Cloned A 10 Gigs HDD To A 40 Gigs Doesn't Boot

Jul 15, 2009

I used HDClone to clone a 10 GB to a 40 GB disk. The program is very simple dealing with Source and Target, bit to bit copy. I left the option bit to bit copy unchecked in order to leave the recommended setting.After finishing this I connected the cloned drive to the master connector and removed the original disk from the system. I already thought it wouldn't let me boot to XP because it's a different disk. After the error I restarted booting the XP-Disk. I tried repairing using bootcfg /add. It found the Windows installation and I could add it. But after the restart, same again:Error loading operating system.So, what could be the reason. Partition not set to active? MBR? Should I make a bit to bit copy?

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4 Gigs Of Ram Only Showing 3.24 Gigs

Jan 2, 2009

I am used to running windows xp Pro 32 bit with 4 gigs of ram and only 3.5 showing up, but ever since I installed a new motherboard, the ram is only showing 3.24 now. Does anyone know how to fix this or what may be causing this? Even the bios shows my entire 4 gigs of ram.and I am also using 2, 2 gig sticks of DDR2 800 MHz ram for a total of 4 gigs of RAM.

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Move Unused Gigs From One Partition To Another - Dual Boot

Mar 14, 2008

I used Win98SE before installing WinXP Pro about a year ago. I have 2 internal hard drives and am running a dual boot with 98SE on the C drive and the K drive has the XP Pro. C drive was partitioned at the outset of dual booting and has drives E through H. Drive K which has XP Pro is beginning to fill and in fact, I currently have only 4 gigs available for use. Now the question: can I move some of the unused gigs in drives G and H to the K drive?? Oh, 98SE is FAT32 and Pro has NTFS formatting. If the answer is yes then, of course, I will need to know how. And as usual, TIA.

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Home 32 Bit With 8 Gigs RAM

May 8, 2008

I want to install XP Home 32 bit along side my Vista Ultimate x64 in a dual-boot configuration. I've set up numerous dual-boot systems so I got that covered.This is on my new build and I'm currently running Vista with RAID 0 on two Raptor 150's. I'm going to put XP on the third Rap-tor.My only concern is the 32 bit XP install will have problems with so much RAM. I know it will only use and recognize 3 gigs or so but will it have any other effects?

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3 Gigs Of Ram And Page File

Apr 1, 2006

I have stuck another 2 gigs of ram into my rig and I am wondering at this point if a page file is even needed or not? I figure that if I do not need one, my machine would definitly run faster, but if I need one and shut it off I could suffer. One of those damned if you do, damned if you don't things you know.

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Sure Delete Fills Hard Drive With 300 Gigs

Oct 10, 2008

I've heard a lot of good things about Sure Delete, which is used to delete files from your computer permanently (I'm really paranoid about identity theft). When I used it, I just expected it to clear these deleted files from my system so they couldn't be brought back, but what actually happened was much different. I came back to my computer to find that my 400 gigabyte hard drive that was originally less than 90 gigabytes full now has 397 gigabytes used and runs at an astoundingly slow speed. The readme for the program claims that if such a case occurs to delete the sdel.tmp files in the directory cleared, which in my case was C:. Unfortunately, they don't exist there, or anywhere else. I've done over 15 full system scans, used the Windows XP Disk Cleanup tool 3 times, as well as 2 3rd-party disk cleaners, attempted a System Restore (Which didn't work), tried to email the makers of Sure Delete (Which returned an error every time), re-ran the program twice, and uninstalled the program, restarted my computer, and checked again. Nothing has done anything. If you wanna check out Sure Delete,

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Somethings Eating Gigs - Maintenace Of Temp

Jul 12, 2010

What is using all the space on my Hard Drive, When I go online I always lose a lot of space, a lot more than I what I start with. I know how to do all the maintenace of temp. I-net files and stuff, but when I gain 30 megabytes I lose 200-300 Megs next day or two, All my settings regarding these areas are good.I was looking at my Restore Points and notice sometime 2-3-times a week I gat a Software Distribution Service 3.0 ,, When I put the curser on it, it reads

