Windows 7 Failed To Boot After BIOS Adjustment

Mar 21, 2011

I'm currently running a WD 500g with Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and a Seagate 250g with Windows XP Home Edition. I recently changed my BIOS boot order from the WD to the Seagate to see if I could still run XP. Turns out I can. My problem is that now I can't load Windows 7 back up on the other hard disk.Bear in mind that I have no other OS' loaded on any other partitions, and these HDDs are separate. The Seagate is IDE and the WD is Sata.I can load perfectly fine if I set the Seagate to load, but I get the infamous "Bootmgr is missing, Press Ctrl Alt Delete to restart" error msg when I try to boot win7.

I'm running a custom PC with a Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R mobo
nVidia GeForce GTS450
Seagate 250g Windows XP
Western Digital 500g Windows 7
6g RAM
i7 940 processor

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HDD Bios Boot Failed

Feb 13, 2013

I've recently purchased a used A665-3DV6 Toshiba Satellite Laptop. It had the BIOS password problem. So I've jumped the CMOS and cleared the password. I've initiated the "out of box state" and it went through the whole process. When it was finished I shut down the computer. Then the next morning I booted the computer up and it stated "HDD Boot Failed". I tried running Factory reset again but there is only a blinking cursor on the top left hand corner of the screen.

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Failed BIOS Update, HP PavilionG6 Won't Boot Up And Only Black Screen

Jun 2, 2012

I have an HP Pavilion G6-1d40ca. It crashed the other day while I was using it, and when I restarted it, it went to BIOS update. It froze while updating, and died in itself (I think the battery died, it wasn't plugged in. I never knew about BIOS update, so I wasn't expecting for the battery to die during the update, so I didn't plug it in.) Second time, booted it up (it was plugged in this time), and went into BIOS update once again. All's good, was able to use the laptop for about five minutes, then it crashed once again. Now, when I boot it up, nothing comes up on the screen. No nothing. The power button is on, the wi-fi is on, the LED light is blinking non-stop, more than 6 times than what is referred to the HP website.

I tried doing the remove battery and adapter, press power button for 30 seconds, plug it in without the battery, but to no avail. I also did the whole win+B, but doesn't work either. I tried pressing f11, but nothing comes up on the screen. I don't remember where I put the recovery discs that came with the laptop. I thought I put it on the box together with recovery discs for our other computers at home, but I guess I didn't. The thing is, I don't know where to begin, since I don't have anything on the screen itself. Not even a start-up logo or something.

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New Hard Disk Recognized By Windows 7 But Not By BIOS, Install Failed?

Aug 23, 2012

I have a compaq CQ60 104TU laptop, my previous harddrive crashed and i has an external 500GB hardrive lying around. So, I opened it up and took the Harddrive out and inserted into my laptop.When I am trying to load windows into it I get the errorWindows cannot be installed to this disk. This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menuThe Hard disk has no data, and i don't have a CD-Rom, have made my USB bootable manually using DISKPART (this method of installation has worked for me before)[CODE]

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Updated Bios Failed How To Resolve

Dec 28, 2012

I tried updating the latest BIOS for Asus P8Z77-VLK under Bios EZ flash Utility, the CAp file is saved in a USB flash, after executint the CAP file, the computer restart and sound beeping from the computer inner speaker, screen blank, is it possible to recover it?Os = win7 64.

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[BIOS] Really Bad , Wont Boot After Bios Update?

Aug 25, 2012

so i did a bios update, and it wont boot after the update.its a asus m4a79xtd evo (rev 1.01g)i dont have a backup of the bios

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Notepad Adjustment On Windows 7 - Automatic Carriage Return

Aug 22, 2011

How can I fix the Notepad function on Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit so that you get an automatic carriage return when you reach the right hand end of the page? This new version doesn't seem to have any, and just carries on writing right off towards the right into infinity. This makes copy harder to read as you have to keep scrolling along to the right as you're reading and if you have to edit what you've written you just end up with a mess. If you make the carriage return yourself it still doesn't work out right and you end up with twice as much editing. The old XP version of Notepad automatically made a carriage return at the right end of the page and was simple and straightforward to use.

