Windows 7 Does Not See The Drive Beside System Drive?

Oct 1, 2012

I reinstalled windows 7, now it doesn't see the drive beside the system drive

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Unable To Delete System Folders From A Drive No Longer Being Used As A System Drive

Mar 21, 2012

I recently reorganized my computer and this included a fresh install of Windows 7 on a new disk. I backed up all my data on the old disk so that I could make sure I wasn't losing any important documents or whatever.I'm now sure I've got everything off the disk that I needed and am using the disk as a storage disk for media. However, there are still folders that I can't seem to erase in the Program Files, Program Files (x86), and Windows directories. Most of the files are gone but about 12GB of junk remains that I no longer need. Whenever I try to delete what is left, it says I need permission from TrustedInstaller and it won't let me delete these files.Is there any way to blow these directories away without having to format the disk? I really can't format because the disk is almost full with data that I need to keep and I don't really have any other disks to temporarily back these files up to.

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Default Drive Letter For 'System' Drive In Windows 7?

Jan 18, 2013

I decided to just revert to my old XP64. At first I was gonna try to dual-boot, but the fly in the ointment was all I had was an image on my external HD, which has about 100G of other stuff on it. My disc drive would not for the life of me burn an ISO image on any of my three DVD types. And the process of trying to find how to fix the drive problem and/or create just a bootable PARTITION on a HD without effecting everything else just drove me insane...which is kind of where I am now. After a week now I just have to get back to my project. lol And if that means no fancy windows 7 internet experience..while attempting a dual-boot scenerio workaround, I shrunk partition C and created a new 5G partition at the end of it. In EaseUS, I assigned it letter B and I set it to active, figuring it was to be bootable (wrong, I know). Additionally near the same time in Folder Properties, I unhid system files, folders...etc.

NOW the System drive showed as F! Then, attempting to use EasyBCD, it told me it could not find the BCD files to begin. So, naturally it had to do with that.I thought maybe it should have been B, but why would Ease US give me that letter option?After showing Easy BCD the file it seems to be OK....there. Also in Startup & Recovery it is listed in System Startup as the default system. But is it OK?Also, should it also be active. Did I inadvertently switch it by making the new partition active? What should I do to get it to boot properly. I AM planning on booting XP from a flash drive anyway, but still.

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Using System Image To Replace 750GB Drive With S 500GB Drive?

Sep 17, 2012

My 750gb hard disk is failing on a HP laptop that came preloaded with Windows 7 home prem. I have a SMALLER excellent 500gb, 7200 rpm hard disk that I'd like to replace the failing hard disk with. I've read that my Windows 7 System Repair DVD will not restore my recent system image (on NAS) to a smaller partition. The C:partition on the failing drive is well over 600gb but can shrink to 300gb. QUESTION Can I restore a system image from my larger drive "as is". If not, and I shrink my C: partition (contain windows) ay 350GB will I be able to restore the system image to where windows will boot?I have an old copy of (7.0) partition magic that I used to resize partitions on XP machines Can this old 32 bit partition magic safely resize my C: partition. If so, and I create a new system image can I restore it to the new disk?

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Allow Access To Save/edit Files In C Drive (System Drive)

Dec 18, 2009

I'm really hoping I find an answer to this question besides the one I've found on the internet a hundred times over (That's not a good idea, you shouldn't do it).

My question is: Is there a way to allow a user to create/edit files in the C drive (system drive), and in the Program Files contained there? Let's assume that this user is not only a local admin, but a domain admin as well.

The reason for this is I work for a company that does a lot of editing within these areas of Windows. We need to be able to create and edit files where they are stored. I know one way around we've found is to copy the item out of the folder, edit it, and put it back, but this is a pain in the butt.

I also know that most program need to "run as admin", so that's not the problem either. I've given this user every right and permission in the Security tab of the C drive, and had it propagate down through all files, folders, and sub-folders, and still I'm hit with an error that says "Access is Denied" or another one saying that I don't have the right privileges.

