Bypassing Password Screen

Jun 3, 2006

I just bought a new computer that is froze on the passwrod screen for windows. The previous owner stated that he did not have a password. Is there any way to bypass this screen? Can a version of windows be pulled from one computer & booted on a computer that has windows 2000 or do I need the CD?

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Bypassing Login Screen Without Asking For Password?

Oct 7, 2005

How do i bypass the windows login without using a password?

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Bypassing The Login Password?

Feb 24, 2007

How can someone bypass the login password if they forgot it? The system administrator account that you can access in safe mode has the same password so one cannot login to it.

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Bypassing The Login Screen On Startup?

Jun 16, 2005

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't find do I bypass the windows xp login...?

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Backup - Tried Bypassing This Screen By Just Hitting "OK" But The BU Never Runs

Apr 25, 2006

I'm trying to use the Windows XP (Home) backup utility. I can set it up to run manually with no problem. I want to set it up on a schedule and after I go thru the steps to do that, I get prompted for a password. My PC at home is not set up with a password for the one and only account on it. I have tried bypassing this screen by just hitting "OK" but the BU never runs. I would prefer not to set up a password for the account as it will only confuse my wife.

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Cant Type Password Into Password Box On Logon Screen Win Xp Home

Dec 29, 2005

I have just installed a linksys wireless router onto my desktop computer to add a wireless laptop and for some reason, when the User Logon screen comes up. The hand cursor never becomes a cursor for me to type in passowords to user accounts. I went into safe mode and then into control panel and deleted the passwords for each user acct and now I can get into the accounts but how can I add the passwords again and be able to type them in. We have 3 user accounts on this pc and would like to have them password protected.

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Bypassing F1 Button At Start Up

Apr 14, 2006

Can someone please tell me how fix DOS so that I can bypass the necessity of pressing the F1 button when starting Windows XP Home. I remember fixing this years ago with a 486, but I've forgotten the DOS commands.

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Skype Messenger Is Bypassing Firewall

Jun 19, 2005

Skype is bypassing the Fireall and automatically adding itself to exception list. Even if you remove it from exception or block, the skype automatic ally adds itself. Is it a security hole Also, skype is able to start during startup even after denying access

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Password Screen / No Password Works

Jan 23, 2006

A few days ago I tried to update my families pc to SP2 so I could get all the updates etc. It seemed to install alright, but then when starting up it gave me some drwatson.exe error which ended up freezing the pc. So I did what I thought was safest at the time and that was to go back to a restore point and then maybe try reinstall SP2. BUT, after restoring, windows suddenly showed the password/log on screens. I now can't log on as Administrator OR Guest. Nothing works. I've tried EVERY possible password that I could have used in the passed, but nothing works. So now I can't get into the pc at all. I've tried booting up in safe mode and logging in as administrator with a blank password, but that doesn't even work. I've read a lot about it online, and it seems the only solution would be to reinstall XP. But would that work as a format and erase some of my files and/or settings? Or would it just be like an upgrade?

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Log On Screen With No Password

Aug 26, 2005

I'm using the logon screen with one user with a password. The logon cursor
used to automatic such that everytime the welcome screen appears, I do not
need to click on my username before I type in my password. Recently, due to
reasons unknown, it no longer does so and it's a nuisance to keep moving my
mouse to click on the username before I can type in my password.

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Logon Screen Asking For Password

Sep 3, 2006

pc has gone back to the logon screen, which is fine, but its asking for a password per user and we have no passwords defined! So I dont know what to key, have to reboot it then it forgets about asking for these passwords which have never been created

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Log On Screen Appears / Needs Password

Nov 1, 2009

My wife brought home a computer from work that was no longer needed. Everything started normally, ran well, but then after updating windows the log on screen appears and now needs a password. Any ideas?

