Uninstalled Some Junk - Suspected Registry Corruption

Dec 23, 2007

I am running XP Pro 64 bit on a custom system(spec in profile.) For the last couple days I've been getting program errors saying that the program has encountered an error and needs to shut down. It started with Call of Duty 4, then Firefox, then AIM and my HP Printer software. Then the computer crashed, and kept rebooting at the Windows loading screen. I eventually got it to load Windows by running Last Good Config. When I got to the login screen it told me the registry hive at ntuser.dat file was corrupted, and then when I logged in Windows said it said Windows had recovered from a serious error. I checked my drive properties and it was terribly fragmented, so I ran defrag, then uninstalled some junk and ran CCleaner and a Registry defrag program and then defrag'd again. The computer worked fine for awhile but it crashed again and the program errors are still occuring sporadically. I think the Software registry hive is corrupted.

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CPU Usage Idle - Uninstalled Dell Junk Programs

Jun 15, 2006

this problem has been pissing me off so much. I recently got my new laptop. Straight out of the box, the cpu usage when idle was at around 3%, then i uninstalled all the dell junk programs. Somewhere down the line, the cpu idle shot to 35%. The programs that are causing this are csrss.exe and spoolsv.exe, each taking up about 17 cpu each. When i end spoolsv.exe, I notice that my csrss.exe cpu usage will increase. I reinstalled my windows OS and it seemed fine until the next day, these two processes started acting up again. I don't know what else to do, and i'm sure these processes aren't viruses.

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Clean Registry Of ALL The Uninstalled Removed Programs

Feb 18, 2006

Running XP Pro,And wondering how do I clean my registry of ALL the old uninstalled removed programs folders that were long, long ago removed but still remaining in software areas of the various HKeys?

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Formatting My Pc - Excess Junk

Jan 11, 2008

I'm trying to format my computer as it is running really slow and I would like to get rid of the excess junk, but I can't do it, I am trying to boot from the cd, but then nothing helps

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Computer Infected By Malaware And Trojans And Junk?

Jan 21, 2005

I've been in a on-going battle against spyware, trojans, and mean little things that won't leave me alone. Currently using Norton Antivirus

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Update Outlook 2003 Junk Email Filter / Keeps Saying It Failed

Sep 15, 2005

How come when I tried to update outlook 2003 junk email filter it keeps saying it failed. Then I tried to go to the website to download directly from them instead of windows but it still did not work. Also, when it said that i need to install activeX it failed because it does not know publisher. and the icon keeps popping up saying I have to update but everytime I try to update it it keep failing.

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Corruption In My Setup?

Jan 12, 2007

I am using IE7 on XP Home (SP2),I also work on website design using Dreamweaver and the XAMPP for Windows suite.When browsing I am experiencing many website pages giving a status bar message (ssd's law can't find one at the moment "Loaded but with errors on page"I have had a few JavaScript error whilst using Dreamweaver (cleared Dreamweaver cache to get rid of these)Am I seeing something associated with security in IE7 or, as I suspect, have I got corruption in my set-up?

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Possible Dll Extension Corruption?

Nov 20, 2007

I was doing a little bit of work on a friend of mine's computer recently. I'm not exactly sure how to describe it. When you turn on the power, the motherboard does it's loading screen and then i have the option of the BIOS and everything. You all know how that works. Then, the whole thing resets.I've tried reinstalling Windows XP. That worked for a little while. Now it is doing this again. I thought that a possible fix might possibly be a boot disk. So, I changed the boot order on his computer and put in an XP boot disk. It is still going through this only to reset itself again and again. I have even left it alone to see if it would just finally get tired of it and load the OS, but it continues for hours.I deal mostly with hardware, so I'm kind of at a loss.

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Driver Corruption XP

Jul 2, 2007

It's unfortunate that my first post on these forms is to address a rather large problem I've encountered while re-installing different OS's. It's my hope that you guys can help me out. Don't let me down.Ok, here's the story. Despite all the vista nay-sayers, I decided to try it out anyway. I installed Vista Ultimate on my Compaq Presario sr1910nx. It worked relatively well, until one time I booted up - or at least, I tried. I was given the infinitely descriptive error message: "Missing Operating System". I decided that, well, Vista hadn't really met my expectations, so I popped my XP Home SP2 CD back in the drive, and went back. The install went smoothly. I deleted existing partitions on my hard drive, and then installed XP to the resulting unpartitioned space. So, I welcomed my XP desktop with open arms.

