Windows 7 Startup And Print TrayIcon System Error?

Oct 23, 2012

I've been having an issue with a system error that has given me problems over the past 3 months. As you can see in the attachment, this is what is wee when I either first start up my computer, or I try to print something. Various small differences will show up in the error, such as the weird characters will be in different order etc. When I try first start up my machine and this error pops up, I only have to click okay once for the message to disappear. However, when I try to print, I must click "OK" at least 20 times before the message stops popping up. Its getting annoying and I'm afraid that it will eventually get worse. I've always troubleshooted my own problems, however I'm not even sure where to start as I cant understand the characters or what program could be causing this.

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Operating System Not Found Error On Startup (windows 7)

Feb 1, 2012

i have sony viao laptop, when i start my pc it shows the following error " operating system not found "when i opened bios menu, it doesnt detectes the hard drive n says " no drive ".hv my hard disk crashed ?

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Getting An Error Message At System Startup?

Jun 7, 2012

i am getting an error message at system startup ,there was a problem starting msipkb32.dll.

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VDiskBus Error On System Startup

Dec 10, 2011

Each time I start my system, I get an error in the Event Viewer:

The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: VDiskBus

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BSOD On Startup C000021a {fatal System Error}

Jun 14, 2012

i restarted my compure about an hour ago for it to complete a windows update, on the logout screen and showed: installing updates, it jumped from 10% to 20 and thirty and the skipped to shutting down.when starting back up again i got a BSOD saying:STOP: c000021a {fatal system error} The Verification of a knownDLL failed. system process terminated unexpectedly the system has been shut the startup repair i get:startup repair cannot repair this computer automaitcally.

Problem Signature:
Problem event name : StartupRepairOffline
Problem signature01 : 6.1.7600.16385
Problem signature02 : 6.1.7600.16385
Problem signature03 : unkowen


for some reason i cant find how to enter safe mode on this mobo (its a new computer)ive hit F8 and it just takes me to a boot priority. F10 11 12 arnt for safe mode either.

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Windows 7 Randomly Crashes On Startup Or Requires System Repair On Startup

Jan 14, 2011

Ever since I bought my new computer and installed Windows 7 64 bit Pro I have noticed that sometimes when I start my computer the startup locks up or crashes, requiring me to restart or it takes me to the system repair screen and running this process does nothing.

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Windows 7 Won't Startup, System Repair And System Restore Failed?

Feb 15, 2013

Living is south FL can be a bitch when the rains come as there often is a ton of accompanying lightening that plays havoc with the electrical system, even though I have surge protectors inside and outside the house. We just had some very heavy rains with lightening and my computer shut down several times, but I could restart it each time...except for the last time when Windows wouldn't startup. At that point, Start Up Repair came into play. Although I routinely backup on an external drive, of course I never did it this month-DUH!Results from SUR were error free (error code=0x0) on all the parameters tested, however there were the following error codes reported:"Unspecified change to the system configuration might have caused the problem." Failed: 0x1fRepair Action: System FilesFailed: x490There were more options to select for a recovery task, but I didn't try them as they didn't seem to be as salient as the two above.

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BSOD On Startup Error 0x000000f4 Startup Takes Long Time

Jul 27, 2012

i used to get the BSOD very often so i decided to recover the system to the initial state . i did that and everything was fine , then i updated the windows 7 service pack 1 and finished the installation and rebooted my computer , the start-up at least took half an hour at that time and the service pack 1 installation showed "not successful " i tried to again to update the service pack1 which showed 73.6mb - 892.6mb so i updated it again and again the same thing happened.

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Windows 7 Pro X64 System Will Not Play 'Print Complete' Sound After Printing A Document

Feb 26, 2012

My Windows 7 pro x64 system will not play the "Print Complete" sound after printing a document.I get the pop-up saying that the print job has completed, just like it did with Win XP. However, the sound is not played.The sounds applet in control panel has the "Print Complete" sound defined correctly and the Test button plays the sound. So I do not have an audio problem, and the .wav file is not blocked.I have looked for any options that could control the sound, but have not found any.