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Dual Boot Hdd Failed Windows 7 Won't Boot

Mar 10, 2012

I had Win XP on 1 HDD & installed Win 7 on a different HDD. I think I accidentally did a dual boot install because Win 7 won't boot without the the XP disk connected to the motherboard.

That was fine until my XP drive died yesterday. Now Win 7 won't boot. The first time I tried to repair, Win 7 was not even seen. so I booted into diskpart and made the partition active. Now it could be seen as an OS.

Then I did a startup repair. It did whatever it does & when it was finished I restarted the pc but it didn't boot I went back to diskpart and confirmed the partition was active. I went back startup repair and tried again.

This time it said it could not detect a problem, but it still will not boot. What else can I do? My pc is homebuilt. Right now I have the 1 sata drive, 2.53 ghz cpu, 4gb ram, onboard video & sound

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Contrast Key Adjustment

Feb 6, 2012

Contrast Key Adjustment

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Mouse Pad On Laptop Adjustment

May 11, 2010

I have a Gateway M-6823 and prior to installing Windows 7 my mouse pad worked great.Since I installed Windows 7 (32 bit) my mouse pad has gone crazy! I can only control the mouse by using the lower left corner of the pad. I went into the settings in the control panel but I don't see a place to calibrate the pad.

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Choosing Which OS To Boot By Changing BIOS Boot Order

Oct 26, 2009

I am choosing which OS to boot by changing the boot order in my BIOS. To me, this seems clean and simple. I built 32 bit XP on one disk, then removed that disk from my system, installed a different disk, and built 64 bit Windows 7.

When both disks are installed, I change the boot order to select the OS I want, and each OS sees and can use the files on either disk.

Am I asking for trouble here, or is this as clean as I think it is? What I want is one set of user document files which can be used from whichever OS has been booted.

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Horizontal Adjustment For Onboard Intel Graphics LCD TV

Aug 13, 2010

so I have a low profile Dell computer in the living room hooked up to an LG LCD TV. It did have an ATI graphics card which used the PCIe slot, and a USB stick for wireless internet. The wireless stick wasn't working great so I've just got a wireless card installed, however it also uses PCIe and there is only one slot. As the computer is not being used for games, the wireless card is much more valuable to have in the slot.When I had the ATI card in there though I could use CCC to adjust the screen over slightly (there is about an inch cut off on the left side of the screen). It is not a spanning/stretching issue, merely just needs a nudge to the left and it will all be good.I have just installed Intel Control Center, but when I click on monitor/tv settings it says that they are not supported.There is no option to adjust this in the Windows 7 display options either, so I'm not quite sure what else to try.

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Found And Lost Desktop Grid Adjustment

Jun 23, 2012

I stumbled upon an old XP desktop appearance adjustment in Windows 7 which allowed me to set the spacing between desktop icons, both horizontal and vertical.You could also choose the font and the font size and, most importantly, the icon size. I was delighted. I could order my icons just the way I needed them for my busy desktop. But then my water-cooled processor water pump broke and spilled water in my tower. Hours later, I had an air cooler on the processor and all was right again.I could not remember how I came to that wonderful desktop grid adjustment box.I searched for a long time but have not been able to track it down. So now I wonder if any of you savvy experts could be kind enough to point the way?

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Toshiba Satellite Screen Resolution Adjustment

Dec 3, 2012

After formatting my toshiba satellite p205-s7469, how can adjust my screen resolution.

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Stuck Between BIOS And Windows 7 Boot

Jul 5, 2012

I have a Lenovo ThinkPad X60 laptop with Win7 32-bit Ultimate and an SSD (I know, I know, just go with it. I'm building a desktop soon). I could list the specs, but that's useless for this problem (I'd think).

