Windows Failed Install After (Windows 7) System Recovery

Aug 21, 2012

I had previously had a issue with a virus/Trojan, I downloaded multiple aintvirus/malware removel Tools, to no avail. So I decided to do a full recovery, apon the recovery completion my system starts to reinstall windows. At that point after registry install the system gives error message that windows is unable to install to "thuis systems hardware"(besides buying a recovery CD or new OS. Have college work due end of week.

And now its saying hardisk failure and bios is not recognizing my HDD..

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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After XP Install

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active"... I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" ... I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message. I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc.

I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "FACTORY IMAGE" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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Vista To Windows 7 Install Ending In System Recovery?

Oct 12, 2010

eway with Windows Vista x64 and want to upgrade to Windows 7. I've been trying to figure out how to do it by following along to another thread in here but as BarefootKid mentioned, it is probably best that I start my own threadAfter I install Windows 7 and it completes and reboots it takes me to system recovery but it is the system recovery for Windows vista. I've been trying different things like formatting the partition right before the install and making the partition that Windows 7 is going to go on "active" in the .cmd prompt. I keep going in circlesinstalling Windows 7, getting system recovery and eventually choosing to reformat from Gateway's manufacturer settings...although once I do this I can't actually get back into Windows Vista as that now seems to be messed up. (I don't have the original Vista installation cd). Then I try rebooting and installing from the Windows 7 cd again to try more techniques to get it to work...I'm at the point of possibly deleting the recovery partition because the Vista remnants seem to be on this partition and taking over once I install Windows 7.

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System Failed - Can't Install In 64bit Mode

Feb 28, 2010

I WAS in 64 bit mode but had a system failure and had to reinstall.Since then I haven't been able to install in 64 bit mode. No matter what I try it always installs the 32 bit version.I've even re-partitioned my hard drive in order to get a completely fresh install. But nothing seems to work.Windows "knows" my system in 64 bit capable. In the Control Panel - View basic info about your computer it shows my processor as "AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+ 2.4 GHz".Is there a way coerce a 64 bit install?

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WIndows 7 Recovery - Failed AppData Folder & PST

Apr 19, 2012

Following a re-load of Windows 7 all my data restored ok but I could not 'see' the PST which is in the Appdata folder. After a couple of attempts to restore to the original location I tried restoring the AppData folder only to another folder on the C drive. Although the Restore facility confirmed Appdata restored and the properties showed the new folder to be of considerable size, it appeared to contain no data. How do I make this 'hidden' data visible so I can restore my PST file from Outlook?Currently running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit.

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot - Backup Failed To Read From Recovery Volume

Sep 14, 2012

So it all started last night. My computer was unresponsive, and after clicking "shut down" a few times to no avail, I decided to do a hard reset. I didn't think anything would happen, but afterwards it just wouldn't boot back up. It goes to the windows logo and stays there. I don't get any errors, it just hangs there. I have tried many things, so far nothing has worked.

I have tried booting into safe mode. This does not work, it gets stuck at classpnp.sys and stays there. I have tried booting from the windows 7 disc. This does not work, after it loads the disc it will hang at a black screen. I have tried switching from IDE to AHCI. This has worked, but not fixed the problem. When booting into safe mode it will crash instead of hanging.

When booting from the windows 7 disc I can almost reinstall windows, however I get the error "Windows could not format a partition on disk 1. The error occurred while preparing the partition selected for installation. Error code 0x80070057." When attempting to restore windows to a restore point I get the error "The system image restore failed. Error details: Windows backup failed to read from the recovery volume. (0x8078002F)"

I have tried connecting the SSD to a different windows 7 computer in a attempt to reformat it, however just plugging it in would give the same problem to that computer. So, is my SSD toast? Did I mess it up beyond repair? Now system repair will not hang on IDE, but still gives me the same errors. Also, now it says missing operating system. Not sure how that happened.

