Removed Explorer.exe - Installed SP2

Aug 8, 2006

I have a Dell XPS Gen 2 Series P4 SP1, 120 gig HD, 2GB DDR SDRAM at 400 MHZ, SP1 updated with all updates and hotfixes except SP2. I downloaded SP2 and tried to install it, got a failure on install about half way through, and it proceded to uninstall what it had installed. Only problem, it uninstalled more than it should have. Media Player won't work, had version 9 of it, d/l Ver.10 and tried to install, but it says that my previous files are newer than the files

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Explorer Offline / Programs Has Been Removed

Feb 25, 2005

I got hijacked the other night and ran a program to remove the bad programs. They have all been removed from the system according to the program but I am still having trouble opening files and folders including My Computer and Control Panel. I think this may be because, I've heard, hijacking software alters certain things on the computer so that you can't simply access the control panel and undo all of the trouble it has caused. The error message that I recieve every time I try to open files, folders, etc. reads:

"explorer.exe has generated errors and will be closed. You will have to restart the program. An error log is being created." The computer will occassionally freeze up after I click ok.

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Explorer.exe - Removed All Of Its Registry Entries

Jan 9, 2007

It started when I went to open a program that I've used reliably for years -- it started hanging, became unresponsive, and started sucking up all of my virtual memory. I uninstalled and reinstalled a clean copy, and the same thing happened when I tried to load it.I've since completely uninstalled the program, deleted all of its remaining files from my system, removed all of its registry entries.

I now have one folder that I cannot access, for no apparent reason. It's just a folder where I've got quite a bit of video stored (77 clips equalling roughly 13GB). Attempting to open it now results in explorer.exe sucking up all of my system resources until it (explorer.exe) crashes and restarts. (CTRL+ALT+DEL shows Memory Use and VM Size skyrocketing to 700,000+)

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Explorer Would Crash But Removed "video" Info

Oct 8, 2008

I clicked on a large video file in explorer (running xp sp2 on inspiron 6000), explorer would crash. i found a tip online to run "regsvr32 /u shmedia.dll" and that fixed the problem completely. however, this fix created a new problem - - now all the info that used to be under "Audio" or "video" is gone! any fix? "date modified" is still there, but i like to sort my video folders by artist, and now it does me no the way, when i now click on an avi's properties, summary tab, and go to advanced, all the needed info is missing from there too.

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Installed SP2 - Now Explorer.exe Won't Start

Aug 24, 2007

I installed SP2 after a re-format today. And everything was going smooth at start-up. Then I started noticing that my icons weren't coming up, and my start button was missing! Well I opened task manager and manually started explorer.exe and it came up for 2 seconds and then terminated. I tried again and again, and it never worked. So I did a ton of Spyware and virus scans. I got rid everything, but it still isn't working! I just re-formatted not even 48 hours ago, I don't want to do it again. Oh yeah, and I tried to repair XP with my OS CD, no luck.

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Window Explorer Pops Up On Typing - Not Installed Any New Program

Sep 5, 2005

whenever I typed the letter T windows explorer would pop up, F the search Function would pop up, and b my computer would beep. I did not do anything to windows that I can remember that would account For this problem and I have not installed any new programs since Sept 3

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Installed Kaspersky 2006 And/or Internet Explorer Wont Work?

Oct 4, 2005

I have just installed the Beta version of Kaspersky 2006. I'm experiencing problems with Internet explorer which cannot open full pages and shows error in script (I think that's what it is). It opens the top of the page but not the content or it just indicates that it cannot find the server or the page.

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Installed SP2 Results In Crashing Internet Explorer And Outlook Express?

Dec 10, 2004

I recently 'upgraded' the family computer (running XP pro) with SP2.we've had a number of problems with programs no longer working after the upgrade. More specifically, Internet Explorer, Outlook, Norton, and HP Precisionscan Pro 3.1 (to name a few) are causing us grief.Outlook will load, but as soon as you try and view a new message, the program crashes.Internet Explorer will open, but immediately closes before any page can load. (I've installed Firefox in the meantime, so I'm sure it's not the internet connection).

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Installed Internet Explorer 7 Beta2 - Click Start / Shut Down

Aug 6, 2006

Some days before I installed Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 for Windows XP-SP2. But I didnt feel secure with the changes and decided to uninstall it. But a problem comes. When I want to close the P C, I do as always: Click Start, Close, Shut Down. But, the P C instead of closing restarts. My Windows XP-SP2 is installed on Portuguese.