It didn't do the same for me. XP fails to recognize most of my hardware, including but not limited to my network adapter and cd-rom drive. Needless to say, this has resulted in some serious issues; I cannot connect to the internet, because XP refuses to realize that I have a connection. I can't even re-install XP from a CD, because XP won't recognize that, either.I tried mounting an XP .iso with Daemon tools. No dice, the installer wants a CD drive just as much as I do.So, I downloaded some driver identification tools to a USB drive from my laptop and ran them on my desktop.The problem? They need the internet to identify the hardware.So now I'm lost.My desktop box is now incommunicado, and unable to reinstall the OS. This is where I need you guys to come in. I've checked the compaq website for the drivers, and they're not there; that, or I've missed something.

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CD/DVD Inaccessible Due To Operating System Corruption

Oct 28, 2006

The main problem is this; in reguard to the dvd drive: the shortcut for the destination you are trying to access is inaccessable. I have no cd/dvd drive icon in my computer and when I insert any cd/dvd into the drive, autorun does not take over from there. Toshiba tech support says its caused by a corruption of the windows files because I can get the ram image of the restore disk to show once windows is not attempting to access the drive. I'd like to learn how to resolve this issue without reloading windows entirely. I think it can be done, I mean there has to be a way to debug the system. I ran a hijack this scan, and below are the results of that scan.

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Upon Starting Installation A Black Screen Came Up Saying There Was Corruption

Aug 22, 2008

I'm currently trying to reinstall XP onto my Sata hard drive. At first I reformatted the existing partition using the longer and more through option. Upon starting a black screen came up saying there was corruption. I attempted to reformat it once more Via the XP install setup, and the drive was not listed. After reformatting the drive once more on another computer, attempting to boot off the CD results in "NTLDR is missing". As a result, I unplugged the SATA cable from the hard drive, and reinserted it while windows install was loading.

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Random Folder Corruption - Folders Cannot Be Deleted

Mar 5, 2005

I am having great difficulty with my current hard drive, a Maxtor 160GB 7200 drive. About a month ago, several folders began randomly turning into gibberish, and when I click on the folder, the amount of data listed is in the Gigabytes, instead of Megabytes. The corrupted folders could not be deleted, nor could the programs be removed. So, three weeks ago, I reinstalled Windows XP and re-formatted the partition on which these corrupted folders were located. For three weeks, things have been just fine. Today, however, when I tried to use Corel Quattro Pro, it would not work. Sure enough, the entire Corel folder has turned into unintelligible goo, and can not be deleted. At first, I thought a virus might be causing this random corruption. However, I now I suspect that this constitutes hard drive corruption, possibly early signs that hard drive failure is around the corner. One bit of information that I think I need to relay is that, in addition to Windows XP, I also run Windows 98 on this computer. None of the 7 partitions are over 20GB, however, so I wouldn't think that Windows 98 would have any trouble recognizing the data.

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Display Corruption In 800x600 Desktop Resolution

Jun 21, 2006

A problem regarding desktop display settings. When the desktop resolution is set to 1024x768, everything is perfect. However, when I change the resolution to 800x600, everything is very bad quality such as text and images.This corruption also affects fullscreen applications that run in a lower resolution than 1024x768.

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Menu Error - Corruption - Attached Picture

Apr 2, 2008

I've found it a tricky problem to search for as it could come under many problems such as Windows menu corruption etc. Anyway the picture attached shows the problem the best, Basically a lot of my menu options (new folder etc) have gone and been replaced by either placeholder or some random numbers. this also effects my right click options. I'm on a Windows XP 64bit Dell workstation, that is connected to a server using Windows Server 2003 and have full access. It happens while browsing network folders as well as local folders which is why i believe it to be a windows problem.

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Prefetch Corruption Error/CwindowsprefetchJQSNOTIFY.EXE-24AE4A36.PF ?

