Backup - Tried Bypassing This Screen By Just Hitting "OK" But The BU Never Runs

Apr 25, 2006

I'm trying to use the Windows XP (Home) backup utility. I can set it up to run manually with no problem. I want to set it up on a schedule and after I go thru the steps to do that, I get prompted for a password. My PC at home is not set up with a password for the one and only account on it. I have tried bypassing this screen by just hitting "OK" but the BU never runs. I would prefer not to set up a password for the account as it will only confuse my wife.

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Bypassing Password Screen

Jun 3, 2006

I just bought a new computer that is froze on the passwrod screen for windows. The previous owner stated that he did not have a password. Is there any way to bypass this screen? Can a version of windows be pulled from one computer & booted on a computer that has windows 2000 or do I need the CD?

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Bypassing The Login Screen On Startup?

Jun 16, 2005

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't find do I bypass the windows xp login...?

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Bypassing Login Screen Without Asking For Password?

Oct 7, 2005

How do i bypass the windows login without using a password?

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CHKDSK Runs With Logo Screen

Jun 22, 2005

When I set CHKDSK to run at next restart, it does NOT display the usual CHKDSK text interface with the runnning progress of the operation. Instead it runs while displaying the Windows Logo screen, not with a running progress bar like ususal though. The logo screen color pallette freezes until CHKDSK is done, then the machine reboots like normal. What happened to my CHKDSK text display? This also happens when I set Diskeeper 7.0 to run at boot time. Instead of the Diskeeper text display, it does the same thing as CHKDSK. Any ideas?

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Hitting Ctrl Alt Delete Nothing Comes Up?

Oct 8, 2005

I am having a problem with ctrl alt del. whenever i hit it.nothing comes up. Thats my used to be fine, than tha border with all tha sub locations went..and i was stuck on tha processes section...and now it wont come up anymore.I have a feeling i have alot of trojans that are messing with my system settings. i mean i dont even have a background anymore because its a blue error message saying i got a trojan.

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System Hangs On Hitting Right Key

Jun 28, 2006

So I'm running XP on a pretty decent laptop...
3 GHz P4
768 DDR
64 MB Radeon
60 GB HD(40GB free)
The problem i am having is that when i right click on a FILE i get the hourglass for about 10 seconds and just the context menu is not loading. Nothing else on my computer is hanging. When i right click on a FOLDER it goes instantly.I KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKING, that i have some shell extension installed to do something special with files. Well, just to prove that wrong beforehand... I have two external hard drives. When i right click on a FILE located on one of those drives, it goes instantly.
So i thought maybe it was my hard drive... So i moved 30 gigs of music off of it, and i defraged it.

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Crashing - Runs Start Computer - Shut Down After The Loading Screen

Mar 4, 2008

i think im postin in the right place. I have a system that i built about a month ago that keeps crashing and i dont know why. It runs XP. when i start the computer, it will either shut down after the windows loading screen, shut down after the motherboard maker screen, or shut down as soon as i power up. I buit it, but this is the first time ive done anything like this before, and i dont know much about the workings of the insides yet.

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Startup Only In Safe Mode Without Hitting F8?

Jan 12, 2005

My computer will start-up in safe mode only (at least it looks like safe mode), even when I don't hit pf8 and choose safe mode. I've tried to use system restore once I'm in under safe mode, but when I click on it, I get an empty box and am not able to choose a date.

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Hitting Keys Getting Wrong Chars

Jul 25, 2010

I hit a key combo somewhere on my laptop, now I am getting the wrong characters when I hit a key. For example, when I try '?', I am getting an upper-case 'E' with an accent. How do I switch the keyboard back to default? To add to that, my screwing around has now disabled the Language Bar in Regional/Lang Options.

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System Runs Fine In Safe Mode But Blue Screen In Normal

Jul 10, 2008

i have windows home xp edtion on parkard safe mode it is fine,but when on normal bootup mode it will hang up after 2mins aprox(then restart saying crit error,check hardware etc and being to dump files kernel),on a blue screen.

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Bypassing F1 Button At Start Up

Apr 14, 2006

Can someone please tell me how fix DOS so that I can bypass the necessity of pressing the F1 button when starting Windows XP Home. I remember fixing this years ago with a 486, but I've forgotten the DOS commands.

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Bypassing The Login Password?

Feb 24, 2007

How can someone bypass the login password if they forgot it? The system administrator account that you can access in safe mode has the same password so one cannot login to it.

