Infected With Malaware Unable To Open Certain Windows

Sep 14, 2006

Really slow, unable to open certain windows, always going offline, everything that a computer shouldn't do is happening with ours. I ran an adaware scan with this result:Name: Diaremover, Category: Malware, Object Type: Reg key Size: 0 Bytes Location:ext stats{72267f6a-a6f9-11d0-bc94-00c04fb67863}Last Activity: 9/14/2006 Relevance: High TAC index: 10 Comment:Description: Diaremover is a rogue spy ware that attempts scam the user into buy the product. Diaremover installs false positives that it the finds and claims to be very critical hits. Uses downloaders and droppers to install itself in stealth on a compromised system. The uninstaller only works partially, and may even reinstall the software later on.

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Computer Infected By Malaware And Trojans And Junk?

Jan 21, 2005

I've been in a on-going battle against spyware, trojans, and mean little things that won't leave me alone. Currently using Norton Antivirus

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Unable To Open Links, Windows, Pop-ups?

Feb 5, 2005

I am unable to open links and attached windows when I need to move to another part of a page or window. When I click on a section or link to open, the window pop ups but it is blank and there is no activity on the window to show that it is attempting to open; and it just sits there. Somtimes, the STOP and REFRESH button shows up on the top of the page and I can click "STOP", then "REFRESH" and this allows the page to open but alot of times these features are not available and I just have to close the window and am unable to gain access to the information or page I am attempting to see.
I have enabled cookies, I do not have a pop-up blocker activated and no firewall so I cannot understand why certain windows open and certain ones won't. This problem occurs at random, there is no particular site or anything when this happens.

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Unable To Drag And Drop Icons From Desktop To An Open Windows

Sep 27, 2006

I'm unable to drag and drop icons from desktop to an open window or open window to open window what happens is when i hold down the left mouse button to drag an icon from the desktop to an open window
the cursor changes to a black circle with a diagonal line going through it

what is causing this to happen?

ONLY copy/cut and paste works now

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Infected With VIRUS - Open And Download Programs

Apr 30, 2006

I have a WindowsXP. My computer won't let me open any programs and won't download any programs either. I've tried to open Spybot but it immediately dissapoears. Also i've tried to download Hijackthis and my computer won't let it download. Soon after the download window dissapears as well. My internet is working fine, it's just the programs that won't seem to open up. Am i infected? If there isn't any solution should i just re-format my computer? Don't know how else to show without the log.

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Cannot Open .exe Files - Infected With Some Type Of Malware

Dec 21, 2008

I believe one of my computers is infected with a virus. I have virus removal software (malwarebytes), however when I try to open the .exe file nothing happens.It seems that my computer can no longer open .exe files and thats a serious problem for me in getting rid of the malware on my machine.

So it seems that I have 2 problems now.

Problem #1. My computer cannot open any .exe files.

Problem #2. My computer is infected with some type of malware

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VIRUS W32.Desktophijack Infected / Windows / System32 / Winine

Aug 30, 2005

I followed Norton and the one thing I can't fix is the wininet.DLL. It runs in safe mode and will not delete. How do I get this thing out? I fixed the registry(Norton instructions) and cleaned everything else. When windows XP Pro starts, I get a message that "sysinit32z.exe cannot be found. Should I put down the hijackthis log in here too?

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Computer Infected By Many Malware And Viruses: Unable To Solve?

Jan 6, 2006

I have a malware or spyware problem I can't solve. I tried spybot,adware, and ewido with little help.

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Computer Infected With Virus / Malware - Unable To Start

Aug 29, 2008

I've been trying to help a friend who has a computer that is horribly infested with virus and malware. My friend had no recovery partition or any type of Windows CD. After downloading and running Spybot and Avira Antivirus the computer began to run much better. Everytime the computer would startup, Avira found a virus called "Winlogin.exe". I tried the "Quarantine" option but it kept popping up. Eventually I just clicked "Rename". Now when starting the computer it loads the Bios and goes to the XP boot screen - and then restarts - over and over and over. I've tried booting in safe mode - same thing.

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Unable To Open Video Files: Program Closed While Trying To Open?

Jan 8, 2008

when ever i start any video application it shows that something has gone wrong and prog is to be closed,and pror closes everything on desktop closes and disappear only to reappear again after some time.

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Windows Instaler Keeps Launching When Open Windows Office

Sep 30, 2008

I try to open an office 2003 document the windows installer starts up.

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Unable To Install Windows 98 Under Windows 2000?

Feb 22, 2005

My system is running with Windows 2000.
Now, I just want to install Windows 98 on a separate logic drive, but it is immpossible to run the setup programm under windows 2000. How can i install windows 98 just the same.

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Cannot Open Windows

Feb 22, 2005

I fire up PC I am given the option to open two different versions of Windows operating systems.They are both the same,except one is a new partition and the other is thr original partion from the factory(Dell).
I am given the message,"Cannot open Windows.The file <Windows root>system32hal.dll is missing.Please reinstall this file.

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Nothing Will Open In Windows

Oct 29, 2007

When i try and open anything, quite literally anything, excluding explorer, a wordpad document comes up with a load of rubbish.I am just in the process of downloading panda scan,

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Windows Does Not Open

Jul 1, 2010

A message saying that it found some threats and asked if I wanted to remove those. I said yes and then everything disappeared. Now windows would not open. There is a message saying
- load needed DLLs for kernel

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Can't Open New Windows.

