Computer Infected By Malaware And Trojans And Junk?

Jan 21, 2005

I've been in a on-going battle against spyware, trojans, and mean little things that won't leave me alone. Currently using Norton Antivirus

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Infected With Malaware Unable To Open Certain Windows

Sep 14, 2006

Really slow, unable to open certain windows, always going offline, everything that a computer shouldn't do is happening with ours. I ran an adaware scan with this result:Name: Diaremover, Category: Malware, Object Type: Reg key Size: 0 Bytes Location:ext stats{72267f6a-a6f9-11d0-bc94-00c04fb67863}Last Activity: 9/14/2006 Relevance: High TAC index: 10 Comment:Description: Diaremover is a rogue spy ware that attempts scam the user into buy the product. Diaremover installs false positives that it the finds and claims to be very critical hits. Uses downloaders and droppers to install itself in stealth on a compromised system. The uninstaller only works partially, and may even reinstall the software later on.

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Computer Is Infected With A Large Number Of Trojans

Oct 3, 2006

My computer is seriously infected with a large number of trojans, and other nasties. But i dont know where to start on how to get rid of them. When i run any long term virus detection program, it shuts down after a set amount of time. My cpu usage is almost always 100 percent, causing everything to run insanely slow, and also causing it to crash and restart. Need soome help on this one.

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System Is Infected With Trojans & Spywares?

Aug 10, 2005

my system says its infected with trojans and spyware what to do?

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Infected With Viruses And Trojans, Keep Getting Bogus Warnings?

Apr 30, 2006

i have avast antivirus installed and i keep getting warnings about impotato win dialer thingy and i keep getting bogus warnings about being infected with spyware from spy falcon and than i keep gettin warnings from avast with various viruses that include Win32:Trojano-CL [Trj]. Ive tried everything that i can think of ive ran avast, ad-aware, avg, ewido, spybot and cleaned out all my temp files and i just dont know what to do anymore

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153 Infected Files, 23 Virus, 15 Trojans & Counting ?

Aug 17, 2005

My laptop, a Toshiba, running XP Home, became infected and it had Norton's pre-installed [she never updated it].It barely booted and eventually I uninstalled it and have since ran a MULTITUDE of anti virus apps in an attempt to clean the poor thing: Panda, AVG, McAfee, they all did half a job and sometimes even gave up. Avast and Spybot seem to have done the trick... or... have they? The laptop is still snoozing and crashing everytime I open a browser. I don't know what to do.

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System Attacked By Trojans: Antivirus Wont Delete Infected Files?

Dec 5, 2004

C:WINDOWSTELNET.EXE Ist das Trojanische Pferd TR/Dldr.Small.RN.1 That's what AntiVir. told me today - and I have no idea how to get rid of it, as marking the option "delete" on AntiVir doesn't seem to effectively delete the file.I haven't spotted or better said, felt, any anomalies in the doing of any things to do on my PC...but the fact that the Trojan is there disturbs me greatly since I don't know what exactly it will destroy when it fully activates itself.Just now again it gave me this alert: C:WINDOWSLASTGOODSYSTEM32TELNET.EXE Ist das Trojanische Pferd TR/Dldr.Small.RN.1

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Multiple Trojans On My Computer - Reboot Cycle

Feb 17, 2005

there are multiple trojans on my computer.and i know it because ive run mcaffee virus scan and they find them...can i delete them? no....why? because before its done and i can click the delete, i get a stupid error pop up screen saying mcafee has encountered a problem and needs to shut gives me two options "close" and "debug" idno what debug is so i just close the way this happens with a ton of random programs that i have (be it I.E. or AIM).also my coer does this weird thing where the whole screen goes blue with white

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System Full Of Trojans Want A Stable Computer?

Jan 21, 2005

I've had a lot of trojans and meltdowns and have reformatted 438545769 times (I have just finished reformatting again. I used to have ZoneAlarm and AVG until I sat and watched as they let a trojan just come on in and munch up all my files. Right now I just want a *stable* computer.

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Computer Effected By Viruses, Spyware & Trojans?

Sep 12, 2007

I am not sure where/when/how but I guess that is not important anyways. but I don't know where to start. What logs, information etc do you all wonderfully helpful people need to proceed. know some passwords were stolen... I have that under control but there are numerous little beasties creating havoc on my PC. How would you all like me to submit logs & which ones do you want?

