Failed BIOS Update, HP PavilionG6 Won't Boot Up And Only Black Screen

Jun 2, 2012

I have an HP Pavilion G6-1d40ca. It crashed the other day while I was using it, and when I restarted it, it went to BIOS update. It froze while updating, and died in itself (I think the battery died, it wasn't plugged in. I never knew about BIOS update, so I wasn't expecting for the battery to die during the update, so I didn't plug it in.) Second time, booted it up (it was plugged in this time), and went into BIOS update once again. All's good, was able to use the laptop for about five minutes, then it crashed once again. Now, when I boot it up, nothing comes up on the screen. No nothing. The power button is on, the wi-fi is on, the LED light is blinking non-stop, more than 6 times than what is referred to the HP website.

I tried doing the remove battery and adapter, press power button for 30 seconds, plug it in without the battery, but to no avail. I also did the whole win+B, but doesn't work either. I tried pressing f11, but nothing comes up on the screen. I don't remember where I put the recovery discs that came with the laptop. I thought I put it on the box together with recovery discs for our other computers at home, but I guess I didn't. The thing is, I don't know where to begin, since I don't have anything on the screen itself. Not even a start-up logo or something.

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How To Fix Toshiba Satellite L450 Black Screen After BIOS Update

Jun 28, 2012

I had updated my bios and I had a hard time waiting until it stops responding. When I try to restart it nothing is possible so I removed the battery and put it again then try to start it and nothing happens.

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Laptop Won't Boot Black Screen No BIOS

May 28, 2012

My laptop is a Acer aspire 5738z running windows 7 home premium 64 bit and my problem is my laptop will not start. When I turn my laptop on it starts to run like normal: GPU fan starts, Disk drive kicks in, and the LED for the on button is working but nothing on the screen. I've tried too do alt + f10 for a restore, nothing happened. I've also tried to plug it into a monitor and my tv. Before this occurred it had been turned off during boot (don't ask why, I cannot answer that) and I preceded to take it apart(to fix the overheating issue due to acer not putting fan holes on the bottom of the laptop and I didn't realise something was wrong with it until I reassembled it and tried to turn it on. So I'm not sure whether is corrupt BIOS, a hardware problem, or corrupt MBR (my own personal diagnosis, don't know whether it's right or not). Also I have tried turning the laptop off taking the battery out letting the motherboard discharge then pressing the power button for a minute, leaving it for a minute, putting the charger in then turning it on.

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[BIOS] Really Bad , Wont Boot After Bios Update?

Aug 25, 2012

so i did a bios update, and it wont boot after the update.its a asus m4a79xtd evo (rev 1.01g)i dont have a backup of the bios

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HDD Bios Boot Failed

Feb 13, 2013

I've recently purchased a used A665-3DV6 Toshiba Satellite Laptop. It had the BIOS password problem. So I've jumped the CMOS and cleared the password. I've initiated the "out of box state" and it went through the whole process. When it was finished I shut down the computer. Then the next morning I booted the computer up and it stated "HDD Boot Failed". I tried running Factory reset again but there is only a blinking cursor on the top left hand corner of the screen.

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When Reboot, The Screen Eventually Goes To A Black Screen Saying "Windows 7 Failed To Start?

May 12, 2012

My wife did something on her PC (she doesn't know exactly for sure what & can't explain it completely me), and now she can't boot up her PC. She says it had something to do with changing the security settings for a program she uses a lot so it wouldn't keep asking her if she wanted to launch it, and that's when it told her to restart the PC, then it wouldn't boot up anymore.When you reboot, the screen eventually goes to a black screen saying "Windows failed to start. A software or hardware error may be the cause" or something to that effect. It offers me the option to "Launch Startup Repair" or "Start Windows Normally".If I Launch Startup Repair, nothing much happens --- it says it's adding files, then it looks like Windows is about to boot up, then it goes to a black screen for a long time & nothing happens.