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Xp Hangs At Password Screen

Aug 29, 2009

My apologies if this has been covered in other threads but the search function doesn't seem to work at the moment.When entering the password as administrator my girl friends pc hangs.
Prior to this I'd
- Removed several viruses, trojan horses and a rootkit.
- Repaired the registry using registry booster
- Noticed no Ctrl - Alt - Delete
- Opened in safe mode and scanned for viruses after I'd removed them using Malware bytes but now clean.
But when booted XP hangs after entering password.
I've tried -
- Last known good configuration
- VGA mode..But can access using safe mode.

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Password Comes Up With Black Screen

Dec 10, 2006

I recently bought a laptop from a friend and it requires a password on immediate startup.This password comes up with a black screen at the very begining of startup. (Not the windows log-in password) Also whenever the laptop goes into hibernation this password is required to get back into the unit.I would like to change the settings to take this password away, however I cannot find how to.The unit is a Toshiba with Windows XP.

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Login Screen - Can't Recall Password

Jun 11, 2010

I am trying to login to a computer a Dell Latitude D620. I keep getting the login screen and can not recall the password, I have booted in safe mode and it still comes back to the login screen

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Screensaver Password Protect - Welcome Screen

Jan 2, 2006

I'm trying to limit access to my PC through the password protect feature of my screensaver. When I configure my screensaver a box that says "On resume, Display Welcome screen". I checked this box, so that the screensaver will go to the Welcome Screen when it exits. This works fine if the screensaver is initiated by windows automatically (when the appropriate time of inactivity elapses). However, I've created a shortcut to the screensaver, and when I double-click it, the screensaver loads, but when I deactivate it (move the mouse, press a key) it does not go the the Welcome Screen, so the computer is not locked.

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No Cursor In Password Box At Login Screen

Apr 14, 2005

after one user logs out, I select my account at the login screen, and there is no cursor in the password box, and it won't accept any text. The only thng that works is to's an administrator account. No new software for several months. no new
hardware except for Linksys wireless access point and router one month ago.I'm thinking reparative reinstall, but I'm relatively new to XP (though I was thought of as the "go to" guy for 95/98), so I'm looking for some experience to learn from.

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Bypass Password Screen On Bootup

May 12, 2005

When I boot up xp, the screen hangs at the password and I must hit enter or click on OK to continue. How can I automatically by-pass this screen ?

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Can't Type In Password At Login Screen

Mar 24, 2007

Started up my computer yesterday morning and when it got to the windows login screen, i could click on my user to type my password in and then when i tried to type my password in none of the keys were working, the only keys that were working were the buttons G13,G14,G15,G16,G17,G18. (but i have know idea what they are typing) I have a Logitech g15 Keyboard, all the lights come on, i can go into bios and use every key just fine, can turn numlock, scrolllock and caps lock on and off untill it displays the windows loading screen, then the keyboard kinda freezes and i can no longer turn them on or off -_- , Ive tried everything, 3 diff keyboards, including a non usb one. Tried my other harddrive, Same Issues.Running winxp sp2.

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Password Screen Popped Up / Can't Get Into Computer

Dec 30, 2004

My friend has not set a password on her computer. All of a sudden the password screen popped up and she can't get into her computer. She tried entering her on-line PW and it is not accepted. I have searched at MS and cannot find a fix that applies to her situation. Has anyone experienced this and if so what did you do to fix it. I am afraid she is going to have to reinstall.

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Straight From Start Screen - Password

Jan 15, 2009

Apologies in advance for this being in the wrong place, etc. I'm just a little stuck, and not the most savvy person with computers.So, I have this laptop - Windows XP. Maybe a year old. Never had any problems with it before. But about two days ago, I turned it on and it just started repeating the letter 'j'. With irregular pauses. Even if there wasn't any programs running - straight from the start screen, when I went to type in my password - j. jjj. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. Though, y'know, it was just a series of dots, since it was in the password box. But.they were 'j's. It doesn't seem to matter whether there is actually anything like Word open, either. After getting rather annoyed at the computer, and button-mashing the entire keyboard, it stopped repeating 'j' and started on '`'. Not... not actually better.

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Bypass The Login Screen And Make Another Password?

