Moniter Goes Blank On Reboot Can Hear Computer Running

Nov 11, 2007

My computer is windows XP and Pentium 4. I had problems with booting the computer for a few months now and has gotten worst. When I press the reboot button, I hear the PC running, but the monitor is just blank. I had to click the reboot button MANY times before it starts, and whenever it does, I hear a beep sound and this green light flashes from the CD drive. After a few months later, I did it again but this time I don't hear the beep or see the green light flashing. So I figured out a way to make it work, and it was by clicking the reboot button like 10 times, then switching the back switch on the PC off, then turn it back on and reboot again once. So I was wondering if there's a problem with the monitor(about 9 years old),the graphic card(renewed it recently) or something else.

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Can't Hear Sound On My Computer

Jul 14, 2006

I currently have a Dell running Windows XP. I am not sure what exactly to do anymore and really need help.

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Desktop Blank After Bootup From Either Reboot/shutdown

Nov 24, 2007

I have reinstalled Windows XP Pro SP2 on my a computer that I built and started to install other programs as usual so that I could use this computer. The Windows Update balloon saying there are updates for your computer(it also claimed that I could work on other things while the updates occurred. So I installed other programs--Photoshop CS2, Quicktime Pro 7, Wacom Pen Tablet software drivers. The Windows Update happened three times. 1st had about 20 different updates, I rebooted with no problems. 2ns had 35 updates including IE 7, rebooted with no problems, 3rd time had 47 updates, rebooted and now my desktop is blank. My Pen Tablet (mouse) works but I don't see any icons or the START bar. My programs still work because when I open the Windows Task Manager and choose New task, I can browse for programs. Surfing thru other threads in this forum, I thought maybe I had a virus or malware.Just have never had any error messages. so I downloaded and ran these program scans: WPFind3u, VundoFix, AntiSuperspyware. Scans came up with no find of malicious stuff, but my desktop was visible afterwards. I've even tried starting up in safe mode. I get a black screen there--no icons on desktop.

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Internet Connection Parameters Blank Upon Reboot.

Jan 28, 2008

Grr, this is why i hate reformatting and reinstalling an OS. My last one never had any problems with it - it had four years of active reliable service under its belt. This new one however has constant bugs.

Anyway, almost always when i boot the computer to windows, and then try to connect to the internet, i'm faced with a connect-to screen with the username and password fields completely blank. Then when i fill in said fields and click Connect i get the following error "cannot delete saved password. Error 711 : a configuration error on this computer is preventing
this connection". I get that twice followed by a third stating "cannot connect the phonebook entry"

It's very strange as it only started happening recently. And not consistently either, sometimes i can reboot and i'll not get the problem, such as now. It took me 20 minutes of rebooting thismorning before i got lucky. And the chance of my booting and not getting the problem seems to be getting less likely.

This appears to be a very uncommon problem, i've googled it quite a bit and found next to nothing, or solutions that didn't apply to my circumstances.

I also tried to create another connection to see if i could get around the problem that way but upon completion of the wizard i received the following error "Unable to create the specified connection. This can be caused by insufficient memory or disk space".

Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Unable To Hear Sounds On Computer

Dec 25, 2008

i normally run on a linspire pre-loaded machine, but due to the heatsink on its way out have been using my secondary backup windows machine: there has been no issue for a while, however about 2 weeks going into 3 now.i've not been able to hear any sounds out of my speakers (Internet, cnn news, etc.)except if i used windows media player, cd's and any internal/preloaded sounds worked fine, as well as any 'testing'no yellow ! or errors were seen, or are seen currently.i began to muck about in the system files,the ultimate troubleshooter is an awesome program.and ended up tossing the system restore disks in.which seemed to just place another load of the os onto the a simple glance into the file system shows an owner and fred flintstone -(previous admin i was working under) besides the 'new' addition of it possible to have overlapping or multiple layers of an os on the same hd like this?i have sound only through wmp still.have downloaded and burned a copy of gparted to facilitate a clean sweep of the hd if needed to do a fresh/clean install.

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Ntoskrnl.exe Missing/corrupt / Getting Blank Screen And Reboot?

Feb 5, 2005

i start my laptop and i get the error message windowssystemNtoskrnl.exe missing/corrupt. After that the screen just goes blank and tries to re-boot.

