Unable To Get Past The Windows Log On

Apr 2, 2008

Unable to get past the windows log on. Quote. The system could not Log you on. Make sure your User name and domain are correct, then type your password again using the correct case Unquote. (I used the enter key as the password when setting pass word up.)I am using w.XP Prof. with an ASUS 47V133 AGP Pro/4X motherboard. part of the KT4AV Series.I have been having a series of problems lately, including loss of sound (built in sound card) and also no LAN connection for broadband. (also built in - tried a new card but no change) main problem is I cannot get into it at all now.

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Pro Won't Get Past Setup Is Starting Windows

Jun 8, 2008

I can't get XP Pro to get past "Setup is starting Windows" ,to allow me to format.Loads all drivers up to that point,then the error in above post.Pressing F6 or F10 to install 3rd party(XFX MB drivers) has no effect,and Alt-F2 ultimately gives error also.S prompt is no joy also.Tried F8 for Safe Boot and no joy.Cleared CMOS several times.All drives are there in CMOS. All RAM (4 Gigs) is detected I raised Memory voltage to 1.9 volts standard for my ram),and raised FSB to 1600 Mhz from 1333 (standard also).Put timings to standard 7-7-7-24T Tried Memory linked/unlinked/Auto/1T/2T I Tried only 1 SATA drive,and 1 Gig of RAM with 1 DVD RW /2 drives and 2 Gig of RAM,I Enabled standard RAID for each and every drive and ultimately disabled them cause I want the XFX 790i ultra motherboard RAID Drivers.

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Cannot Get Past Windows Is Starting Up Screen

May 13, 2007

I have a compaq presario 2500 laptop with windows xp home edition sp1 installed. I had left my computer at the desktop screen to go do something and when I came back avast antivirus had come up with a message saying that one of my files was infected with a trojan. i believe the file was stored in the system or system32 folder. anyways, it had reccomended me to move the file to avast's "virus chest", so I did. and i went ahead and worked on my laptop as normal. then after shutting my computer down and starting it back up later in the day, i found that my laptop would not load any further than the blue "windows is starting up..." screen. i let it sit there for about 30 mins. so then i went to my desktop and started researching my problem on google. i tried going into safe mode, but it still gets stuck at the same screen.

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Windows Pro Will Not Boot Past Welcome Window

Mar 31, 2005

I have a winbook Si2 that i recently put XP pro on it worked fineat first after a few days it would not boot up past the windows blue welcome page the same thing happens in safe mood.how can i get it to boot to the desk top?

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Cant Get Past Boot Screen Into Windows With Out The Password

Dec 11, 2007

I cant get past boot screen into windows with out the password. (computer description) HP 6630 Pavillion with WIN 2000 Pro, both floppy and CD inputs.

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Computer Unable To Boot Past Loading Bar?

May 2, 2005

My friend has a XP Home OS. When he fires up his computer, that sucker wont boot past the little loading bar. It just stays there indefinently. I had him boot off the 6 XP boot discs and run "FIXBOOT" to re-write the boot sector, still nothing. We booted up off the XP-CD and ran the setup so we could run the repair (R), files loaded and the computer restarted. Still nothing happened.The files that remain on his computer are so fragile that doing a fresh install of his OS would be a disaster. Any thoughts as to restoring the computer?

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Unable To Change Screen Resolution Past 600x480?

Apr 28, 2005

I cannot change the size of me screen resolution past 600x 480...or something like that. I have reinstalled windows and everything and i just cant get it to change.

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Unable To Install Windows 98 Under Windows 2000?

Feb 22, 2005

My system is running with Windows 2000.
Now, I just want to install Windows 98 on a separate logic drive, but it is immpossible to run the setup programm under windows 2000. How can i install windows 98 just the same.

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Unable To Reinstall Windows

Dec 20, 2007

Problem: Cannot Reinstall Windows > Put Master CD in, loads files, then says "Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed on your computer" .BIOS does recognize the hardrive as hitachi 160 GB SATA hardrive and SATA is enabled.Windows Setup disk does not recognize hardrive.I have tried F6 during Windows Setup to load controller drivers but screen says "File iaStor.sys could not be loaded. Error Code is 14."Hardrive seems to work properly becuase I can load windows and do any non-network function.My Reason for ReinstallationRecently messed up my registries accidently concerning installation and uninstallation of AOL and no longer have networking LAN or wireless functions. So for me, "Reformat time." I wanted a clean install anyways. No other hardrives are present, nor are there any other partitions. Currently doing DiskCheck (stage 4 of 5) but so far the disk is not damaged and is normal.My Windows Setup Disk is official and I have tested other Windows setup disks with my laptop but none work.

