2 Accounts On Windows Startup - One Of Them Isn't In Current System

Oct 8, 2011

I have at the beginning have 1 (Fckyeahphotography ) account i logged in to the system. but later i got another one with my Blanket name i need type in my name sandra. The funniest is i cant see my 1st Sign in account Fckyeahphotography in system and no i cant sign in in my 1.st account.

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Windows 7 Little Brother Damages System / Only Guests Accounts Remain Active

Jun 13, 2012

Ive been working on the administrator account for more than 2 years, left it as it was yesterday. When I came back my account was assigned with guest authorization instead of administrator's. While I was working on my administrator account I disabled Super Administrator account and therefore now I am unable to log into it. My little brother account is just another guest account. So as far as I know there are two guests accounts somehow, 0 administrator accounts, and 1 super administrator account which is disabled. How can I restore my account to its previous settings?

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Windows 7 Randomly Crashes On Startup Or Requires System Repair On Startup

Jan 14, 2011

Ever since I bought my new computer and installed Windows 7 64 bit Pro I have noticed that sometimes when I start my computer the startup locks up or crashes, requiring me to restart or it takes me to the system repair screen and running this process does nothing.

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"USB Device Over Current Status Detected" At Startup?

Jan 2, 2013

When I start my PC up. I get that error, with an American logo or something. Then it shuts down after 15 seconds

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Advanced System Settings Performance To All User Accounts

Aug 28, 2011

I'm having problems changing the Advanced system settings to all the users on my PC. How can i enforce a certain System setting to all User Accounts without having to log them on one by one? And another one is how can transfer Personal User Directories to another Drive without removing the access permissions in them. (Example: C:\Users\Computer to D:\Users\Computer) Cause when i changed the user directory to D:/. That certain user directory can now be accessed by all Standard user accounts in my PC.

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Customizing Standard User Accounts - Adding System Access Without Uac?

Jun 23, 2012

When I search for the words in the thread title I only get references to UAC.Well, I do not think I am interested in UAC.In Windows NT4 it was possible to take any existing account and modify/customize its access rights, per system function. As in allowing standard user Joe to be able to change date, whithout elevation. I could edit the account rights of Joe, giving or removing just about any system access.I need to be able to give some system rights to a local standard account, without elevation. No admin password, no UAC, nothing. At the same time that standard account should not be able to access local policy or computer management or similar, other, system features.

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Windows 7 Won't Startup, System Repair And System Restore Failed?

Feb 15, 2013

Living is south FL can be a bitch when the rains come as there often is a ton of accompanying lightening that plays havoc with the electrical system, even though I have surge protectors inside and outside the house. We just had some very heavy rains with lightening and my computer shut down several times, but I could restart it each time...except for the last time when Windows wouldn't startup. At that point, Start Up Repair came into play. Although I routinely backup on an external drive, of course I never did it this month-DUH!Results from SUR were error free (error code=0x0) on all the parameters tested, however there were the following error codes reported:"Unspecified change to the system configuration might have caused the problem." Failed: 0x1fRepair Action: System FilesFailed: x490There were more options to select for a recovery task, but I didn't try them as they didn't seem to be as salient as the two above.

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System Restore Point : Create At System Startup

Feb 27, 2010

How to Automatically Create A System Restore Point at Startup ?

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Windows 7 Operating System In Startup?

Mar 10, 2011

I've searched the net and this forum but can't seem to find an answer. I'm sure it's probably simple but I've never seen it before when I was using XP.Why is there an entry in Startup titled "Windows Operating System"?I'm loathe to uncheck it, I just don't understand why it would be there?

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Windows 7 System Information At Startup?

Jan 17, 2013

i have a mini netbook with windows 7 starter and since yesterday every time i start it up it shows me this system information window and pressing esc does nothing what can i do..

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Windows 7 Startup Then Says Insert System Disk

Jan 8, 2013

For about the past 2 weeks my computer has been becoming slower and slower on startup, and just general usage. And so today I decided to take some actions to try to make it startup faster and just run faster in general. So i ran msconfig, disabled some startup entries and some non microsoft services. Also, knowing that disabling the boot GUI made the computer startup faster, I disabled that also. Then when I went to restart, I ran into problems.