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Print Out List Of All System Drivers

Jul 20, 2009

Is there a way to print out a list of all system drivers? I'm thinking of going 64bit and want to first see if the proper drivers are available.

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System Restore Point : Create At System Startup

Feb 27, 2010

How to Automatically Create A System Restore Point at Startup ?

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Getting Error When Try To Print

Feb 9, 2011

This is a new laptop, Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, and I have installed drivers for both my HP Laserjet CP1215 and Canon MP150, Whenever I try and print a document, from WordPad, Adobe Reader, Word, whatever, it just appears in the print queue with the Status as "Error - Printing".If I run the HP diagnostics utility, it can print test pages, no problem. So the USB connection and actual printer are fine. They also work fine with other PCs. I've checked the print spooler is up and running in "Services"

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Cannot Print In IE9, Script Error?

Aug 3, 2012

Attached is a screen shot of the error im getting when trying to print via IE9. It does NOT do this in any other program such as outlook, acrobat etc.-I have read and executed many of the fixes that Microsoft provides to no avail. -Re-installed IE9 did not work either.-Reset IE options-Disabled script alerts within IEALSO- It will not allow me to save a HTML file. "Save page as"....It seems as if this is a common problem but I have not found a common solution.

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Printing Error Cannot Print Anything

Jun 22, 2011

I bought a new laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit a couple of months ago and havent been able to print anything at all. The printers that i have are HP Officejet K7100, HP Deskjet 960c. Both printers are recognized and the status on the control panel is all good, until i actually print something, thats when the spooler seems to begin the print job but it just ends up saying theres an error and no page is actually printed.

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Parallel Port Print Job Error

Jul 4, 2011

At work we installed 2 new desktop computers in a network with windows 7 so we had to update our Canon IR 2200 driver to make the printer work properly.

Sometimes when we want to print files the machine is printing nonsense (zdingbats on the upper side of the paper but only a few lines not the whole page) and we have to cancel the printing task on the printer because apparently once it starts it won't stop.

On the screen of the printer in the journal there is written: document name: parallel port print job (instead of microsoft word, excel, ...) username: / (instead of the name of our network)

bug in the driver or is there something wrong with the connexion?

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Error 1503 Print Spooler?

Jan 16, 2013

I just tried to print, only to find out the printing menu from MS word wasn't opening. I checked the print spooler service, and it's stopped. When I try to start it, I get the error 1503 message.

I've tried the following:

- Manually start it. Made sure the RPC service is running (yes it is)
- System restore to a date I believe it worked
- sfc /scannow (doesn't find anything)
- some other cmd command which had "= rpcss" in it
- Some said .NET update may do something, didn't

I saw something else about renaming .mui to .exe and the original spooler .exe to .bak. Tried that and the service just reported it couldn't find the files, so I reverted that.I can't recall off the top of my head what the files names specifically are, but the two files that are the spooler (spoolersv.exe and spoolersv.exe.mui?) are within the correct directory in Windows. I really am at a lost, and classes started this week for me so I'm drained right now... its tunneling engine service would do the same thing (error 1503 out of nowhere), so I had to reinstall that and add something in its registry directory. Easier using that for Sven Coop and Synergy Coop?

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Windows 7 Operating System In Startup?

Mar 10, 2011

I've searched the net and this forum but can't seem to find an answer. I'm sure it's probably simple but I've never seen it before when I was using XP.Why is there an entry in Startup titled "Windows Operating System"?I'm loathe to uncheck it, I just don't understand why it would be there?

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Windows 7 System Information At Startup?

Jan 17, 2013

i have a mini netbook with windows 7 starter and since yesterday every time i start it up it shows me this system information window and pressing esc does nothing what can i do..

