ATA / ATAPI Controllers And Slow Comp!

Dec 5, 2007

I have this major problem where my comp runs uber-slow untill I uninstall all the ATP/ATAPI controllers from my Device Manager and reboot. But the moment I reboot Windows reinstalls them again and after my next reboot my data transfer, and my comp in general is slow again.I have no clue as to why my comp runs fine without those controllers, but the moment they auto-install my comp becomes slow and jerky again.

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Drivers For IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers Standard Dual Channel PCUI IDE Controller

Feb 3, 2008

Were do I find a free upgrade for the above driver? That should read PCI in the title not PCUI.

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Comp Running Really Slow: Facing Unknown Reason?

May 1, 2007

Comp really slow dont have any reason for that

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Comp Running So Slow: Performed A Virus Scan?

Jun 26, 2005

I feel like I went back to a pentinum 1 486mh and 16 mb of ram....... I cant figure out what is wrong with my comp. I have run virus scan, spywear scan, done a defrag, and every thing is fine. There is nothing in the startup menu on msconfig screen. but yet my comp takes like 3 mins to restart. getting on the internet with Road Runner takes like 5 mins.

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Boot From Atapi ROM?

Sep 2, 2006

Every now and then my PC (WinXP, Soltek MB) will pause at boot up after showing the two optical devices (first is a CDRW, second is a DVDRW) with the message after identifying the two optical drives "Boot from atapi ROM". Within a second or two it continues to boot up and everything seems normal EXCEPT when you push the DVD drive button, although its light comes on the drawer does not open! A re-start has always cured it. Consulting the various items in XP tellls me the "device is working normally".

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Atapi Device Did Not Respond

Aug 20, 2005

I dont know what this means Saturday, August 20, 2005 atapi The device, DeviceIdeIdePort1, did not respond within the timeout period what does this mean and how do i fix it? i found the error on ADVANCED SYSTEM INFORMATION - ERROR LOG

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Atapi.sys And Usbport.sys Failures - BSOD

Dec 13, 2006

I have been getting repeated BSOD for the past few months and I have tried all I know to remedy it. It crashes for no apparant reason and is annoying the hell out of me.When it blue screens I have been getting repeated 0x000000d1 codes but with different driver locations. I have either getting usbport.sys or atapi.sys. Atapi.sys seems to be the more common of the two. I tried running System File Checker (sfc) and got 99% through before is BSOD again!I have examined the screeds of info on the Microsoft website and nothing looks overly relevant or matches the symptoms I have been experencing.

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Blue Screen Atapi.sys Prevx

Oct 28, 2009

can some one figure this out. I can not find any posting on the web about the following error.I am using dell inspiron 9300 running xp pro sp2.downloaded trial prevx from the web and when double clicked on the file to install, windows dataprotection message appeared to prevent instalation. Cpu was active, I quickly started system restore. The system will not boot to windows or access safe mode or any other mode. Tried microsoft article 307545 but the system started to go into loop and will not boot to any mode even though the blue screen is hardly visible now.

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Too Many IDE Controllers

Jul 30, 2007

My PC recently started to really slow down. I realized I had also recently had to re-install a DVD drive after it just disappeared and that I might have an IDE issue.I uninstalled all the controllers as recommended on a separate thread. There were 3 Primary and 3 Secondary despite the fact I only have 2 Hard drives and 2 DVD drives. This did the trick and my PC is now booting like it used to but I'm concerned that it still thinks I have 3 of each IDE controller. Surely I should have 2 of each. Does this sound right? I'm concerned that the problem will re-occur if I don't properly fix it. I've had problems with DVD drives disappearing before, though not for a while.

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USB Controllers Disappeared.

Dec 25, 2006

I'm using an IBM NetVista, Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.80GHz and one night, powers went out. And when I turned my PC on, USB ports aren't working. To my surprise, at the device manager, USB section was gone. It was undetected, or w/e.

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Updation Of USB Host Controllers

Aug 1, 2005

I have an Intel 865 board and XP running. The board has 4 USB controllers and hubs. If I want to connect USB2.0 capable devices, do I have to update all 4 controllers drivers, or just one?

