Fast Cable Broadband For AOL

Dec 12, 2004

I am thinking of gettin this really fast cable/broadband for AOL and its askin me that i need to have the above. i know for a fact i have alot of memory so iam sure thats cool but the 233 HMZ iam confused about, my PC is pentium 4.

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Transferring From Dial Up To Cable Broadband / Loosing USB Port?

Feb 11, 2006

Just went from dial up to cable broadband on my stationary Dell Inspiron 4100 laptop. Problem, had to sacrafice my only USB port for the connection, this was the port my printer was pluged into, I need my printer but there's no where to plug it in,my laptop has only one USB port & now it's occupied by the cable modem. Is it possable to hook the modem to another port, some of the other ports are, modem connector(telephone),network connector(telephone style jack),S-video TV-out connector(7 pin jack)& last a PC Card slot.

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Startup Often Very Fast - Login Window Appears But The Cursor Is Blinking Very Fast

Jan 7, 2005

I've been browsing the web for an answer to my laptop's problem but no luck so far.
My laptop specs are: purchased in 2002 AMD athlon 1399MHz Windows XP (recently updated to SP2) 350 MB RAM On boot up, the laptop occassionally starts going very fast when the Windows XP logo is displayed, the DVD drive then starts going crazy, the login window appears but the cursor is blinking very fast and I can't move the mouse

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Configuring A VPN For Use With A Dsl Broadband Connection

Aug 1, 2005

I would like to configure a VPN between a office based file server and a
mobile machine. Both m/c's are running versions of XP and logins have been
set to allow the remote user to conncet as a properly authenticated member of
group on the offoce m/c.
Problem is I can't set the IP address for the remote machine to connect to.
The office conection is via a dsl setup and I have been given an IP address
for the internet connection by the ISP. After the ISP IP Address I expect to
see a modem (which is also my internal LAN DHCP server) and the IP Address of
the machine I wish to connect to.
If my ISP has given me an IP address, my dsl modem is and the machine I wish to connect to is with
subnet mask how does this translate to a VPN configuration?

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Computer Showing 100% CPU Usage While Using Broadband?

May 3, 2006

When using AOL Broadband the computer slows down and sometimes takes several seconds to refresh a page.I happened to open the Task Managerand two things came to light:I cannot get the complete Task Manager panel...It only shows TASK and used to show lots more.Also,and this is my problem,it shows CPU USAGE 100%.If I close AOL and go back online it is ok for a while and then starts to slow down to a crawl.

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Local Area Connection - Using Broadband

Feb 16, 2008

I am using broadband and it is working good but in a tray there is a one message Local area connection limited or no conectivity so what is the problem.even there is a repair opetion and I tried it but no changes.using xp-2

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Unable To Check Broadband Speed?

Sep 5, 2005

I have taken out a subscription to Bulldog broadband (part of C&W in the UK) which claims to supply [upto] 8 MB per second download. Is there anyway this can be checked?
This company is the only one offering such a high speed while its rivals are offering only 2 mb per second for the same price. Surely there must be a catch somewhere and if so how can this be checked?

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Change Network Broadband Service

Jun 26, 2005

Small home network with a wireless gateway router. Currently on dial up but looking to change to broadband:What kind of firewall do I need to install so a broadband service provider.

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Cannot Download And Install Update - Broadband Connection

Aug 10, 2005

So i went to the update page to try and install them but the search bar just keeps searching without giving me any info. I let it run for an hour then closed it.

I have tried windows update and microsoft update both have the same result.

I have a broardband connection and have never had to wait this long before.

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Dial Up Connection - Cannot Uncheck The Connect Using Broadband Listing

Jun 14, 2006

I went to set up a new dial up connection in XP.I went to connection wizard, I click next, I check connect to the internet, I click next, I check set up my connection manually and click next. On the how do you want to connect to the internet page, connect using a broad band connection is allready checked and the other choices are greyed out. I cannot uncheck the connect using broadband listing. Every time I try this it is the same thing.