If I choose Start Windows Normally, it simply reboots & eventually brings me back to the same screen again.I've tried using rebooting and selecting ESC to get to the boot menu, then installing the Win 7 installation disc & selecting the DVD drive, then I select thelanguage, then I click Repair, but it sits there forever with nothing happening.I also tried an outside boot disc I found on the web & it doesn't launch.

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Windows 7 Failed To Boot After BIOS Adjustment

Mar 21, 2011

I'm currently running a WD 500g with Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and a Seagate 250g with Windows XP Home Edition. I recently changed my BIOS boot order from the WD to the Seagate to see if I could still run XP. Turns out I can. My problem is that now I can't load Windows 7 back up on the other hard disk.Bear in mind that I have no other OS' loaded on any other partitions, and these HDDs are separate. The Seagate is IDE and the WD is Sata.I can load perfectly fine if I set the Seagate to load, but I get the infamous "Bootmgr is missing, Press Ctrl Alt Delete to restart" error msg when I try to boot win7.

I'm running a custom PC with a Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R mobo
nVidia GeForce GTS450
Seagate 250g Windows XP
Western Digital 500g Windows 7
6g RAM
i7 940 processor

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Black Screen No Available On BIOS?

Aug 21, 2011

Windows 7 is installed, however, I woke up this morning, turned on the laptop to find nothing but a black screen. No F keys will work nor escape key. Computer does not recognize a bootable disk. Can any one tell me what the problem is and how it can be resolved? I don't know if it is the hard drive or the motherboard. I don't know where to start looking since I have never encountered this problem.

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Black Screen After Bios?

Apr 16, 2012

After Bios screen windows7 dose not show it's Original Booting screen("starting windows" ) . It bacome a black screen & then show it's logOn screen.There are no problem in Desktop.So i Format & reinstall windows but after 1 day this problem returned!

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[BIOS] System Restore Black Screen?

Dec 14, 2011

Just since yesterday my laptop was attacked by some kind of malware that tries to scare me into buying their products and hiding all my files. I managed to unhide all my files but somehow the virus still remains. I tried every solution on the web to get rid of this virus but to no avail **** does not work at all.And to top it all this particular virus shuts down all my usb ports and disabling me to connect to another computer to share files even. So I decided to reformat my laptop. But the thing is when after I clicked system restore, the thing shut down. Ok fine everything was normal and it started up as usual, but the next thing that happened was that it was stuck on a black screen. I thought the program was processing but I was wrong ( I've never reformatted a computer so please bare with my sillyness ) I've tried many many times by shutting down and trying to click on system restore but still same result, stuck on a black screen. And pressing F11 doesn't really help either, it will still result in a black screen. I've tried to use the system recovery disc but it didn't work at all.

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Black Screen After BIOS Splash And Before Windows Install Comes Up

Dec 11, 2012

I'm loading a new system and encountering a problem I haven't seen before. I have a Gigabyte Z77MXD3H motherboard with an Intel i5 3570 proc. When I boot to the Windows 7 install disk I get the BIOS splash screen, then the monitor goes so dim I can't read any text during the boot process but I can tell there is text on the screen. The monitor's menu also appears so dark its unusable. After some time the text mode finishes and the Windows install menu pops up and everything returns to normal. I can find loads of posts about black screens after windows boots, but not before.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After BIOS Update?

Oct 25, 2012

I updated the Bios from toshiba site after that my windows won't start and I can't even get to Bios setup (F2) or Boot sequence (F12). and windows get stuck as soon it starts. I can't even access to Factory Restore. I have no image. For information I am using Toshiba Qosmio X770-107

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BIOS Update BSOD No Display On Boot

Oct 19, 2012

Earlier I was trying to fix a DCP latency issue and latencymon suggested I update my BIOS. I got the BIOS from Asrock directly. During the update I was given a BSoD and memory dump. The dump froze at 15 and I eventually turned off the computer. Upon rebooting I was unable to get a display.