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Hi-speed USB Controllers Popping Up

Sep 8, 2005

I'm having lots of troubles with USB 2.0 support. My mother board is a ASUS P5GD2 Premium, which only has USB 2.0 ports but my Windows XP SP2 keeps popping up this error! I have some drivers, but they don't install because XP SP2 should already support USB 2.0. Maybe the cables that connect the USB ports are the problem.

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Switching Order Of Controllers In XP

Sep 10, 2005

I had a Thrustmaster Dual Power 4 game pad, and bought a Logitech Rumblepad later. I like the Rumblepad better, and want to consider it my "first string" controller. But if I go into say, Nba Live 2005, and go to choose controllers, no matter what I do, the thrustmaster is on the top of the list, and the logitech is on the bottom. All the old posts talk about choosing Preferred device in the control panel. By running DxDiag, I can see that setting something as the Preferred Device assigns it Controller ID 0. But I also see that the order of the Controllers, as recognized by most games, is the same as the order listed in the game controller control panel, and is completely unrelated to which device is "controller id 0" and "preferred device." For example, I set the logitech as preferred device, and plugged in the thrustmaster and also a gamepad pro.

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HijackThis V1.98.2 - Messed My Comp

Jun 7, 2005

O16 - DPF: {15AD4789-CDB4-47E1-A9DA-992EE8E6BAD6} -

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MS Updates Messed My Comp?

Dec 9, 2009

The yellow emblem is in the task bar after I boot. Nothing happens when I click on it. When I try to restart the timer goes on and it seems like the computer is frozen. I have never had problems with updates before but this time the download was very slow yesterday and I never got the message to install. When I went to turn off computer 3 updates were ready to install so I let them install.

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Stopped Reognizing The USB? Cant Install USB Controllers

Nov 26, 2006

I have an external hard drive that was working fine on my USB port but at some point my Dell Laptop with Windows XP stopped reognizing it. I tried the external hard drive in another XP desktop and it works fine. I have a USB mouse that worked fine so the port was OK. I tried reinstalling the external hard drive several times and tried to use another external hard drive that I verified worked on another computer but that also would not install. I broused your forum and tried the registry patch.

Now I can't install the USB controllers either.

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Domain Controllers - Server On Workgroup

Jun 5, 2006

I have installed this OS on a new Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX150 S4. Now I want just to use this Server as a server on a Workgroup. But the OS insists that it should be the Domain Controller. And then it just shuts it self down. Below is a log from the event viewer. Just don't really want to configure the entire Lan from workgroup to Domain.

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Uninstalling USB Controllers From Device Manager

Feb 17, 2008

I tried uninstalling the USB controllers from the Device manager restarting my computer, and waiting for the pc to re-install the devices itself. Unfortunatly, nothing happens. It DOES find the devices, it DOES reinstall everything, but when i plug in even the mouse, i get the same error msg. The usb ports are named "Unknown Devices" and when i check their properties, the have no drivers installed.

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USB Controllers Disppeared From Device Manager

Apr 23, 2006

The Data Transfer status on my HDDs was PIO mode and I wanted to make it DMA so that my access speeds become faster. All I did was update my Primary IDE Drivers. They got updated and DMA mode was enabled. But during this I dont know what happened, but my device manager no longer displays Universal Serial Bus Controllers. The entire thread has disappeared (it doesent show up even when I do "Show hidden devices").

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Remote Desktop Host Comp Win Xp Pro

Oct 15, 2008

I am trying to connect from home to my office computer both are running win xp pro spk 2, i setup the office computer to allow remote access as described by microsoft, and i do from my home what i need to do to connect to it but no luck, ok i will tell you what i did in my office, i access my router and under port forwarding i addedd the ip of the office computer and assign port 3398, from home i am typing the office ip:3398, and still does not connect, i also added in the office computer a user and a password and i assigned to this userd admistrator rights, firewall is off on this office computer this is the message i get when trying to connect.

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Comp Hang After Surfing For About Few Mins

Nov 13, 2006

My comp hang after surfing for abt 10 mins, sometimes less, no updates or installations done recently. Did a virus scan using AVG, no virus detected, ad-ware was unable to complete when it hang. Did a system restore.My comp is a P4 abt 4 years old, using XP pro.

