Boot Up Error No Hd Recognized - Safe Mode Doesn't Work

Nov 23, 2006

pc wont boot. its a sata hard disk which is detected upon boot. however i dont even get the windows splash screen. in the bios - the hd doesnt show up. safe mode doesnt work neither does last known good settings. i put the xp disk in and attempted to do an (install followed by a repair ) rather than system console. nothing works because the xp disk claims no hard drive exists. is it cos its serial ata. im not exactly sure if its got raid setup etc although i do possibly remeber a viaraidtool popup that might have come up on the odd times ive been over and used my dads pc to educate him on eBay. :-) anybody got an idea. sorry i dont have specs.

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My PC Works Only In Safe Mode - Syst. Restore Doesn't Work

Sep 29, 2007

Windows XP Home : My desktop boots only in safe mode and system restore fails. Last known good configuration doesn't work too. Normal boot falls in a restart loop. Can somebody help, please ? Problem created by malware (trojans,worms,etc).I use Avast antivirus.

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Boot Failure: No Virus/ Hard Disk Not Recognized/ No Safe Mode?

May 18, 2005

applications were running slow, having problems closing etc. I expected a virus problem, but NIS 2005 did not detect any viruses. This morning I attempted to boot the machine as usual, and I found that windows would not boot after repeated attempts in any mode. I borrowed a friends windows XP cd, i dont have mine on hand, and attempted to repair the installation. However, when it tried to copy files to the hard drive it said that it could not detect it.

Naturally, seeing this i assumed that the harddrive had gotten knocked around, bad power lead, etc. I made sure that the connecters were securely attached and booted again, repair etc, same problem. I believe that the problem lies with the configuration of using a PCI card to connect the hard drive to the motherboard. When its connected to the mother board, however, the boot agent wont run, saying that the "disk is not ready" or something to that extent.

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Doesn't Boot / Safe Mode Hangs.

Oct 23, 2008

I am using windows xp and just moments ago I get a problem. windows will not boot at all. Nothing unusual at start up but no windows icons/usual windows start up appear and computer sits there fans running. If I try to start in safe mode the computer hangs at system32/config/system along with the usual prerequisites and does nothing after that.Circumstances right before this started.I plugged in an old IDE harddrive(making 2 harddrives plugged in) in order to retrieve some old data. Everything starts up fine but windows freezes 30 sec into startup and the mouse moves but nothing happens(much like my previous registry problems).Restarting leads to the problem stated above.

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Infinite Boot Loop, Even Safe Mode Won't Work

Aug 6, 2007

I was incredibly bored and I downloaded an old DOS VGA version of The Oregon Trail from the-underdogs. I used VDMsound to run it, and everything seemed to work alright until i got sick of the game and tried to quit. It locked up, i used ctrl-alt-del a few times, got impatient and stupidly switched off the computer just as i was being dumped back to windows. When i turned the computer back on, i was given the "safe mode" prompt, so i chose to start in safe mode. It then showed that list of system files(?) it was loading until it gets to "d347bus.sys" and asks if i want to press escape to skip loading it. Regardless of whether i press esc or not, it moves on to "SPTD.sys" and asks the same question. After i press escape (or not), i get a black screen, then the computer restarts again back to the safe mode prompt. If i try to "start windows normally" i get to the Windows XP loading screen, the progress bar moves a bit then the whole thing restarts again. Safe mode with command prompt, safe mode with networking, last known good configuration, none of these work, they all result in this maddening infinite loop.

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SP2 Only Boot Up In Safe Mode: Wont Work In Normal?

Jan 28, 2007

I have a machine running win xp home edition SP2 that will not load windows up unless I do it by way of safe mode. It goes to the black xp screen and hangs up there. I did a system restore to an earlier date in safe mode but when it resarted i got the same results. Is this a symtom of a bad CMOS battery? The system has been running good for 3 years and this just started today.

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Boot Failure: Black Screen. Last Known Configuration Safe Mode Wont Work?

