Comp Hang After Surfing For About Few Mins

Nov 13, 2006

My comp hang after surfing for abt 10 mins, sometimes less, no updates or installations done recently. Did a virus scan using AVG, no virus detected, ad-ware was unable to complete when it hang. Did a system restore.My comp is a P4 abt 4 years old, using XP pro.

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Clock Keeps Going Out By Mins Or Hours?

Dec 5, 2007

clock in XP keeps going out by odd times.. and gets worse if he leaves does this on both sync from windows time AND not to sync...what is causing this?tonight it was 47mins slow I have restart win32 time in CMD

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Pro Stops Responding For 5 Mins

Mar 5, 2005

Upgraded my XP home PC (Athlon 64 3500) to XP Pro and added office 2003 pro. I now have a very irritating fault that I cannot find any info on. Basically on accessing the web using IE6 for the first time after a re boot the machine locks totally for approx 5 mins. During this time the Start button and Task manager dont respond. The only thing that seems to be still working is right clicking on the desktop brings up the properties screen. The computer does store the keypresses as 5 mins later several windows will pop up as per keys pressed and the machine will stay free of the problem until next re boot.

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Computer Crashes Down After 3-5 Mins

Apr 23, 2010

I can only get into my computer in safe mode. I have uninstalled anything recently put on the computer but still it crashes down after 3-5 mins. There are so many different error codes e.g. irql-stop, OXoooooood1 etc.,I noticed on reading some of your answers that you asked someone to create a file re mini dump and then compress it and send it to you. I have created one with the last 3 mini dmp files on it.

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Computer Takes About 35 Mins Before Useable

Apr 18, 2007

My computer is running very slow.It takes about 30-35 Minutes to operate normally.Windows boots quickly, and I see my desktop, but if I try to open anything, it takes about 35 minutes to open.Then everything works fine. It seems to be explorer related.The taskbar disappears a lot in the process or trying to open things. I recently installed IE7 too, could also be part of the problem.

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2 Mins To Welcome Screen, Another 2mins To Load All Items In The Taskbar?

Feb 14, 2008

My computer is a Pentium 4 with 512 MB of RAM with Windows XP Professional Installed. I'm really wondering why this computer starts up so slowly. From the moment I press the power button to the moment the welcome screen appears, it takes 2 minutes. It then takes another 2 minutes for the welcome screen to disappear and show the desktop and load all the startup items in the taskbar. That's a total of 4 minutes and I had older Celeron computers which started up way faster than this. I already removed all unnecessary items in startup yet it hasn't changed much. I would really appreciate if someone could help me with this.

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Long Delay For Boot Up Few Mins Blank Screen

Jan 22, 2008

When I turn on my lap top, Acer Travelmate 2355LC, there are a couple of quiet clicks, then nothing. If left for about 10 minutes, it starts up normaly. Sometimes it starts normally from the beginning.It has an Intel Celron M360 processor (1.4 GHz, 400 MHz FSB, 1MB L2 cache) 40 BG HDD 256MB DDR, I've cleaned everything up. Should I try and repair? I would like to avoid reformatting if possible.

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Starting Pc - Intel Inside Logo Stays On For 2 Mins

Dec 31, 2006

As above seems to freeze. what could it be?

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Error While Surfing

Jul 13, 2005

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 2:43:44 AM, on 7/13/2005
Platform: Windows XP (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 (6.00.2600.0000)

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Crashes During Web Surfing

Jun 5, 2007

why my Windows crashes sometimes when I am surfing the web on either Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox? When I am surfing my screen would just freeze and I cant warm-reset. I originally thought it was just IE7 but Firefox seems to doing the same thing to. It only happens occasionally but then again I just reformatted my machine with some new parts 3 times and updated all my files. So I'm not sure if it will crash every single time I surf the web or just sometimes. I'm not sure what it could be, it cant be a heating problem because

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Surfing The Web - Bootup Took Too Much Time

Jan 17, 2008

I have a PowerSpec Desktop PC. About a week ago, it locked up while I was surfing the web and when I rebooted, the bootup took about 15 minutes. the BIOS seems to be running (the "PowerSpec" logo appears on the monitor) but it remains like that for 10-15 minutes before it FINALLY goes into Windows. I'm thinking a virus? Maybe the BIOS is corrupt? It's been suggested that perhaps one of the memory sticks is bad. Another suggestion was that the hard drive (Seagate 250GB, IDE) may have a sector going bad. I bought a new drive (Maxtor 500GB) and one of the techs here at work cloned the Seagate drive but that didn't solve the problem

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Decreased Resolution On Surfing?

