Unable To Install Internet Explorer / Gets A Blank Page?
Dec 20, 2004
I've messed up something to do with Internet Explorer. First of all, when I open IE all I get is a blank page. No error message or anything. I try to go to a site and the address bar stays at "http:///". I tried repairing my Windows 2000 installation and it didn't help at all. Now it's reverted back to IE5 and Outlook Express 5. So I tried to reinstall IE6 by downloading the installation file and running it. I get the error message:Error creating process <COCUME~1WILLIA~LOCALS~1TempIXP000.TMPie6wzd.exe/S"Cocuments and SettingsWilliam OverbyDesktopIE6.0 FullIE6SETUP.EXE">. Reason: The system cannot find the file specified.
Recently when starting Internet Explorer 6,instead of going straight to my Google Home Page,it instead go to; http://www.microsoft.com/windows/default.mspx A click on Critical Updates for IE6 at this page then starts trumpeting "Microsoft Update". Is Microsoft trying to get me to purchase something?
My cumputer runs Windows XP Service Pack 3. Every day I am invited by Microsoft(automatic update program) to update my browser. After downloading the program it does not install. It is simply impossible.Note that before reinstalling my operational system a couple of months ago, I had Internet Explorer 7 running in my computer without any problems.
can i get internet explorer address bar to show up at top of the page, all it shows is the back and forward buttons. I want the file/tools/etc.. buttons to show up
Need a bit of help with a problem with internet explorer 6. The affect PC is windows Professional with Service Pack 2 installed. All internet protocols are correct, all settings are correct. However when trying to connect to a secure site I get the message "Page Cannot Be Displayed" The detect network settings is greyed out. Internet provider is Homecall
I use Google as my home page and lately I been having intermittent problems with it. When I open my internet explorer, it says "Internet Explorer cannot display page". It's not my internet connect because if I type in an address other than my home page in the URL bar it will open. My AOL works too. After hitting the home button a few times, my home page, Google will open. But after awhile surfing the net, when I hit the home button, I get that message again that it can't display page. Right now as I type this, I hit the home page button and it says cannot display page so I hit the back arrow and I come back to this page and I can continue typing and I can send this thread. What's wrong with my home page "Google"?
Some time ago, I must have inadvertently "pushed a button" and the page size for Internet Explorer changed from "normal" to "magnified". I can't figure out how to change it back. Going into control panel and changing the screen resolution size has absolutely no effect. (I never re-adjusted the screen size anyway). It's so annoying to have to constantly work the page bars up and down, back and forth! I think the same thing has happened to AOL.
Basically, when an internet explorer window is minimised, so you just have the tab for it along the bottom of the screen, i want to know if there is a way to not show the name of the page you are viewing.
i recently installed the lastet mcafee antivirus on my laptop.my system became slow and it said virtual memory too low.so i immediately Uninstalled Mac fee.now after this i am unable to use the internet.any site i try to open msg displays as internet explorer cannot open this page..what do i do?
Why do i keep getting message, Internet explorer cannot display web page every time i try to go to different web pages it is so anoying, i have turned off windows firewall but it still does it.
Recently I have been having problems loading some websites such as yahoo.com. It takes a long time to laod and it doesn't load any pictures Just text. The same goes for hotmail.com and some random webistes. It is just extremely slow. How can I solve this problem? I am running XP Pro and EZ-Armor Anti Virus and Firewal; however, the problem exiists with or without firewall.
When ever I open a new internet explorer window from an already maximized IE window, either by clicking a link that opens a new window or by right clicking on a link and specifying open in new window, that window opens in a small window. How can I circumvent this? The icon's properties that opened the original IE window says maximized, so why aren't they all?
I often right click in IE and select Create Shortcut.It puts a shortcut and my desktop to that page. This mysteriously stopped working. The icon appears on my desktop with the page title and all, but when I double click it, it just opens up my browser and loads about:blank.In the shortcut file's properties, and then gives me the file's size, location,etc.but it doesn't list the URL anywhere. It's just getting on my nerves having to copy a page's URL to a text file on my desktop if I want to remind myself of something.
i recieve this error message everytime i try to do a search from my address bar in internet explorer. i can type the direct address and i can go directly to a site, but searching is dead. i have enclosed the message below. might you be able to guide me? The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for might have been removed or had its name changed.
Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want. If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. If you still cannot open the page, click the Internet Explorer Search button to look for similar sites.
I am running windows server 2003 and from a few days my internet explorer is not working whenever i open any website it redirect me to http://browser-security.microsoft.com/block.php?r=20.0 and shows a page not found error which comes when your net is not connected sometimes it loads only first page of any website and as soon as i click some link it again redirects to this url. can any one tell me what could be the problem and how to fix it i scanned system for spyware virus but found nothing.
I have Windows XP and i have dialup connection. We were using ISP Monsters internet service and that's where the problem started. I can connect to the internet and surf for a while and i disconnect it. But when i go back later to get on it, it will connect and everything but when i search for something, it will first display this: No Page To Display on the bar Action Canceled internet explorer was unable to link to the web page you requested. The page might be unavailable. Then it says to refresh the page or try again later, etc. When i hit the refresh button it displays this error message: The page cannot be displayed. The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.
Hello. I have recently been unable to search via my Internet Explorer address bar. I've went into the "autosearch settings" of IE, and tried three different serach sites and I still get the "page not found' error.
On some pages I get a "Page Cannot be Displayed" error that usually covers up ads on the page, and its rather annoying. Also, on most webisites, I now need to press the back button 3 times in order for it to go back just one page. Im not sure what is causing this but it really isnt fun.And I cant seem to find where I can redownload ther complete version of IE 6.0 SP2, and I know Microsoft.com, but I cant find it under downloads.
i went to windows update and updated to service pack 3 and internet explorer8. i am connected and can get on yahoo messenger but cannot open any web page says i have connection problems
Is there any way that I can have my laptop, when powering up, automatically launch Internet Explorer and display the Home Page of my website on CD or from the Hard Drive?
I have put my Internet Explorer favorites on the start menu. When I click start, then favorites, and then click on a link, sometimes it will dial up and go to that particular web page as it should, it will only partially load the Internet Explorer page. It doesn't dial up and just locks at that point. When that happens I have to dial up my ISP directly, then open Internet Explorer, go to my favorites menu from there and then to the link I want
I am using a computer with Win98se on it, but have been given one with XP Home loaded on it,which is a new "learning curve" for me. I like Excite as my home page,but am having trouble loading it on the XP machine. I have checked these forums and Googled it, but can't seem to find an answer to my particular problem. When I attempt to load Excite,all I get is a blank page with a left and right arrow and pause button in the middle left of the page. The address is correct on the address line.
OS is Windows XP. The computer is 6 years old & have never had problems. Recently I'm unable to access internet Explorer. The white page appears and the "connecting" message...and there it stays. Also, I'm unable to download .net versions 2.0 through 3.5, which appears to prevent me from downloading other programs. One tech tried to assist me remotely & ultimately suggested
After a few days of work, the user cannot open new windows explorer or other application windows. Nothing happens if she tries to. If she closes one window, then she's able to open a new one. The "allowed" number of opened windows varies from time to time, sometimes being as low as 4, but sometimes around 10 to 12. The performance tab in the task manager is completely blank (see screenshot). Some Windows explorer menu bars sometimes are blank, and a windows logo appear instead of the menus (see screenshots). Rebooting fixes the problem, but it comes back a few days later. The laptop is part of a domain, running generally the same applications as other desktops and laptops in the domain, running the same antivirus, etc. The virus definitions are up to date, and a full scan has been run. Even stranger is the fact that when it happens, Windows XP doesn't even seem to be unstable, nor does it crash in any way. Just seems as if there was a limit on the number of processes or handles or threads allowed to run.
Laptop: IBM Lenovo Thinkpad (model 63716NF) CPU: Core 2 @ 1,8Ghz RAM: 2 gb OS: Windows XP sp3. Swap file: initially set to 2046 mb and max is set at 4092 mb Processor scheduling and Memory usage are both set to "Programs"
I have been searching the web for solutions but cannot find any forum post describing the same problem. Thank you for any help.
I recently had a computer crash, I had to reinstall most everything. I upgraded from Windows ME to Windows XP Professional. Now I have an annoying problem. Everytime I start Windows XP, it attempts to reinstall Internet Explorer 6, which I already have and is working fine. How can I make this stop trying to install this everytime I boot up?