Please, if anyone knows how to change this in 7 it would be much appreciated. I know that this worked in XP, and I'm not looking for someone to tell me "this is a bad idea so don't do it", or "maybe it didn't work right in XP". I have seen enough of these.

UPDATE: I have been playing around with saving office and wordpad documents into the C drive, and into the Program files. It seems that I'm able to do both now (for some odd reason), but I still receive intermittent errors when trying to edit or copy/paste or cut/paste from one location to another.

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Installed Storage Drive, Now System Drive Will Not Boot

Sep 30, 2012

I have a 1T SATA system drive and a 1T SATA working drive. I installed a 3T SATA storage drive, and now my system won't boot from the C:. I have to go into the BIOS and boot from there, or use a boot disk. How do I get the system to boot from C: again?

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How To Copy System Drive To A New Smaller Hard Drive

Aug 19, 2012

i have a (spinning) hard-drive with my windows 7system and data on it. it is up to date to this month. the hard-drive is a 320gb. there is jsut 69gb used on the 320gb.i just bought a 256 gb SSD (solid state HD). i would like to place everything on the 256 and put IT in my laptop. i have saved a system image of the 320gb on DVD. windows seems to want an exact size (320gb) to restore the system to.

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Hard Drive Failing - Get A New System Drive?

Aug 11, 2010

My primary system drive where Windows 7 is installed is a: WD 7K 16M SATA2 WD3200AAKS HD 320G - OEM. Long version (feel free to scroll down to short version): Yesterday, I came back to my computer, and all of my applications and desktop were frozen, but I could move the mouse. When I clicked on a window, the cursor would turn to the blue spinning thing, and the window would eventually say not responding and turn a lighter shade of white. I couldn't click on the desktop of the start menu, so I did a hard reset. The computer then wouldn't pass the black "starting windows" screen. I did another hard reset, and it asked me if I wanted windows to try to repair start up. Soon after that, it asked if I wanted to restore windows, but when I clicked OK, I got what looked to me to be a memory error. Then startup repair seemed to do nothing for a few hours, till I got impatient and restarted the computer. I was able to get into Windows, and I scheduled a memory test, and reset the computer. Memory test ran and found no problems. I restarted and Windows loaded, but soon after my computer was laggy and the programs were freezing. So then I thought it may be a HDD issue, so I scheduled to run check disk on that drive, and reset. Check Disk found corrupt files and bad sectors. After that, I was able to load Windows normally, but when I tried to open MC7 for "Live TV", it wouldn't pass the searching for tuner stage, so I closed out MC7, and got an error message in the action center. So I ran chkdsk again. This time, windows wouldn't load after restart, so I went back into repair startup, and it seemed to have found the error really fast, restarted and everything seemed fine. I decided to run chkdsk one more time for good measure, and it had a couple more read errors and found more bad sectors. Now I have been running windows with no apparent issues yet.Short version, computer froze, ended up running chkdsk 3 times, had to repair start up, and now everything is OK for now, but obviously I'm worried about more harddrive failure. Here are my questions:

1)How troubling is this? Do I need a new harddrive ASAP, or can it run for years with a few bad sectors? Any further tests I could run?

2)If I am to get a new system drive, what should I get? All I have on it is windows and my programs. I have separate disks for data. I'm using roughly 32 GBs out of 298. Should I just try to get the same drive (same speed, same capacity), or is there a good upgrade and is it worth getting an upgrade (I don't need more space, but something that would help performance maybe?) or any good deals on sale now?

3) I bought my current (failing) HDD on 9/24/2008, and I'm pretty sure WD has 5 year limited warranty. Should I peruse that angle?

4)How should I got about moving/restoring this OS to the new drive?

4a) I have a half dozen Windows Image Backups saved. Should I just use an old one from before the failure, or should I try to create a new one now, even though the disk may be corrupt?

4b)Or is there a better program to be using than Windows backup and restore?