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Cloned Drive Won't Boot - Home Edition

May 12, 2007

I just just purchased a 100 Gb drive and cloned my old 60Gb with the 2 partitions into it. I swapped the 2, but windows doesnt boot properly. I can see the windows logo, and the blue screen with the second windows logo (the one right before asking you for username and password) and it just gets stuck there. Whats wrong with it? I read in a thread that the drive letters make a difference. Should I name my new operating system partition c? Can you please help? I use windows xp home edition.!

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Cloned Hard Drive - Managed To Boot System

May 11, 2007

About a month ago I decided to get a much bigger hard drive (500GB) but theres no way I have time to reinstall everything so I decided to clone my existing hard drive, I tried acronis and the clone went superfast and put everything onto a single partition the full size of the new disk - when I tried to boot up with the disk, it didnt boot. It got to the pale blue screen that usually says 'welcome' but instead it had a small windows XP logo and that was it, it didnt go any further. I contacted support and they were no help so last night I tried another free software hdclone - it took about 6 hours but I actually managed to boot up from the new disk - but the new drive had a single partition the exact same size as the old one and the rest was unused space - no problem

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Ghost Cloned Hard Disk Un-bootable

Jul 2, 2005

Too much junk in my Hard Disk and registry so I did a complete new install of WindowsXP Home. As I was doing this and then installing all of my software I had not realized that my flash drive was plugged in and WinXP then named my Hard Disk drive F: So everything is now on drive F: and working well. In the new install, XP created my Hard Disk NTFS. Now, I used ghost to clone my Hard Disk. XP called the backup drive C: Backup finished fine, BUT, when I switch drives and put the backup in only, the computer will not boot up. I get to the blue Welcome screen and that is where is sits. I tried the ghost GhReboot.exe program, but no help.

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Cloned Disk Won't Work Only Boots Up Light Blue Screen And Stalls

Jul 10, 2005

Having suffered 3 HDD failures, I have cloned my laptop hard drive (XP Home edition) with Norton Ghost 9.0. I have copied the MBR as well and made it active. Replaced the laptop drive with the cloned drive, but it only boots up to the XP light blue screen and stalls.

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Installed SP3 Doesn't Boot From CD

Jul 13, 2010

I had Windows 7 installed on my laptop Dell Vostro 860, 2GB RAM, that after 2 months crashed. It gave me a black screen with"bootmgr is compressed press ctrl+alt+del to restart" that could not be fixed fast because I had lent my Win7 to someone who is far from me at the moment.I had the brilliant ideea to install Windows XP (since I had the CD).Everything went well up until the point when, during the installation it told me that it couldn't copy a file from the CD and the option to skip or try again. I skipped it since "try again" didn't do anything. I thought it couldn't do much harm. I got to the blue screen with the green bullets, progress bar and 39 minutes left when I got this error that said that windows can't continue and restarts the comp.

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Boot Up PC / Sometimes Boots Up / Sometimes Simply Doesn't

Apr 12, 2006

I have a problem booting up my other PC, it's been happening quite often, sometimes it boots up but sometimes it just simply doesnt... it gets stuck with a message "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER"
can anyone tell me what I should do to fix this problem?

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Boot Editor Doesn't Work

Oct 6, 2007

i have recently downloaded boot editor and as it did not work the first time i uninstalled it, this was yesterday. Today i turned my pc on and the system speaker beeped and it didnt even show the first loadup screen that says energy at the top.

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Want To Repair Windows / Doesn't Boot Up Properly

May 1, 2010

I want to repair my windows cause I doesn't boot up properly..I hve followed instructions but when I put cd in it takes mr to set up windows n asking mr to select I select my current system drive n it is asking mr to press c to continue setup using this partition..N then it ask me to format or leave current file system I doing something wrong, how come I don't have the repair windows xp option like it shows on the user guide?