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Xp Loading Bar Just Runs Runs And Runs

Nov 6, 2008

Hi all

Like the title says, everytime i turn my machine on the windows page appears on start and the load bar just keeps going. I left this running for an hour and nothing happened.

I have read tons of stuff and tried loads of stuff and yes you guessed it nothing has sorted it out.

My computer knowledge isnt great so if this requires Bios work or Command prompts i will need some detailed help.

Cheers All


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Skype Messenger Is Bypassing Firewall

Jun 19, 2005

Skype is bypassing the Fireall and automatically adding itself to exception list. Even if you remove it from exception or block, the skype automatic ally adds itself. Is it a security hole Also, skype is able to start during startup even after denying access

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After Backup Should Have My Backup Folder Or Backup.bkf File?

Aug 16, 2008

After restoring a computer and backing up files, once the computer is back up and running should I have a foldercalled "My Backup 1408-08 2353" or should I have a single backup file called backup.bkf? I'm trying to help someone, and they have a folder with the files already available instead of a single backup.bkf file. He wants to restore everything to the original location before the computer restore. How can he do that with the folder he has instead of a backup.bkf file? The restore wizard is asking for a .bkf file to place everything in the original locations, and he doesn't have that.

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Backup Software Which Will Backup Just The Changed Elements Of The Past File

Jun 22, 2005

I want to backup my PC for disaster recovery and then do an incremental backup each night to a USB hard drive. I tried Retrospect which came with the USB hard drive. I couldn't get it to work to well. I've been using the MS backup utility. With this software it seems any new email causes changes my large Outlook PST file and the whole
file is backed up again. I've been trying to find backup software which will backup just the changed elements of the pst file and have tried downloading a trial version of
continuity@work from Mobiliti who claim to be able to just backup the changes to a PST file. I left continuity@work running overnight and had to stop it as it was only 50% through the backup this morning. It calls it synchronization rather than backup and from the error messages it seems that it doesn't create a shadow image before backing up as several files were not backed up as they were in use.

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Backup FOLDER On Drive D / Changed To Backup FILE?

May 28, 2006

I have two IDE hard disks one 40GB=C and the secondary 200GB=D,I have made a copy of documents and setting from C to a new folder backup in drive D.After that this operating finished I preformed format of C and installed from on drive C the MS WIN XP operating system.After the installation the backup FOLDER on drive D, changed to backup FILE without extension.How can I restore my DATA? anyone familiar with this phenomenon

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Display Issues- By Hitting Some Unknown Buttons And The Display Shrunk

Dec 31, 2006

While playing a game I hit some buttons on accident and the display shrunk. Now the monsters are small, and so is everything else outside of the game I have no idea what I did, I checked the Screen Resolution and it seems fine, and I also checked my monitor settings, which is fine.

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Blue Screen Stop Code - Copy Casper To Backup Hard Drive To External

Jul 30, 2005

My computer seems to work fine except when I try to do a copy in Casper XP to backup my hard drive to external HD. I also got this stop code last night when trying to do a disk check to correct errors. Stop 0X0000000A (0X00000188, 0X000000FF, 0X00000000, 0X804E35E9). I have located online page for stop 0X0000000A codes which states could be driver problem... that last one parimeter 4 -- 804E35E9 how/where would I
find out which/if this is associated to a particular driver so I can possibly correct it?

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Can Edit Backup Created In Backup Utility?

Aug 15, 2006

basically what im looking to do is delete some old entries that the XP backup utility has created over time that i setup a while ago. Im using the "copy" nothing has been appended or incremental.Im just looking to avoid deleting the setup i got, and maybe just delete a few "copy" backups so that theres not 8 gigs / 1 years worth of backups.i only need about 4 months I forgot about it.cuz i never neaded it. But it looks as if its the only way b/c i cant just delete selected backups.all or nothing?/ anyone know of a better backup utility that is simple and easy on a system BTW?