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Windows 7 Toshiba A505 Windows Boot Manager And Recovery Media Failed

Feb 20, 2012

I have a Toshiba Satellite A505-S69803; serial number Y9340538Q, with Windows 7, 500Gb HDD at 5400rpm and 4Gb RAM... I think that's all correct.Anyway, long story short, I got a b!tch of a virus, which apparantly was doing all sorts of nasty things to the explorer.exe file in particular. So I backed up all my important stuff: files, Uni work, writings, music and photos etc onto an external hard-drive and went about restoring the laptop to out-of-box factory settings by making the Windows 7 Recovery Media Discs. But when I try to use the discs I get told after about 30 minutes The Toshiba Recovery Wizard "Can't read from the source file or disk: PREINST5.SW5" with options to: Try Again (The same thing happens), or Skip (Same message again), or Cancel (in which case I'm back where I started).After the Recovery Wizard failed I chose the option to erase the hard-drive; it then appeared that when I turn on the laptop as normal I was told <Error>: F3-F200-0002 and the Recovery Media Disks still refuse to work.Now, if I turn on the laptop as normal a message telling me to insert the installation disc, choose language and click "repair your computer". So I put in the recovery disc and get the same message.

Toshiba can't help as my A505 is an American model in Britain and out of warranty anyway. Europe Toshiba HQ don't supply the recovery media for the A505 and the American based Toshiba aren't allowed to send the Recovery Media to Europe; so apparantly I get no help from them. And Microsoft can't help me because my laptop was purchased with everything pre-installed so the codes associated with my Windows and Office are comletely irrelevent.I have been told that I need to purchase a compeltely new hard-drive and purchase Windows 7 brand new to get my laptop back up and running. Purchasing a new OS isn't too much of an issue because I can just get XP for a tenner, validate it with Microsoft and then get a student upgrade onto W7-Ult for �60. So �70 in total, I'm fine with that. But do I need a new hard-drive too? Or can I rescue everything I already had?

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Windows 7 Won't Startup, System Repair And System Restore Failed?

Feb 15, 2013

Living is south FL can be a bitch when the rains come as there often is a ton of accompanying lightening that plays havoc with the electrical system, even though I have surge protectors inside and outside the house. We just had some very heavy rains with lightening and my computer shut down several times, but I could restart it each time...except for the last time when Windows wouldn't startup. At that point, Start Up Repair came into play. Although I routinely backup on an external drive, of course I never did it this month-DUH!Results from SUR were error free (error code=0x0) on all the parameters tested, however there were the following error codes reported:"Unspecified change to the system configuration might have caused the problem." Failed: 0x1fRepair Action: System FilesFailed: x490There were more options to select for a recovery task, but I didn't try them as they didn't seem to be as salient as the two above.

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Windows 7 Recovery - Boot Selection Failed Because Required Device Inaccessible

Jan 8, 2011

I am not able to run recovery on by laptop. When I try to run recovery from hard drive or even booting system from DVD ROM using recovery discs I get the following error:

Status: 0xc0000225
Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.

My system is HP pavilion dv6 2150us. My hard drive is dynamic (someone told me that this error is because of dynamic hard drive). Will I have to convert dynamic hard drive to basic to run recovery? Or is there another way around?

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Windows 7 Won't Launch And System Restore Failed?

Aug 13, 2011

My computer shut down unexpectedly and when I tried to start it back up it wants to perform a launch repair which fails for some reason. I have tried system restore and keep getting the following error: system restore failed to replace the fileD:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IdentityCRL\production\temp\wlidui_WLIDSVC\BUTTON.J I am not sure if this is some kind of virus and how to remove it. I also cannot start up in safe mode or at the command prompt. Nothing has been working.

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Windows 7 Failed To Start, System Repair Can't Discover?

