Skype is bypassing the Fireall and automatically adding itself to exception list. Even if you remove it from exception or block, the skype automatic ally adds itself. Is it a security hole Also, skype is able to start during startup even after denying access
The skype messenger is violating the XP security/Firewall. Even after removing from the exception list, skype automatically launches by adding itself to the exception list.Another bad thing, even after denying the privilege to launch, skype launches itself during startup.The worst thing is there is no way to prevent Skype launching automatically during startup.They are no other option other than uninstalling Skype.You have to fix these security holes if people have t o use your software.
I am running Windows XP on a HP Pavilion ze2000.I think I have a problem with Windows Live Messenger. Actually, I think I have several problems: 1. Messenger tries to load in my tray when I start the computer. It never did this before. It also does the same when I connect to my broadband via dialler. At the moment I am denying access through Zone Alarm. Is this normal? 2. In All Programmes I have a Windows Messenger Icon and a Windows Live Messenger Icon. Again, is this normal? There is only an option to remove Live Messenger in Add or Remove Programmes. 3. There is a "1 contact pending" message above the contact list in my Live Messenger, which leads to a "page not available" message when I click on it. 3. When I close Live Messenger, I get multiple "RPC Server Not Available" warnings which I keep closing but keep reappearing. They appear too fast for me to close them, so I have to restart my machine.
I'm running Skype (the absolute latest stable release with auto updates on) on my XP sp2 machine. Every single time i use it however (I use video chat), my machine BSOD's on me within 5-30 minutes of usage. This happens even with voice chat only. I get a bsod error message pointing to tcpip.sys most of the times but sometimes i also get a random message at bsod.I'm using the tcpip.sys patch that was made by lvllord i think that uncaps the maximum number of half open tcpip connections. I did this for my torrent clients. None of them hang the system even when running 24/7.
I just bought a new computer that is froze on the passwrod screen for windows. The previous owner stated that he did not have a password. Is there any way to bypass this screen? Can a version of windows be pulled from one computer & booted on a computer that has windows 2000 or do I need the CD?
Can someone please tell me how fix DOS so that I can bypass the necessity of pressing the F1 button when starting Windows XP Home. I remember fixing this years ago with a 486, but I've forgotten the DOS commands.
How can someone bypass the login password if they forgot it? The system administrator account that you can access in safe mode has the same password so one cannot login to it.
I am using eTRust EZ firewall and just recently started having problems with it and the effect on my pc. First, it wouldn't let me select allow or ask under the access internet or trusted column under the program control. Now, it won't let me access the internet if the program control is turned to low, medium, or high. The only way for anything to get to the internet is if the setting is turned off
My firewall settings are greyed out and a banner says some functions controlled by group policy but I have a home computer and no network administrator. I tried resetting the firewall setting and it didnt seem to work
I connect to the internet thru a router with a built in firewall.(turned on) I am also running a software firewall with comodo. Do I need the comodo firewall Every new update version of the comodo firewall seems to mess one thing or another up on my old winXP machine.
Windows XP Home running McAfee Security Center, which is not managing Security Center, and McAfee Personal Firewall is not installed.All Windows Critical Updates are applied.Windows Security Center says the Windows Firewall is off, Windows Firewall says it is on.
I'm trying to use the Windows XP (Home) backup utility. I can set it up to run manually with no problem. I want to set it up on a schedule and after I go thru the steps to do that, I get prompted for a password. My PC at home is not set up with a password for the one and only account on it. I have tried bypassing this screen by just hitting "OK" but the BU never runs. I would prefer not to set up a password for the account as it will only confuse my wife.
I have a new system at home which I am getting ready to roll out. I have always used Norton Security on all my PCs prior to using XP Pro. This new system has XP Pro. Should I , or maybe should I say can I run both Norton and XPs firewall with no problems Don't want to keep paying for annual subscription updates to Norton, if I don't have to
I have Windows XP and have the windows firewall on. I also have Norton 2005 Systemworks. Funny thing happened, I turned off the windows firewall under control panel, windows firewall. But when I open control panel, security center, it says there is a firewall on. I don't beleive I have a firewall with Norton Systemworks
I would like to keep the MS Windows Messenger from auto starting to the Task Bar. I have turned it off using various start up utilities but it keeps coming back. I even used the Add-Remove program to uninstall it but it is still there. This is becoming a personal thing and Microsoft seems to be winning once again. How can I uninstall it safetly or at least keep it from auto starting to the Task Bar?
I did! they are annoying and pop up all the time! The title bar calls them "Messenger Service" and their ads, usually for getting pop up stopper softwares's, and some other crap. FirstlyStart > Run> Type: services.mscwhen the Services window pops up scroll down to "Messenger" the description is "Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers. This service is not related to Windows Messenger. If this service is stopped, Alerter messages will not be transmitted."Righ click go to Properties and in startup type select "DISABLE"DON'T worry this has nothing to do with Windows/MSN Messenger instant messenging programs
Now im not sure when they went missing, but its not the only thing. Windows Messenger has gone missing (The whole program) along with The Calculator and my Sound Volume Control both of which i had to reinstall via the XP disk.I've scanned for virus's and and have come up with nothing, I used to use a vista tranformation pack awhile ago but have since got rid of that. But i think it might have messed with a few things.
It seems when you uninstall Messenger (using the tweaks on this site) the policy is automatically set to prevent it running. This causes the symptom of clicking on the Messenger shortcut and seeing an hourglass for a second or two but the program not loading.To get Messenger installed again requires more than just reinstalling the program from Windows Update or a downloaded installer.After that you have to change the following registry entry with regedit:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftMessengerClientYou should change the PreventRun value from (1) to (0)
This problem started about a month ago. When I try to sign into MSN Messenger I get an error message saying," Sorry,We could not sign you in because the sign-in name you entered does not exist or your password is incorrect. If you have forgotten your password, please click help in the main Messenger window, and then click Help Topics for instructions on resetting your password. 0x81000303 " I tryed logging on with other accounts and the same error message appeared.
I have searched online via Google on how to remove Windows Messenger for XP service pack two. It is later edition than 4.5, eg. 4.7, but nothing I can do will stop the pesky thing from popping up in my system tray near to the windows clock. It seems to be integrated with absolutely everything.I have tried clicking on the Tools-Options-Preferences, and unchecking the relevant boxes.I have also tried going into the administration tools sections-services-rightclick messenger and it is displayed as "disabled" yet sure as fate it is still in my system tray box with the white X on the red background on it! This is so frustrating.