At times (not always), when either resuming from hibernate or booting up from a shut down, the computer generally freezes at the point right after the BIOS screen. So it's just a black screen. This is before the window that says "starting up" (literally a window... the Windows logo). Whenever it freezes, it NEVER goes to the boot screen of Windows. I'm assuming this is an error with the hard drive, since the OS is on the SSD and the boot screen is from the mobo. However, this only started happening after a rather heavy fall to the ground that cracked many parts of the plastic shell on the computer. It still works occasionally when I can get it to boot up (nothing different when it boots up... same settings and everything. Spontaneous).

I have tried:

1) Cold reboot
2) Removing battery
3) Going off only battery
4) Unplugging EVERYTHING from the computer

I have not tried chkdsk yet. Is it necessary? Also, would there be a log somewhere of what happened? It never booted into Windows.

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Cannot Boot To Windows 7 After The Bios Reset

Apr 4, 2011

We just build a new system to play around with the Intel Rapid Matrix RAID

Asus P8P67 MB + 8GB RAM+ I5 2500K + 2xWD BLUE HD SATA 6 IN SATA 0 and SATA 1 ( SETUP AS RAID Mirror)We install the Window Ultimate 64 Bit in the RAID Drive .... No problem after all the drive install We also allocate 50GB for doing a image backup (Drive F) We restart the system and goto BIOS to set the HD from RAID to AHCI ( This is the situation happen when the BIOS reset)

Supprise me the system can boot form the Drive ...... (In Device Manager .... I see two WD 1TB HD instead of one 1TB RAID Drive) But when I use Disk Manager it takes really long time to run... I can't wait for that long and shut down) On My computer I only see one HD with 4 Partitation ...

I restart the system and Goto the BIOS to reset back to RAID...and it give error..

I but the W7 Ultimate Boot disk to repair but no success.. Try to load the Backup Image .... cannot find it...

From the old time .... if the BIOS reset it will set to IDE Mode ... Then I am'not able to login to window it will come up blue screen and I just reset to RAID it will fine.... But nowadays... the New MB set Default AS AHCI...then I encounter this issue.... Lucky ... we just testing the new system now..

If I have a cooperate customer want to setup a RAID drive and suddenly Power Cut Down.... BIOS reset..

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot - Unable To Get Into BIOS

Nov 16, 2011

Windows 7 ultimate 32 bit suddenly switched off, reboot does not show on screen which reads "HDMI CHECK SIGNAL CABLE". Using ATI HD4350 fanless with heatsink connected via HDMI lead. tried another monitor using white dvi cable monitor stays blank then shows power saving mode. So that eliminates the monitor & hdmi lead. Could a duff graphics card show this error? No on board graphics. Unable to get into bios no bleeps, Windows 7 dvd no good either, all fans come on and motherboard MSI X58 on board indicator light goes from amber to green when pc turn on so m/b must be ok.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Bios?

Aug 6, 2012

In the chaos of moving to a new house yesterday, a box my friend was moving ripped and a bottle of beer smashed onto my open and powered on laptop, scattering both liquid and glass everywhere. We immediately powered down and removed the battery, and placed the laptop upside down and mopped up the excess liquid from the outside as much as possible, and set it to dry upside down on a towel.My laptop is a Lenovo U330, I had my brother install Windows 7 on it for me last year, but he kept the disks so I don't have any of them.Several hours & some blowdrying later, we attempted to start up the laptop (I would have preferred to wait longer, but I needed to know if mine would work in case I needed to borrow my friend's for the week). The laptop will load the lenovo startup screen, and then flash the windows loadings screen (with the option to press f2 or f12) for a few seconds before recommending that I run startup repair. Which if I select it, will freeze after a few seconds. Usually my laptop's pretty noisy, but while the battery light flashes as if there is activity going on, there's no noise coming from it at all.

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Windows 7 Default In BIOS After 30 Sec When I Boot PC

Jan 21, 2009

First off, Windows 7 is very cool; I might use it more than vista now that I got internet for it, but that will have to wait for a month or two. My first question is: when I boot up my comp, and I have to pick either vista or Windows 7 (I have Windows 7 on another partition), I usually leave the room while my comp is booting, so after 30 seconds the BIOS picks Windows 7 as the default OS because its first. I would really like to boot up my pc while doing something else, and I would love for the BIOS to pick Vista after 30 seconds instead of Windows 7 because I use Vista for games and such. Is there some way of doing that or do I have to sit around throughout the start up and manually pick Vista?