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Change Drive Designated As System Drive

Apr 6, 2012

I had Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit installed on a partition of my 1TB drive. I recently bought a 240GB SSD and installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit there. I did a completely fresh install, since I needed to move things around on the original partition anyway. So basically, I put all the drives in (which was probably my first mistake) and fired it up and low and behold, it booted immediately from my original drive, despite the fact that I had set the SSD as the first boot option in BIOS. Grr.. Anyway, I ran the setup for Win 7, hoping that would resolve the issue and I now boot (sort of) exclusively from the new SSD and into the new install of Windows.

now that I've moved everything off the original drive that I wanted to keep (onto a 3rd drive) I want to delete the old Windows partition and merge it with some other unused space on that drive but it won't allow me to do that, since the old Windows partition is listed as the System drive, while my new Windows partition is listed as the Boot drive.The other strange issue that I came across... is that I went back into BIOS and removed the option to boot from the old drive completely and then it wouldn't even boot at all.It kept asking me if I wanted to make a floppy disk of the SATA drivers.

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Use 2nd Physical Drive As Sole System Drive

Jul 7, 2010

1) i installed new Windows 7 to drive E in addition to the original OEM Vista installed in drive C of my computer (drive D is the original OEM restore drive). i want to do a SYSTEM IMAGE to backup drive E only (because the windows with all my files I now use is in drive E) but there seem to be some boot files/system files also in drive C (which i don't want to use) and Windows indicate the SYSTEM IMAGE must include both drive C and E. how can i make drive E (the 2nd physical hard disk that the computer got) function exactly as "drive C" with ALL boot files/system in it. so that my SYSTEM IMAGE only includes drive E without wasting space to include the entire drive C which i don't use now. ( OR i am asking, if I can only copy/clone drive E, when both physical drives failed, i want to make sure my copied/cloned drive E alone can function to boot up windows. right now, it seems to tell me I have to backup/clone drive C as well for drive E when i don't even use drive C now).

2) my computer does not go to sleep mode automatically even i set it so. it keep turn on in normal mode. i don't know why. the BIOS indicated it is from march, 2010, so should be update. is there anything i can do to make it sleep automatically?

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Restore A Two Drive System Image Onto One Drive?

Oct 13, 2012

My c: is 128 GB and darn near full. I have Win7 and most used programs on it. My b: (179 GB of 500) has my libraries and less used programs. I have a single windows image backup of both B & C on an external drive.

For example if I purchase a 500 GB hard drive can I restore that image to the new drive? Will it partition the C from the B on the new drive or just show it as seperate folders?

Does the new drive have to be greater than the sum of the allocated/unallocated space on both drives even though the image is less than 500GB?

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How To Replace Drive In Two Drive System

Mar 9, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 on a system with two hard drives. I have the OS and applications installed on one drive (SSD) and moved my user folder (documents, pictures, etc) onto a second hard drive. Well, that second hard drive died on me, so I have to replace it. My question: how should I go about setting up the new drive, so that the file structure is restored? I don't mean the lost data, just how to make it so my directories are how they were before, and recognizable by the OS.

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Install The Vista Hard Drive Into The Windows 7 System And Boot From Either System?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a WIN -7 system with 1 trig SADA hard drive. I also have a Vista system with a 750mb hard drive from my old computer.Can I install the Vista hard drive into the Win-7 system and boot from either system?

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Download (Documents) From XP 32bit System To A Flash Drive And Load It In Windows 7 64bit System?

Jul 6, 2012

Would it be possible to download (My Documents) from my XP 32 bit system to a flash drive and load it in my Win.7 64 bit system?

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Upgrading Hard Drive On A Solid State/Hard Drive System?

Oct 25, 2011

So, I have a i7 2600K system with a solid state disk as the boot drive, and an older (c2008) Samsung Spinpoint F3 500GB drive as the data drive for programs (that I deem as not worthy of the quick load times). The hard drive has given me some errors over time, and I bought a hard disk to replace it (a Hitachi 1TB). The issue I'm having is that the fact that Windows 7 puts a small (100MB) partition on the F3, and for some reason, even though I'm running Acronis 2012, it doesn't seem to be able to clone the F3 over to the Hitachi. I've also tried Drive XML, and for my 2 hour wait, I only managed to acquire a boot error. Thankfully, I've not done anything rash to destroy the data on the F3, but given the fact that I've seen corrupted files in Steam from that drive, I'm not will to trust it long term with my data. I really need to get the data onto that Hitachi, though... Anyone have any advice for upgrading the HDD in a SSD/HDD system? I don't really feel like it should be so hard, especially if I've bought Acronis True Image, but maybe they haven't designed their product to handle this scenario quite yet? 