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Unable To Add/remove Windows Components

Dec 21, 2007

I uninstaled some windows components and it turns out that I need them and have not been able to reinstall them. I have been trying to reinstall the advanced features in my sounds and audio devices. Since I removed that feature when I play a DVD no my computer the sound will not get very loud. I am having no problem with other videos just DVD's. But I have also tried reinstalling games and other features and they will not install either.
When trying to install I use the Windows Installation CD and the installation seems to go fine. I don't get any error message, so I'm not sure what the problem is. I also tried the Add/Remove Programs feature in the control panel and got the same results.

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Unable To Access Windows Installer?

Aug 25, 2008

Computer handed to me for problem fixing (here fix) - had a virus of some kind (unknown) someone else tried to resolve unsuccessfully.Windows XP SP2 (HP Pavilion Media Center Pc I've started to investigate...Windows installer problem unable to load / unload some programs.Specifically as a test I'm tryin gto remove Windows Defender from the Add/Remove programs - unsuccessful get message...The Windows installer Service could not be accessed.

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Unable To Select Minimized Windows

Nov 28, 2006

I have noticed since one of my last windows update that I am having a problem clicking once a minimized window to bring it on top. I literally have to click the minimized window three times before I can get it to come on top.The first time I click it shows the minimized window depressed then highlighted, the 2nd time I click it goes through the motion of minimizing an already minimized window (you actually see it minimizing); and the 3rd time I click brings the window to the front.

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Unable To Turn Of Windows Firewall

Jul 29, 2007

im using windows Xp home and i need to turn of the firewall so i can file share between 2 computers but when i go onto windows firewall settings i can not turn it off it only allows the default (on). hear is a picture.

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Unable To Connect To Windows Update

Jun 17, 2010

I now think a problem, that may have been a bug, could now be a winsock problem. What is happening, is I cannot connect to windows update. It is only anything having to do with and url dealing with windows update. When I get the screen, "unable to connect" and select to have I.E. run diagnostics, it doesn't come up with anything. I've run serveral virus/malware scans and nothing comes up. I have XP, a legal copy, but it does not have the diagnostics software. I have downloaded some sort of winsock "fix" software, but do not want to run this, in fear of totally messing something up.

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Unable To Perform Windows Updates

Oct 5, 2004

i went on the windows update website, i guess launched a new update software , so i waited for it to install , then it gave the choice between cutom updates or express , so i clicked on one of them.there is a bar that comes up with green squares going thru it , and that just keeps on going forever, when i try to stop it, it would freeze the whole computer and i'll have to restart. i know it's nothing to do with the security setting in our netwrok here, because i can get windows updates on other computers on the LAN. can this be a spyware problem if so, how can i resolve. i never encountered a problem like this before.

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Unable To Perform Windows Update

Sep 19, 2008

A few days ago I was browsing the internet (wink), and randomly my desktop background changed to an image of a fake virus alert. Also, many security-related sites were blocked, and clicking on any google results redirected me to various advertising sites. Only a couple weeks prior I had this same virus, which I believe to be Smitfraud, and resolved it by running the MalwareBytes program. When I tried to do this this time, however, the program froze immediately upon starting the scan.An additional symptom I had was when I would start up Windows, If I started up in safe mode I would get the same problem, only the problematic file would be services.exe. Also I had no taskbar in safe mode. The only attempt at fixing this I really made was downloading and running SmitFraudFix.exe, but all that seemed to do was delete my Firefox bookmarks which I promptly restored.

At any rate, I could not solve this problem, so I repaired(not reinstalled) windows. Upon completing repair I ran a windows update like any sane person would, but it was unable to connect. I downloaded the manual SP3 installer and ran it, but got an access denied error. I ran AdAware & MalwareBytes successfully(both were still fully updated definitions) and they removed stuff, and I was able to connect to Windows Update, but after attempting to download the WindowsUpdate file(not the actual windows updates, but the updated WindowsUpdate if you catch my drift) I got an "Access is Denied" error, with error code 0x80070005. I repaired windows again, but the same exact pattern happened.

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Unable To Download Windows Updates

Apr 4, 2006

Can any one please help. At the moment I am unable to download Windows update.I get the message, The Website has encountered a problem an cannot display the page you are trying to view

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Windows Unable To Install Updates

Nov 6, 2006

i'm having problems updating my windows. i'm unable to update my system a few months back till now. any idea what's wrong?

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Unable To Install Windows Updates

Sep 5, 2007

I am trying to update windows from the microsoft site but it just dose not seem to be working right.The site will search my pc and comes up with 80 updates required. It will download them but when it trys to install it fails. There is no error code, just fail.

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Unable To Run Software On Windows 2000?

Dec 13, 2005

I'm trying to install a program called labelmaster 5.3 on a windows 2000 box........I've installed this program at least 100 time and I have never had this issue with it.......the splash screen will just flash and not install.......i've copied the install to different drives and it does the same........I checked the atts and made sure all the read only marks are off...........it will install in safe mode but boot it up into normal mode it just does the same thing when you try to run the program.......