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Computer Effected With Trojans: Removing The Virus?

Feb 18, 2005

Please give advice on what to delete to clean up IE. Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0 Scan saved at 8:16:49 PM, on 2/18/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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Website That Scans Computer For Viruses/worms/trojans ?

Apr 1, 2005

I mainly want to know if their is a site that can scan my computer to see if there are any trojans or worms. Any kind of stuff that a hacker could put onmy computer or anything that may have passed through my firewall.

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Formatting My Pc - Excess Junk

Jan 11, 2008

I'm trying to format my computer as it is running really slow and I would like to get rid of the excess junk, but I can't do it, I am trying to boot from the cd, but then nothing helps

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Computer Is Infected By Virus

Aug 31, 2005

im using windows xp. it has been infected by more than 1000 worms! i now have to use task manager to do stuff.. i used trend micro online virus scanner and remover to remove these worms. im not sure whether all of them were deleted. i didnt have anti virus. so now i wanna know how to fix my computer. can i just use an anti virus(that i can borrow from a friend) to fix my computer?. i want it to be back to normal or do i HAVE to format my com for the 100th time?

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My Computer Might Be Infected With Virus

Dec 28, 2005

There is an unwanted background on my desktop.It is a warning that my computer might be infected with a virus and I suspect that the virus or pop up program actually switched to this file from my previous background, which I would like to restore.I have tried but when I go into Display and Desktop and Background, I can not choose any of the selections. This is a vexing problem, the security warning currently set as the background is ugly.

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Uninstalled Some Junk - Suspected Registry Corruption

Dec 23, 2007

I am running XP Pro 64 bit on a custom system(spec in profile.) For the last couple days I've been getting program errors saying that the program has encountered an error and needs to shut down. It started with Call of Duty 4, then Firefox, then AIM and my HP Printer software. Then the computer crashed, and kept rebooting at the Windows loading screen. I eventually got it to load Windows by running Last Good Config. When I got to the login screen it told me the registry hive at ntuser.dat file was corrupted, and then when I logged in Windows said it said Windows had recovered from a serious error. I checked my drive properties and it was terribly fragmented, so I ran defrag, then uninstalled some junk and ran CCleaner and a Registry defrag program and then defrag'd again. The computer worked fine for awhile but it crashed again and the program errors are still occuring sporadically. I think the Software registry hive is corrupted.

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Computer Is Infected From A Malicious Malware

Oct 24, 2006

computer is infected from a malicious program which always prompt to download a antimalware program. it happened when my friend tried to browse a porno site, nfortunately, my pc doesn't have antivirus or any internet protection... what should i do? when i open my internet explorer, it gives me a new defualt home page which informs me that my computer is infected and i have to buy their software to eliminate the problem. i believe my internet explorer is infected with a malware virus

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Icon On Task Bar Says Your Computer Is Infected

Feb 23, 2007

My son was downloading something on the computer last night and he said all these pop ups came up and now on the task bar there is an icon , a shield with a x in the center that says your computer is infected. When I click on ok it says would you like to update your security software and install registry cleaner? Once in a while it keeps popping up from that icon that my computer has detected spyware infection and has corrupted the registry. Virus program shows nothing, well it showed threat of bloodhound and said it cleaned it but that is it. How do I get this off my taskbar and how do I get all the icons off that I dont want to run.

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Infected With Spyware - Computer So Slow

Jan 13, 2005

I hava a PC with Windows XP Proffesional 1.6GHz P4 with 384 Mb RAM. I have 2 harddrivers 1) 40Gb Total 10Gb Free 2) 120 Gb total 92Gb Free. It has worked very very well for a couple of years but in the latest month it has become so slow. I have been infected with spyware and as everyone else that used IE been hijacked but I have removed all those programs and adds regarding "Hijack"

What happens everytime I, for example, end a program is that all the icons on my desktop disapear and one after one is coming back first with a "system icon" then it get its natural look. Another example is that it takes so long time to start the webbrowser (FireFox). I really don't know what can be wrong,

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Computer Infected By Viruses Because Of Win32res.exe?

Jan 7, 2006

A friend of mine called me moments ago to tell me that she got a message from Windows Security Center on her desktop that the computer has been infected with spyware and to take necessary actions by downloading the latest Windows updates. She told me she saw win32res.exe was the cause of this.

