Cannot Open Windows Firewall

May 26, 2006

I cannot activate windows firewall. When i go to control panel, firewall it says windows cannot start windows firewall?

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Unable To Open Microsoft Websites - Firewall Turned Off

Jan 6, 2009

Iam anable to open any MS websites either with IE7 or FireFox. Able to open other websites. I have tried adding "s"to the "http"protocol,but no luck. Then went to internet options and unticked the "tsl"option in Advanced tab,again no luck! Thus iam not able to manually download updates.The XP pro has SP2 and SP3 installed. All the drivers are in place.To add to my woes ,SAS PRO and MBAM are not getting updates too!To survive i have installed AVG 8 Anti-virus and it too is not getting updated! I have turned off the windows firewall and the Comodo Firewall Pro. The KIS 2009 disk is not installing as it is not being accessed by the dvd drive( please see my post in "General security"). When i run the diagnostic tool--i get the message that the PC is unable to access the FTP and the http and https are fine!Please ask for any further info' which i've failed to mention

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Disable Windows Firewall

Aug 5, 2005

I need to disable or turn off the windows firewall (XP pro SP2) but the button in the firewall console is light grey. In other words, I can not turn it off.

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Unable To Turn Of Windows Firewall

Jul 29, 2007

im using windows Xp home and i need to turn of the firewall so i can file share between 2 computers but when i go onto windows firewall settings i can not turn it off it only allows the default (on). hear is a picture.

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Firewall , Norton Anti-Virus And Windows XP

Jul 7, 2005

I recently upgraded to the Norton Anti-Virus 2005 edition. I have always trusted this Anti-Virus program but it turned off the windows XP firewall and they tell me that I don't need it with their 2005 version because worms, hackers, viruses etc. are stopped through their program. Anyone know anything about this ? Obviously I want to be well protected

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Windows Firewall Grayed: Removing Service?

Jun 18, 2006

I've searched for this topic and am not able to find anything. I'm wondering why my Windows Firewall options are all greyed out and a message states that "for your security, some settings are controlled by a group policy" I also have a follow up question as to how to remove a service that appears to not be in the HJT log but shows when I check msconfig under services

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Dont Have Windows XP SP2 Secutity System And Firewall

Jan 4, 2006

I had a virus and now I dont have windows XP SP2 secutity system and firewall.

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Audio Driver Gone / Can't Access Firewall Or Windows Defender

Sep 3, 2008

about 2 weeks ago my computer updated (through microsoft updates i presume) from windows xp home to xp pro service pack three since then i have not been able to access my firewall or windows defender and my audio device (realtek ac97)has gone even though it was in add/ remove programs was directed to unistall and reinstall have tried downloading new audio driver from realtek it downloads then when start installation wizard it gets half way through then just stops?

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Update Firewall – Windows Not Start Up - File Missing Or Corrupt)

Feb 9, 2008

I restarted my computer after installing an update to my firewall program. I get the "windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WindowsSystem32Hal.dll" I tried to do system restore first (F10) and it tried to start windows to start the system restore program I suppose and so of course the same error message came up. After retrying a few times, I tried the other option in system recovery (f10) and it said user data would be preserved but I may need to reinstall programs, so I thought that'd be fine. I let it do it's thing and came back later when it was done and it looked like the first time I started my computer ever where it has that cheesy music and asks you to name your computer, etc. So I'm finally in Windows again (XP Media Edition 2002 SP2) and the first thing I check is my documents folder and all my documents are gone! I checked the properties of the C: drive and it shows that I've used 224GB space, but I can't find my files anywhere. I've looked in all profiles in documents and settings. It seems like the files should be somewhere since the hard drive shows that I have that used space.

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Security Center: Popup Windows Firewall Detected Suspicious Network Activity?

Jun 19, 2005

This message keeps popping up every so often.. is it legitimate? or is it just a part of a pop-up ad/adware/etc.? "Windows Security Center WARNING: Windows Firewall detected suspicious network activity on your computer. Malicious software codes try to steal your privacy information, such as credit card numbers, electronic mail accounts, financial data or passwords.

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Windows Instaler Keeps Launching When Open Windows Office

Sep 30, 2008

I try to open an office 2003 document the windows installer starts up.

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Firewall Acting Weird - Using ETRust EZ Firewall

Apr 27, 2006

I am using eTRust EZ firewall and just recently started having problems with it and the effect on my pc. First, it wouldn't let me select allow or ask under the access internet or trusted column under the program control. Now, it won't let me access the internet if the program control is turned to low, medium, or high. The only way for anything to get to the internet is if the setting is turned off

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Sp2 And Firewall - Firewall Settings Are Greyed Out

Jul 14, 2005

My firewall settings are greyed out and a banner says some functions controlled by group policy but I have a home computer and no network administrator. I tried resetting the firewall setting and it didnt seem to work

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Router Firewall OR Comodo Firewall??

Mar 6, 2010

I connect to the internet thru a router with a built in firewall.(turned on) I am also running a software firewall with comodo. Do I need the comodo firewall Every new update version of the comodo firewall seems to mess one thing or another up on my old winXP machine.

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Security Center Says Firewall Off, Firewall Says On?