Oct 9, 2009

Powers on to the normal blue screen. Black screen comes up that says We apologize for the inconvience...etc. etc. windows did not shut down normally and gives the option for last know good configeration, start windows normally, safe mode, etc. Tried them all and it just goes back to the normal blue screen and back to We apologize for the inconvience. F10 system recovery does the same thing.I would like to be able to fix this and not lose any of the information I have on my hard drive. I did a total back-up about 7 months ago (13 DVDs worth) and do have some backup through Norton 360

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Sony Vaio Wont Boot And Continues To Restart (doesnt Even Work On Safe Mode)

Mar 27, 2008

A family members sony vaio will not boot up, the computer doesnt load windows XP (The windows XP loading screen appears but will then goes blank and reboots automatically.) When the computer first turns on a blank screen appears with text saying "we're sorry for the inconvienice, etc..." then has a 30 second timer for which option i would like to choose.These are my options below (which none work).
It doesnt work on Safe Mode, Safe Mode (Networking), Safe Mode (Command Prompt) or even the "last known to work configurations". Im totally lost on what i can do from here. I need assistence people!!

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External Usb HD Recognized In Safe Mode Only?

Mar 14, 2007

Got a Western Digital My Book essential edition USB 160GB, reformatted it from FAT32 to NTFS, backed up everything I wanted and did the clean install. It worked. I had a few problems getting the OS to recognize my USB Canoscan, but worked that out. My problem now is that the OS won't see the external hard drive unless I'm in safe mode. In safe mode it is assigned drive letter J, which was the same drive letter it was before the OS reinstall. It does not show up in drive manager. Nothing changes in device manager when I unplug/replug it and no new hardware is found. Device manager does show an unknown device, but that was there before anything was plugged in (which is distressing in itself!)

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Can't Boot Into Safe Mode / Stop Error Screen

Jun 15, 2005

In trying to get rid of some adware, I attempted to boot my computer (P4 2.8 GHz, 1.5 GB Ram, Windows XP SP2) in safe mode. When I selected "Safe Mode with Networking", I was brought to a blue screen called a "STOP ERROR SCREEN" - basically it said that it had to stop the booting up of the computer or the computer might be harmed. It suggested removing any recently installed hardware and disabling BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. So I rebooted and got into windows normally just fine.

Then I decided to try just regular Safe Mode (without networking) - when I selected that option, the computer started to do it, then rebooted and prompted me if I wanted to boot into Windows normally or safe mode, etc...I tried Safe Mode again - same thing, a reboot. I tried Safe Mode with Networking again - and I got the blue Stop Error Screen again.

This is pretty strange (at least I've never seen it) and I'd really like to be able to boot into safe mode.

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Unable To Boot In Safe Mode Same RPCRT4.dll Error

Oct 8, 2007

I'm having a problem starting my computer running windows XP home edition. Upon startup, I get the blue screen stating... "stop: c0000135 {unable to locate component} This application has failed to start because RPCRT4.dll was not found. Re-installing the
application may fix this problem."Also, I am unable to boot in safe mode (same RPCRT4.dll error).i have tried repairing with original xp disk when using chkdsk /p it finds one or more errors on disk but does not solve the problem.

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DCOM 10005 Error During Boot Up - Service Cannot Started Safe Mode

Jan 12, 2009

I'm having problems with my computer properly booting in normal windows. Every time I boot up my PC normally it freezes for a second during the windows boot up phase, flashes a blue screen that you can even read a word before it reboots. i can only open up in safe mode and nothing more. i've checked the system errors and i keep getting the same one that doesn't allow me to boot up normally.

DCOM got error "This service cannot be started in Safe Mode " attempting to start the service EventSystem with arguments "" in order to run the server: {1BE1F766-5536-11D1-B726-00C04FB926AF} i've done a system repair with my XP SP2 disc and i still get the same thing to happen every time i repair it. i'm sure the answer is staring me strait in the face and i can't see it.

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Computer Wont Boot Except In Safe Mode & Installer Wont Work?

Feb 22, 2008

I have a computer that will not boot up except for in safe mode, probably due to a virus. When I attempt to install the latest Ad-Aware, I get the following message:"Windows Installer: The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation" I am currently logged in as administrator

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Safe Mode Doesn't Reboot

Aug 6, 2008

I have a acer travelmate , xp professional.I found out I got a virus an Hacktool.root kit.I couldn't get any chance to delete this. So i try the last choise left : run a full scan with norton but in safe mode.Well i change the boot.ini and select the safe mode.Since then I've been able to boot my xp!all the time is starts to reeboot is coming out a select options rebboting which none of them is the right to start xp.Now Do you know any way for change the boot mode.

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Logging Into SAFE Mode - Regular Password Doesn't Accept

Oct 6, 2009

I'm trying to get into Safe Mode so I can do a proper Defrag, but I get the Windows logon prompt...problem is it does not accept my normal Password ( I have no problem logging in Normal mode).... What's up with that, would there be 2 different Passwords?