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Scheduling A Backup Using The Windows Backup Wizard

Aug 24, 2005

When scheduling a backup using the Windows Backup Wizard, I put in all the scheduling info, but Windows backup never launches. When I look at a scheduled event and click "properties" I get an error message that says "General page initialization failed, etc, etc. (error# 0X80090016)

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Cannot Backup With Backup Utility

May 12, 2007

I'm using XP Home and have been backing up My Documents regularly to an external hard drive with the back up utility in XP. The last time I tried to do a backup, I got an error message, "You have either run out of space or the backup (.bkf) is too large for this disk. Note: if this disk is formatted with Fat 32 , the maximum possible size for the is 4GB." My external disk is 75GB with 45GB free. It is formatted in NTFS. I did a clean up and defragged the disk and get the same error when I try to backup. Is this an indication of a problem with the external hard disk or a problem with the XP backup utility

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Chkdsk Runs But Can't See It

Oct 21, 2006

so right after normal windows screen shows up when chkdsk normally runs after an error, Chkdsk runs... but i just see a black screen.i can hear hard drive going, light flashing... i even see the folders where it had repaired stuff Found.000 after.i can even "push any button to halt chkdsk" to stop it.i used to see it run repair with the % showing for each drive it checked.

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Runs Then Halts And Reboots

Sep 20, 2009

I have receintly purchesed a hybrid-self built computer, rather relyable and fast, but since i brought it home it would periodicly stop in mid function and reboot all while case lighting uninterupted. I tried to replace oem powersupply with a much more capible one of 700w and still system will stop in mid-function and reboot as if reset

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CHKDSK Runs On Every Boot

May 4, 2005

I've recently formatted my HD and run Partition Magic to create 5 partitions but now every time I reboot, CHKDSK runs to check each drive, but doesn't find any problems. My drives and labels are as follows; O.S.(C), DVD Drive(D), DVD/CD-RW(E), Data(F), Games(G), Video(H), Music(I). I'm running twin WD 250 GB HD in a RAID 1 configuration. 30 GB dedicated to (C) and the rest are split to contain between 50 to 60 GB. I've also adjusted the cluster size to 16K. File system is NTFS and os is Win XP Pro. I haven't installed any antivirus or firewall because I'm not connected to the internet yet. Also no progs running on startup. This is a fresh HD with nothing installed except os and drivers. Partitioning was fairly easy and straight-forward so I'm really scratching my head to figure out what is wrong.

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CHKDSK Runs At Every Bootup

Apr 4, 2005

Every time I open Windows XP, I get a message saying "One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency" Then it runs a chkdsk.It reports no errors and opens as usual.Then if I try to defrag the disk that is checked, I get a message saying Diskeeper has detected that CHKDSK is scheduled to run. This is due to a user request or because the Operating System has found errors in the file system.I have run Chkdsk on this drive, but no errors have been found.I have not scheduled Chkdsk to run on this drive.If I then try to reboot, the same procedure occurs again and check disk does not report any errors.

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Chkdsk Runs At Startup

Sep 7, 2008

Chkdsk runs at startup due to me resizing and shifting my NTFS partition to the left. Running "fsutil dirty query C:" returns the message: Volume - C: is Dirty. I know this problem can be solved by running chkdsk but I also know from prior experience that it will cause a lot of problems. I'm not having any problems. Windows XP is running very fast and works just fine. I just know from experience that if I allow chdsk to run that it will mess with my OS.At boot it gives me the option of not allowing chkdsk to run, which I don't. Is there anyway that I can disable chkdsk from running at boot?

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Shutdown Pc / Runs In UPS Battery

Aug 2, 2008

i am having windows xp with service pack 3,intel 1.8 ghz,1 GB RAM,i have APC UPS for my system,now i want to shutdown my pc if it runs in UPS battery,i want to automatically shutdown my pc if it's running in UPS battery power,is there any tool to do that?

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Runs Slow Even After Reformatting

Jun 7, 2005

I just bought this new computer for a few months ago. And for some reason it stopped a few days ago and i tried reformating alot of times, most of the time it would stop or just get error's while installing but i finally installed it. And it runs like a snail.The computer basically doesnt run like how it should be running.I have Pentium 4. 3 Ghz - 1GB Ram - 256 MB Graphics Card.

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Computer Always Runs Slow

Sep 10, 2009

It takes up to 15 minutes to start up when you first turn it on. Often takes up to 20 seconds for programs to come up when you hit start. Virtually all software programs take time to come up, even little ones like Notepad. Have lots of slowdowns and freeze ups when using the internet, including trying to type in url's. Anytime the computer isn't in use for a little while, starting up again is always very slow with frequent little freeze ups. Lately, even when we first turn the computer on, we get a low on virtual memory warning in the lower right corner. Somebody told me this could be the problem. If so, why would it need more memory now than in the past when it worked ok?We actually deleted lots of files and some software programs not be used, including video games.We used Spybot, Malwarebytes and our anti virus program a few days back and all 3 came up with no problems.

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