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Using System Drive Data As A Data Drive On Separate Machine?

Oct 31, 2010

I have a system drive on a workstation which is 1) removable, 2) contains 2 partitions - one for the sytem & data files, one reserved by the os.

I would like to use this drive and it's file data in an external drive case (SATA) connected to my notebook.

Will the notebook handle the external drive properly?

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Can Run A Hard Drive Using XP In A Windows 7 System

Jan 3, 2012

Assuming the hard drive for my last (XP) system wasn't the part that failed, I'd like to find some way to use it in my new computer. The old hard drive has an expensive program on it that I need for work, and the program either won't work at all or wont work without an upgrade according to the supplier when I asked why I can't run the program using Windows 7. Is it possible to install it in the new case and run the XP based programs?

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Will A: Vs. C: Work As The Windows-7 System Drive?

Jan 5, 2013

I would like to begin using an SSD in my older Tower. I use Windows 7-Pro-64 with 4GB's of Ram. I would like to know if I were to install 7 on an SSD and assign the Systems Drive Letter to A:, if I would have any trouble with 7? Additionally, would Applications like Office, BoostSpeed, Picasa, etc. install on C: as they did before or would they install on A?

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Installing A New SSD Drive On A Windows 7 64x Pro System

Apr 27, 2012

Currently I am using 1 500GB SATA on a Win7 64 Pro system.

I am attempting to install/add a SSD. The BIOS does see the drive. But after the BIOS gets done with its check, Windows never loads.

Attempting to use F8 or F5 does not seem to do anything. Disconnected the SSD, and reboot, and Windows boots fine. How do I get Windows to load while having the SSD connected?

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[System Restore] System Drive Is Full

Feb 18, 2012

My C: dreive is a 128GB SSD which devided into 70 and 50 GB.Windows and all programs are installed on 70GB, the 50GB drive is free.All programs are about 11GB, Win7 ultimate 64 is about 17GB so all together it should not exceed 30GB. Suddenly I found on one day that my user folder became 25GB without any reason. When looking into it and calculated all subfolders it even did not come to 1GB.So the C drive is almost full and I have no idea for the reason.

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Windows 7 Pro - Create System Image Only For C Drive

Sep 3, 2012

I have a 1TB drive that partitioned with 120gb system and rest is a non primary/non boot data partition volume... I've never used windows 7 create system image, but want to. When I try to create a system image it insist on backing up both drives. I don't see how to deselect the data drive. Is this because I have installed something system related. on the data drive? And Finally, how will recovery of a system image works if I get a blue screen, do I need to install windows 7 again first or have a repair CD? I noticed when I started a create system image it asked me for the destination drive, no exact path on the drive, does the image have be created on the root of the destination drive?

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How To Format System Hard Drive With Windows 7

Feb 27, 2012

i have laptop reinstalled with windows 7, it doesnt work properly, cos ram is 1GB only, i want to reinstall windows xp now, but it does not allow me to do that.
message comes that newer version is installed on this machine and it is not letting me to install windows xp.

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Expand Windows 7 System Drive By Spanning SSD

Jun 26, 2012

i have windows 7 on 128G SSD and data on two 1T HDD's RAID 1. Can I expand my system drive by adding another SSD to the same volume?

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Windows 7 System Recovery - Hard Drive Failure

Jun 18, 2012

I just turned on my laptop on and it wouldnt go past the "starting windows" logo. So I restarted my computer and it gave me an option to repair start up option and once the repair finished it said it has failed to solve the issue and it pop up a Windows System Recovery which is always good if I wanted to restore it to the factory state unfortunately I have about 30 GB more or less data on this laptop that is basically my life and wanted to retrieve the data.