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Missing NTLDR Shocker - Recovery Mode Doesn't Work

Jul 5, 2010

Well I seem to have encountered a problem numerous other people have encountered and well im rather desperate to fix it though i must list 2 important details

1. I have a HP- Pavilion Windows XP mediacenter edition.
2. My recovery mode does not work and my computer never came with a recovery disc of any sort (grrrr stupid idea to put the recovery on the computer IMO)
3. I have little money to spend as of right now. Buying a new computer not an option and buying a new windows operating system is MAYBE a option but one ide like to avoid.
4. Im more curious as to how i should tackle this. Ive read up on a few sites found a site that gives a bootable disc containing the NTLDR file ( I dont know a whole lot about this stuff)

This is all just very aggrivating for me. My computer works and runs better than most new computers despite bieng 4 years old. This is the first issue ive had with it in awhile other than my recovery not working due to a error about a hive file not working ( i figured ide make a seperate thread if i choose to worry about this issue but if some one finds this to be a important detail please do tell me) Also ive looked into purchasing the spotmau disc for it 'adervtises' it is able to fix this problem. How reliable they are i am not sure of how ever.

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Safe Mode Wont Work

Mar 3, 2007

my computer hasnt been able to go into safe mode the last two times some bad thing has happened to it. i can easily get into the menu where you have to select how you want to start up, but when i select safe mode, it just sends a wall of text down, and stops at "mup.sys" each time. from there i have to reboot to get it to do my main problem is that i disabled the graphics card i have installed in the pci and the motherboards default graphics card (i wanted to use the original one so i could transfer my graphics card to a different computer), so i cant really do much about getting into windows to change that, with out being able to run in safe mode.

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Wont Boot In Safe Mode Or Normal Mode?

May 3, 2005

I went into MSCONFIG and checked the box to go into safe mode so i could run some virus scans and adware scans and stuff like that. Now when it gets to the desktop it has the window that says Loading Windows and then after like 2-3 min. it says password is incorrect and that i should retype it and becarefull of caps lock and stuff like that. The thing is don't have a password. It does this when i boot normally too but it lets me hit ok and hit Cancel without a password entered.

All of a sudden it tries logging me in automatically when I start up but the thing is i dont need to log in. So I try to go back into normal mode and Ican't. I hit F8 during startup and went to the Boot Normally option but it still does to safe mode. What do I do? How do I log on or how do I get rid of this password thing? One more thing, the window that tells me the password is wrong has an OK box but theres no mouse on the screen for me to click it and I can't use the keyboard to select it.

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Keyboard Not Working And Don't Work In Safe Mode

May 3, 2007

In device manage it has exclamation by it i uninstalled but if i do add hardware its located w/ exclamation by itif i uninstall an restart its back with exclamation dont work in safe mode works be4 boot when i type in password its disabled on boot.

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Win Xp Can Boot Safe Mode, Not Normal Mode?

Mar 20, 2007

I have a dual boot linux/xp system.I was looking at partitions - just listing them - in linux, and now win xp won't come up in normal mode. It will come up in safe mode, however. Can you help me get my "normal mode" back?When the horizontal moving bar comes up in normal mode, it just goes on forever. I see the disk light go on for about 8 cycles of the bar. It usually runs 11 cycles before giving me the user selection screen. Now the disk light goes out after cycle 8, and the bar keeps going. I waited 32 cycles before giving up.

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Canon Fax CISIF.dll Error ParOpen() Doesn't Work Error

Feb 5, 2005

after I reinstalled Windows XP with SP2 I cannot install my canon fax l-350 german title. The setup quits with the subject's message. I searched the web and found some other people having the same problem

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Stuck On Startup Infinite Loop - Safe Mode Do Not Work

Mar 9, 2010

My desktop is stuck on an infinite startup loop, I can see the standards Windows starting screen then there is a quick BSOD flash and the computer restarts and does the same thing - lucky I have a spare old laptop which will allow me to jump onto this site. Safe mode options do not work I tried the Windows recovery console - typing 'R' booting from the CD but then I get stuck at the console black screen not knowing what DOS commands I should be pushing. I tried goign the other way and choosing to install XP but then I get a message saying C: isn;t configured and will need to format to continue.

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System Restore Wont Work In Both Normal And Safe Mode?