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Set My Video Settings To TV-Moniter TV Hooked Up

Aug 2, 2005

Windows XP is my OS. i accidently set my video settings to TV-Moniter, when i dont have a TV hooked up to my comp, so i couldn't see anything. So then i booted up in Safe Mode, and then i could see because of the compatibility driver, so. then i boot up in Last Known Good Config, and I'M STUCK WITH SAFE MODE SETTINGS no sound driver running, task bar is the ugly gray one, and you know just stuff like that

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PCI Devices Have Killed My Second Moniter On Boot Camp

Jan 6, 2009

PCI device is missing - I think this killed my second monitor?I have just bought the macpro and I am running boot camp on it. I am a little computer illiterate so please bear with me Everything is now working perfectly except that I can't seem to get my second monitor working in XP mode. The option for it doesn't exist under "right click - properties and then settings"I have looked online and it looks like my PCI? device has something to do with this. I know that everything is working great on the system except that PCI has the yellow question mark beside it. I don't know what PCI is, but if it is my problem,

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Switching Users - Moniter Goes Into Sleep Mode

Dec 21, 2007

The problem is that whenever I "switch user" (win + L) out of my account for someone else to log on their account, when they try logging off, my monitor acts like if I was putting the computer into sleep mode. That is, it goes black and some messages come up on the screen saying the usual "check power etc" messages and the light flashes. The computer continues to run and there is no way of restoring my screen so I am forced to press the main power button on the computer tower.

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Blank Screen On Sony Vaio Laptop Running SP2

Jun 12, 2010

While running about a week ago, the monitor simply quit displaying anything. Now, when I boot up the laptop, it shows the BOIS icons and the Windows XP splash screen, but when it should show the logon screen (I have two user accounts on the box) the monitor goes blank. I know the laptop is still running because after a couple of minutes the screen saver music starts to play, so it must be a monitor-specific issue.I've gone into setup and reset the boot sequence to no effect, took out the battery and rebooted to no effect and now am at the end of my limited hardware diagnostic abilities.

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HJT / Running EXTREMELY Slow Need To Reboot

Dec 5, 2005

The computer is a Dell Dimension 3000 with 512 MB RAM, and an Iomega Zip Drive attached. For some reason, it is running EXTREMELY slow at times, and need to reboot. I have run Trendmicro, Mcafee, Panda, Microsoft Antispyware, and Adaware but nothing serious seems to come up. I've run Registry Mechanic, Regseeker but it still runs slow at times.

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Disk Check Each Reboot Plus Running Like Ick In General

Apr 27, 2007

I have an Acer Aspire 5100, which I bought last August. It runs Windows XP Media Edition.About 2 months ago, I had some major problems with the laptop. The screen went crazy -- blue and white lines everywhere. I had to unplug and take out the battery to turn the computer off. After that, it would not boot up. The power light would come on, and I could hear the hard drive start up, but the screen would remain black and nothing else would occur.I sent the laptop in for repair. They replaced the mother board. I did not have any further problems and everything ran super smooth.Until about 3 days ago, when, quite suddenly, it started to act funky. I first noticed it when I tried to listen to music or play any kind of video. The video was and continues to be slightly sluggish, and in both audio and video, there is a noticeable static-like sound, especially when I try to scroll on a page ... or blink at it, really. I also got one blue screen. Mmm, those are fun (also my first with this computer).It continued to hate me after the blue screen, so I rebooted again. Which took forever. "Windows is shutting down." would stare at me, for seemingly an eternity. I knew when I got the machine that it had a fairly slow shut down and boot up, but this was ridiculous. Boot up, of course, wasn't any better.

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Firewall Running Background Blank Screen - Red X Button Doesn't Close Either

Jul 10, 2006

I'm using Windows XP Professional, an Intel P4 with 1.0GB Ram, nVidia GeForce FX5700 graphics card. Microsoft's Windows Defender Beta 2, Nod 32 Antivirus program and eTrust's Pest Patrol are running on my PC. I also have Windows Firewall running in the background. On starting the PC and before the Microsoft XP's welcome splash screen, I get a blank window. Not always, but 99% of the time. The only way I can close this window, is to click the OK button that appears on the screen. Clicking on the red X button doesn't help close it either. Once the window closes, the welcome screen appears and then the desktop with my icons, folders, shortcuts etc. appear and all is well with the PC. Most of the time the window is blank except for the OK button in the middle. On some occasions, a single file path(different each time I start the PC - examples listed below) can be seen on the dark blue band on top of the window and occasionally, inside the window:

C:WindowsSystem32mui�40dxpsp2res.dll ....

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No Applications Running Or Startup Items On Desktop / Force A Reboot?

Aug 6, 2010

This has happened two days in a row now. I log into my account, then when it gets to my desktop, all it shows is my desktop background picture. There are no applications running and there are no startup icons that I can click on. I have to force a restart on my laptop, and then when it starts up again everything is there.

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How To Reboot Computer - Requirements To Reboot Computer

Feb 10, 2010

I have pentium 4 desktop.and windows xp is the operating system is now required to reboot.would you please suggest me How to reboot and what would be requirements for it?

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Slow Running Computer And DSL Running Slower Than Dial-up?

Feb 21, 2008

I had dial up 4 years, I finally got DSL a month agao, now instead of my computer running faster , it is running slower than dial up! I also get a message after I shut down a window, ( memory could not be read error ) sorry I forget the numbers but will copy them down when i log off. I have Windows XP Home Edition.