My second question seems a little picky or over the edge, but when I boot up my comp and have to pick an OS, it prints "Windows 7" while underneath it it prints out "Microsoft Windows Vista". Is there some way to add 'Microsoft' in front of Windows 7 when Im picking in the BIOS? It doesn't look as good without the Microsoft.

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Freez After Few Min In Boot Up, In Windows 7 And Even In Bios?

Dec 25, 2011

Sometime when i turn on the PC , all fans are running but nothing boot up no beep sound either. I have to push and hold on power butt to utrn it off then turn it on again couple time to get it to boot up but then it freez up in few min!I have try to boot in bios mode but get same problem it freez!!! when i try to do memories test it tell me i have hardware problem and again it ran memories test for 2 min then free

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Windows 7 Bios Wont Boot

Oct 22, 2011

Hall drivers/updates for my new build are complete, and when i boot, the first asus bios screen comes up, then displays components (as usual), but then goes back to the first start up bios screen. This cycle happens three times before "starting windows" comes up (i have windows 7 ultimate 64-bit). I have a OCZ vertex 3 60Gb SSD, i5 2500k, asus p8z68-v pro, corsair vengeance 8gb cl8 1600mhz ram, and to get to the windows screen takes 40 seconds. Can anyone explain why it is displaying the bios start up screen three times before 'starting windows?'

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After New Motherboard But Can Get To BIOS?

May 10, 2012

I just swapped out my old motherboard since it was quite rubbish (really old packard bell m-atx board) for a brand new ASrock P5B-DE motherboard.

However after installing the board and plugging everything back in exactly where it came from on the old board, the PC cant boot into windows 7 64bit. I've tried the repair option and it doesn't work.

I've tried disabling and enabling various options in the BIOS. Also tried removing the memory and only using 1 stick then tried both sticks in different slots and that hasn't changed anything.

I've tried inserting my Win7 CD but it doesn't seem to boot from the DVD drive (will keep trying to see if it can).

System specs are:

Intel core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4GHz (using Freezer Pro7 CPU cooler)
Samsung DDR2 800mhz Ram (2GB x 2)
160GB 7200RPM Hitachi HDD
ATI (XFX) 5830 1GB GPU
Zalman 500W PSU

my next point of call is to try a lower end GPU as i've still got my Nvidia GTS 250 and doesn't use any external power from the PSU.

(P.S. I'm not overly bothered about doing a clean install as i recently did one anyway and I haven't had a huge amount of programs installed on the pc since then. But if I can fix this without a clean install that would be preferable)

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After BIOS Update?

Oct 25, 2012

I updated the Bios from toshiba site after that my windows won't start and I can't even get to Bios setup (F2) or Boot sequence (F12). and windows get stuck as soon it starts. I can't even access to Factory Restore. I have no image. For information I am using Toshiba Qosmio X770-107

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Windows 7 Failed To Start (Boot Manager)?

Jan 13, 2012

have beeen reading through this amazing forum for the past couple of days trying to get my Dell 1545 working again, i have tried to reinstall the OS from a disc that came with the lpatop, to no availi created a system restore disk from the machine i'm writing this on....still to no avail....i can get into the setup menu's but like many others i can't get any further, I don't know how to get into the BIOS menu (and to be honest wouldn't know what to do if I did

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Windows 7 Failed To Boot After Installing New Usb Mouse

Jul 15, 2012

i just bought this new mouse razer lachesis 5600..when i plugged in the mouse, install the driver, it went ok, no problems at all.the problems start when i reboot, the screen just freeze at the motherboard screen (MSI 890fxa-gd70)..i remember reading from this forum, to try unplugged all usb device, i did that, and my pc can boot normally.. mouse also have no trouble if i plugged it after i got on windows.. but everytime i reboot with mouse plugged in, it always freeze at the mobo screen..or i should unplugged my mouse everytime i want to reboot?