Oct 11, 2009

Very slow start up(13-14 min) Windows X P.I am getting pop up that says corrupt file CwindowsprefetchJQSNOTIFY.EXE-24AE4A36.PF is corrupt.RunChkdsk utility.I have backed up my files, did a disc clean up,and a defrag 92 % space avail.,attempted to run the Chkdsk but with the very slow srart-up after reboot it never ran(waited 30 min.) I did this twice,no results.Would it be possible (if I can get to the folder) to just delete everything in the folder & start it anew?

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Hard Drive Corruption - Need To Recover Important Files!

Aug 13, 2007

About two weeks ago, I came home to a dead computer. The fans were on in the case, but the monitor was off. Every time I rebooted, the same happened. I finally had to send my motherboard and CPU in. Intel sent me a warranty replacement Dual Core 2 2.4Ghz processor and ASUS sent me a new motherboard. However, it was not the original. It was the same type of board but the premium model (P5N32-SLI Premium, original was Deluxe) as they didn?t have mine in stock.

While I waited for the new components to arrive, I was able to hook up my old hard drive to my brother?s computer. The hard drive is a SATA Western Digital 250GB. I was able to grab a few files off but didn?t need any others at the time. Plus, the hard drive seemed to working fine so I had no reason to think it would be a problem to get files off in the future..........

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Scan For File Corruption - Errors + Disk Wiping

Jul 18, 2009

I would like to see if all data files in my computer are still healthy, i.e. they haven't been damaged or corrupt yet. Manually opening one by one is not an option. There are literally millions of files. I knew the System File Checker but it is only for Windows system files. I want to check the health of all my data files. Disk checking, as far as I know, has nothing to do with file corruption. The drive can be healthy even if some files have been corrupt unrelated to drive failure reasons.I tried to search on the net but couldn't find any.

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Blue Screen - STOP 0x0000007B - Hard Drive Corruption

Nov 6, 2009

I want to downgrade the factory loaded Vista to XP pro on my Acer Aspire M5640 desktop. I found some detailed instructions on line for doing this, but I don't get very far before I get a blue screen error message while the computer is in the process of booting up from the XP disk and loading the files while in windows set-up mode. It reads as follows: "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

"If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps: "Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer. Technical information: STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF78D6524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

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Installation Failed / Unchecked Drive To Check Hard Drive Corruption

Oct 2, 2006

A friend gave me a laptop, my problem is that it came from Japan thus everything is japanase thus I can't hardly use it. The reason I accept it is bcoz he said I can try to reinstall a win xp with english version (btw, the OS is win xp pro in japanase version). Thus I bought win xp pro sp2 and try to reinstall it, so I reboot fm cd rom and while the windows setup is starting, the system stopped and the message on my screen read as:A problem has been detected and windows has been shutdown to prevent damage to your computer.If this is the first time you've seen this error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps:Check for viruses on your computer, resume any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers, check your hard drive to make sure it is porperly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK/F to check hard drive corruption. then restart computer. how in the world I can follow the above steps if everything written on it are in japanase language? I also try to visit the manufacture's website, thinking that perhaps it help solve the problem but....i also need a japanase translator to understand it.

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SP3 Can It Be Uninstalled?

Jun 16, 2008

I hate service pack 3.All its done is take my Superduper 2 gig system and turn it into an 8088 xt system.Is there anyway to remove service pack 3, or do I need to do a complete and utter reboot and reinstall of Windows, including all the updates etc?And is there a way i can save the existing updates so that I won't have to download them all again? If I have to do a compelete reinstall, im looking at an 8 hour job or more.

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IE Can't Opens - Uninstalled NAV

Dec 3, 2004

this had happened to me a month or so back ....sometimes when im online for more than an hour....then when i try to open IE or anything else...nothing opens...i even tried opening the taskmanager but that too does not open.....nor does the start button...it only becomes ok when i restart the computer by hitting the reset button on the cpu...i had got rid of this problem for a while when i uninstalled NAV...i assumed the problem was with NAV...but the problem has started again....
i ran TDS 3 and it said that there were no trojans found. But it says i have to update it althought i have the latest update installed.

