Removed Ctfmon.exe From Computer But It Came Back

Nov 8, 2006

I have something called "CTFMON.EXE" loading pertaining to Office XP. Its in my system32 sub directory. I don't have Office XP, I have Office 2000. It looks like it has to do with speech recognition, and text. Of course I removed it, but it came back. I read up on it, and it said it would come back. Do I need this? I never had this before, did I get it with the latest updates from Microsoft 2000? I've taken the check mark out, plus I have completely removed it from my start up, but it still comes back.

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D865perl Wireless Adapter Removed / How To Get Back In ?

May 30, 2010

I accidentaly removed wireless adapter from my pc motherboard d865perl. Don't know how to get it back. Don't have an internet.

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Server Network Removed Domain Name - Not Able Log Back

Jun 1, 2006

I set up a domain on my server and set up about 6 computers in the network. One of the computers is getting decomissioned and I need to strip it down. I removed the domain name to it and now I have not been able log back into the computer, even as the administrator and the guest is locked out (not that I can do much with the guest log-in). Is there any way that I can get back into the computer.

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Slow Connection / Virus Removed But It Comes Back

Dec 2, 2004

I suspect I have an infection on my PC (win2000) but none of my tools are finding anything. TO recap, I did have the msblast/sasser virus but removed it a while back. Since then, I've had the infamous lsass.exe shutdown. Luckily, I have zone alarm firewall so the shutdown only occurs if I disconnect the firewall.I want to fix this once and for all so I downloaded W2k Service Pack 4 and the 'RPC' MS fix (Kb823980-x8-enu.exe). I thought that would fix the problem but no.I've also run other tools like stinger, vcleaner, spybot, adware, antivirus software. I keep the versions/dat files updated.At this point I'm not sure where to start so I'm posting the log results from hijack this. One thing I noticed is that svchost.exe process occurs 3 times. I seem to recall seeing cmd.exe pop up for a second and a 3rd occurence of svchost.exe followed right after.

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Programs File On Start Bar - How To Put Something Back Removed In Error

Jul 4, 2010

I feel so dumb, It's been forever since I created a desktop shortcut, and I wanted to create a shortcut for my Canon Utilities file - from my Program bar on the Start Menu. Long story short - I accidentally moved the file to my desktop and cannot get it back to the program list on the Start menu.

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Ctfmon Exe Run On Startup

Dec 26, 2005

I don't know exactly what ctfmon.exe does, but I know I hate it. I tell it not to run on startup, it does anyways! What is bringing this annoying process back, and how do I kill it?

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Ssms.exe-spoolsvc And Ctfmon?

Oct 9, 2009

Can someone tell me what is ssms.exe, spoolsvc and ctfmon, Are they virus or what?

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Ctfmon.exe Appeared On Startup

Mar 31, 2007

I have read that ctfmon is connected to Microsoft Office applications. I do not have any Office apps installed on my PC however, Seemingly from out of nowhere ctfmon.exe has appeared on my startup list and as many times as i have unchecked it from starting, the next time Windows starts and i run mconfig.THERE IS AGAIN.Is this causing any harm? Could it be some kind of virus or spyware or malware? Should I just leave it alone and let it startup with Windows or should I remove it from my system so it cannot return to startup.If I should get rid of it PLEASE TELL ME HOW I CAN REMOVE IT SAFELY. I would prefer to remove it if I can because I don't like the idea of an uneccesary process running in the background on my system.

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Computer Too Slow After Virus Removed

Jul 8, 2010

Both of my teens have Windows XP and both computers are running extremely slow after virus/spyware removal. One gets a debugging pop up everytime you try to do anything. I've tried to run skndsk but can only run it in a read only mode. Can anyone advised what to do without having to run fdisk and reformat the hard drive?

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Modem Removed By Computer Shop?

Aug 21, 2005

I'm probably going to sound like a newbie, but here goes.The computer shop recently formatted my computer and installed Windows XP Home with SP2, anyway when I got my computer back I was missing a modem which according to a printout I had done previously was a HSP56 MR.I called this shop to ask them why they had removed this modem when all that was asked of them was to format and install Windows XP Home on my computer.They had removed this without my permission.Their excuse for doing this was that the modem was virtually useless because the XP Home with SP2 rendered it incompatible? And that most ISP's don't even recognize them anymore? This from the very same computer shop who sold me a computer with a pirated version of XP.

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Computer Has Been Invaded: Antivirus Detects Thread And Removed?

