Cant Get Past Boot Screen Into Windows With Out The Password

Dec 11, 2007

I cant get past boot screen into windows with out the password. (computer description) HP 6630 Pavillion with WIN 2000 Pro, both floppy and CD inputs.

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Get Past The Logon Message Screen When It Is Asking For A Password?

Apr 20, 2005

How can I get past the logon message screen when it is asking for a password
and I have never had a password. I did a Window-Washer and rebooted and it
is saying I need a password to get in.

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Windows Pro Will Not Boot Past Welcome Window

Mar 31, 2005

I have a winbook Si2 that i recently put XP pro on it worked fineat first after a few days it would not boot up past the windows blue welcome page the same thing happens in safe can i get it to boot to the desk top?

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Cannot Get Past Windows Is Starting Up Screen

May 13, 2007

I have a compaq presario 2500 laptop with windows xp home edition sp1 installed. I had left my computer at the desktop screen to go do something and when I came back avast antivirus had come up with a message saying that one of my files was infected with a trojan. i believe the file was stored in the system or system32 folder. anyways, it had reccomended me to move the file to avast's "virus chest", so I did. and i went ahead and worked on my laptop as normal. then after shutting my computer down and starting it back up later in the day, i found that my laptop would not load any further than the blue "windows is starting up..." screen. i let it sit there for about 30 mins. so then i went to my desktop and started researching my problem on google. i tried going into safe mode, but it still gets stuck at the same screen.

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Won't Boot Past Splash Screen / Wont Boot In Safe Mode

Nov 23, 2009

I have a Windows XP Professional Edition and i incurred a spyware virus on my PC, so i made a dumb decision by running MSCONFIG and changing my SAFEBOOT option, I did this because previously I couldn't even get into Safe Mode, it would load the files on the screen.

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Won't Boot Past Loading Screen

Feb 19, 2009

After a visit to the wonderful land of pornography, my dell (about 5 years old) has decided that it doesn't want to boot past the loading screen. Just before this happened, I booted up and the screen froze on the desktop, flashing some distorted lines across the center of the screen. I have tried rebooting multiple times and running diagnostics, but nothing appeared wrong. I'm going to assume its virus related.

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Won't Boot Past Splash Screen In Normal Mode

Apr 20, 2010

I am working on a Dell Optiplex GX270 that will not boot past the splash screen in normal mode, nor will it go into safe mode. I'm not getting any errors, just a very faint splash screen. So far I've tried (with no success):

1) changing power supplies
2) put in a new video card
3) put in a different hard drive with a fresh Windows XP install
4) different memory

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System Won't Boot Past Splash Screen - No Errors

Feb 24, 2007

I'm working on a Compaq Deskpro EN500 running Windows XP Professional SP2 (with all patches and updates), current antivirus and antispyware, and firewall. The system was working fine, user was online browsing the web when the system froze. The mouse froze, etc. Start button could not be accessed. The user shut down the system with the power button. When he turned it back on, he was greeted with the standard Microsoft 'an error has occured' screen' and given the choices of Safe Mode

Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Prompt
Last Known Good
Start Windows Normally

When I choose any of these, I can get as far as the Windows XP splash screen and then the system seizes. I can get into the Windows Recovery Console. I have run a CHKDSK /P /R and a FIXBOOT. CHKDSK returns no errors. I'm not sure what to try next short of a rebuild.

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Can Get Past Boot Screen - Freezes On The Recovery Console

Aug 20, 2009

i have toshiba laptop and i had to restart after installing poweriso but now it wont go past the windows xp boot screen itll just stay on the black screen it will not boot in safe mode or anything it freezes on the recovery console i have pretty much tryed everything

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Can't Get Past This Screen - Unmountable Boot Volume Error

May 17, 2005

i'm getting really desperate here. Heres my problem I was on my fully functional computer last night, here are the specs

-Windows XP Home
-512 DDR ram
-Geforce FX 5200
-Intel Pentium 4
-i865Gm-IL **NEW** motherboard (funtioned perfectly)

Alright, last night, the power went out while i was on the computer. When the power comes back on, i get a blue screen saying


I absolutely CANNOT get past this screen, i've tried booting in safe mode, and still get nothing. I've tried TONS of commands from the recovery console. When I load up the console it asks me to choose either D:MiniNT (Which i believe is not what i use) and D:I386 I've tried the following commands on BOTH d:MininNT and D:I386

chkdsk /r
chkdsk /f
chkdsk /p

I've tried them all, and i get the exact same error, i was on the phone with a good friend whos a comp technician and he had no answers, then I phoned the mobo company, still no answers. I've tried unplugging my HDD, still nothing. I am TOTALLY lost!! could someone

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Dell Insiron 1000 Boot Past Splash Screen

May 13, 2008

A dell inspiron 1000 and it will not boot past the splash screen. when i try to hit f2 or f12 it says entering setup or boot menu but will not go further.

