Cannot Create New Folders Or See Icon Names In My Comp In XP
Mar 9, 2010
I just reinstalled Windows XP on my computer and now I cannot create a new folder. I usually right click and select New>Folder but for some reason I can't do it. I also noticed that I cannot read any of the names of the icons in My Computer. All I can see is the icon itself but no label. I've never had this problem before even after re-installing a OS.
I have exported a chart of accounts to an Excel spread sheet. I wanted to create a unique folder based on each line item in excel. Is it possible to export each line from excel to create a unique folder with that name?
I am having major problems with my computer. I can't access folders, My Computer, Internet Explorer, etc. When I click on any of these, it thinks for a little bit, and then does nothing. I am running Windows XP SP2. Does anybody have any idea what I can do? I have tried just a Diagnostic Startup. . .but it basically does the same thing.I haven't loaded any new programs or software lately. About the only major change was early in October, I started using an iPod and I have transferred quite a bit of music files to the hard drive.
Notice considerable lag when doing the following simple tasks: use the dialog boxes to browse folders (save as, etc) is slow ,double clicking my computer or any folders is slow, right click and create new folders is slow, clicking START button and going to programs is slow
the other day i was working in My Documents in Windows XP when the page suddenly clicked off. no big deal, but when i brought My Documents back up, all the names below each and every folder & file were gone!!! All other files in all other folders are fine, the problem is only in My Documents in Thumbnail vewing form. how do i get the names of my folders and files back? i tried to attach a picture of what my screen looks like now.
When I my computer boots, the images, especially the fonts of the icon names, are blurred & out of focus. After a while it gets normal. Since once it got o.k. after I started defragmenting a volume, I am trying it everytime with success. However, maybe it's a co-incidence & the blurring goes away automatically after a time. Can this be a monitor problem? I am using a LG Monitor which is otherwise perfectly alright & a Win XP SP2 O.S.
Today I downloaded a software called "spaceMonger" and explored my C drive (Not rooot drive) for the disc space usages..I got some huge files under Recycler and deleted em.But, There were some folders that software reffered as UNSCANNABLES.
I have had this problem for a couple of years now, even in a few different computers. I have a folder with files I am keeping, copying it from computer to computer when I change computers. In this folder I am unable to see folder/file names unless I mark them. This has irritated me to some extent since there are around 12-13000 files in this folder by now. I have asked around at computer-tech stores, and some of my more or less nerdy friends. One of wich is mostly always able to help me but not with this.
Dell computer from 2001. . I was on the regedit screen, and when I went into one of the HKEY_LocalMachine or one of those HKEY folders, the "Classes" folder got deleted. That's when everything kind of...messed up. Regedit stopped working (asked for an "appropriate program from the list" to use with it) and almost everything stopped, so I had to shut the computer down.
Now when I shut it down and tried to get back on, I couldn't get ANYTHING on the logon screen except a dinky little Windows logo, with no usernames, making it impossible to logon!
how the heck do I get back to the WIndows logon screen with the usernames back? Do I need a special CD I need to purchase, and is there anyway to get back the users without losing all my stuff? Please help. you can post here to help or email me at
just bought a second user PC, is there any way we can remove the names he has to log on with to get it back to original as it were. He has all the passwords.
He's been trying to download the Turbo Lister programme for eBay, it looks as though everything downloads OK but when he clicks on the Turbo Lister icon nothing happens. Someone suggested it could be due to the older names in the system.
I want to place an icon under the System tray. the program was installed already and i want to get a particular option only under the system tray.For Example : I'm having the Norton System Works 2005 on my Machine. and there is an option called Live Update in that program, i need to have the Live Update icon under the sytem Tray. So, that i can easily run the Live Update with out open the program . (In that program itself the Live Update is able to run with out opening the Norton Program) so, how come i place an icon under the System Tray.
I have a problem with my computer. When I start my computer, I get an error message that reads: "Cannot Create Shell Notification System Icon" I don�t know what is it, I think that has something to do with the icons on the toolbar, in fact, when my computer starts with that message, quite icons in toolbar disappear. I tried to restore system and nothing happens, except that the all icons appear again, but when I restart the computer they disappear again. I have already pass all antivirus and all programs related to cleaning, everything.
I noticed recently that my system and other folder names have changed on their own! What the -h- happened? I have never seen anything like this before. These folders appear on all of my drives c:, d:, g: and they are random. It looks like they are of another language, maybe? Actually, the wording makes no sense at all...> It looks like most of these folders previously existed.
Things I have done: Ran Anti-V program + Ewido Suite = No viruses, trojans, malware, etc. Ran three adware programs (ad-aware, spywareblaster, spyware doctor) = Clear. Checked all running processes and startup tab in mscofig = no peculiar programs detected. Ran regseeker = Phenominal amount of invalid keys, etc. (3,000+) very unusual to the norm!!!
I'm experiencing some problems with my operating system (win xp).This picture is pretty descriptive: Basically, all of the icons have turned white and although I can open all of the files without any problems, I can't turn off the PC. Every time I click on the shut down button, nothing happens. I think all of this happened because of StyleXP, a program which I've downloaded today, but got rid of pretty fast. The problems started after uninstalling StyleXP. I don't know what to do right now so that's why I had to ask for help here.