Sep 24, 2009

I tried System Restore a week ago, but it didn't work. It ran but at the end I got the error message that it didn't complete and couldn't restore to the earlier point. It displayed the red "X." I deleted all of the restore points and set the amount of store to the maximum and set a new restore point. Still it didn't complete. I also ran Malwarebytes - it couldn't find any issues.I tried it in Safe Mode and it worked - it set the new point and renamed three files - two of them were Norton files, the third I didn't recognize. I set a new point and again it DID NOT COMPLETE - I got the same error message!

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Computer Won't Get Out Of Safe Mode / System Restore Wont Work?

Sep 15, 2007

I bought a new cpu awhile ago. When I moved my old cpu to my other desk and restarted it, it would only let me start in safe mode. It was working fine prior to this. I tried system restore to many differnt days, but nothing would work. I think I probably need to reinstall windows, but before I do, I was wondering if there is anything else I can try.

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Boot Editor Doesn't Work

Oct 6, 2007

i have recently downloaded boot editor and as it did not work the first time i uninstalled it, this was yesterday. Today i turned my pc on and the system speaker beeped and it didnt even show the first loadup screen that says energy at the top.

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Won't Boot Past Splash Screen / Wont Boot In Safe Mode

Nov 23, 2009

I have a Windows XP Professional Edition and i incurred a spyware virus on my PC, so i made a dumb decision by running MSCONFIG and changing my SAFEBOOT option, I did this because previously I couldn't even get into Safe Mode, it would load the files on the screen.

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Professional Freezes During Boot Screen - Boot Fine Safe Mode

Jul 25, 2008

Recently I was playing a game when my computer froze up, when I restarted it, it froze every time on the Windows XP bootscreen. It boots fine in Safe mode with networking. (I'm typing this post on this computer)

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Constantly Restarts And Won't Boot / Can't Eve Boot In Safe Mode

Jan 29, 2009

I have a pc with Windows XP with SP2 installed. My computer has generally worked fine with little issues, but the other day Norton flagged up a virus issue. The virus was called Trojan.Patchep!inf, and couldn't be removed using Norton.Naturally, I'd have posted this in the malware removal/HJT forum, but I'm now locked out of my system.I need a way to be able to get into Windows before I can pull off any HJT logs or run any applications.The issue I have, is when Windows is loading up. I turn on my computer, and Windows boots up until the scrollbar/loading page. The computer then automatically reboots, and the cycle continues until I just hold the off button to turn off the computer. I've entered the boot menu and attempted the reboot in Safe Mode, and also tried using last working configuration. This has no effect, and still results in the constant restarting of the system.

I don't have a Windows XP disc as it was pre-installed when I bought the computer.For the time being I can boot from disc using Linux Ubuntu. I read about the virus that infected my system, which suggests that files such as winlogon are affected by the virus, which would explain my problems booting. Would it be possible to repair these files from Ubuntu, allowing me to boot the computer with Windows? I can then start a thread in the malware forum, posting HJT logs etc.

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Startup Error Without Error Message Neither Option Let It Continue/Works Fine In Safe Mode?

Mar 25, 2007

When I'm trying to start up Windows XP Home Edition I receive an error box without an error message, I can just click YES or NO. Neither option let's me continue. When starting up in Safe Mode, everything works fine.

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Code 41 Error - Usb CD Drive Doesn't Work

Dec 26, 2003

I was wondering if anyone could help me with this: A while ago I installed Easy CD Creator 5 on this computer (Sony pcg fxa53 running XP with an INTERNAL Matshita 720 CD/RW-DVD drive). Ever since then, I got the following error in device manager: Windows successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but cannot find the hardware device. (Code 41)

I have since deleted anything to do with Easy CD Creator 5, but that hasn't help. I can't restore or "roll back" the driver either. Also, the drive spins just fine. Furthermore, I just tried to install a Philips USB CD drive and that doesn't work too!

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Virus Damaged The Boot Sector - F8 Doesn't Work

Dec 27, 2007

I have a dell PC with windows XP Media Center installed. I think that a virus damaged the boot sector in fact I cannot start my PC.

All I am able to get to is the BIOS or the diagnostics tool, F8 doesn't work, which means I cannot restart in safe mode or last known good configuration and if I use alt+F11, which is the option you have on Dell PC to reformat it in order to have everything the way it was at the time you bought it, it doesn't work.

A friend of mine told me to boot from the CD and then use the fixboot command, the problem is that DELL does not give OS CDs anymore and I honestly do not know what to do

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