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Computer Infected Whole Family Of Viruses

Apr 6, 2010

I am servicing computers everyday for both business and home users and the vast amount of computers are infected with this whole family of viruses by names like Personal Security, Window Anti-virus, Antivirus7, Security Guard etc.I see these ransom-ware infections getting past everything from the free Anti-virus programs to the most expensive anti-virus programs, especially with home computers that are use for Entertainment Purposes and always because the users were browsing the Internet and are tricked into clicking on a fake warning of infection or security risk. Once they are tricked into that initial click, life goes downhill rapidly as the infection installs itself and then takes deeper root as the user clicks on subsequent fake screens. If they don't register the fake program, it will proceed to convince them to register by progressively turning off more and more Windows features.My question to the knowledgeable users of this forum is:Does anyone know of an antivirus/spyware program or combination of programs that can catch these infections as they initially try to install from that first ill-fated click while browsing the Internet?I have tried all the Big names to varying degrees of disappointing success.Would registered versions of MalWarebytes or Super AntiSpyware be effective?

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CPU Usage Idle - Uninstalled Dell Junk Programs

Jun 15, 2006

this problem has been pissing me off so much. I recently got my new laptop. Straight out of the box, the cpu usage when idle was at around 3%, then i uninstalled all the dell junk programs. Somewhere down the line, the cpu idle shot to 35%. The programs that are causing this are csrss.exe and spoolsv.exe, each taking up about 17 cpu each. When i end spoolsv.exe, I notice that my csrss.exe cpu usage will increase. I reinstalled my windows OS and it seemed fine until the next day, these two processes started acting up again. I don't know what else to do, and i'm sure these processes aren't viruses.

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Computer Infected With Viruses: Finding And Deleting These?

Nov 12, 2006

I think my computer has some viruses. i dont know how to delete or remove these from my computer

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Computer Infected By Virus: No Internet Connection?

Jan 20, 2005

i just got a couple viruses, my antivirus isnt working out very well, i just installed norton which doesnt think im connected to the internet so i cant get the new virus deffs. Anyways, i need to get these off my coputer because they load many pop ups as well as starting me at odd start pages. i ran ad-aware, spyware blaster, search and destroy and remain

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Infected Computer With The Conhook_dh Trojan Virus

Apr 9, 2007

I have tried Trend Micro and Spy Blaster and Defender and they see it but can't seem to kill it. Here is a printout of the HijackThis log.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.0 (BETA)
Scan saved at 3:27:34 PM, on 4/9/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:

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Computer Infected By Viruses With Jumpy Cursor?

Mar 19, 2007

Infected: Indications: jumpy cursor, desktop format changes unilaterally, black screen, etc; Ad-aware, spybot, avg find nothing.

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Check On My Hijack This Log File - Infected Computer

Jul 31, 2005

who can tell what to check on my hijack this log file, my computer is infected bad.

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Computer Is Infected With Unknown Trojan Popup

Feb 11, 2008

Everytime I open anything from folder to 'my computer' I get this error."Your computer was infected by unknown trojan.It's dangerous for your system (critical files can be lost)!Click OK to download the antispyware program to clean your system! (Recommended)"I ran ad-aware, and mcafee. Still Nothing.

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Computer Infected By And Told To Shut Down?

Mar 3, 2005

i have been infected with something called it has taken over my homepage and i was told it could shut your computer down. i have tried using highjackthis and it still keeps coming back.

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Update Outlook 2003 Junk Email Filter / Keeps Saying It Failed

Sep 15, 2005

How come when I tried to update outlook 2003 junk email filter it keeps saying it failed. Then I tried to go to the website to download directly from them instead of windows but it still did not work. Also, when it said that i need to install activeX it failed because it does not know publisher. and the icon keeps popping up saying I have to update but everytime I try to update it it keep failing.

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Computer Infected With Viruses: Boot Up Extremely Slow?

Jan 3, 2005

Boot up was extemely slow and would not allow internet (dsl) connection. I have fixed that by using the wireless card instead as I believe a driver is gone. I now no why she didn't want it anymore. When I ran spybot it came up with 37 items for removal. I have also run AD-Aware which continues to find some trojan viruses. I also have Avast running. I have reached the the extent of my tech abilityand although it seems to run better I still believe it is infected.

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