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Broadband Connection - Internal Wiring - Internet Explorer

Aug 24, 2005

I can connect to broadband by moving the PC into my bedroom, removing the cover from the telephone socket in there and plugging the modem directly into the socket. This is not a satisfactory solution as I do not plan to surf in bed. In other telephone sockets in other rooms, the modem has a flashing green ADSL light which means it is not working properly. My fixed line telephone supplier says is it not a line problem and the ISP (the same company) says it is not a broadband problem. If it is my problem, how do I solve it? I use Windows XP and Internet explorer

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System Working Very Slow/Using Broadband Internet Connection

Aug 7, 2007

Hell. Can anybody tell me what might be causing my computer to run slowly? I have Windows XP and a broadband connection to the Internet.

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System Crashed In Safe Mode After Installing Broadband PCI Card?

Oct 19, 2007

When I install my BT Broadband PCI card (the one with an aerial sticking out the back), it crashes my system.Which is understandable because after a new install XP (recovery disk) on new hard drive, I am running on XP SP1 - and XP doesn't understand this new card. But should it crash in Safe Mode?If not, do you think this might indicate the motherboard is at fault?

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Use P1 As Fast As P4

Jul 15, 2005

one p-4 system as a server with windows 2000 server software install'd.and he had connected one p-1 computer which havin onely 32 mb ram,color monitor,kbd mouse and one lan card.whn he start both the pc.specially tht p1.thr was bootrom on lan card.first it was serchin for some mac address..thn itz started executing some cmmands.looks like linux commands..and after few seconds thr was log in screen of windows 2000 server.and after log'd in the speed was same like p4.whn i went through hiz server.thr was one main dir call'd HTML Code: tftpdroot.and inside thr was some files and dir the dir name is pxelinux.cfg inside of thz dir thr was one config file name was contains default 1 prompt 5 label 1

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Too Fast For Old Programs?

Aug 12, 2002

If your screaming new XP system is too fast for older programs, download slow down your computer. (You choose a percent and it stays slow until you restore it or close the applet)

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Unable To Delete Broadband Connections In Network Connections?

Jan 6, 2005

I have been trying for a while to delete three broadband connections i seem to have made, but not enabled. They are located in the network connections dialog under the broadband heading. On top of this they keep asking me which server to connect to. When I try to delete them, it asks me if i want to send them to the recycle bin, I click yes, and then nothing happens, they don't go anywhere.

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Menu, Opening Too Fast

Aug 11, 2005

I placed My Computer on my taskbar toolbar [shown on the image attached]. And when tried to point my mouse cursor for emample on Drive C, it shows the menu too fast. It is different on the speed when I right-click on the desktop and point to a menu. I'm using Win XP SP1

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Computers Clock Goes Really Fast

Jan 25, 2006

My computers clock goes really fast. Like yesterday, it was 20 minutes ahead, I turn it back. Then the next day it is about 10 minutes ahead

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Fast Startup For Laptop

Jul 9, 2008

I have a ton of programs that come up at boot up on my laptop, this is ok with me except when I'm running on batteries. I want to be able to setup another "login" so that I can boot my laptop fast.How can I do this? I tried setting up a 2nd login but I couldn't find away to stop all of the programs from loading at startup for that one login.

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Audio Not Reading Fast

Jan 15, 2009

I tried to run pro tools one day and it couldn't read the audio fast enough. I tried running the def rag and it wouldn't analyze or def rag. I tried typing in stuff in the command prompt like i had seen on some websites and installing the def rag inf file but that didn't work either and i also tried disk keeper and it didn't start.

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My Pc Room In My C Drive Going Out Soo Fast

Apr 19, 2006

i am wondering why is my pc room in my C drive going out soo fast. Like i have hardly nothing install on there and its like all the room is gone. My windows xp is install in the C but i am wondering i am going to re-install xp and i am wanting to know whats the right numbers to put in to get my room in my C and stuff?

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Sp3 Disk Space Vanishing Fast

Aug 9, 2010

My XP partition 25 GB is down to a few MB From 800 MB

Virus Scan reveals nothing. I have MSE. I have CCleaner but using it is not restoring any space.
I noticed a file named cisvc.exe and found it was 'content indexing service'.I turned off XP file indexing. But perhaps some trash index is still there on my system?
How do I find it? XP search function is not working on my PC.

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Explorer Address Bar Refresh Too Fast

Nov 28, 2005

I was hit with a spyware which I just cleaned. Anyway, my problem now is that under Internet Explorer or Explorer itself, when I start typing in a path, it doesn't let me finish and revert back to the current path.