Oct 20, 2012

been searching all over the internet on an alterative machine for a solution to a problem that occurred about an hour ago.To offer background on the machine:I upgraded it last summer with a 60gb Solid State HD to host the OS and a 700gb HD to host the bulk non-system essential files and appsI've had no anti-virus on it but occasionally run the Microsoft free Scan & Repair along with Iobits cleanup suiteThere's been this Win7.CH Trojan Horse that is occasionally detected for the past 6 months and even though I select to fix and repair, it always comes backThe machine will occasionally crash after exiting a high performance application like a videogameAfter installing the Planetside2 videogame Beta on the 700gb drive, my SS drive began to become strangely over-stuffed with files, and I could not narrow down where they originated. I uninstalled a few unessential Iobit programs and cleared my downloads and recycle bin, then something even stranger happened. The SS drive had 16gb free, while this entire time I've had it I've only managed to keep it about 2-4gb free, and the file clogging stopped from what I could tell.Anyway, a week or so later, after exiting the Planetside2 Beta application earlier the machine crashed (unsurprisingly) but upon startup, did not recover.

Startup repair unsurprisingly can't fix it, and I receive the following problem signature:The Windows Repair Problem Signature Problem Event Name: Startup Repair Offline Problem Signature 1: 6.1.7600.16385 Problem Signature 2: 6.1.7600.16385 Problem Signature 3: Unknown Problem Signature 4: 21200506 Problem Signature 5: AutoFailover Problem Signature 6: 17 Problem Signature 7: CorruptFile OS Version: 6.1.7600. Locale ID: 1033decided to give the posted solution a go since it seemed so similar to mine.Unfortunately I did not realize that the tech tailored the solution specifically to the posters scan results, so when I tried to use the same solution, it didn't work.I'm quickly realizing that my problem is not the same...What I've tried so farI ran Chkdsk and it said F parameters aren't specified and it only took a millisecond to complete showing nothing wrong.The Startup Repair scan returns are all "0x0" errors.The afformentioned forum posts solution didn't work since it wasn't specified to my machine

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Windows Failed To Start, Unable To Run System Repair

Jan 21, 2013

I have a Samsung netbook (n145) which has had a few issues starting up over the past couple months - it would prompt to run chkdsk before booting, I would let it run, and it would boot. However, yesterday I got the 'windows failed to start - a recent hardware change may be responsible' error message, and giving the option to try starting windows normally (which fails: there is a flash of BSOD and then screen goes black, and computer restarts, arriving at same 'failed to start' error). The other option is to run system repair, which also does not work: it takes ages to bring up a dialog box that searches for errors, but I have let this run for hours and it remains stuck. Tapping f4 to bring up samsung recovery also results in a stuck screen. Tapping f8 to boot to safe mode does not work either.

My main concern is having a working computer, and I can't really afford costly repairs or a new netbook. I got this one used about 1 1/2 years ago and it has no cd drive/OS boot disk (windows 7 starter came already installed). What should I do? Can I fix the hard drive, or should I replace? I am not at all technically skilled and have limited knowledge but an endless capacity to learn. I called samsung and they suggested I replace the hard drive to the tune of $100-$300 for parts alone, which is too expensive for a $100 netbook.

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Attempted Minimized Image Recovery Failed

Sep 4, 2012

In preparation for sending my laptop to HP for a hinge replacement, I decided to backup all my data (via System Image). My plan was to then perform a Minimized Image Recovery: so as to wipe off all my data, but still keep the computer running nicely.The attempt to wipe my data failed.Whenever I try to boot my computer now, I am presented with "Windows Boot Manager" [see attached image]I don't have an OS disk.

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Acer Aspire 7741Z Recovery Failed

Dec 17, 2012

My acer aspire 7741z recovery failed

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System Recovery On Windows 7 64-bit?

Jul 4, 2010

My HP Pavilion DV7 laptop will not do a system recovery after I hit F11 when I boot the PC.The recovery drive on my computer says it's just about full.It's running windows 7 64-bit

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Windows 7 SP1 Failed To Install

Feb 24, 2011

I would rather not have to do a fresh install of Windows just to successfully apply the SP1 update, but here is a summary of what I've tried to do thus far:


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How To Do System Image Recovery In Windows 7

Feb 22, 2013

I have a Dell XPS 17 laptop that has dual drives - c & d.The c drive crashed and was replaced by dell.We are now trying to do a system image recovery from the d drive.We are following How to do a System Image Recovery in Window7 from seven Selecting the System Image from the D Drive (STEP TWO, # 5 and 6), the computer prompts to create a repair disk.The only way to move forward is to create or not create the disk.In either case, it then has you restart the machine, takes you through the process again.. Step 5/6.Never gets to Step 7 to actually DO the System Recover.