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Computer Running Slow - Running Though A Router Setup

May 27, 2006

We run Comcast high speed, two computers running though a router setup. My son "opened a port" to speed up his game play. My computer now crawls. Pages take too long to load, and I now sometimes get the server error message here, server not responding. Any idea what I can do. My son seems baffled, but I know he doesn't want to sacrifice his warp speed game play.

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Computer Running Very Slow Due To Programs Running In Background

Sep 5, 2005

Someone told me that my computer is running slow because I have too many programs running in the background. Could this be true and if so, how do I delete the unnecessary programs and more to the point, how do I recognize which programs are necessary and which are not?

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Computer Running Sloooow - Things Running In BG

Apr 7, 2008

My computer has been running so slooooow lately and its only seems to be getting worse. when i shut down my computer, it literally takes about 4 to 6 minutes to shut down and 2 little windows pop up while its shutting down, stating that the following programs are running and are attempting to close - one is "ccsvchst" and the other is "Ccapps" (i think). what are thay and can i remove them/shut them down so they arent in the way anymore?

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Computer Running Very Slow: Running Ad-aware Still Same?

Dec 24, 2006

I ran Ad Aware SE and later Spyawre Doctor and found nothing also clen temp. files on IE/Tools/temp folders then I ran %temp% and deleted all temp files but it gave me an Error File or Folder mon000 that says close any programs that might be using the file and try again. I don' know what file that is. there are two files that were not deleted: mon000.log and one named Dat.File pefib Perfdata Also ran ATF-cleaner

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Computer Went Completely Blank

Jun 1, 2005

My computer was running alright, no viruses or anything. Then suddenly, we turn it on one day and its stuck at the hp screen. Not booting, just with the hp logo. I restart it, and after 2 tries, and some beeps, it boots. Gettin all scared and worked up, I run a spyware scan and a virus scan. I found a few trogans and deleted them.
To test it, I turned it off and restarted again. Didnt have any problems. After a few hours it began to beep and got extremely slow. I turned it off. Ever since then, all I've been getting is a blank screen. Its as if its not getting power. The mouse and keyboard dont light up and the screen is blank.
If someone could help me out I'd appreciate it. I've searched the forum but the problems similiar to this that i've found involve the pc actually doing something before the blank screen comes up.

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Computer E Drive Comes Blank

Oct 1, 2006

My computer is a DVD/Cd Rom player. I watched about 5 dvd movies since I got the computer so it all good. When I put a none blank dvd in the movie plays right away. I figured that when I tried downloading nero couple days ago I got this problem since then it was 100% So I am not sure what I did. I would like to avoid going to someone and fix it.

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Computer Have Blank Screen

Apr 18, 2006

I have the same screen described in the posts below, I tried to follow the same steps, but the same files (kvkruz) are not in my C:Windows, and the same items were not there.

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Can't Hear Anything

Apr 4, 2006

I suddenly have no sound. Can't hear a DVD or mpeg video. I checked the device drivers and everything seems to be installed. I tried reinstalling windows XP but it told me that I had 2 incompatible programs installed & would NOT install. I'm getting very frustrated. All I want to do is get my sound back.

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Startup: Computer Freezes And Goes Blank?

Feb 15, 2007

I have recently installed windows on my computer which was fine. After some use the computer freezes and goes blank, this is normally an hour or so after I have been using it. I then have to manually restart the computer and it freezes just after the BIOS information comes up but just before the XP loading screens comes up. In BIOS I change some of the settings and it works again but then the same thing happens again. Now I cant even load from the hard drive because some of the windows files are corrupted.

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Computer Crashed Just Blank Screen Comes

Apr 23, 2008

Came home to a computer that has a blank screen. Rebooted and she goes through the bootup but remains blank. Restarted in safe mode and got the same results. This all comes on the end of battling a virus.

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Computer - Properties Blank Tabs

Dec 6, 2004

My XP machines has blank tabs on any property I want to view.

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Computer Screen Blank Black

Jul 12, 2009

Okay so my computer became unresponsive while browsing the internet multiple tabs. So i was forced to turn it off by pressing the button on the computer. Then when i went to turn it on it will display the sony vaio screen, then the intell pentium processor screen(normal for booth up, both of those), but then it just goes blank.

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Can't Hear Any Sound From Pc

Oct 17, 2005

My daughter just logged on to play Toontown online and we noticed that we can't hear any sound coming out of the speakers.

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I Can't Hear Sound

Aug 17, 2007

It isn't playing any sounds. I reinstalled the sound card, but it seemed like it didn't wanna take. (It didn't take.)

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I Can't Hear Any Sound

Oct 3, 2005

I accidentally removed i think maybe a sound device from the 'add or remove programs'now i can't listen to my muzik or anything. i tried the system recovery just awhile ago and it's not gonna work cuz it's not bolded or somethin like that.

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