When I turned the computer on I knew it wouldnt show the bootGUI and so I let it just sit and do its thing. After a very long 15 minutes (longer then it ever had been before) with just a black screen, I held the power button to turn it off. Then turned it back on, and got to the windows recovery window. So I hit f8, went into safe mode, loaded up msconfig, and enabled the bootgui, and restarted.

This time it showed the boot gui. However, once the windows logo was shown for about 15 seconds it switched to a screen that said "Windows is loading files" With a loading bar under it. I had never seen this before so I just let it load at first. As I was waiting for it to load I went and got dinner. Roughly 30 minutes later I went back and it was still stuck at not eve 1/4th of the way. So I held the power button again, restarted, went through the whole process again and then it brought up a message that said the communication with the device was gone. And that it happens when you pull a flash drive out or a hard drive or DVD drive looses power.

I do not think that my hard drive is going back. It is about 5 months old. Along with the rest of my computer. Pretty new. 5 months about.

System Specs:

Mainboard: MSI 970A-G54
Processor: AMD FX 8120 8 Core Processor
Ram: Patriot DDR3 8GB
Kingston DDR3 4GB
Graphics: 2x MSI N210's

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Operating System Not Found Error On Startup (windows 7)

Feb 1, 2012

i have sony viao laptop, when i start my pc it shows the following error " operating system not found "when i opened bios menu, it doesnt detectes the hard drive n says " no drive ".hv my hard disk crashed ?

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Windows 7 Won't Start Up / Startup Repairs And System Restore Can't Fix

Jan 28, 2013

I bought Acer aspire one D270. My computer worked fine for 1,5 week. But I got blue screen at last night.I tried startup repairs and system restore. [code]

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Windows 7 Startup And Print TrayIcon System Error?

Oct 23, 2012

I've been having an issue with a system error that has given me problems over the past 3 months. As you can see in the attachment, this is what is wee when I either first start up my computer, or I try to print something. Various small differences will show up in the error, such as the weird characters will be in different order etc. When I try first start up my machine and this error pops up, I only have to click okay once for the message to disappear. However, when I try to print, I must click "OK" at least 20 times before the message stops popping up. Its getting annoying and I'm afraid that it will eventually get worse. I've always troubleshooted my own problems, however I'm not even sure where to start as I cant understand the characters or what program could be causing this.

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Possible To Move Windows 7 From Current PC To Another?

Feb 16, 2012

I have a laptop that I bought from a highstreet shop that came with win 7 already installed. It didn't come with the disks or anything though. Now, I am probably going to buy another laptop and was wondering if there was anyway to move the OS over? I will be moving the HDDs across from one laptop to another, will I just be able to boot from the primary HDD that has the OS on it?

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Know If Updates Are Current In Windows 7?

Mar 12, 2012

I had done a large number of System Restores recently, then a complete re-installation of Windows 7 via the Toshiba software partitioned in my laptop. I had updates waiting to be installed before that and I'm also worried whether the ones previously installed were picked up automatically. Now I'm not sure how to proceed.

I just did some reading and found out how important the updates are security-wise. Previously I had thought they they were more or less optional.

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Upgrading HDD With Current Windows 7 Image

Aug 10, 2012

I've tried all the methods I can find, and I'm not so strong with boot files or images in general.

I have an image of my current system, created last night ( created in windows 7 from the "Ctrl Panel> Recovery>Create a system image" option) stored on my external 1.5Tb drive. It is stored in the "WindowsImageBackup" folder that was created and contains two .vhd files. one is obviously the image at 39Gb)

With my system running (Win7 Home Premium) I want to install this image onto a new, larger HDD and then replace my current drive ( 80Gb ) with the new, larger drive (320Gb ).

I simply want to copy the image from my external 1.5Tb drive to a "New" 320Gb drive (connected to my system via a USB2.0 to IDE and SATA cables that I use for backing up people's files and things from crashed machines) The "new" drive shows up in "Disk Manager" as "E", healthy partition, formatted, etc.