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Installed Internet Explorer 6: Unable To Get To Default Home Page?

Oct 24, 2006

Recently when starting Internet Explorer 6,instead of going straight to my Google Home Page,it instead go to;
A click on Critical Updates for IE6 at this page then starts trumpeting "Microsoft Update". Is Microsoft trying to get me to purchase something?

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Boots Up With Explorer Covering Desktop - Installed Nvidia Drivers

Nov 26, 2009

I installed the latest Nvidia drivers. No problem there. But now, each time I boot up, I have this page fllling the screen (Windows explorer?) It's blank except for one folder - WINXP. It's easy to remove each time, but how can I get this page or whatever it is, to take a hike and get lost, so that just the desktop icons are visible? Would appreciate any help. Using xp home, P4, 1 gig RAM.

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Removed All Malware - Looking For Se.dll

Mar 14, 2005

Recently I removed all malware from a friends PC 'that I could find' with x2 spyware removal tools, sophos anti-virus app and manually looking through program files in explorer.Since doing this I have stopped all annoying pop-ups and IE is running a lot quicker but there is a RUNDLL message that I cannot get rid of:
Error loading c:Documents and Settingsusername locals settings empse.dll
The specified module could not be found.I have cleared out the temp file in hope that something in there was looking for se.dll but no luck.

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Removed By Mistake E100bnt5.sys

Mar 13, 2007

I know only enough about computers to get me in trouble. I was removing some old video games and stuff from my computer and I removed something I shouldn't have removed. Now everytime I turn on my computer a message comes on saying I need 'e100bnt5.sys'

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Removed Bunch Of Viruses

Aug 4, 2005

for some reason i was under the impression that my work computer had virus protection. well... nope. i had to reload the o/s (windows 2000 pro) after the computer crashed but fortunately i lost none of my data, mostly because i keep it on a thumb drive so i can work on it at home. i now have norton AV on it and got rid of more than 14 viruses or threats, and now i am wondering if anything else was left that wasn't detected. oh, and the computer is a dell optiplex gx150 workstation.

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Removed The Microsoft 6.0 - Reinstall?

Sep 15, 2005

I have removed the microsoft 6.0 from my computer by accident. How do I reinstall this program? I need to restore this so I can use a photo editing program. I don't know much about computers, so any help will be

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Defender Removed CD Burner

Feb 23, 2007

Quite some time ago I ran windows defender and it removed my CD burner and my photo and imagine gallery where I could change the size of pictures and other things. I un installed windows defender before I realized they were gone. Anyway to get them back without doing a system recovery?

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Date Removed Can't Appear In The Recycle Bin

Jan 23, 2005

Well all of a sudden, whenever i delete something, it doesn't ask me if i am sure i want to delete this item, it just deletes it. and if i look it my recycling bin, there is nothing there. i have ad-aware see updated and spybot s&d updated and fixed the problems.

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Date Removed Can't Appear In The Recycle Bin?

Jul 21, 2005

Recycle bin does not display any files after I remove some files. However, the properties of recycle bin are in normal setting which means that the removed files will not be deleted immediately. Thus, I do not why that

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Trial Office 07 Removed / Now OE Gone?

Nov 6, 2007

I have XP and trialled Microsoft Office 2007 for 3mths. The trial period expired and I went back to my old OE6. I decided to uninstall the trial Office 07 as I couldn't afford to purchase it, but now Outlook Express has disappeared? Where are all my emails, address book etc?

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Removed A Program / Can't Startup

Apr 4, 2007

I have a Dimension 4700 and I was recently going through my add/remove programs list trying to clean up and get rid of some programs I didn't use anymore(like google earth, partypoker, etc) and I came across Yahoo Download Manager and figured I didn't need it and right when I clicked remove my computer shuts down, I am not sure how anything in this would have that kind of effect on my computer from removing, or if it was just a coincidence. I go to reboot it and get the blue screen error message Stop C000021a and below gives me another error- f 0xc0000135.

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Run Adware But Cannot Get This Spyware To Be Removed

Apr 28, 2006

I have spyware that is in my registry. I have run spybot & adware but cannot get this spyware to be removed. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to find spyware in my registry? Where it is located?