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Undo System Recovery Windows 7?

Jan 5, 2012

i have vaio laptop when i get it ,it was contain only local disk(C) so i made shrink to create another logical derive (D)so, when i recovered my laptop after that i lost (D)?

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Windows 7 System Recovery Enviroment

Jul 23, 2012

My neighbor was having issues with their laptop and since I'm a bit more tech savvy I'm attempting to fix it for them. The laptop is a Toshiba Satellite L505d-S5983. Its about 3 years old. They had an issue with the laptop and now whenever it starts up windows it shows an error screen that gives error f3-f200-0002. Apparently this can happen to Toshiba laptops. Seems there is a corrupt Windows 7 file and I need to do a system restore. There are no system partitions to do a back up of. I burned a disc on another laptop of the Windows 7 System Recovery Environment and changed the boot drive to the disk drive in the BIOS. Now it loads the disc and loads up the Windows 7 System Recovery Environment. The problem now is it doesn't detect a Windows installation. It gives me an option to load a driver from c:WindowsSystem32 to detect the Windows installation, but I don't know which file has information about the Windows install.

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Recover Windows 7 From Hp Recovery System?

Aug 1, 2012

I decided to recover the windows and I haven't made the recovery disc yet, so I will recover from from windows directly from hp recovery systemI just want to know how many times can I use this option for later?

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Reformatting Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit System - Process Initialization Failed

Oct 1, 2010

I have a system I have used for a while now and I actually reformatted a few months ago. The system has been working great with no problems but recently during a boot up I noticed an issue. Right when Windows begins its setup to take you to the login screen I noticed a bluescreen and a quick reboot. So I used F8 to boot from the last known good config, no change. I went and disabled the automatic reboot after a crash so I could read the error and it's the:

"Process1_initialization_failed" error.

I looked around for that error and found this: Fix: STOP 0x0000006B PROCESS1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED Blue Screen | The Windows Club

However, when I tried to get into the C: to remove that file, it said "Access Denied" and locked me out. I have yet to be able to get into the system since. To make matters worse I gave up and decided to just reformat the drive and start fresh. However, when I load up my Windows Installation DVD it is noticeably slow, it takes 5-10 minutes to go from step to step. So I got to the "Install" button screen, clicked it and it says "Setup is starting..." and then...nothing. It just stays on that screen for a long time, I gave it 30 minutes last night. So I'm unable to even reformat.

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Windows Failed To Load Because The System Registry File Is Missing, Or Corrupt

Jan 21, 2012

installing Windows 7 on a virtual machine.I have 178MB RAM (which I know isn't enough), but it does the Starting Windows screen before the installation, but then it comes up with this error: File: windowssystem32configsystem Status: 0xc0000001 Info: Windows failed to load because the system registry file is missing, or corrupt.

I have no other OS on the virtual machine.

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Using Recovery Manager To Reset Laptop - Image Failed To Copy Across

Nov 3, 2012

I was using recovery manager to reset my laptop (ACER 5470G) back to factory settings. The image failed to copy across. I then got Boot Mgr is Missing - I have tried, everything it states on the internet and even bought some software WIN RE to carry out the recovery but nothing works. I have tried to reinstall W7 ISO and W7 full installation software but it all has failed. The message i get with the full install disc and iso is that the system i have to select a drive PQ, F and C, the only option I have is C, but when I try it states it can't do it. I tried Ubuntu and it did work, so I presume the HDD is ok. I did have Zone Alarm Data-lock installed on it and I don't know if that is preventing the re-install. I tried to install XP, but that just dies out.

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Windows Updates Failed To Install?

Jan 30, 2012

I have HP ProBook 4530s with Windows Home Premium 64bit. I just check the history of installed updated and I m shocked to see that windows updates are not being installed from last 6 months.