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Windows Failed To Start: File: Boot/bcd

Nov 20, 2012

I have a computer I am trying to refurbish. The old hard drive failed. I purchased a new hard drive. The CD/DVD player on the computer does not work, but I am able to boot from a USB. I was able to install Ubuntu from USB with no problems and now have a new copy of windows 7, 32 bit (computer is also 32 bit). I have tried to boot from the windows copy on the USB drive using many different tutorials as well as using the windows USB/DVD download tool. Each time I boot from the usb stick, a screen comes up that says windows failed to start. It says it may be due to a hardware problem. All other solutions to this involve using the recovery CDs or partition which I am not able to because the CD/DVD drive is broken, and I would like to not have to buy another one.

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Trying To Revert From Failed New MB Install Now Windows 7 Won't Boot

Jul 25, 2012

I made the naive mistake of trying to upgrade from a Biostar TH67+ MB to a MSI Z77A-GD65 MB using my existing Windows install. After I installed the new MB and the new drivers within Win 7 Pro 64 bit, the machine wouldn't boot. So I reverted to the Biostar MB and it still won't boot. I have tried Safe Mode (which just hangs) and I have run Startup Repair several times. How I can further troubleshoot/repair the boot?

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Old XP Failed Boot Causing Error On Boot

Jun 8, 2012

I upgraded to Win 7 Ultimate from Win XP Pro after my OEM disk picked up a few more scratches than it needed.During a re-installation it partially installed the windows XP setup with an error message of 'HAL.DLL' missing.I believe the residual setup loader is causing problemS.My PC insists on trying to boot from CD/DVD regardless of what I select.If I select boot from CD/DVD with my new Windows 7 disk I get the SAME message as if I didn't select boot from DC/DVD: Windows failed to start. This could be from a recent hardware or software change.

1.Please insert your windows install disk and click restart
2.Change language setting and click next.
3.Click repair... etc.

If you don't have the disk contact admin....ect.

Status 0xc000000f
info: Selected entry not added/ application is missing or corrupt.
Enter Escape.
Escape = reboot to error listed above...
Enter = OS choice menu with:

1. 'windows 7'
2 'older verion of windows'

I select the ' older version' and the system gives me the same listed above error...I select 'windows 7' and, well.... here I am, posting this thread from my PC, Windows 7, updated, gageted and all running smoothly...Hibernate sometimes boots and sometimes shows the same error.....Start menu 'Shut down' and 'Restart' also don't work on the odd occasion....I researched and downloaded EasyBCD to delete the 'older version of windows' but it appears to have only 'deleted' it from Windows 7's 'eyes' because ultimately the thing is still showing on my OS choice menu and is evidently causing a few hiccups.

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Disabling Volume Auto Adjustment When Jack Is Plugged

Nov 27, 2011

When I want to use my headphones or my external speakers, the global volume is automatically adjusted to a different setting. This happens invariably every time, when i plug in or plug out the jack.Is there any way to disable this behavior?

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Bios Stops At Windows Boot Manager

Apr 21, 2011

I already went to "msconfig" and chose my default OS. Bios still stops at the Windows Boot Manager to show me the only OS there is for me to choose/use. How can I go straight to my desktop without the Boot Manager?

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Changed BIOS Now Will Not Boot Windows 7 Ultimate?

Dec 19, 2012

Yesterday I was attempting to wipe my hard drive as I was putting my laptop for sale. Whilst it was wiping my laptop crashed and would not re boot properly but I was able to access the BIOS . I stupidly changed some settings following some advice on a forum I now cannot find and when I tried to re boot it stays on the philips page for around 10 minutes. None of the keys work, like F12, F2 ect. After ten minutes it give me a screen thats says 1.Insert your Windows installation disc and restart the computer.2.Choose your language settings, and then click "Next".3.Click "Repair your computer."If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.Status: 0xc000000fThis is how I understand it as my system is in Polish and Polish is not my first language and with technical language I am not fluent and I beleive thats how I made the mistake in the first place in the BIOS.

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