Jan 28, 2008

While surfing the net suddenly my windows XP screen changed and the desktop icons expanded to fill the desktop space I tried the resolution but it did not work and now the preloaded games like spider etc are looking weird and everything looks a bit spaaced out if you know what I mean. I beloeve the issue must be simple but I dont know too much about the tech side

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20+ Seconds To View Some Pages While Surfing?

Feb 10, 2005

I am running an XP system on a residential cable connection. Yesterday afternoon, after my ISP went AWOL for about an hour, I noticed that it was taking me 20+ seconds to view some pages while surfing. after leaving it for a day (to eliminate the possibility of peak-hours being the culprit), things haven't changed. I've run AdAware, Spybot, and SpySweeper, and they all came up relatively clean (nothing I could see that would cause a problem like that).

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Clean Install Of The OS - Fine Surfing The Web

Jan 2, 2008

I have a computer running XP Pro w/sp2 with a P4 1.8Ghz and 512 mb of pc 2100 memory.I recently did a clean install of the OS. Sometimes when I am running programs the computer will freeze up. The mouse arrow won't move and nothing from keyboard. It is fine surfing the web but will lock up with programs. No error messages come up either. I just have to reboot again to get going.Could this happen if my memory is going bad or something? Everything else seems fine and the OS install went good with no probs.

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Getting Windows Error Message When Surfing

May 27, 2008

In IE7 (Windows XP-sp2 Dell 3000 Intel Celeron D-330)Kept getting Windows Error message when surfing, saying Windows has caused an error and has to close then given choice of sending report.Also had problems with hyperlinks in IE, only showing blank page, or sometimes nothing at all happens when I click on a link.
So I did a uninstall/reinstall of IE6-sp2. Then downloaded IE7 from Microsoft, downloaded C-Cleaner, and AVG anti-virus. No viruses or malicious targets have been detected. Attempted to download AdAware but Windows said it was not a valid WIN32 application. Now, I get continual "Runtime Error" messages, asking "do I want to debug?" Have run a few registry keys per Bob Cerelli's notes, and "regsvr32 msjava.dll" failed. Also "regsvr32 mshtml.dll" loaded, but entry point could not be found. I have tried to set the ActiveX compatibility in the registry, but ActiveX is not listed in the registry keys.The only quick fix I found for IE does not support IE7.

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Applications Not Responding - Surfing To Different Pages

Jan 24, 2007

I am using an older HP lap top & running windows 2000 Pro. This lap top is starting to become very slow & slugish. I run Trend Micro PC-cillin virus protection & & other spyware tools... so it is free of these problems. What's happening is, when I am surfing to different pages or even using my msn mail client it hangs up & is always stopping. As I watch the Task Manager/Aplications it showing "Not Responding"

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Middle Of Surfing - Dr Watson Postmortem Debugger?

Sep 16, 2005

I do not know what's going on, in the middle of surfing tend to receive an error message:'DrWatson Postmortem Debugger has encountered a problem and needs to close.Please tell Microsoft about this problem' which prompts me to send error report.Sometimes I also receive internet explorer error report similar to the above.May I know what is wrong and how do I eliminate such errors from my computer?Please recommend a useful tool/program for curbing these problems.I am running on windows XP and internet explorer 5.

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Generic Host Process Doing Problem - During Surfing

Aug 31, 2006

When i am doing surfing.. suddenly i got this message" Generic Host Process for Win32 serviceshas encountered a problem and needs to close". (Picture Attached

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HijackThis V1.98.2 - Messed My Comp

Jun 7, 2005

O16 - DPF: {15AD4789-CDB4-47E1-A9DA-992EE8E6BAD6} -

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MS Updates Messed My Comp?

Dec 9, 2009

The yellow emblem is in the task bar after I boot. Nothing happens when I click on it. When I try to restart the timer goes on and it seems like the computer is frozen. I have never had problems with updates before but this time the download was very slow yesterday and I never got the message to install. When I went to turn off computer 3 updates were ready to install so I let them install.

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Monitoring Internet Surfing Activity Or Website Viewing By Other Users?

Jun 23, 2005

Is there any way to monitor internet activity with XP such as logon activity to websites, specifically yahoo mail? Is there a log created anywhere in XP
where I can view which accounts may have signed into yahoo mail and when? I know there is software available for purchase to do this but is there anywhere in windows which creates a simple log of this data?