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Can't Boot Into Windows, Asks For Password

Feb 7, 2008

I was cleaning my computer of some malware and when I rebooted the computer asked for a password. I never had a password before. No matter what I enter it will not allow me to log in,even in safe mode it asks for a password! I do not want to re-install and lose all of my data. Is there any way to bypass the password and get into xp. I am running XP SP2 on a Dell laptop with a celeron M processor.

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Get Past A Administrator Password At Startup?

Jan 2, 2008

Can someone tell me how to get past a administrator password at stat up please, or how to change it?

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Boot Up / Get Screen Where Select The User Name And Enter The Password

Jan 27, 2005

When booting up (XP), I get to the screen where I select the user name and enter the password. Then I get my usual wallpaper screen but no icons, start button, task bar, tray etc etc. I can't right click on the screen.

I CAN do Crtl+Alt+Del and get a run prompt up and browse the various drives (and even run software through this, e.g. internet) but the desktop is always completely blank. I have tried Safe Mode and restore last known good etc but neither works both same result, get to wallpaper but no icons.

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Failure To Boot: Blue Screen Blinks/ Blank Screen/ Windows Dont Start?

Jun 20, 2008

When i turn on,first Windows screen appears,then a blue screen blinks,then hp screen,then a blank page with cursor on the top left,then a screen with the message"we apologise for the inconvinience but Windows did not start successfully.there was a hardware or software problem.I tried to run it in Safe mode, Windows normally,last known configuration but no luck......Then someone suggested to Get into the Recovery Console by making a Recovery CD with ISO image but the machine is not responding to any of it.Is it with CD/DVD ROM drive or any major hardware problem???...I ran a self hard drive test and it seemed fine

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Unable To Get Past The Windows Log On

Apr 2, 2008

Unable to get past the windows log on. Quote. The system could not Log you on. Make sure your User name and domain are correct, then type your password again using the correct case Unquote. (I used the enter key as the password when setting pass word up.)I am using w.XP Prof. with an ASUS 47V133 AGP Pro/4X motherboard. part of the KT4AV Series.I have been having a series of problems lately, including loss of sound (built in sound card) and also no LAN connection for broadband. (also built in - tried a new card but no change) main problem is I cannot get into it at all now.

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Pro Won't Get Past Setup Is Starting Windows

Jun 8, 2008

I can't get XP Pro to get past "Setup is starting Windows" ,to allow me to format.Loads all drivers up to that point,then the error in above post.Pressing F6 or F10 to install 3rd party(XFX MB drivers) has no effect,and Alt-F2 ultimately gives error also.S prompt is no joy also.Tried F8 for Safe Boot and no joy.Cleared CMOS several times.All drives are there in CMOS. All RAM (4 Gigs) is detected I raised Memory voltage to 1.9 volts standard for my ram),and raised FSB to 1600 Mhz from 1333 (standard also).Put timings to standard 7-7-7-24T Tried Memory linked/unlinked/Auto/1T/2T I Tried only 1 SATA drive,and 1 Gig of RAM with 1 DVD RW /2 drives and 2 Gig of RAM,I Enabled standard RAID for each and every drive and ultimately disabled them cause I want the XFX 790i ultra motherboard RAID Drivers.

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Indows XP Pro Installed On IBM T60 Laptop / Windows Password On Security Wizard / Incorrect Password

Feb 15, 2009

I have Windows XP Pro installed on IBM T60 Laptop.Whenever I start the Laptop up,the Windows Security Sey up Wizard appears and I wish to stop this appearing every time.In addition,if I fill in my Windows password on the security wizard the system says that I am using the incorrect password.Please can someone advise me how to solve these problems.

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PC Won't Boot Past Logo

May 8, 2008

My ACER Aspire pc won't boot past the Windows Logo. I tried to boot in safe mode but had the same problem. I am running XP home addition. It just keeps going round in circles, I get the Acer logo, then Windows and keeps repeating itself. I tried all the f8 options ie safe mode and starting from last known config but to no avail.

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Boot Up Windows Screen Frozen

Jan 1, 2007

boot up windows screen frozen and constantly having to install raid drivers so that my 2 raptor disks can be detected for reason wrong drivers

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Computer Won't Boot Past BIOS

Nov 8, 2009

I left my computer in "suspend", and when I sat again, it was frozen at my BIOS screen. Each time I try to restart it, it goes straight to that screen. I can't even access my BIOS settings (pressing keyboard buttons doesn't work). Nothing changed when I placed my XP disk in the ROM drive.

I'm using an ASUS mobo and AMD processor (sorry, I can't recall the particular models right now). I have not changed any hardware or installed new software recently except anti-virus definitions.

Does this sound like a motherboard or PSU issue?

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Computer Won't Boot Past BIOS

Nov 8, 2009

I left my computer in "suspend", and when I sat again, it was frozen at my BIOS screen. Each time I try to restart it, it goes straight to that screen. I can't even access my BIOS settings (pressing keyboard buttons doesn't work). Nothing changed when I placed my XP disk in the ROM drive.