So far I have reset the cmos, switched between gpu and integrated graphics, removed the gpu and other adaptors, let the computer stay off for 30min; all of which has not worked. When resting the cmos I used both the jumper switch, quick clear, and battery removal.

Dr. Debug shows no errors when starting the computer and it appears to continue cycling boots, despite the lack of error.

O.S - Windows 7 home premium x64
CPU - i5 3750k 4.2gz
Motherboard - Asrock Z77 Extreme 4
Gpu - MSI 550ti
SSD - Corsair Neutron Gtx 128gb
Ram - 2x 4gb 1600 9-9-9-24 patriots.

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Boot Manager Missing After BIOS Update?

Apr 28, 2011

I updated my BIOS as I was having a problem mentioned in one of the updates. I was using the Easyflash2 by Asus and the update succeeded but when it re-booted I got the awful news..boot mgr missing. Would my best bet be to just re-image?

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Raid Boot Error After Bios Update

Feb 6, 2010

After flashing the bios, my computer could not find the OS. The options displayed recommended that I try to repair the OS, so I made that selection with no joy. I went into the bios setup and found that it was no longer setup for my raid 1 drives, so reconfigured. When I did this, I missed setting the SATA 4/5 to IDE and went through the process again of trying to repair the OS. Once again, that did not work.

I went back into the bios and discovered my oversight, fixed it, but the computer still does not recognize my raid drives. The raid bios setup utility still shows a valid array. At this point, my assumption is that it doesn't recognize the array drive because the driver isn't loading, so I've tried to reload the drivers. The motherboard manual only describes how to do this when installing a new operating system and I do not want to lose my programs. Do you have any suggestions?

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Windows 7 Ultimate Won't Boot After Bios Update

Oct 28, 2012

I have a desktop using a Gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 (revision 1) motherboard. Using the Gigabyte @Bios utility, I updated the Bios to F12. After rebooting as @Bios suggested, I can no longer get Windows to boot. I've noted the following:

1) I have issue accesing the Bios setup. Sometimes I can access it, sometimes I cannot;

2) When I am able to access the Bios, I can confirm the disk Boot Priority, however it's is now showing the drives as SCSI (I only have SATA drives);

3) There is a new setup screen displayed after the Gigabyte logo screen shows. This screen now shows 'Serial ATA AHCI, Version iSrc 1.20E.

Copyright (c) 2003-2008. Intel Corporation.
**This version supports only Hard Disk and CDROM drives. **
Please wait. This will take a few seconds.

Then shows Controller/Bus/Function/Port/Device and lists all harddrives. At the end of the drive list it shows 'AHCI Bios installed'

4. After step 3, it shows the prompt 'Loading Operating System' - the boot hangs at this point.I DID backup the existing Bios before updating it. I have not gone in and copied that file to a floppy to try and flash the Bios using the backup (don't know if this is possible).

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Samsung Bios Software Update For Bios / Update Fails

Dec 1, 2012

My Samsung series 3 laptop has been sending out popup messages telling me I need a bios update, I go to the Samsung software update site and this bios update has been failing, I have made several calls and chats to techs at Samsung who tell me to do what I have already done, they tell to ask for tier 2 tech, who can go in my computer and fix it , When I finally got a tier 2 tech, they told me the same thing, I told him what I had been told about him and what he could do, He said, is it working , I said yes, but settings on computer change on their own,like wifi turns itself on and that concerns me. Anyway, He said that it didn't need a bios update,even the Samsung website said this computer needed a bios update. I posted this on hardware,firmware concerns, and they told me to post here, I was going to go to a site ,that had a download that checked drivers,

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Windows Boot Slowly And Update Constantly Failed

