to set up the connection manually. But whenever the option comes up to setup a dial-up or broadband connection, the dial-up option is greyed out and unselectable.In device manager, it shows my modem as being fine. It's installed with no conflicts.

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Remote Desktop Connection After Reboot

Apr 26, 2010

I have a Win XP Sp3 pc sitting on the school network to which I do RDC using the SSH tunnel with putty. It works fine and I can connect to it with no problem. The problem arises when I reboot the computer. I am unable to connect to the machine unless a local login has been done first. After a local login, I am able to see winlogin in the RDC window and go ahead from there. This is a big problem as I have to be around the machine when an update that requires a reboot is performed. Other pcs sitting on the same network do not have this problem.

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Cant Connection To Internet - Tried Direct Connection

Apr 13, 2005

I got a Toshiba with windows XP.. Its an older laptop and runs slow.. which is fine for what i need it for.. It is connected through a Dlink Cable modem. Recently moved and had a DSL connection of 3 years no problems. Had to switch to cable broadband. The lights all light up solid no problem. Network cable connected to no problem. Problem : NO internet

Unplug netowkr cable from cable modem (get the network cabled unplugged in windows, so it is seing the modem or atleast talking to it)Tried using the windows xp network srtup wizard. I did that hub one (connected thourhg a hub) and i tried the direct connection (goes from modem to computer).

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Loss Of Internet Connection: Programs Requiring Internet Access Unable To Connect?

Nov 19, 2006

After long periods of my internet connection being idle (2+ hours usually), all programs requiring internet access are unable to connect. By idle I mean I leave to run some errands with no programs other than Zone Alarm running. My DSL modem still has all lights flashing and active. There are a couple other scenarios where this occurs as well. Ex. I'm playing WoW for extended periods but not using the internet through any other program, then upon alt-tabbing no other applications are able to connect to the internet even though WoW is still connected and functioning. Rebooting the router/modem doesn't fix it, but rebooting the comp does.

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Configuring Parameters For DNS Server Search?

Jan 26, 2006

I have a dhcp server wich bring two dns server to my XP my problem is when the first dns server goes down the XP could not resolves names using the second dns server. Both DNS server have the same zone configured. The question is is there any parameters tha i have to configure in the XP to resolve using the second DNS server meanwhile the firs is down

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Slow Internet Connection: Internet Bad After 2 Hours?

Sep 7, 2005

I have a number of XP computers (all SP2) connected to the Net via a wireless modem/router. Everything was fine until a few days ago when my connection speed dramatically slowed after being online for a few hours. This happens to all of the PCs in my home - so it's nothing internal to my PC. I tried to transfer a large file across the wireless network and it transferred fine (5Mb in 10 seconds). I can also connect to the router's web management software without problem. So it's not the wireless connection. Which leaves either my modem/router or my broadband connection. The router's "DSL" light is always on which infers that my broadband connection is OK. So that leaves my modem/router.

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No Disk Error Message - C000013 Parameters

Sep 7, 2007

In the last few days I cleaned off some viruses from my son playing games on the internet(wont name them, but he will never get back on those websites) Anyway, it quarantined quite a few things. Since then I have gotten a good bit of function back into the computer but I cannot locate the control panel and the following message keeps coming up when I restart the computer.

Windows - No disk
Exception processing message c000013 Paramters 75b6bf9c 4 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c

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No Disc Exception Processing Message C0000013 Parameters

Jul 29, 2007

i am getting this error message. Windows - no Disc Exception processing message c0000013 parameters 75b4bf9c 4 75b4bf9c 75b4bf9c

i have taken a system scan with hijack this and here its, hope you can help me

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 17:18:40, on 29.07.2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16473) ...

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Resetting [File Types] Parameters In [Folder Options]

Nov 22, 2005

I recently somehow misconfigured different actions for the [File Folders] file type under [File Types] in [Folder Options]. Now whenever I go to open a folder, it opens a new window for that folder, even though [Folder Options] is set to browse in one window. And I have tried EVERYTHING, and know the only possible solution is to set the paramaters for [File Types].

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Can't Get Into Internet Until Reboot

Feb 24, 2008

After installing a Netgear router whenever my computer comes out of hibernation, I can't get into the internet until I reboot. Lately I get the "cannot display this page" message while going from one site to another. Is it possible the problem is with Internet Explorer and its interaction with the router? Is there any reason why I can't have both IE and Netscape on my computer - just to see if Navigator works better? I'm using XP.

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Connect To Internet After Reboot

Dec 2, 2008

I used the purple reboot cd from my dell laptop to reboot my dell dimension 4600. Everything went well at first. But now I cannot connect to the internet, and my graphics card is not recognized. Under device manager there is a, 1394 net adapter, under network adapters. But here is a list of the ones that have a yellow exclamation mark next to them,Ethernet Controller, Multimedia Audio Controller, PCI Simple Communication, SM Bus Controller, and Video Controller.

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Unable To Install Internet Explorer / Gets A Blank Page?

Dec 20, 2004

I've messed up something to do with Internet Explorer. First of all, when I open IE all I get is a blank page. No error message or anything. I try to go to a site and the address bar stays at "http:///". I tried repairing my Windows 2000 installation and it didn't help at all. Now it's reverted back to IE5 and Outlook Express 5. So I tried to reinstall IE6 by downloading the installation file and running it. I get the error message:Error creating process <COCUME~1WILLIA~LOCALS~1TempIXP000.TMPie6wzd.exe/S"Cocuments and SettingsWilliam OverbyDesktopIE6.0 FullIE6SETUP.EXE">. Reason: The system cannot find the file specified.