Eg. current path is c:windows

If I want to go say c:program files, while typing C:pro it will refresh the address bar and revert back to c:windows. I have to type pretty fast to be able to reach the desired path.

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Slow Computer: While Having The Fast Processor?

Jun 26, 2005

This computer is a Dell desktop, win xp with a fast processor. It's glitching up a was hoping I could get some advice. It's my bosses computer and he is having alot of problims with it and its starting up.

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Slow Startup But Fast Computer

Mar 9, 2007

I have an AMD Athlon XP 64 3700 2.2 GHZ Processor with 3GB of Ram. My computer is pretty fast, but just recently the startup has been sooo slow. i switched my log in screen to the classic with the autmatic login about two months ago and everything was fine tell about a week or two ago. When i start up my computer it will get to where its time to load the desktop and the log in dialog box will show up and it will finish and then this is where it should load all my startup programs and desktop icons, but it just loads my desktop background picture and then wait about 45 seconds to a minute and it will make the windows startup music and then wait about another minute and then it will start to load all my desktop icons and startup programs. I have tried al most everything. I have ran AVG antivirus about 10 times with updated defiinitions, ran ad-aware, ran spybot search and destory, registry mechanic, ccleaner. I have listen to other suggestions. I have gone into msconfig and removed all startup items, and even tried to remove uncessesary start up services from there as well. NOTHING works.

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Unable To Make Computer To Run Fast?

Oct 2, 2005

i need some ideas on how to make my comp faster! its super slow and i have tried abunch a differnt things!

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Fails To Load/open As Fast

Feb 11, 2008

I'm currently running Microsoft Windows XP SP2 and, as I'm a Military man not a computer-genius, I am not able to figure out exactly what the problem is upon when I boot my computer. Upon starting up my edition of Microsoft XP (running on a Celeron D, HP Computer) it fails to load/open as fast it normally would. It normally takes about 15 minutes for things to start working until this folder pops-up.Now, I've been hesitant in deleting the folder (so that my computer loads faster) but I'm not quite sure about its contents and don't want to delete the folder unless I know exactly what its contents are. Above is a preview of what the folder contains within it, the folder is named "Common" and that is how it has appeared.When I first got the computer (about a year ago) the folder never appeared to launch during the starting-up period when you first turn the computer on. Until this folder appears, no other program will run and the lag on the computer is enormous. Is there something in which I can do to delete this folder (mind you, I don't know the folders actual location) to stop it from slowing my computer down and causing so many lag issues?

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Very Slow Startup On Very Fast Machine

May 29, 2007

Recently, my computer's startup in Windows XP has been getting slower and slower, the first loading screen takes a little while, but the most annoying part is that once I'm inside Windows, everything appears loaded, except for the icons in the taskbar, and I cannot click on the Start button or do anything, I must wait for the entire system to finish loading before I can do anything. I don't have many programs in my startup either.

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Can Make The Front Ports Fast Too?

Oct 13, 2005

I have two front USB ports, and when I insert the usb flash drive in this ports the notifyer tells me that there are more fast ports in the pc, Yes the two other ports in the back of the pc case are faster. Can I make the front ports fast too?

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Mouse Stall With Fast Movement

Nov 11, 2007

Every time I move my mouse at a highspeed it stalls or glitches. That is if I try to do a 180 turn in game with a whip motion I get a stall, or if I scroll from the top right X button in FireFox to the Start menu too fast I also get a stall. Wiggle the mouse, stall, do anything other than smooth very slow and linear movements and I get a stall.This problem happens with all of the mice I own; 2 different types of Logitech mice, and a pos Creative. The Logitech Optical Mouse I own is totally brand new out of the box and still gets this issue.I've tried installing individual MouseWare drivers for each of the Logitech mice and the problem still has not been solved.I've tried putting all the mice in all the various ports they support, usb, and p2 whatever im computer ignorant.

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Audio Playback Speeds Too Fast?

Oct 28, 2008

My computer suddenly started playing audio files too fast, such that they sound like the Chipmunks. This is for direct CD play as well as MP3 files on a variety of players.
I tried adjusting hardware acceleration (as suggested on another website) and as I suspected, it didn't work.
Any suggestions to fix this?
Windows XP SP3
Pentium 4 3.00 GHz
Audio: RealTek AC'97

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