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Remote Desktop Host Comp Win Xp Pro

Oct 15, 2008

I am trying to connect from home to my office computer both are running win xp pro spk 2, i setup the office computer to allow remote access as described by microsoft, and i do from my home what i need to do to connect to it but no luck, ok i will tell you what i did in my office, i access my router and under port forwarding i addedd the ip of the office computer and assign port 3398, from home i am typing the office ip:3398, and still does not connect, i also added in the office computer a user and a password and i assigned to this userd admistrator rights, firewall is off on this office computer this is the message i get when trying to connect.

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ATA / ATAPI Controllers And Slow Comp!

Dec 5, 2007

I have this major problem where my comp runs uber-slow untill I uninstall all the ATP/ATAPI controllers from my Device Manager and reboot. But the moment I reboot Windows reinstalls them again and after my next reboot my data transfer, and my comp in general is slow again.I have no clue as to why my comp runs fine without those controllers, but the moment they auto-install my comp becomes slow and jerky again.

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Comp Freezes, Sometimes BSOD When DVD Loads

Mar 12, 2007

When I am on the comp normally, on the internet, using Word, etc. it's all fine. The problem only starts when I try to play a dvd. Sometimes, it will play for a little while and then I hear a 'click' sound and the comp freezes. I would have to press the restart button for it to do anything.Other times, as soon as the DVD drive starts to load a dvd, a 'click' sound is heard, and it freezes.Sometimes, the same happens as above, and the BLUE SCREEN shows up- says something about memory dump..I don't know what to do! I've tried using a different programs to load the DVD, e.g. Power DVD, Windows Media Player, AVI... don't think it makes a difference now! (When I changed from Power DVD to WMP it worked for a week or so, then it started all over again! This problem started when I still had my old DVD drive, which was 8X and now I have a 16X. At first it was all fine, but a couple of weeks later it started again.

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My Comp / Control Panel Won't Open

Mar 15, 2006

from the desktop or from the Start menu. explorer.exe randomly consumes 100% cpu usage and has to be shut down from task manager or a reboot. Sometimes after ending the explorer.exe process, I get the "send/dont' send" error report option to Microsoft. Norton & Windows Defender found nothing, and ad-aware SE hangs.

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After Logging On To Comp Logs Me Off Straight Away

Jun 3, 2007

when i log on to my laptop it begins to load up my desktop and it only gets as far as the wallpaper then it immediately logs me off again. so i cant get into my comp to try and fix it.

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Comp Randomly Freezes - Restarts

Nov 6, 2006

Sometimes I can have the comp on for a couple of days, be playing WoW and HL2 games on it and all sorts of things and it'll suddenly freeze without warning. No hdd light, no error message, just complete freezure (not a real word, I know). Mouse won't move, keyboard is locked out. Sometimes when i restart the comp, it just hangs without even getting to the post screen. Other times i'll restart and everything will boot fine, but a minute or so after windows boots it'll freeze again. The freezing/restarting happen while playing games, right after closing the games, and/or when i'm surfing the web, or even when the comp is idle.

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Comp Running At 100% - Spybot Scan

Aug 27, 2006

I only noticed it earlier today, but for some reason I noticed that my machine was running a little slow this morning. So I did the usuall Disk Cleanup, Defrag and Check Disk. But to no avail my CPU is still running @ 100% without fluxuating(sp).
I also perform a spybot scan as well as a virus scan.

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Cannot Create New Folders Or See Icon Names In My Comp In XP

Mar 9, 2010

I just reinstalled Windows XP on my computer and now I cannot create a new folder. I usually right click and select New>Folder but for some reason I can't do it. I also noticed that I cannot read any of the names of the icons in My Computer. All I can see is the icon itself but no label. I've never had this problem before even after re-installing a OS.

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Warning Message In The Background - Spyware On My Comp

Sep 20, 2008

Out of no where i get this windows warning message saying i have spyware on my comp. I used AVG and scanned the whole comp for virus's and such but the message will not go away. The spyware is preventing me from using google so i can search and fix my problem so i need someone's help to please fix this.

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Connect Old Internal Hard Drive To New Comp Via USB?

Mar 29, 2006

I was just wondering if there's a special piece I can connect to the hard drive internal plug (that used to connect to my comp) that will like change it and make it into a USB??

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