Oct 1, 2007

i have had something on my pc for sometime now. i am unable to get rid of it. i have tried norton antivirus, trend micro, spy sweeper, adaware.all programs detect threats, remove them, but the problems keep coming back. it started out as random pop ups on my computer. then, a few days ago i realized i could not access my task manager or my control panel. i get an error stating that the 'task manager has been disabled by administrator' and 'the program has been disabled due to restrictions on your computer. contact administrator.'

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Can License Sticker Be Removed From Original Dell Computer

Sep 13, 2005

The seller posted a picture of the PC with OS License sticker on it. Unfortunately when I got the computer the sticker was removed. When I asked the guy why is that, he said that usually many items on eBay don't have the original picture. When I told him that I was expecting to get the PC licensed, he said that in the description clearly states the OS is optional. Well, it wasn't that clear and easy to find that, but yes there was such a statement. Now I feel ripped off. I paid about $300 for 3 years old computer
an if I have to pay for new license, that purchase becomes a little pricy. I was definitely expecting to get licensed machine.So, here is my question. Is the seller allowed to remove sticker from original Dell machine and sale it without it?

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Computer Crashed - How To Get Back Up

Dec 23, 2007

Well I have a dell computer that crashed,and my intelligent brother thought it would be smart to use a emachine restore disc to fix it.Needless to say this did not help.
Is there anyone out there that can give me any info on getting this computer back up.When I turn it on it comes up to a screen that has 7 options:,boot from hard drive,boot from ide cd rom,ide diagnostic,and a few other choices.However no mater what you click on it comes up and says "trouble loading operating systems.I must say I do not know much about this.I guess my question is.Can it be saved with out changeing hard drive.
I have a disc from dell that is labeled "operating system"and another that is labeled.Drivers and hardware

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How Can I Get The Computer Administrator Back

Oct 18, 2008

A result of not knowing what I was doing. I added my wife to an account of her own and at the same time changed my account to a limited account so our accounts would be the same. Now some of the programs wont work because there isn't an identified computer adminisrator How can I get the computer administrator back

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Get My Computer Back Up And Running?

Mar 30, 2005

I was working away on this Win XP Pro box that is used as a server.I was in a Net Meeting with a client and the next thing I know the PC crashed.No error messages, no beeps nothing just BAM dead.So I try to reboot the box and the High freq. beeps that (or I think) sound when a CPU is over heating. So I leave the PC alone with the side off for 4hrs and try again.And get the same thing.So I then (this is a server) take the hard drive out and put it in a different PC and try to boot it. I get the normal the PC didn't shut down properly message and no matter what I select the reboot just hangs.This PC is only approx. 8 weeks old and the person who manages this box doesn't do backups on the drive.So my question/plea for help is how can I get this PC back up and running or at the very least get this hard drive working in the other PC.

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Restore Computer Back To Where It Was

Dec 10, 2006

I was wondering how far back I can restore my pc? I tried to go back like a month and can't do it. It seems that I can only restore to a point where I installed a new program.What I want to do is restore it back to where it was when I bought it back in April.

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Cannot Restore Computer Back To A Later Date

Oct 23, 2006

I can not restore my computer back to a later date. I am running windows xp sp2. I went to the restore point and it does not have a check mark in the box.

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Back Up My Entire Personal Computer

Jul 30, 2008

I am using Windows XP Home SP3.I have just bought a new 250gb external Hard disk and would like to back up my entire personal computer in case of any viruses or Hard Disk problems.I have heard of Acronis but it's 39.99 is there a any free software out there?

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Files Lost While Getting My Computer Back

Aug 15, 2005

I'm looking to backup my data because I almost lost all my data when computer failed to start. After about 10 hard power shutdowns I got my computer back and it said Windows XP recovered from a serious Error. I think it had something to either do with the hard drive or Konfabulator.

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Stand By - Unable To Turn Computer Back On

Aug 14, 2009

I have a Gateway computer with Windows XP. I believe my computer keeps going into stand by mode. The power button is orange instead of green. When this happens I am not able to turn my computer back on. I have to unplug everything. When I plug it back in, the light is usually still orange but I just keep hitting the on and off button until it finally turns green and the computer will start up. I will now shut my computer down at night but when I get up in the morning the light on the computer is orange again.

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After Period Of Time Computer Will Turn Itself Back On

Jan 18, 2006

After a period of time my computer will turn itself back on. This is after I have completely shut the systems down. I have never found if there is a fixed time period that this happens. What I mean is I don't know if it happens after two, three, four hours. All I know is that when I get up in the morning the computer is back on.