Feb 8, 2013

Long ago i updated my bluetooth adapter driver, and the caused malfunction. I downloaded the driver from Dell Support website (apparently there are 3 under 'Network', and i get a lucky shot) and the bluetooth is fucntioning once again. however i checked through the device manager and found '!' marks on Bluetooth Peripheral Device. something is not right. Recent windows update (automatically) has failed to install over and over again, hence prompting to redownload the same update every time i turn on the laptop. Specifically, its is 'security update for the .NET Framework 4 on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2: January 8, 2013 (KB2742595)'.. There is another update coming (also tagged as Important) but come to fail as well. So currently there is 2 pending updates.While im having these problem, the boot time has increases noticeably. Long black screen appears before the login page turn up. Some says this is related to device/driver error. im not sure myself. Very recently i have my Avast Antivirus not working (turned off) and every time i ask it to turn on or resume, nothing happens. It remain not-functioning and so, i uninstall Avast and adopt AVG Antivirus. i think this is around when i was installing the bluetooth driver from Dell.

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GTX580 Black Screen/Reboot In Games, Windows Logo, Even At Bios Load

Jun 9, 2012

I purchased a system with dual GTX580's about a year and a half ago. I have had issues with system crashes (lockups, no blue screen, and no alt-tabbing out of them) almost from the beginning. Since I am impressed with some of the technical responses I have seen on threads in this forum, thought I'd reach out for help before I pull what hair I have left out.....

I tried literally every different bios update available, every single driver release Nvidia has released, too many clean windows installs to count, MSI Afterburner/EVGA Precision (video voltage increases, clock decreases (removing EVGA superclocking), replaced the SLI bridge, different ram, different powersupply cables, different fan speeds, and so many other things over the past 1.5 years it's rediculous.

In preparation for trashing the cards, I pulled them out and put my old cards back in. These are also EVGA brand, 8800's, also can run them in SLI with the same bridge, and not a single problem. This is while running the same driver release (clean install though) as the 580's.

So I put one 580 back in, both slots 1 & 3, and to my surprise it worked just fine in either PCI slot. Tried the other 580, also works fine when alone. Put them both in, put the bridge on, and it crashes right after Bios loads, before it even makes it to the windows logo/login screen.

Seems to have gotten worse over time (was just during intense gaming, next it's when in windows but not gaiming, sometimes at the Windows loading Logo, and sometimes even at bios load.)

Overheating? Temps are fine..even when stress testing with Kombuster/Furmark/Prime95/MEMTest/etc. temps get warm, up to 85 on CPU cores, and 75 on video card, but all tests are fine.

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Black Login Screen After SP3 Update

Dec 14, 2012

I am using my school tablet to write this since my other (gaming) laptop is unusable as I will explain.

A few days ago I turned on my (gaming) laptop computer and, after briefly showing the "Starting Windows" screen, the screen simply went black no login screen. There is a mouse which is perfectly responsive and moveable. I held down the shutdown button so the laptop switched off, then restarted. A screen came up saying "Launch Startup Repair (recommended)". I then deduced how this problem came about. Used my laptop the night before. Closed the laptop lid, thus beginning sleep mode. Battery probably at 15%. When the computer ran low on battery, it turned back on (which frequently happens) and, as the computer had updates to install, began shutting down and installing the updates, rather than the usual hibernation because 'Shut Down' is the default setting when there are updates. Computer runs out of power halfway through installation. Bad install (which I now know isn't the case). I turn on computer and - BINGO! The login problem occurs. Now, I repaired my computer and restored it to an earlier session. I then noticed that League of Legends wouldn't open (probably unrelated and have contacted Riot support). So this morning I decided to shutdown and install all the updates (which the battery charging, to make sure that there was no failure), which I think included SP3. The same "black screen at login" problem occured. The "VAIO" logo appears, then the "Starting Windows" screen (with the logo above). Then, blackness with a moveable mouse. I press the off button to hibernate and nothing happens, but if I hold it down the computer shuts off completely. I can't access any of my files or even login, so the only way to use my laptop is to use the Windows Repair, which takes over 2 hours.

I am using another laptop to write this.