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Print To File Error - Access Denied

Mar 22, 2012

I am running Windows 7 64 bit home. I have a program that does not give me a choice as to where it's printout goes. It just sends printout to the default printer. I want the output to go to a file. I used the printer setting feature to set up a FILE printer. As a printer choice I picked generic text and set it up as the default printer. When I send the printout from the program I am asked for a file name. I enter test.prn as the file name. Then I get an error message: Could not open the file. Access is denied.

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Script Error Cannot Print Email Or Webpages?

Feb 3, 2011

I am running Windows 7 Home premium; 64 bit with IE9 Beta. I was able to print normally after I first bought/started up this Dell laptop but then a month or so later, whenever I attempted to print email or webpages, I would get the following error dialogue box: "An error has occured in the script on this page. Line-2036, Char-1, Error-the server threw an exception, Code-0, URL-res//iefrme.dll/preview.js". Wireless connectivity to the printer; I am able to print a test page. If I choose to open my IE browser with "Run as Administrator", the printer WILL print email/webpages: normal print process. Question: what do I need to do to fix the problem so when I log in as a regular user the printer will work?

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SSVagent.exe Error; Cannot Open Programs Or Print?

Jan 7, 2012

When I click on that it takes me to the same box again. At the top of the box it says "SSVagent.exe" I googled that and it seems to be some type of malware?? I ran a full scan using my Kaspersky Security software and nothing was found. I also cannot print to my network printer from the 2 laptops that are connected to it or from the main desktop. I tried using system restore but although it goes back to a previous day, the problem still exists. The only way I can run any program is if I right click and choose "Run as administrator." Then if I'm on internet explorer, for example, after I clicked run as administrator, every time I want to change websites or screens, I get that pop-up box asking me to choose a program. Once I close that box out then the webpage loads.

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2 Accounts On Windows Startup - One Of Them Isn't In Current System

Oct 8, 2011

I have at the beginning have 1 (Fckyeahphotography ) account i logged in to the system. but later i got another one with my Blanket name i need type in my name sandra. The funniest is i cant see my 1st Sign in account Fckyeahphotography in system and no i cant sign in in my account.

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Windows 7 Startup Then Says Insert System Disk

Jan 8, 2013

For about the past 2 weeks my computer has been becoming slower and slower on startup, and just general usage. And so today I decided to take some actions to try to make it startup faster and just run faster in general. So i ran msconfig, disabled some startup entries and some non microsoft services. Also, knowing that disabling the boot GUI made the computer startup faster, I disabled that also. Then when I went to restart, I ran into problems.

When I turned the computer on I knew it wouldnt show the bootGUI and so I let it just sit and do its thing. After a very long 15 minutes (longer then it ever had been before) with just a black screen, I held the power button to turn it off. Then turned it back on, and got to the windows recovery window. So I hit f8, went into safe mode, loaded up msconfig, and enabled the bootgui, and restarted.

This time it showed the boot gui. However, once the windows logo was shown for about 15 seconds it switched to a screen that said "Windows is loading files" With a loading bar under it. I had never seen this before so I just let it load at first. As I was waiting for it to load I went and got dinner. Roughly 30 minutes later I went back and it was still stuck at not eve 1/4th of the way. So I held the power button again, restarted, went through the whole process again and then it brought up a message that said the communication with the device was gone. And that it happens when you pull a flash drive out or a hard drive or DVD drive looses power.

I do not think that my hard drive is going back. It is about 5 months old. Along with the rest of my computer. Pretty new. 5 months about.

System Specs:

Mainboard: MSI 970A-G54
Processor: AMD FX 8120 8 Core Processor
Ram: Patriot DDR3 8GB
Kingston DDR3 4GB
Graphics: 2x MSI N210's

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Error Upon Startup, "Error In C:Users....actxprxy1.dll?