Mar 1, 2005

If I click on a link, a window pops up but its blank. I've unistalled pop up stoppers, even System Mechanic, Something in Windows XP Pro is set to prevent them from opening, likely to protect me from virus. But it is getting to be a royal pain. I have to right click the link,"copy shortcut" and paste it to the blank browser window.
Even then, if the shortcut is a java script I can't open it at all.

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New Windows Open Behind Active

Jul 21, 2009

Every time i try to open any thing (image, zip file, video) basically any file that sends makes windows sends the (%1) argument to the associated program (meaning when zip files makes windows calls for winrar, or videos makes it call for VLC) I get thoes programs windows behind the original window and it gets pretty bad when that happens with a "force always on top" window, I just can't reach for the window behind.

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How To Open Windows Maximized ?

Jun 22, 2005

Using Windows 2000 and Internet Explorer, when I open a window, it is small in size. I have tried to maximize a window and then exited Explorer in hopes that it would remember that I want to open all windows maximized, but it still opens them small in size. How can I tell Explorer that I always want windows opened maximized?

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Folders Always Open In New Windows

Dec 10, 2005

I went into Folder Options > File Types > Found the folder one, went on its properties and changed the icon, clicked ok, blah blah. However, now whenever I open a folder, it instead opens the default "Search" thing.

So I went into Folder Options > File Types > Found the folder one, went on its properties and added a new thing called "open", to open with "explorer.exe".

Now the folder opens, however when I double click a folder within that,rather than it opening in the same window, it opens in a new window!!

And no, this is not the setting in Folder Options that selects between the two. It is alerady set to open in same window. I've gone through all the other settings in Folder Options.

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PC Powers Up But Will Not Open Windows

Jan 11, 2006

My laptop powers up but will not open windows; goes to the windows xp page, but then jumps to a blue screen registry file failure?, and then to a black command prompt page. All tries on this page including normal startup, safe mode, last config, etc, etc, will not allow access to windows...keeps going round and round.

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Cannot Open Windows Applications

Feb 2, 2006

To find a windows explorer error message. When I click close on the error, the same error pops back up.
I finally got the error message to stop on startup and the computer worked fine but now when I access any windows based programs, windows explorer, my computer, control panel, IE 7, my computer puts the error message back up.
When i click "close" windows explorer does not go away, the error message just does but it still prohibits my access to these programs (which really really annoys me).

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Cannot Open Windows Firewall

May 26, 2006

I cannot activate windows firewall. When i go to control panel, firewall it says windows cannot start windows firewall?

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Windows Cannot Open File

Aug 24, 2006

My folders are not the standard yellow. When I attempt to open any of the folders, I get this message,"Windows cannot find a program to open the file"

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New Windows Do Not Open Maximized

Oct 11, 2006

When I open a new window, it opens regular-sized. not maximized, as was previously the case. How can I return to that previous setting (maximized window) for new windows?

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Too Many Open Windows Can't Be Shown On ALT-Tab

Feb 2, 2006

If you ever have more than 21 windows open, in Windows XP, ALT-Tab can't show them all. Any suggestions of software that would expand the window, or give me some other way to switch between them via the keyboard?

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Open Windows Explorer My Computer

Nov 7, 2006

When I open windows explorer I see My Computer, My Network Places, Recycle Bin, and Internet Explorer. I no longer see My Documents. How do I get them back to show in windows explorer?

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Windows XP Pro Automatically Tries To Open New PDF File

Mar 1, 2006

I'm not sure my question belongs in this venue and trust someone will kindly direct it elsewhere if applicable.When I convert a document to a PDF file, Windows XP Pro automatically tries to open the new PDF file with Miscrosoft Office Picture Manager. Further, when opening a PDF file from Windows Exploder (pun intended) I have to go the extra step of telling Windows to "open with" Acrobat 6.0 or it will automatically try to open with Picture Manager.

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Computer Restarts Itself When Open Windows

Mar 10, 2009

my system restarts just when it's up to open windows. i installed fresh windos xp for three times and after 15 minutes working it starts restarting again. safe mode doesnt work too. could it be some of my components not working?

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Windows File Open Options

Oct 18, 2008

I do not want to open another instance of a program that is already open.When I click on a file in explorer (and the program for that file is already open) the file is opened in another copy of the program.

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All Windows Open Minimized On Computer

Jun 5, 2008

Just recently, all of my programs, e-mail client (Juno) and Explorer open minimized. I max them out, and then close them, but it's still happening.I read somewhere that there is a registry fix for this. Does anyone out there have the fix (or other solution)?I do not have a restore point to go to.

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Cannot Open Windows Picture And Fax Viewer

Aug 8, 2005

I cannot see the thumbnails of any file, and i see instead the generic icons for jpg, bmp, etc files. I associated all these files to windows picture viewer and i selected view->thumbnails, but the problem is that i cannot start this program.I tried with regsvr32 shimgvw.dll but it tells me load library("shimgvw.dll" ) failed. the system cannot find the specified file.

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