It also gave me an option for command prompt so i went and run "chkdsk" it got to 49% and from there it kept on listing the entries on the disk and numbers that its got errors on, I didn't quiet finished the disk check and turned my laptop off. Reason being it was 4 AM in the morning. I have been using my laptop for over 2-3 years and by use I mean it has been online almost 80% of the time more or less.

Is it hard drive failure? If so is there a way I could retrieve any data from it? I know there are software that you can boot from CD or USB to salvage what ever data is left or readable, however the data is somewhat precious to me and dont want to do further damage. I would have gone to an professional and gave it to them but I can't afford it. I'm going to change the hard drive into a different laptop to check if its truely an hard drive problem related.

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Windows 7 Got Deactivated After Connecting System With 2nd Hard Drive

Sep 23, 2010

Recently i installed Windows 7 Ultimate and got that activated. Every thing was working fine.

When i connect my 2nd Hard Drive and boot the system then the System says that : "Your Windows 7 is not Activated, only 30 Days left to Activate"

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Recovering Windows 7 System On Another Smaller Hard Drive?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a duplicate image of my windows 7 system. I want to move my windows 7 system off from my 2TB drive on to a smaller 500GB drive instead. I used an imaging program to duplicate the drive contents onto the 500GB drive. My question now is, is it safe to switch to my 500GB as my primary drive and boot up from it without affecting my Windows 7 activation status, or do I need to de-activate it first on the 2TB drive then re-activate on the 500GB drive?

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Windows 7 System Hard Drive Install / Boot

Jul 16, 2012

So I've been collecting extra parts on the side for a while, and finally got around to throwing them all in a rig yesterday.[code] Now it boots fine and happy. I went to install windows from a dvd, the installer saw both hard drives but told me that "windows cannot be installed to this disk. this computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk" for both. Something about both of them saying that told me it wasn't something wrong with the hdds, especially because the 120gb one was fresh out of a antistatic bag that was sealed from the factory :. I went into bios to figure out why, and after looking around I found a utility called "Super Recovery". It basically allows you to manually put in a reserved system partition on the hard drive that windows usually automatically puts on your hard drive of like 100mb. I did that to the 120, and boom, windows allowed me to install onto it. Windows finished installed completely, and went to restart. My boot priority has always been Hard Drive -> then CD-ROM. The system trys to boot from the hard drive, then gets nothing and boots from the cd again. If I take the cd out, it sits there for a bit, then tells you that you need to insert a system disk. The 120gb hdd is pinned to master mode, and the 80gb is pinned for slave. They are plugged into their respective master and slave plugs on the IDE cable.

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Transfer From Backup Drive To A New System With Windows 8 After A Crash?

Jan 30, 2013

Mmy computer with windows 7 failed and will not reboot, I have an external hard drive set as a back-up. What do I need to do to put the backed up stuff in my new computer with windows 8 ?

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Need To Copy System Reserved Partition To New Drive Too For Windows 7 To Work

Sep 11, 2010

I have bought a new hard drive to use as my main one, and am planning to use my current, larger one as backup, as i found i was not filling it. So i need to completely duplicate my current drive, a 1tb one, with 180gb of stuff, to my new 320gb drive. i have made a full disc image with driveimage xml, which comes to 180gb, but when i try to restore it to the 320gb one, it says it it too big. How do i gp about setting this up? do i need to copy the system reserved partition to the new drive too for windows 7 to work, or can it not be copied? should i install windows 7 to the new drive from my install disc? if so, how to i get my settings, programs and data back without too mcuh hassle?

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Hard Disk Partitioned - Windows 7 Loading Only With System Drive

Dec 20, 2010

I have one hard disk 150GB on my computer. I want to install Windows 7 and divide the drive into two partitions. When I did it using the instructions that I had during setup, Windows 7 load only with the system drive! Where did all the other memory gone? Can I return the lost memory without installing again Windows 7?

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Flash Drive Is Not Working In System It Says 'Windows Has Stopped Device'

Mar 29, 2011

I am not able to access the HP v220W 16 GB Flash Drive is not working in my Windows 7 system it says " Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems (Code 43)"

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