Feb 6, 2012

I am struggling to fix the error that I get upon startup on my Toshiba Satellite L655 which Reads"RunDLLError in C:Users(my name)AppDataRoamingactxprxy1.dllMissing entry:IgwqI just realized that this isn't referencing actxprxy.dll - it has a "1" stuck in there which is raising a red flag for me and may be why all my google searches come up empty.I have updated windows, which I didn't update currently because I keep it up to date, I have run Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool which found nothing, I have run Malwarebytes which found nothing I have of course run my current anti-virus, malware, registry cleaner software and it says all is good too. Nothing is running poorly on my computer but I am starting to think that there was something that happened and my computer was able to remove it but maybe not all of it or there are damaged files from it? I am not super computer saavy but I do pretty well and can definately can follow good directions.

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Disable Print Service From Logging An Error Message?

Dec 5, 2011

I ran across away to disable SChannel from logging an error message in event viewerI there a way to get PrintService to do the same? Everytime I print I get an error in event viewerThe document Microsoft Word - 2012-2, owned by XXX, failed to print on printer HP LaserJet 1020. Try to print the document again, or restart the print spooler.the printer prints fine and I am tried of getting these and if I can can just disable this from logging then I want to do it. Below is how to do it for SChannel, does anyone know how to do it for PrintService? I searched the registry for PrintService and nothing showed up.[CODE]

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Change Ink Level In Epson T13 To Avoid Error Print?

Jan 5, 2012

can change / reset the ink level in t13 epson printer?, to avoid error "ink not recognize"?

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Windows 7 Won't Start Up / Startup Repairs And System Restore Can't Fix

Jan 28, 2013

I bought Acer aspire one D270. My computer worked fine for 1,5 week. But I got blue screen at last night.I tried startup repairs and system restore. [code]

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Windows 7 MBR Error On Startup

May 2, 2012

I'm having a major problem booting up my PC. I keep getting the error message "mbr error 1 Press any key to boot from floppy" every time I reboot my PC. The PC is running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, and everything was working fine until I started to do some cleaning up in preparation for moving my OS from an existing HDD to a new SSD. My PC has a Gigabyte X58A-UD3r motherboard. I cleaned up my files using Windows System Cleanup and also defragmented the C: drive. All of this seemed to go successfully. On rebooting my PC, and with the SSD installed in an external caddy connected via eSata (because I wanted to clone my existing C: drive across to it to avoid a new installation of Windows 7), I entered BIOS and changed the SATA from IDE to AHCI. (As far as I am aware I didn't change anything else). Then I booted up the PC and got the error suggesting that there was mbr error 1 etc.I turned off the PC and went back into BIOS and reset the SATA back to IDE, and rebooted. Same error. I tried rebooting a number of times - no success.I then put my Windows 7 installation disc into the DVD drive and rebooted from the DVD (after selecting the DVD drive as the boot option in the BIOS startup). It seemed to boot up right into some version of Windows (note: it did not ask me if I wanted to install or repair windows; it just came up with a standard Windows 7 wallpaper and nothing else). I rebooted again, with the Windows 7 disc in the DVD drive, but when it asked me if I wanted to boot from DVD, I just let it run - and it booted up my Windows as normal. But when I tried and reboot without the DVD in the drive and with the HDD boot option as the primary boot, it still gave me the mbr error.

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Windows 7 - MBR Error 1 On Startup?

May 2, 2012

I'm having a major problem booting up my PC. I keep getting the error message "mbr error 1 Press any key to boot from floppy" every time I reboot my PC.The PC is running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, and everything was working fine until I started to do some cleaning up in preparation for moving my OS from an existing HDD to a new SSD. My PC has a Gigabyte X58A-UD3r motherboard.

I cleaned up my files using Windows System Cleanup and also defragmented the C: drive. All of this seemed to go successfully. On rebooting my PC, and with the SSD installed in an external caddy connected via eSata (because I wanted to clone my existing C: drive across to it to avoid a new installation of Windows 7), I entered BIOS and changed the SATA from IDE to AHCI. (As far as I am aware I didn't change anything else). Then I booted up the PC and got the error suggesting that there was mbr error 1 etc.