My laptop with the issue is a VAIO VGN-NW25GF (says on the sticker on the front) running Windows 7 Home Premium using "ATI - Radeon" and "Intel Core 2 Duo". 64 Bit with 2GB of RAM and 320GB hard disk.

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Flashing BIOS Firmware Update Has Lost Windows 7 Boot Record?

Nov 30, 2012

I wanted to install more RAM, but Supermicro support told me I needed to update BIOS (flash it) to enable it to accept higher RAM.After I did this, the BIOS seems to have lost the record that boots my Windows 7 installation. After going through the checks, it just comes up with "Operating System not found."So I thought that, since I have two SATA drives, I could try installing Windows on my redundant disk to see if that might generate a dual boot menu.I was able to successfully install a fresh copy of Windows on the 2nd disk, but it will only boot into that one. It seems my system has completely forgotten about my other, working, installation.Is there a process for recovering the boot information and setting it up such that I can go back to using my other installation?

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Black Screen After Nvidia Driver Update

Aug 29, 2011

I have an HP DV8T entertainment laptop with an Nvidia GeForce GT 230M. The current driver is version 267.67. The latest from Nvidia is 280.26.

When I install 280.26, everything appears to go great...until I re-boot. I get the boot screen with the windows logo and the swirly dots. After that, nothing. Just a black screen with the cooling fans screaming.

I tried to uninstall the current 267.67 driver and then install the 280.26 version but I get a pop-up that says "No compatible device found." I also tried to "Uninstall current driver" from the custom install menu on the Nvidia installer. Again, everything appeared to go well until re-boot. Logo, swirly screen.

Thank goodness for the ability to create system restore points or I could possibly be re-installing Windows. why I am unable to successfully update this driver?

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Ati Radeon HD 4350 Black Screen After Update

Jul 15, 2012

So I download an update for my ati radeon HD 4350 (AMD Catalyst) And it seemed to work fine before when i installed it but i turned in my computer this morning and ot seemed to work fine but after a few minutes my computer just went to a black screen. so i restarted my computer same results, so i booted in safe mode and decided to explore the problem. At first I attempted to uninstall and reinstall the update but when i tried to uninstall it failed and the message "failed to load detection driver" or "couldn't detect system specs" or something along those lines. So i tried to run a game and it wouldn't open. I think i may of somehow broke my graphics card?

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Black Screen After Nvidia Driver Update

Aug 24, 2012

We are having this issue on Windows 7 x86 Ultimate with an Asus M2N-VM DH mobo, which has an NVIDIA GeForce 6150 SE / nForce 430 GPU. If we leave the default driver that Windows installs, we can use Media Center full screen, BUT we can't run the native resolution of the monitor, which is an LG L245WP-BN. When we try to run the install disk supplied with the mobo, which supposedly contains Vista drivers, we get an error saying they "can't be installed on this operating system."

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Black Screen After Initiating Windows 7 Update?

Oct 8, 2011

I Reinstalled OS a couple of days ago on my Win 7 64bit laptop, since a lot of files on my HDD were corrputed... Now, after reinstalling most of my programs and data, I go to play CoD2, and it was giving way lower FPS than usual. I couldn't try any other game because I hadn't installed any yet. So, I installed a high FPS config, and it didn't help, so I looked for solutions...I reset all CCC settings to default, and did something with DirectX etc (not sure if this fixed it or if it was just heat, or a program running). Even though the problem was gone, I already had Windows Update downloading, and it finished, so I ran it (game and browser window was still open). I selected ATI Mobility driver in the optional tab just for fun, on top of all the recommended ones, even though I already had the most recent one (from like December last year because it's the latest compatible for my laptop due to switchable graphics etc)...

It started installing, screen reset a few times, and then just went black and stayed there. Audio and everything is still running, but I'm left with just a black screen. Should I wait an hour or so, then force restart? Or what? Tried HDMI to TV, says no signal.TLDR; Left with black screen while Windows Update started installing GPU driver etc, audio still running, scared to restart because I don't want to corrupt... What do?