May 26, 2006

I've lost the password to my xp pro system, can anyone tell me how to bypass the login screen and make another password?

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Cant Get Past Boot Screen Into Windows With Out The Password

Dec 11, 2007

I cant get past boot screen into windows with out the password. (computer description) HP 6630 Pavillion with WIN 2000 Pro, both floppy and CD inputs.

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Get Past The Logon Message Screen When It Is Asking For A Password?

Apr 20, 2005

How can I get past the logon message screen when it is asking for a password
and I have never had a password. I did a Window-Washer and rebooted and it
is saying I need a password to get in.

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IBM Thinkpad Z51 Freezes At Password Entry Screen?

Apr 23, 2008

I have an IBM Thinkpad Z51 that I got through school.It has worked fine until now but now whenever I boot the laptop,it freezes at the password entry screen. I can boot in safemode no problem, but as soon as I enter the first letter of my password in normal mode, the computer freezes. Sometimes, after pressing F8 and using the last known good configurations like 8 times I can finally enter my password

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Bootup - No Password Required - HP Administrators Screen

Aug 8, 2007

When I turn my computer (HP s7527c Desktop) on it only boots to the HP Administrators screen. There is no password required. If I click on the icon it only reloads the same screen. Can anyone explain what is wrong? If I click on F10 (PC Recovery) during bootup the computer works ok after the recovery process is complete.I have only had this computer less then a year and I cannot find any answer on the HP site or from their support.

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Automatic Activation Of Login Screen Password Box

Feb 28, 2006

i have trawled the Internet and cannot find a solution to my fickle problem. its not a very big problem, but more of an annoyance really.on my computer, i am running windows xp home edition, sp2 with only 1 user account. i prefer the newer windows xp login screen (where you click the user to get in) rather than type in the user name and i have the single account passworded. up until recently, while at this login screen, i would not be required to click on my profile in order to activate the blinking character for password entry. if i wanted to log in, i simply turned on the computer and when it was ready, i would simply enter the password because the box would be however, my computer has decided that i have to move the mouse over to my profile space and click on it to activate. i know its not very much to have to move the mouse, but i tend to use only keyboard commands to navigate myself around windows due to its speed advantages.

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Blank Screen User Name And Password - Waiting DC's Responding

Jul 6, 2010

the laptop jioned company Domain. recently if the comptuer connected with non-company network environment e.g publick internet connection (both cable or wireless) after input the domain user name and password i will get a blank screen.but if i un-plug network cable or disable the wirless card i can see the desktop icons immediately. i suspect my pc is waiting DC's responding

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Boot Up / Get Screen Where Select The User Name And Enter The Password

Jan 27, 2005

When booting up (XP), I get to the screen where I select the user name and enter the password. Then I get my usual wallpaper screen but no icons, start button, task bar, tray etc etc. I can't right click on the screen.

I CAN do Crtl+Alt+Del and get a run prompt up and browse the various drives (and even run software through this, e.g. internet) but the desktop is always completely blank. I have tried Safe Mode and restore last known good etc but neither works both same result, get to wallpaper but no icons.

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Password Protected Screensaver - On Resume - Display Welcome Screen

Jul 7, 2005

I have a minor irritation. I downloaded a windows xp update and now when the screensaver comes on it takes me to the welcome screen to log back on. It used to just take me to the log-on. This computer is used by 3 people and none of them like this as it takes "extra time" to click on the icon and then type in the password. When I right-click on the desktop and go to properties, screensaver instead of it saying "On resume, password protect" beside the check box it says "On resume, Display welcome screen" It used to say the former.

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Screen Saver On Password Protected When Lock The Machine

Jul 21, 2005

I have a screen saver selected and have checked "On resume, password protect". It works perfectly. However, I want to be able to start the screen saver from a shortcut which I created to the SCR file. The problem is it's not password protected. How can I start it when I walk away from my desk and have it password protected?
I know how to lock the machine with WinKey + L or ALT+CTL+DEL but I want the screen saver on password protected when I lock the machine.

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