I turned off the PC and went back into BIOS and reset the SATA back to IDE, and rebooted. Same error. I tried rebooting a number of times - no success.

I then put my Windows 7 installation disc into the DVD drive and rebooted from the DVD (after selecting the DVD drive as the boot option in the BIOS startup). It seemed to boot up right into some version of Windows (note: it did not ask me if I wanted to install or repair windows; it just came up with a standard Windows 7 wallpaper and nothing else). I rebooted again, with the Windows 7 disc in the DVD drive, but when it asked me if I wanted to boot from DVD, I just let it run - and it booted up my Windows as normal. But when I tried and reboot without the DVD in the drive and with the HDD boot option as the primary boot, it still gave me the mbr error.So I booted once again with the Windows DVD, and created a Windows Repair Disc. I rebooted with this and attempted to carry out a MBR repair (using the CMD line: bootrec.exe /fixmbr - which indicated that it ran successfully). I rebooted the PC - still got the mbr error.

I rebooted with the repair disc again and ran: bootrec.exe /fixmbr, and bootrec.exe /fixboot, and bootrec.exe /rebuildbcd. They all seemed to run successfully - but on reboot I still got the mbr error.I also downloaded and rebuilt the MBR using the MBR rebuild utility on Partition Wizard Mini Tool - it still hasn't solved the problem.
I also tried to recover using a previous backup of my C: drive (one created yesterday before I did any clean up or defragmentation, but I am not sure if it had the MBR backed up) - it restored OK, but didn't solve the error.I also ran chkdsk on my C: drive - it suggested that the drive was clean with no errors.

So at the moment the only way I can boot up my PC is to have the Windows 7 installation disc in the DVD drive and have the DVD drive selected as the first boot device (even though I don't subsequently press any button to boot from the DVD) - it just seems to force it to get around the mbr error somehow.

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[msimts32.dll] Windows Startup Error

Feb 28, 2012

when i log onto my windows 7 pc this is what I get. I searched the internet for quite a while but I didn't find anything regarding this problem.After I log in, and after my programs load (which are not many) it pops up, saying there was a problem starting "msimts32.dll"

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Windows 7 Startup Error Missing HDD

Feb 28, 2012

Yesterday my system had a BSOD when i wasn't home and my wife just restarted the my PC. When i got home about 4 hours later i had another BSOD but did not have time to see what it was. Now my system wont boot into windows. Trying to use start-up repair does nothing since it tells me that the error is that the registry is corrupt but it can't fix it. something like rollback registry failed corrupt registry. So i goggled the issue and tried everything that i could find from the windows 7 forums. used command prompt to search for my drive but i can't find it (windows is in C: drive but it doesn't show up only my external HDD and CD drive shows up. Tried using windows 7 installation CD to repair but it can't save the changes because there is no hard drive with windows operating system installed. Checked my bios yesterday and my internal hdd was still showing up in bios but it was like the 3rd in line to be used for booting. tried restoring from a system image and it wont let me because windows can't find a windows operating system to restore. i unplugged all my cables except for my HDD and tried booting it only to go back into repair start-up screen but i can't do anything there also. Tried doing sfc/scan now but it says a repair is in process and that i need to repair and reset to use that command, same goes for all other commands like bootmgr and so on. My brother in-law says that it may be because i have bad drivers so i updated them with a usb using windows installation load drivers but nothing happens then he said that back in the past there were issues with 6gb sata cables and certain HDD so i pulled out an old 3gbs sata cable and still can't boot. changed ports nothing happens can't even boot to safe mode to scan the drive. umm... can't do a fresh install because windows doesn't see the drive so now.when i turn on my pc my internal HDD is not being shown in the bios could it be that my HDD was dying and now is dead? [code]

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