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Laptop Turned Off During Update Now Black Screen

Oct 30, 2012

My toshiba satellite l655 was being updated then turned off i turned it back on but the screen is just black i tried shining a light to see if i could see the picture but there was no picture then i tried to hook up the hdmi to a tv to see if i can try to use it on a tv to see the screen and nothing pops up.

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Windows 7 Black Screen After Update / Advanced System Care

Sep 15, 2012

I'm currently in safe mode in my windows 7 laptop which I can only access this computer by. The reason is because when i try to boot windows regularly, I get past the login screen then to be pwned by some black screen with my cursor only displaying. I downloaded a software from IOBit called Advanced system care, then I ran a full system clean. I came back later to reset my laptop and encountered an update, I let it update. When the update was finished, I started getting the Black screen of death.

Things I tried:
- System restore (It couldn't find a restore due to the update)
- Uninstalling updates (No difference was made)
- The CTRL+ALT+DEL then some link for the fix (CTRL+ALT+DEL doesn't work)
- Start up repair (Nope, no difference)
- The /sfc command (It worked but, still no difference)

I'm think pretty much stuck as I don't have a Windows 7 CD, although I have a formatted USB, I'm considering downgrading to XP. But, I'm getting problems with that as well.

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Black Screen With A Non-blinking Underscore After Boot-screen?

Sep 9, 2010

I just upgraded to Windows 7 on my Toshiba Satellite Special Edition laptop that came with Vista 64bit and the other night i downloaded iTunes 10 and told me to restart my machine so I clicked ok and then my laptop shut off and when it came back on the Toshiba screen came up as usual but seemed to stay on longer than normal then it goes to a black screen with a underscore that blinks for a few moments then becomes solid. Ive tried to use the "F" keys to get different boot options because i have the windows 7 ISO disc and a ubuntu disc that I could use but whatever i try my laptop wont process it just does the same thing over and over again and bever proceeds to the actually boot up windows.

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Toshiba Screen And Then Black Screen Only, No Boot Menu Either?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a Toshiba laptop running windows 7. It has been running like a well oiled machine since the day I got it.I turned it off to watch TV, then when I turned it back on, the screen shows the Toshiba screen for about 1/4th of a second and then goes black.If I hit F8, F10, or F12 nothing shows up.

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Black Screen Of Death During Boot, Before Login Screen

Mar 18, 2012

While attempting to restore a previous backup of my system (with Norton Ghost 15), I got an error, and the system rebooted. Upon reboot, I get the black screen of death with just the cursor instead of the usual login screen. I have tried the following thus far: These all give me the black screen of death with movable cursor:boot in safe mode boot in safe mode with networking boot in safe mode with command prompt last known good configuration I did an initial system startup repair which went through and said it repaired it, rebooted, but no change. I did a pre-boot diagnostic test - nothing memory test - nothing tried restoring from restore point, but it says I don't have any (LIES! BLASPHEMY!) tried restoring from restore point on external disk - seemed okay, then failed. chkdsk - found some stuff, fixed it, no change. tried ctrl+alt+del on black screen of death - nothing

Now, I know that the hard drive itself is alright, that is, the information is still all there still. While I can't give you exact specs, I can tell you that I am on a Dell Studio XPS running Windows 7 home premium 64 bit. I'm at a loss as to what else to do. Despite being a black screen, with just a movable cursor, the system still appears to be running, as every few minutes, it will show the "thinking" cursor, where it shows the little circle next to the arrow.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot, Stuck On BIOS Screen

May 20, 2012

I built a new gaming PC about a month and a half ago and its been running fine up until now. I turned it on a couple of days ago and Win 7 was freezing up. The mouse cursor was a blue wheel and I couldn't click or do anything. I couldn't even access the command line and ctrl+alt+del didn't work either. At this point it did boot up in safe mode. I powered it down and now it won't boot past BIOS. I reseated everything and checked all the connections and everything seems good.

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