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Uninstalled And Installed IE7

Apr 5, 2010

I recently had problems with IE8 so I Uninstalled and installed IE7. All my favorites are under my favorites folder: Document and settings/Dell/favorites.When I try to go to one of favorites it tries to print for some odd reason. All the favorites have the unknown file format picture with them. When I try to add a new bookmark it does the same thing. It adds it to my favorites but won't open the website. It's like the URL isn't there with the favorite. Please help this is a friends comp and he needs it tom for school.

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Uninstalled Keyboard Driver

Apr 29, 2007

I bought a new keyboard, and to install it I had to uninstall the old drivers (it was wireless, so is the new one.) After doing that and rebooting, it no longer picks up any keyboards once its in windows. It picks it fine in bios (and I can choose which OS to load.. I have fedora on a seperate HD, not the one I boot off of). This is true for every keyboard! Wireless or not! So I'm stumped.Either windows removed some file when uninstalling the last wireless software, or I donno what else it could be.Any ways I can this fixed? I was thinking if I bypass the password into windows then I can reinstall the drivers. I think a normal XP cd would work?

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Using Ubuntu, Uninstalled - Ini At Start Up

Jul 5, 2010

I tried using Ubuntu, uninstalled it, now i still see the .ini at start up
How do i remove it?

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Cannot Uninstalled SP3 - Formatt Difference

Apr 30, 2010

My Laptop XP Pro with SP3 is totally different to the same on my PC, where I upgraded the Sp's as they came out. So the format is different between the two.I wanted to un-install my laptops version and install the version downloaded from MS, but I don't have the option to do so in Add/Remove on the Laptop as I do on the PC. Its listed, but no option to remove/uninstall.Can I un-install this SP3 in the registry or anyother way or could I just install my version and overwrite the current SP3.

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Firewall Uninstalled - Still Blocking

Jul 29, 2008

I tryed a firewall called Comodo. I was not impressed because I could not get it to allow alot of my apps access even after creating rules ect. I uninstalled it, which was a nightmare and took forever because their installer is bugged! anyway, I have gone through the Regedit and deleted all ref's to comodo, deleted the folders ect. Best as I can tell everythine has been removed. However I have programs, apps and games that used to access fine BEFORE installing Comodo that cant connect now! Should I do a reinstall of XP? or is there some other files that the firewall might of moded that can be replaced? Any thoughts or ideas? I have a post on the Comodo Forums, but after searching most of the day I have yet to find anyone with a problem like this after following the manuel uninstallation and I'm not to hopeful...

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Uninstalled All Versions Of .NET Framework

Oct 29, 2007

I uninstalled all versions of .NET Framework earlier than 2.0.Afterward,could not access the My Videos file. No matter what program tried to open it would crash.I reinstalled the earlier versions of .NET Framework,but no change.

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Uninstalled Antivirus: Pc Won't Allow System Restore?

Mar 24, 2006

My norton antivirus kept pushing up warnings about mail not to go out.I tried to run a scan with norton antivirus and it kept locking up , so I uninstalled it and tried to reinstall it but it would not allow it to install.I uninstalled it again and downloaded rising antivirus and that froze up. I have a hp a530n 3200+ (2.00GHz) AMD Athlon 64 bit processor 1 GIG DDR SDRAM memory, Windows XP. I cannot access the tax program now . When I try system restore it just freezes up. I am not allowed in the help program. The computer is super slow in normal mode. I am running safe mode right now

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Uninstalled Kazaa: Still In Ad/remove Section?

Jan 8, 2005

i had kazaa like a year ago... and in the add/remove prog list, it says i use it ocasionally (uninstalled a year ago) when i click the change/remove button, it doesn't do anything.it's been there ever since.. but i noticed that the file size installed on my computer right now (according the the add/remove prog list) says it's [12,041 mb. the last time i lookedten minutes ago) it was only 11,000-something mb.the last time before that, it was only about 300 or 400 mb

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Processes Running: Uninstalled Programs Never Used?

Jan 31, 2008

My windows xp has been freezing lately and before I do a clean install I uninstalled programs I never use.. did a disc clean-up Defrag

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XP-Accidentally Uninstalled Windows Sound

Jan 5, 2006

Now my videos and my music do not have any sound when I play them? How can i Install this again and from Where?

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