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One Of Operating Systems Doesn't Boot Up After Reinstall

Sep 6, 2005

I had to re-install my Win 2K server. The second partition has Windows XP on it and and XP doesn't boot up after the re-install. The error message I get is it cannot find the SYSTEMd file under the Config folder and it is trying to boot Win 2K instead of XP.

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Doesn't Boot / Safe Mode Hangs.

Oct 23, 2008

I am using windows xp and just moments ago I get a problem. windows will not boot at all. Nothing unusual at start up but no windows icons/usual windows start up appear and computer sits there fans running. If I try to start in safe mode the computer hangs at system32/config/system along with the usual prerequisites and does nothing after that.Circumstances right before this started.I plugged in an old IDE harddrive(making 2 harddrives plugged in) in order to retrieve some old data. Everything starts up fine but windows freezes 30 sec into startup and the mouse moves but nothing happens(much like my previous registry problems).Restarting leads to the problem stated above.

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Virus Damaged The Boot Sector - F8 Doesn't Work

Dec 27, 2007

I have a dell PC with windows XP Media Center installed. I think that a virus damaged the boot sector in fact I cannot start my PC.

All I am able to get to is the BIOS or the diagnostics tool, F8 doesn't work, which means I cannot restart in safe mode or last known good configuration and if I use alt+F11, which is the option you have on Dell PC to reformat it in order to have everything the way it was at the time you bought it, it doesn't work.

A friend of mine told me to boot from the CD and then use the fixboot command, the problem is that DELL does not give OS CDs anymore and I honestly do not know what to do

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Reinstalling Doesn't Boot From Disc - Video And Pic Included

Jul 25, 2008

Trying to fix my friends computer thought I would be done in an hour or so but I ran into a retarded problem when trying to boot from the windows cd. Here is some information I know off the top of my head. If you have any input please let me know, I'm trying to get this done before tonight since its Friday

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Boot Up Error No Hd Recognized - Safe Mode Doesn't Work

Nov 23, 2006

pc wont boot. its a sata hard disk which is detected upon boot. however i dont even get the windows splash screen. in the bios - the hd doesnt show up. safe mode doesnt work neither does last known good settings. i put the xp disk in and attempted to do an (install followed by a repair ) rather than system console. nothing works because the xp disk claims no hard drive exists. is it cos its serial ata. im not exactly sure if its got raid setup etc although i do possibly remeber a viaraidtool popup that might have come up on the odd times ive been over and used my dads pc to educate him on eBay. :-) anybody got an idea. sorry i dont have specs.

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Master Boot Record - Command Prompt Doesn't Work

Jan 2, 2006

I was messing around with Ubuntu Linux and it installed GRUB on the master boot record and I want it gone. I was told to type 'fdisk /mbr' in MSDOS mode to get rid of GRUB. I dont know how do get into MSDOS mode.. command prompt doesnt work.

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System Freeze Up And Refuse To Boot Since Doesn't Recognise All Major Changes?

May 29, 2008

I am thinking of buying an "upgrade kit", basically a much better mobo and processor, lots more ram, better sound and video card. It has No hard drive or DVD drives installed, those will come directly from my computer. I have XP installed. my question is, will it: Work great, since XP will detect the new hardware and everything is plug and play now Freeze up and refuse to boot since it doesn't recognise all the major changes

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Cloning Hard Drive: Transferring Cloned Data From External Hard Disk?

Jan 8, 2009

I am cloning my existing hard drive in my laptop (sata) to an external hard drive (pata) in preparation for installing a new larger hard drive (sata)in the laptop. Can I, or how do I transfer the cloned data from the external (pata) to the new internal hard drive (sata)? Thanks in advance and I apoligize if this is a rudimentary question as this is my first time attempting something like this.