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Comp Freezes, Sometimes BSOD When DVD Loads

Mar 12, 2007

When I am on the comp normally, on the internet, using Word, etc. it's all fine. The problem only starts when I try to play a dvd. Sometimes, it will play for a little while and then I hear a 'click' sound and the comp freezes. I would have to press the restart button for it to do anything.Other times, as soon as the DVD drive starts to load a dvd, a 'click' sound is heard, and it freezes.Sometimes, the same happens as above, and the BLUE SCREEN shows up- says something about memory dump..I don't know what to do! I've tried using a different programs to load the DVD, e.g. Power DVD, Windows Media Player, AVI... don't think it makes a difference now! (When I changed from Power DVD to WMP it worked for a week or so, then it started all over again! This problem started when I still had my old DVD drive, which was 8X and now I have a 16X. At first it was all fine, but a couple of weeks later it started again.

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My Comp / Control Panel Won't Open

Mar 15, 2006

from the desktop or from the Start menu. explorer.exe randomly consumes 100% cpu usage and has to be shut down from task manager or a reboot. Sometimes after ending the explorer.exe process, I get the "send/dont' send" error report option to Microsoft. Norton & Windows Defender found nothing, and ad-aware SE hangs.

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After Logging On To Comp Logs Me Off Straight Away

Jun 3, 2007

when i log on to my laptop it begins to load up my desktop and it only gets as far as the wallpaper then it immediately logs me off again. so i cant get into my comp to try and fix it.

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Comp Randomly Freezes - Restarts

Nov 6, 2006

Sometimes I can have the comp on for a couple of days, be playing WoW and HL2 games on it and all sorts of things and it'll suddenly freeze without warning. No hdd light, no error message, just complete freezure (not a real word, I know). Mouse won't move, keyboard is locked out. Sometimes when i restart the comp, it just hangs without even getting to the post screen. Other times i'll restart and everything will boot fine, but a minute or so after windows boots it'll freeze again. The freezing/restarting happen while playing games, right after closing the games, and/or when i'm surfing the web, or even when the comp is idle.

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Comp Running At 100% - Spybot Scan

Aug 27, 2006

I only noticed it earlier today, but for some reason I noticed that my machine was running a little slow this morning. So I did the usuall Disk Cleanup, Defrag and Check Disk. But to no avail my CPU is still running @ 100% without fluxuating(sp).
I also perform a spybot scan as well as a virus scan.

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USB2 Host Controllers/reverting MS Drivers

Oct 1, 2008

I've recently reinstalled XP on my PC using the recovery CD that came with it but I've noticed that the USB Host Controllers seem to indicate I only have USB1 and not USB2 like I had pre-reinstall. I've tried my hardest to locate them to no avail but stumbled across this which is for my particular PC but I am having a dumb moment and don't know how to revert to MS drivers. It's XP Home with SP3 installed.

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System Unstable - BSODs - Disabled IDE Controllers

Oct 14, 2006

I've had this ax8 board for some time. Previously, I'd been using an av8. Here's a run down of what I've experienced. With all the default devices enabled in bios, random irq/driver irq not less than or equal BSOD's. Disabled on board FDC, still bsods. Disabled onboard LAN, still bsods. Disabled IDE controllers, still BSOD's. I've tried a pcie and pci card, still bsods. Tried SATA 3&4, still BSODs. I replaced my USB keyboard/mouse with an old ps/2 keyboard and mouse, unplugged my usb headset, and it hasn't crashed since.

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Cannot Create New Folders Or See Icon Names In My Comp In XP

Mar 9, 2010

I just reinstalled Windows XP on my computer and now I cannot create a new folder. I usually right click and select New>Folder but for some reason I can't do it. I also noticed that I cannot read any of the names of the icons in My Computer. All I can see is the icon itself but no label. I've never had this problem before even after re-installing a OS.

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Warning Message In The Background - Spyware On My Comp

Sep 20, 2008

Out of no where i get this windows warning message saying i have spyware on my comp. I used AVG and scanned the whole comp for virus's and such but the message will not go away. The spyware is preventing me from using google so i can search and fix my problem so i need someone's help to please fix this.

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Connect Old Internal Hard Drive To New Comp Via USB?

Mar 29, 2006

I was just wondering if there's a special piece I can connect to the hard drive internal plug (that used to connect to my comp) that will like change it and make it into a USB??

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