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Computer Back Up - Removable Internal DVD CD-RW Drive

Jan 23, 2009

Last Tuesday when I turned my computer on, I got the message ?A disk read error occurred, press crtrl+alt+delete to restart?. Since then I have been searching online for a way to get my computer back up & running.The specs of my computer:Dell Inspiron 9100 NotebookWindows XP Pro SP3P4 @ 3.2 Ghz w/ Hyper Threading1 gb Memory 160 gb Western Digital PATA/IDE HD (Replaced original 80 gb HD in May 08 b/c too small Removable internal DVD/CD-RW drive (& a removable internal floppy dis Purchased in Oct. 04.)

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Computer Hangs: Reinstalled Windows But Error Came Back?

Oct 16, 2008

For some reason for a couple of weeks now my computer hangs all of a sudden no matter what I'm doing. Sometimes I am watching a movie, sometimes playing a game, and sometimes, I just leave it open coz a download is running, I come back and check 10 minutes later, the computer has hanged. I have noticed that when this happens, the hard-disk light comes permanently on.

Ran AVG and found few viruses, removed those, no avail. Ran malware/spyware remover, found few, removed those, no avail. Formatted C drive, reinstalled windows, PC ran well for 10 days, problem came back. Initially had 512 MB RAM, changed it to 1GB, formatted PC again, PC ran well for 10 days, problem back again. Can't run checkdisks and all because the comp hangs every single time.

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Computer Is Acting Weird - Can't Restore Back To That Point

Aug 27, 2007

For the last 2 weeks my computer started making me log in. It says that i need to enter a password but I actually don't have to, and instead of having my user side and one for my editing where you have a picture up and you can switch between the two it will only let me go to the side that i use for internet and such. If I ask it to switch to other user it takes me to the login and back to the main users side. what is causing this and how do I correct it. I tried doing a restore and it says I can't restore back to that point. I tried 3 other points and it wouldn't reset to any of them

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Turning Off The Computer: Long Time To Turn Back On?

Dec 6, 2004

Windows XP SP2 seems to be working normally, when I click Shut Down the computer proceeds to turn off. Afterwards the harddrive powers-down, the fans stop running, etc. Then for no reason, the computer turns back on after a brief period of time off (varied: 1hr, 15min, 8 sec) as if someone pushed the power button.I did not install any new software, or update/added on new hardware when this problem started to happen. Im unable to trace the source of this error

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Imported All Computer Files To Kazaa: Importing Back?

Jan 5, 2005

I accidently imported all computer files to Kazaa instead of only my music files, now I don't have a clue how to put them all back. It literally cleared my computer right out and my system restore option dissapeared off of my files, so that idea is scratched! I slowly recovered some files but all my software downloads are going to Kazaa now!

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Computer Dragging: Downloaded Limewire / Uninstalled But Comes Back?

Oct 3, 2005

My kids downloaded limewire this weekend and downloaded a bunch of stuff--spyware included I think. Anyway, there are now tool bars installed that we keep uninstalling that reappear instantly, other programs we can't uninstall. Our MS Anti-spyware beta won't even run, we keep getting an error that says "rendering lens," and the computer is dragging in general.

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Wont Find Notepad In My Computer / Bringing It Back?

May 29, 2010

i cant find note pad in my computer pls tell me the solution to bring out that again

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Wubi Has Slowed Down Computer: Getting Back To Original Speed?

Aug 7, 2007

I installed wubi to try out ubuntu, it worked great but i have now uninstalled ubuntu as i couldnt get internet on my dell Insipron 1501. I have now gone back to windows xp and my computer is so slow !! I have 1512mb ram and it feels like i have 512mb.

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Computer Lagging Bad On Startup / Cannot Restore Back To That Date

Sep 14, 2006

My computer was working like clockwork until I installed and then uninstalled a program( google earth). Now my computer takes at least 10 minutes, maybe longer to boot up to the point where I can actually use it. I have winxp home. I have tried disk cleanup, running norton, running spybot and adaware programs. I even tried to do a system restore but it keeps telling me no matter which date I choose that it cannot restore back to that date.

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Fix User Init.exe Disaster / Loops Back And Throws Back Up

Mar 24, 2008

I did an AVG Rootkit scan which turned up "c:windows/system32/userinit.exe" as a dodgy file. I removed it and now the machine won't login when I boot the system. With a bit more digging it seems that this file was actually the login information within the registry and as it can't find a valid user/password it just keeps asking me click the user name and login. When I click it just loops back and throws back up the window, asking me to click the user name again.How I can access the registry and reset the userinit.exe file?I've tried selecting "last good configuration" which didn't work.I also tried to download Bart PE on another machine (running Vista) to set up a boot CD, but it wasn't particularly clear how to go about it, so I tried using the XP System Recovery app on the install disks. This got me into a C: prompt.

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