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Doesn't Reboot - Safemode Doesn't Work

Jan 15, 2008

Was never able to restart after that. Normal boot shows the windows initial screen, but eventually just restarts, safe mode does the same thing whether it's with network, command line or plain safe mode. Last known good configuration does the same.Needed to use a file so decided to remove the HD and re-install to another PC. I did have access to the file in question but now I'd like to fix the problem.
The other system uses AVG. I started a scan and it detected Cekar.d (A0003977.exe, wdfmgr.exe and initially ntldr.exe), Dropper.Inor (ntdetect.hta, A0003979.hta), PSW.Generic5.ABVW (ctfmona.exe), PSW.OnlineGames.AAFI (ctfmonb.exe), PSW.Generic5.AFYK (ctfmond.exe), PSW.OnlineGames.ZWT (LotusHlp.exe) and some others but for whatever reason the scan stopped. I restarted it and now the AV still finds most of the threats it was seeing before but not Cekar.d. in the ntldr.exe file.

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Computer Doesn't Start Properly - "insert Boot Disk" ?

Mar 25, 2005

everytime i shut down my comp, when i turn it on again i get an error message that says 'insert boot disk' on the startup screen. i'm not sure what the exact message was, but it was something about boot disk i should have written it down anyway, i turned the comp off, and shook the CPU a bit and then tried again and it started. I did a virus scan and every things clear l. i don't know much about these things lol so doing the virus scan must sound a little then anyway, i had to turn the computer off again and then when i switched it on i got the same error message. i pushed the off button and then put it on again and it worked. how do i prevent getting the error?

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Boot Failure: Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media?

Nov 11, 2006

I am unable to boot my PC most of the times.Whenever I switch on my PC,I see the following message nine ot of ten times. DiskError/Boot Faliure Reboot and select proper boot device or insert Boot media in selected boot device If I press enter after this messages & keep pressing following messages appear from time to time (Not simultaneously). If just after making the switch on, I press F2 key to check the boot device preference

If just after making the switch on , I press f11 key to reach the boot menu I always find the 1.44 MB Floppy option highlighted as the booting choice.(though there had not been any floppy in the floppy drive, I dont have any really)I make the hard disk option highlighted & it solves the problem only a few times. But next time when I try F11 key to check the boot menu again I find 1.44 MB floppy highlighted.

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Language Bar Doesn't Appear Anywhere

Dec 4, 2006

I just installed the East Asian language package from Control Panel > Language Options. However, I can't get my language bar to appear anywhere. I clicked on Details and Language Bar preferences, and I have "Show Language Bar on Desktop" checked.

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Doesn't Even Pop Up At Startup

Jan 30, 2006

I don't know what I installed or did wrong lately to have this blue screen to keep popping up when I open the computer. It happens randomly, but more frequent as of now. The blue screen says "Windows has come to a problem and shut down to prevent future damage to your computer," or something of that nature. Then it further goes into saying that I should check my computer if there's enough physical memory. I have a total of 70.3 GB total HD space, and 17.3 GB is free, how can it be the physical memory problem? I have 512 MB RAM, in which about 250-300 is free, and the remaining is usually running. The problem sometimes doesn't even pop up at startup, it sometimes pops up when I'm working on the computer. This error shutdown is sometimes accompanied by lagging, or is followed with multiple programs functionally at very slow rates.

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Put Cd And It Doesn't Load

Sep 11, 2007

I put in a Cd and it doesn't load, so I go to my computer and there are no drives. Ok...So then I go too System>Device Manager>And it says this for both my drives "Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39).Click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooter for this device.This has happened before, and i had to re-install my whole os. There's just got to be a way to fix this other than re-installing everything.

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OEM Pro Doesn't Get Any Use Anymore

Dec 21, 2008

I've been thinking of installing Windows XP Pro on my laptop (it came with Windows Vista Home Premium) and I have an older computer that doesn't get any use anymore that has Windows XP Pro (came with the computer). So can I use my Windows Xp Pro disk from my old computer to install it on my laptop, or will it only work on the old computer?

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Directory Doesn't Have Name

Feb 7, 2006

Weirdly the directory doesn't have name. Is there any other way to delete the empty directory w/o explorer?

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