I have one question. Is it possible to save the order of my music folders (and files!) in My Music folder. What I mean is that I'm going to transfer all of my music (55 GB) on external HDD and then back to freshly installed Windows 7. And what I would like is that my order of folder is sorted as I did it in Win XP, and NOT by alphabetical order or something else. I have really huge collection and organizing it like it is now would be a nightmare. I do not want music to be sorted like: ATB, Coldplay, Linkin Park, Trance; but in my order (like Coldplay, Linkin Park, ATB, Trance). I wonder if thumbs.db hidden file has to do something with order of the icons (I guess not ) So is it possible or not?
When i'm on a web page and i click the "favourites" (yellow star button) in WinXP (on the toolbar above the web page) i see all my favourite websites, but the little yellow icon does not appear beside them, so i'm unsure whether they are direct links to the web pages or whether they are folders containing the links !! Oddly enough, when i plug in my USB HD, the little yellow folder icons re-appear What can i do to get the folders icons back (without having to keep my USB HD switched on) ?
The yellow emblem is in the task bar after I boot. Nothing happens when I click on it. When I try to restart the timer goes on and it seems like the computer is frozen. I have never had problems with updates before but this time the download was very slow yesterday and I never got the message to install. When I went to turn off computer 3 updates were ready to install so I let them install.
I am trying to connect from home to my office computer both are running win xp pro spk 2, i setup the office computer to allow remote access as described by microsoft, and i do from my home what i need to do to connect to it but no luck, ok i will tell you what i did in my office, i access my router and under port forwarding i addedd the ip of the office computer and assign port 3398, from home i am typing the office ip:3398, and still does not connect, i also added in the office computer a user and a password and i assigned to this userd admistrator rights, firewall is off on this office computer this is the message i get when trying to connect.
I have this major problem where my comp runs uber-slow untill I uninstall all the ATP/ATAPI controllers from my Device Manager and reboot. But the moment I reboot Windows reinstalls them again and after my next reboot my data transfer, and my comp in general is slow again.I have no clue as to why my comp runs fine without those controllers, but the moment they auto-install my comp becomes slow and jerky again.
My comp hang after surfing for abt 10 mins, sometimes less, no updates or installations done recently. Did a virus scan using AVG, no virus detected, ad-ware was unable to complete when it hang. Did a system restore.My comp is a P4 abt 4 years old, using XP pro.
When I am on the comp normally, on the internet, using Word, etc. it's all fine. The problem only starts when I try to play a dvd. Sometimes, it will play for a little while and then I hear a 'click' sound and the comp freezes. I would have to press the restart button for it to do anything.Other times, as soon as the DVD drive starts to load a dvd, a 'click' sound is heard, and it freezes.Sometimes, the same happens as above, and the BLUE SCREEN shows up- says something about memory dump..I don't know what to do! I've tried using a different programs to load the DVD, e.g. Power DVD, Windows Media Player, AVI... don't think it makes a difference now! (When I changed from Power DVD to WMP it worked for a week or so, then it started all over again! This problem started when I still had my old DVD drive, which was 8X and now I have a 16X. At first it was all fine, but a couple of weeks later it started again.
from the desktop or from the Start menu. explorer.exe randomly consumes 100% cpu usage and has to be shut down from task manager or a reboot. Sometimes after ending the explorer.exe process, I get the "send/dont' send" error report option to Microsoft. Norton & Windows Defender found nothing, and ad-aware SE hangs.
when i log on to my laptop it begins to load up my desktop and it only gets as far as the wallpaper then it immediately logs me off again. so i cant get into my comp to try and fix it.
Sometimes I can have the comp on for a couple of days, be playing WoW and HL2 games on it and all sorts of things and it'll suddenly freeze without warning. No hdd light, no error message, just complete freezure (not a real word, I know). Mouse won't move, keyboard is locked out. Sometimes when i restart the comp, it just hangs without even getting to the post screen. Other times i'll restart and everything will boot fine, but a minute or so after windows boots it'll freeze again. The freezing/restarting happen while playing games, right after closing the games, and/or when i'm surfing the web, or even when the comp is idle.
I only noticed it earlier today, but for some reason I noticed that my machine was running a little slow this morning. So I did the usuall Disk Cleanup, Defrag and Check Disk. But to no avail my CPU is still running @ 100% without fluxuating(sp). I also perform a spybot scan as well as a virus scan.
Out of no where i get this windows warning message saying i have spyware on my comp. I used AVG and scanned the whole comp for virus's and such but the message will not go away. The spyware is preventing me from using google so i can search and fix my problem so i need someone's help to please fix this.
I was just wondering if there's a special piece I can connect to the hard drive internal plug (that used to connect to my comp) that will like change it and make it into a USB??
first off everytime my comp starts up alot of programs do also. not in the lauch bar but next to the clock is where the all appear. i wanna stop that how would i do so? the programs that start up is yahoo im, avg, quicktime, and verizon support how do i stop them from starting when i start the comp?
I have a Dell Optiplex GX280 running Windows XP that doesn`t do anything after start page is loaded except turn off or restart. I can ONLY (won`t allow me to do it in normal mode) do a system restore in safe mode & then it works perfect. When I turnoff or restart it goes back to the same problem - freezes up after start page has loaded. I have to do system restore in safe mode only all over again.