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Unable To Open Links, Windows, Pop-ups?

Feb 5, 2005

I am unable to open links and attached windows when I need to move to another part of a page or window. When I click on a section or link to open, the window pop ups but it is blank and there is no activity on the window to show that it is attempting to open; and it just sits there. Somtimes, the STOP and REFRESH button shows up on the top of the page and I can click "STOP", then "REFRESH" and this allows the page to open but alot of times these features are not available and I just have to close the window and am unable to gain access to the information or page I am attempting to see.
I have enabled cookies, I do not have a pop-up blocker activated and no firewall so I cannot understand why certain windows open and certain ones won't. This problem occurs at random, there is no particular site or anything when this happens.

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Reinstall Windows:unable To Start The Partition?

Sep 2, 2007

i tried to reinstall windows Xp and a error came up saying unable to start the partition . then when i press ok on the error it reboots my computer. i cant reinstall my computer

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Unable To Boot/install Windows Off Disc?

Sep 30, 2008

i have a custom computer build, working fine for a year and a half, system crashed while online. inserted windows XP system/boot disc, goes to mobo screen, goest to a blank screen. shows press any key to boot from cd. then verifying/inspecting system components etc. then a blank screen, system wont do anything.

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Unable To Update Windows Genuine Advantage?

Jun 28, 2006

notification KB905474 hi, i keep getting a notification that i need to download this....when i try to download it my computer blocks it and now i can't get any updates from microsoft. what is going on? and what can/should i do?

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Unable To Reinstall Printer Software -ms Dos/windows

Apr 10, 2006

I am unable to reinstall my Epsom printer software due to the following message :


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Infected With Malaware Unable To Open Certain Windows

Sep 14, 2006

Really slow, unable to open certain windows, always going offline, everything that a computer shouldn't do is happening with ours. I ran an adaware scan with this result:Name: Diaremover, Category: Malware, Object Type: Reg key Size: 0 Bytes Location:ext stats{72267f6a-a6f9-11d0-bc94-00c04fb67863}Last Activity: 9/14/2006 Relevance: High TAC index: 10 Comment:Description: Diaremover is a rogue spy ware that attempts scam the user into buy the product. Diaremover installs false positives that it the finds and claims to be very critical hits. Uses downloaders and droppers to install itself in stealth on a compromised system. The uninstaller only works partially, and may even reinstall the software later on.

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Windows Was Unable To Complete Disk Check From Computer

Mar 23, 2009

windows was unable to complete the disk check from My Computer.What cause this and how can I fix it? Apparently, this is the reason I am unable to perform a defrag.I ran a Chkdsk.exe and got the following msg: The type of the file system is NTFS. Cannot lock current drive.Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? y

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System Froze /unable To Install New Copy Of Windows?

Sep 28, 2007

I've had XP installed 9 months and working great. Yesterday while looking at EBAY, the screen went black, and the computer locked up.Thru trials, I ended up reformating the HD and starting from scratch. XP starts the installation and at 37 minutes left to install, everything freezes. I have to restart and XP installation begins again at about 47 minutes left to install, then at 37 minutes left to finish, the system locks again, and again, again, and again, at 37 minutes to finish.

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Unable To Format And Reinstall Fresh Copy Of Windows?

Oct 12, 2006

computer started to run very poorly: lagging, freezing up, windows end task etc finnaly one day it would not go into desktop. would only give option to start in normal mode or safe mode. so i tried starting in both but would only restart into the same option screen.I decided it was best to format harddrive and reload windows. insert windows disk and proceeded to format partition and reinstall windows. it formats all that way to 90 % and then states cannot format partition further, harddrive problems and to trouble shoot manual. tried quick format and repair but still nothing.tried restarting without reinstall disk. says cant access OS of course!

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Unable To Access Windows Update To Trouble Shoot?

Oct 2, 2007

Everytime, when I try to update my java, mcacfee, or my HP, I get this message that says cannot access windows updating system, please contact administrator I dont know what this means, or how to fix it. When I go under services, it shows updater there, and running, and the settings are on manual. I also went to microsoft and tried to download the installer 3.1, and that seemed to have went through, but I'm having the same problem. Also when I go to microsoft, and try to do their troubleshooting, It wont let me get some files which I cannot remember to get to. msexic/restart..something like that...

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Unable To Drag And Drop Icons From Desktop To An Open Windows

Sep 27, 2006

I'm unable to drag and drop icons from desktop to an open window or open window to open window what happens is when i hold down the left mouse button to drag an icon from the desktop to an open window
the cursor changes to a black circle with a diagonal line going through it

what is causing this to happen?

ONLY copy/cut and paste works now

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