I'm using an ASUS mobo and AMD processor. (Sorry, I can't recall the particular models right now.) I have not changed any hardware or software recently.

Does this sound like a motherboard issue?

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Won't Boot Past DHCP - Mac Address

Oct 12, 2007

I'm working on a Dell Inspiron 1000 that won't boot past trying to load the Mac address. Here's what I get with powering on: SiS 900 PXE Boot ROM v1.09b Hook Int18. CLIENT MACK ADDR: 00 0F 1F BC 5C EA GUID: 44454C4C-3400-1059-804C-C8C04F4C3431 DHCP ... (It sits & spins for a few seconds here.) PXE - MOF: Exiting Intel PXE ROM.

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Computer Unable To Boot Past Loading Bar?

May 2, 2005

My friend has a XP Home OS. When he fires up his computer, that sucker wont boot past the little loading bar. It just stays there indefinently. I had him boot off the 6 XP boot discs and run "FIXBOOT" to re-write the boot sector, still nothing. We booted up off the XP-CD and ran the setup so we could run the repair (R), files loaded and the computer restarted. Still nothing happened.The files that remain on his computer are so fragile that doing a fresh install of his OS would be a disaster. Any thoughts as to restoring the computer?

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Laptop Wont Boot Past Logon

Dec 7, 2008

i have a samsung model p29 laptop but have a problem when i boot the machine i get to the log on page, input my pass word then it says loading personalized settings then it says logging off saving settings !!! i know i have 2 virus's 1 is a win32 privacy remover (found by kapersky )the other is associated with ad-aware but i can tell what it is as it boots too fast for me to read what it is:(.I have tried to boot in safe mode but it just dose the same as when i boot in normal mode i dont want to reformat the hdd as there are a lot of family pictures that i want to save

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Can't Get Past The Finger Print Security - Cannot Boot

Aug 18, 2008

Crashed computer and can't boot up again. I can't get past the finger print security in Safe mode or any other way I try to boot up. It does not show the box for typing in the password either. Just gives error when swiping finger.

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Computer Won't Boot Past Blinking Underscore

Feb 8, 2005

I was working on my friend's computer and I had to switch the hard drive over to his new computer to try and get it to work on the new computer. It didn't work, so I tried to put the harddrive back in its original computer and now I have a problem. When I try to start up the computer, everything runs fine through the POST and then, before it goes to the Windows screen with the little bar that goes sideways, it stops on a black screen with the blinking underscore (_). I've restarted it many many times and it all ends up the same, stopping at the flashing underscore. I've tried to boot to a Win 98 boot floppy to get it to the command prompt but I get an error saying that it is the incorrect disk. I've also tried to reset the bios by taking the battery out for a while. It reset the bios good and all but I still got the same problem. I think it has to do with the MBR cause I know the harddrive works (as a slave in another computer) and I know the RAM is new. I don't think those are the problems because before I put the harddrive in the new computer to try and boot off it, it worked fine. I can't get into the start up menu either by pressing F8. The only thing I can think of that might work that I haven't tried is to boot off the XP cd and do the recovery console thing. Unless I know that it will abosolutely fix it, I'd like to stray away from it. If you think otherwise, I'll gladly try it. I think I had a problem like this before and I got past it somehow, but I don't remember how I did it.

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Won't Get Past Welcome Screen - Freezes

Dec 21, 2007

I won't get past the Welcome Screen. I click on my Id and just says loading personal preferences. Right before that happened, I working on my comp. and just froze, so I turned it off and then when rebooting that happened. I have windows XP and haven't messed with the configuration settings, the only thing that I did notice was when I was changing my background picture, I guess that's when it froze. I have also tried starting it in safe mode, but the same thing, just freezes when in the welcome screen.

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Cannot Continue Past This Screen

Apr 28, 2008

I have tried repeatedly to download Webroot Window washer ver 6.5 to my wife's computer. For some reason the download arrives with the select language menu vacant. When you click on the dropdown menu, it is also blank. You cannot continue past this screen. My wife has McAfee Virus Scan and Spybot Search and Destroy plus the firewall that Microsoft supplies. Could these interfere with the download? If so, how do I temporarily disable them so I can download Window Washer.As an alternative, can someone suggest another program which will function like Window Washer?

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Can't Get Past Starting Screen

Apr 28, 2007

I am running Windows XP media edition on my Toshiba Qosmio Laptop.Currently when I startup I can get only as far as the windows starting screen with the little timer bar flowing but it never goes any farther. All I can do is power off and then start in safe mode.I have tried system restore to several points in the past to no avail. I think the problem may be to do with display drivers as it started shortly after installing Battlefield 2 (a little too advanced for my machine!!) which comes with some nvidia drivers. I have re-installed the drivers that came with the PC and this hasn't worked.

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Cannot Get Past Login Screen

Jan 14, 2009

When I turn the computer on, it goes straight to the login screen, when I click on my name, it just tells me it is loading personal settings, and then it logs me off, then I'm right back where I was. I cannot even get into the computer.

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