Jul 1, 2005

Windows XP Home running McAfee Security Center, which is not managing Security Center, and McAfee Personal Firewall is not installed.All Windows Critical Updates are applied.Windows Security Center says the Windows Firewall is off, Windows Firewall says it is on.

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Cannot Open Windows

Feb 22, 2005

I fire up PC I am given the option to open two different versions of Windows operating systems.They are both the same,except one is a new partition and the other is thr original partion from the factory(Dell).
I am given the message,"Cannot open Windows.The file <Windows root>system32hal.dll is missing.Please reinstall this file.

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Nothing Will Open In Windows

Oct 29, 2007

When i try and open anything, quite literally anything, excluding explorer, a wordpad document comes up with a load of rubbish.I am just in the process of downloading panda scan,

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Windows Does Not Open

Jul 1, 2010

A message saying that it found some threats and asked if I wanted to remove those. I said yes and then everything disappeared. Now windows would not open. There is a message saying
- load needed DLLs for kernel

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Can't Open New Windows.

Mar 1, 2005

If I click on a link, a window pops up but its blank. I've unistalled pop up stoppers, even System Mechanic, Something in Windows XP Pro is set to prevent them from opening, likely to protect me from virus. But it is getting to be a royal pain. I have to right click the link,"copy shortcut" and paste it to the blank browser window.
Even then, if the shortcut is a java script I can't open it at all.

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New Windows Open Behind Active

Jul 21, 2009

Every time i try to open any thing (image, zip file, video) basically any file that sends makes windows sends the (%1) argument to the associated program (meaning when zip files makes windows calls for winrar, or videos makes it call for VLC) I get thoes programs windows behind the original window and it gets pretty bad when that happens with a "force always on top" window, I just can't reach for the window behind.

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How To Open Windows Maximized ?

Jun 22, 2005

Using Windows 2000 and Internet Explorer, when I open a window, it is small in size. I have tried to maximize a window and then exited Explorer in hopes that it would remember that I want to open all windows maximized, but it still opens them small in size. How can I tell Explorer that I always want windows opened maximized?

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Folders Always Open In New Windows

Dec 10, 2005

I went into Folder Options > File Types > Found the folder one, went on its properties and changed the icon, clicked ok, blah blah. However, now whenever I open a folder, it instead opens the default "Search" thing.

So I went into Folder Options > File Types > Found the folder one, went on its properties and added a new thing called "open", to open with "explorer.exe".

Now the folder opens, however when I double click a folder within that,rather than it opening in the same window, it opens in a new window!!

And no, this is not the setting in Folder Options that selects between the two. It is alerady set to open in same window. I've gone through all the other settings in Folder Options.

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PC Powers Up But Will Not Open Windows

Jan 11, 2006

My laptop powers up but will not open windows; goes to the windows xp page, but then jumps to a blue screen registry file failure?, and then to a black command prompt page. All tries on this page including normal startup, safe mode, last config, etc, etc, will not allow access to windows...keeps going round and round.

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Cannot Open Windows Applications

Feb 2, 2006

To find a windows explorer error message. When I click close on the error, the same error pops back up.
I finally got the error message to stop on startup and the computer worked fine but now when I access any windows based programs, windows explorer, my computer, control panel, IE 7, my computer puts the error message back up.
When i click "close" windows explorer does not go away, the error message just does but it still prohibits my access to these programs (which really really annoys me).

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Windows Cannot Open File

Aug 24, 2006

My folders are not the standard yellow. When I attempt to open any of the folders, I get this message,"Windows cannot find a program to open the file"

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New Windows Do Not Open Maximized

Oct 11, 2006

When I open a new window, it opens regular-sized. not maximized, as was previously the case. How can I return to that previous setting (maximized window) for new windows?

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Too Many Open Windows Can't Be Shown On ALT-Tab

Feb 2, 2006

If you ever have more than 21 windows open, in Windows XP, ALT-Tab can't show them all. Any suggestions of software that would expand the window, or give me some other way to switch between them via the keyboard?

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Open Windows Explorer My Computer

Nov 7, 2006

When I open windows explorer I see My Computer, My Network Places, Recycle Bin, and Internet Explorer. I no longer see My Documents. How do I get them back to show in windows explorer?

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Windows XP Pro Automatically Tries To Open New PDF File

Mar 1, 2006

I'm not sure my question belongs in this venue and trust someone will kindly direct it elsewhere if applicable.When I convert a document to a PDF file, Windows XP Pro automatically tries to open the new PDF file with Miscrosoft Office Picture Manager. Further, when opening a PDF file from Windows Exploder (pun intended) I have to go the extra step of telling Windows to "open with" Acrobat 6.0 or it will automatically try to open with Picture Manager.

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Computer Restarts Itself When Open Windows

Mar 10, 2009

my system restarts just when it's up to open windows. i installed fresh windos xp for three times and after 15 minutes working it starts restarting again. safe mode doesnt work too. could it be some of my components not working?

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Windows File Open Options

Oct 18, 2008

I do not want to open another instance of a program that is already open.When I click on a file in explorer (and the program for that file is already open) the file is opened in another copy of the program.

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