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All System Files Have Been Moved To Windows.old Dir / Result: Failed. Error Code = 0x490

Jun 14, 2010

I�m running a single Windows 7 Ultimate x86 OS on my laptop and it used to work very well �till earlier today once I get back home trying to use my computer as usual to find out that it always runs the startup repair after showing the words �windows is loading files� instead of starting windows normally. Once the diagnostic & repair process is done it tells me that Startup Repair cannot repair this computer automatically. When I view the details I get the following under Root cause found:

Boot configuration is corrupted.
Repair action: Partition table repair.
Result: Failed. Error code = 0x490

After many times doing the previous repairs with no result I went to Command Prompt in order to check my system drive to find out that both �Windows� & �Program Files� directories are not existed there anymore. Instead, there�s a �Windows.old� directory that contains those 2 system directories as well as �Users� & �PerfLogs� directories plus the �autoexec.bat� & �config.sys� files. Sure there�s noway to use the system restore tool or anything else even using my Windows boot DVD. Still can�t use the cmd commands single handedly to fix this.As I said earlier I have never faced such problem before plus I have no idea how to regain my windows since I can never format my system drive as I need to backup all the files, settings, bookmarks & favorites located in my user profile first.

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Can't Get Windows 7 To Reboot After Full Recovery Of The System

Feb 10, 2012

my issue is with windows 7 giving me an error message on boot up. I started having a google redirect issue on my dell laptop the other day. I though I had taken care of it with malwarebites, but suddenly while I am surfing the net the screen goes completley black and I am faced with a blue screen of death. Can't start anything. Safe mode, system repair, and system restore either freeze or get the same blue screen of death.I finally end up using the Dell system local backup that is a preloaded recovery tool on their computers, and the two burned recovery discs I made with it when I first got the pc. Using this I restore the PC to its factory setting wiping out my old files and partitions. It works! and I go through setting up windows like the first time. It loads up and is working fine. I load on some anti spyware programs scan my computer, set up the internet, and start updating windows.Once I dowload my updates and restart my computer the computer will not boot windows. I get a error that goes something like this Windows failed to start. A Recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.

2. Choose your langugae settings, and then click next

3. Click "repair your computer."

Status: 0xc000000e Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.I cant get safe mode to work. Basically my only option is to stick my recovery disk back in and repeat a factory fresh recovery and that gets my computer back working, but every time I turn it off I get the boot error. It is frustrating because I can get it to work fine otherwise. Right now I am just putting my laptop to sleep mode but I would like to be able to turn it it off without recovering windows each time!If you have any ideas that could help me that would be great. I am thinking there is some sort of lingering software/hardware incompatibility or the virus/malware altered something to make the boot up process change. I feel like there is something I could probably do or run in windows to fix this. For awhile I was thinking my hard drive was messed up, but if that was the case I would assume I would not be able to recover windows and load anti virus software on it and have everything be normal, only to not have windows restart.

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System Recovery Windows 7 - Cannot Repair Automatically

Sep 18, 2011

I have a hp g62-231nr laptop and it broke before sent it out, got it fixed and everything was great. about four or five months go by and one night i was playing games on the laptop, the laptop died plugged it in and went to sleep. woke up in the morning to a black screen says media cable something something no bootable device please insert bootable disc and press any key. I downloaded the windows 7 system repair disc and popped it in it loads up says there is no operating system and load drivers cant find any drivers but there is a hard drive disk named Boot (x and two removable devices, the system repair disc in the dvd drive and removable device C. I cancel and press next and be brought into system recovery menu I click on startup repair or system repair. It tries to find problems than says cannot repair windows automatically I click details and this is in the white box.