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Internet Problems Have To Reboot After Few Minutes

Jun 15, 2006

I recently installed the Microsoft SP2now I'm having some issues.When I first boot up my computer and log one everything is fine. A few minutes later my internet seems to mess up. In Firefox,everything seems to just die. When I click on a link it acts like it loads it, but nothing happens. If I open a new window, it's opens a blank white window with nothing in the address bar. If I try to type in a website, it will appear to load it, yet nothing happens.I have MSN Messenger set to run when windows starts, and it does connect. However, it will shortly 'die' as well. If I try to reconnect to it I get an error. When I ran the troubleshoot for it it said the problem was in the 'key ports'.There is an old game that I frequently play. The odd thing is, it works perfectly. I can load it up and connect to it without a problem.

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Very Slow Internet Connection - 56K

Sep 6, 2003

One of the most frustrating things to have with a computer is a slow internet connection and 56K is about as slow as it gets these days. I feel the pain that 56K users have and hope that by following this thread they can experience a faster more reliable internet connection. There are a few things that one must understand prior to tweaking their 56K connections. The first is that it is actually a 53.3K connection since that is the speed that the FCC limits you to, on top of that most dialup users actually connect in the 40,000 – 50,000K range, which is excellent by dialup standards.

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Internet Connection On & Off - Not Work

May 29, 2007

I'm having a bit of trouble with my internet connection at home. I have recently reinstalled Windows XP home due to corruption of files but previous to that my internet connection did not work. However, since the install i have been unable to establish a continuous connection. It starts and stops for no reason at all. I have been online and it loses connection saying there is no dial tone. A connection can be lost/found for no particular reason.

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Toggle Internet Connection On / Off?

Mar 6, 2005

Is there a way for me to create a two key combination that will toggle my internet connection on/off? I am right clicking a shortcut to my connection and choosing "disable". I'd like a less cumbersome method.

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Error - No Connection To The Internet Is Currently Available

May 28, 2007

I have no problem connecting to the internet however I constantly get this message while surfing the net. No Connection to the internet is currently available. To view internet content that has been saved on your computer, click work offline. click try again to connect or WORK OFFLINE try agian. My internet connection is fine.

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Connection To Internet Slow

Oct 27, 2008

I have a dell 4600 dimension operating on windows XP, and my ISP is optimum cable. It's been coming on slowly, but my connection to the internet, via internet explorer is extremely slow. I also experience long waits opeing new windows, or attachments from a site, as well as rply and fwd on E-mail. Once connected moving from site to site is normal speed, but as stated other openings take up to 2-3 minutes to connect. My ISP says my connection is fine, but I do get a connectivity icon on occasion, causing me to click repair, and it goes away.

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Internet Connection Sharing Between 2 Pcs

Jun 18, 2005

I seem to have a problem sharing the Internet between 2 pcs. The Internet connection lasts for a while & then, later on, it doesn't work. Is there any reason why this might be? The 2 pcs have Windows XP & they are both configured using the Network Connection Wizard. They should both work fine but they don't.

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Sharing Internet Connection (ASP)

Feb 24, 2006

i try to share internet connections to play my xbox. Let me tell you what i am trying to do first and the error and i am getting. I have my internet connected threw USB dirctly to my modem. Then i have my crossover cable plug into my Xbox and the other end in my ethernet port.. And when i trying to bridge the connections i get a error on my xbox something about the DNS sever i try to fix that but i think its because I am not sharing my internet connection.. This is the error i get when i try. An error occurred while internet connection sharing was being enabled.The specified service does not exist as an installed service And here a screenshot of the error you can make it bigger for you can read it..

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IE7 Lost Internet Connection

Dec 18, 2006

Im surfing on sp2 and I click on IE to read mail, I lose the internet connection and I have to reconnect?Before I updated to IE7 this did not happen.

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Have A Internet Connection Problem

Aug 10, 2007

I seem to have a connection problem, I first went to My Computer,My network places, View network connections.There, I'm supposed to see an icon signifying that I have a connection to the router Something like this: that pic shows the "connection icon" that im supposed to see. However when i went to view all network connections, there wasn't any connection icon there. SO, i created a new connection and the computer asked for a restart to complete the process. After the restart, i went back to the "view network connections" place and there was no icon there. i repeated this process many times and still get the same result.

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Loose My Connection To The Internet

Apr 13, 2005

While surfing along I simple loose my connection to the internet? I am running W2K sp4 completly updated, I have a Dlink router and a cable high speed modem (motorola) and my ip address is set to a specific IP I use RAdmin when away and that works just fine) and my routers IP is listed as both the default gateway and perfered DNS, DHCP is set on the router for wireless laptops.

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Establish Internet Connection Without TCP/IP

Jul 28, 2010

Reestablish internet connection, from reinstalling all the drivers to Windows repair installation. This has caused a problem with the Product Key not working anymore.For some reason I can't seem to get an internet connection to establish. I can't even install the wireless adapter software due to some unknown error. This was all due to the TCP/IP not being available, almost overnight. No virus or malware infections at all.

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Intermittent Internet Connection

Sep 8, 2007

Gotta type this quick before internet goes off.Modem on, but when I turn pc on internet goes off intermittently, sometimes on a minute, sometimes half an hour, then suddenly, "Local Area Connection, A Network Cable is Unplugged", wait half an hour and it comes on again ( sometimes).Also im closing (shutting down pc, and before it shuts down it restarts without any prompting..

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