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Virus Dr32.exe / How Can It Removed?

Apr 2, 2006

I have contracted the virus dr32.exe.Error message says: C:WINDOWSSystem32dr32.exe..Also error message says C:WINDOWSSystem32cmd.exe..."Access denied".Also Error loading rm32'dll.Also I have 2 error messages which says a virus in present. I have the "heal" these before the system is fully open. It then syas virus healed.There is also a program running which I have to stop and delete in the shutdown process.How do I rid myself of this. I have Ad-Adware 1.6 1610 and Spybot and AVG which I run everytime before I shut down. These do not detect this problem though.

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Reinstall Paint When Previously Removed

Sep 10, 2005

I somehow removed some of the Accessories programs like games and Paint. I
need the paint program. But when I tried to reinstall it in the Control
Panel, it told me I need the Window XP CD-ROM which I dont have right now.

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No Boot Info - Dell HDD Removed

Sep 1, 2006

Dell that has been fried by lightning and wants me to get the pictures off the Hard Drive. No problem, sort of. The problem is that now I see no info when I boot the computer. The monitor only comes to life when windows starts up. So, I can't enter into the BIOS, change my boot drive, mess with my arrays, or anything. I'm using Windows XP SP2. My HDD are SATA while the Dell's was IDE (just thought I'd throw that out there).
Problem occurs after the Dell HDD has been removed.

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Removed Windows Vista From The Boot

Sep 1, 2005

I installed Windows Vista on My XP macin, but on another hard drive, I checked it out and then after a while I reformated the HD, and removed Windows Vista from the boot.ini, making my XP set as the default. With Vista removed from my hard drive, well for some reason every time I boot my XP system I have to choose the XP system. If I do not make it before the 30 secons I get a message that the operating system is missing.

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Computer Too Slow After Virus Removed

Jul 8, 2010

Both of my teens have Windows XP and both computers are running extremely slow after virus/spyware removal. One gets a debugging pop up everytime you try to do anything. I've tried to run skndsk but can only run it in a read only mode. Can anyone advised what to do without having to run fdisk and reformat the hard drive?

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Mcafee Can Only Be Removed In Safe Mode?

Feb 17, 2007

I want to remove Mcafee but this is becoming difficult, the below is the error message. Is the only way to remove this by going into safe mode?

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Removed Ctfmon.exe From Computer But It Came Back

Nov 8, 2006

I have something called "CTFMON.EXE" loading pertaining to Office XP. Its in my system32 sub directory. I don't have Office XP, I have Office 2000. It looks like it has to do with speech recognition, and text. Of course I removed it, but it came back. I read up on it, and it said it would come back. Do I need this? I never had this before, did I get it with the latest updates from Microsoft 2000? I've taken the check mark out, plus I have completely removed it from my start up, but it still comes back.

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HP Software Removed Operating System

Feb 24, 2006

I recently was provided with a new version of HP Printer software, that has taken my 2 computer hostage. Although the software has been removed the operating system of both, one XP PRO and one XP HOME, has been altered. The hidden phantom 'aministrator' i XP has become dominant, refusing to allow my long time administrator to take the lead. Each time we bot up, it goes to the generic admistrator screen, and we most log off, and manually open our personal administrator.

I have spoke to the very nice HP executive case managers in Canada and they are at a loss. HP refused to discuss this problem with Microsoft. The only reason the problem isn't more widespread the the disc was sent to me and the request of a 'helpful HP technician in India, and is not yet in printers that have shipped

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Modem Removed By Computer Shop?

Aug 21, 2005

I'm probably going to sound like a newbie, but here goes.The computer shop recently formatted my computer and installed Windows XP Home with SP2, anyway when I got my computer back I was missing a modem which according to a printout I had done previously was a HSP56 MR.I called this shop to ask them why they had removed this modem when all that was asked of them was to format and install Windows XP Home on my computer.They had removed this without my permission.Their excuse for doing this was that the modem was virtually useless because the XP Home with SP2 rendered it incompatible? And that most ISP's don't even recognize them anymore? This from the very same computer shop who sold me a computer with a pirated version of XP.

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Ccleaner Removed Usernames And Passwords

May 12, 2010

I used Ccleaner and it removed my bookmarks, usernames and passwords. Any advice how to stop this?

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