Problem Signature:
Problem Event Name: StartupRepairOffline
Problem Signature 01:
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: unknown
Problem Signature 04: 0
Problem Signature 05: unknown
Problem Signature 06: 1
Problem Signature 07: unknown
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

I exit out and cannot do system restore memory test is 100% ok. BIOS system diagnoic says error code 03f0 Hard Drive Not Exist the main BIOS menu says the BIOS system is idle. Version for BIOS system F.17 i tried the recovery disks but it says that windows does not support the media on this device. I also have an .iso file of windows 7 home premium dvd but it doesn't do anything so im thinking its a bad .iso copy of windows somehow or I burned it wrong maybe? If there's any other information needed i will gladly post it just ask. also I cannot get to logon screen on startup. The hard drive makes the same soft spinning sound not beeping or anything. I need this computer for work its a business laptop. also i cannot access system recovery from F11 the words show up in bottom left corner on startup but even if you repeated hit f11 or hold it down it brings screen to black screen media cable failure check cable exiting operating system etc.

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Windows 7 Not Starting After System Image Recovery?

Jan 4, 2013

Replaced my HD and used my Win Image BU, but Win will not start. I get the Dell screen that says Windows is loading, but then it is a blank screen.I did a second restore with same outcome. I followed System Image Recovery exactly, but cannot get that last screen to restore files I have booted from USB and from the boot disc - same results.

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Partitioning New Windows 7 HDD - Recovery And System Reserved?

Sep 18, 2010

I bought a new computer where Windows 7 is already pre-installed on partition C:. In addition I want now to install a second "test" Windows 7 system on new primary partition. And a logical "data" partition. At startup I want to choose later between the 2 Windows 7 systems which one I want to boot.

When I inspect now the current partition table (before changing it) it looks like:
1.) "Recovery" 10 GB Primary MBR NTFS
2.) "System Reserved" 100 MB Primary NTFS, Active, System
3.) "Local Volume" 30 GB Primary MBR NTFS Boot
4.) Unallocated

As you can I have a problem: If I create a new, 4 th primary, bootable partition with 30 GB into the "unallocated" space, then all maximum 4 primary partitions are filled. I cannot create a 5 th primary partition which contains the logical "data" partition. So I guess I must either destroy "Recovery" or "System Reserved" primary partition to have one more primary partition slot available.

Now what for are the "Recovery" and the "System reserved" partition? I don't know them from WinXP. Are they Windows 7 specific? Or are they "inventions" from the computer manufacturer (Sony)? Is "Recovery" absolutely necessary? Why is "System Reserved" active? From I WinXP I know only partitions as active which hold the OS and not some kind of "pre-boot-partitions"

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Windows 7 Won't Start Up (System Recovery Options)

Dec 16, 2009

Yesterday I installed Windows 7 on my computer and everything worked perfect the internet, music, etc... The problem is that when i resterted some screen said: System Recovery Options and I couldn't use the computer so installed W-7 again but now I'm afraid to shut down my computer because I don't want to re-install it again and again. What can I do to no get the System recovery options screen. My computer is a Gateway.

This is what the System Recovery Options screen says:
1. Select language
2. Select an [COLOR=#0072bc !important][COLOR=#0072bc !important]operating [COLOR=#0072bc !important]system[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] to repair and click Next. (I clicked Windows 7)
3. Password
4. (Then the screen) SYSTEM RECOVERY OPTIONS which includes the options of doing Startup Repair, System Restore, Windows Complete PC Restore, Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool, [COLOR=#0072bc !important][COLOR=#0072bc !important]Command [COLOR=#0072bc !important]Prompt[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], Recovery Manager.

I've done it 3 times and it doesn't work. and I'm getting tired of re-installing.

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Windows 7 Cannot Boot System Recovery Options?

Oct 13, 2012

I have a Toshiba laptop in which I installed my copy of Windows 7. Recently, it has not been able to boot: it just restarts when trying to. I tried the typical things:booting to safe mode, etc. but they all do the same. So I tried to sin the System Recovery Options, first from the Advanced Boot Options menu and then directly from my Windows 7 disk. In all these cases, the program gets stuck after selecting the "Repair Your Computer" option, as in this picture:The mouse keeps working fine, but all I can see is the background image, and no window pops up. I know that it is supposed to prompt me to select my windows installation, but that window never comes up. A similar thing happens when I try to install windows instead. It just never gets to the next step.Is there anything that anyone can think of that I could do to solve this problem?

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