Is there a way to install my backed up image to my 320Gb external drive, THEN open my desktop pc, and replace my current 80 Gb drive with the 320Gb drive (already imaged and bootable as if nothing changed except the size of the drive) ?
Also, do I need to delete the partitions on the "new" 320Gb drive so that it shows up as unallocated space?

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Won't Affect The Current Windows 7 Licence

May 3, 2012

I have a Gigabyte GA-P35-Ds3 motherboard that has just died. Do I need to replace it with the identical model or is there some leeway in replacing the mobo that won't affect the current Windows 7 licence.

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Looking To Use Current Windows 7 OEM Product After Motherboard RMA

Oct 30, 2012

I recently had hardware failure that resulted in myself RMA'ing my motherboard. It is my understanding that I will be receiving the same model of motherboard, but a different unit. Am I eligible to use my current Windows 7 product on my computer after I receive my replacement motherboard? Specifically I'm using Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OEM.

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Possible To Install Windows 7 With All The Current Updates?

May 2, 2012

For one reason or another I am frequently installing a fresh copy of Windows 7 onto my hard drive. I use a lot of software so as things get installed and uninstalled bad things tend to happen and sometimes things are beyond repair.My question is can I use my product key to download from someplace an image of Windows 7 with all the updates already installed? Installing the updates becomes very time consuming and the machine has to be restarted many times over so I am trying to avoid this. I suppose I could disable the updates but that is not really my intent at this time.

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Why Doesn't Windows 7 See Current Raid 1

Jun 27, 2012

I had an existing properly working system consisting of a SSD 64GB for my OS and a Raid1 config with two 1TB drives for data. My SSD ended up being to small as certain programs do not let me remap content to a separate drive. I have upgraded (swapped out) to a 240GB SSD reinstalled windows on it and windows does not see my raid1 in disk management, nor does it see my two monitors or my connection to my router. It was my understanding I could just swap out the SSD's and reinstall windows and it would see everything.

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How To Store Current Windows 7 Sizes And Positions

Oct 4, 2012

Assume I have opened a couple of windows for some applications on my Win 7 desktop.Can I somehow store the current window positions and sizes (and restore them later (even after a reboot))?As far as I remember there is a tool which ofers this feature but I don't remember the name.

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Install Windows On SSD Using Drivers/patches From Current CPU?

Apr 25, 2012

I have my current system live and working well. I want to add an SSD as the main boot drive.Is there a way I can migrate or reinstall easily on the new drive without having to run updates on everything again? The only hardware changing (adding) would be the SSD.I plan to format the old drive to use as storage.

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Trying To Format Hd And Reinstall Xp (current Have Windows 7 RC) But Errors

May 25, 2010

So I have Windows 7 RC installed on my computer still, and as we all know.What I want to do is simple, I want to reformat my hard drive, and install Windows XP Pro...which I own and have a product key for.When I put my CD in the drive and restart, I get the "Press any key to boot from disc" screen, I press a key, and it'll take me to the blue Windows Setup screen, and it begings to inspect my hardware.. and this is where the problem is (I haven't even began to install or make any changes to my hard drive and I get this lovely blue screen of death-type error: A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:Check for viruses on your computer.Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated.Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.

Now, I haven't have any changes to any hardware on my laptop ever.I ran chkdsk and it didn't find any errors, and it ran both a quick scan, and full scan. And I also ran some type of scan within Window 7 (right-click drive C, then "Properties", then "Tools", then something like "Scan drive for errors/bad sectors") and it also said everything was fine.Last night I sat down, backed up all the necessary data from my hard drive, and was looking forward to having a clean installed OS, and I can't even get it to install.

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Make Current Windows 7 OS As A Virtual Machine?

Oct 26, 2011

I'm currently building a Server as well as in the market to snag a new laptop. How would I go about making my computer a virtual machine so that I could port over to my new gig.

Reason for this is that eventually I would love to get myself more "Organized" with where I keep important documents versus random crap. Stored all over my various machines.

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Startup And Services In System Configuration?

Mar 11, 2012

my OS is windows 7 just wondering what startup programs i can disable in system configuration and more importantly which ones i shouldnt disable, or does it even matter. i just want to get max performance from my pc. i have attached my startup snapshot. also do all services need to be enabled in sys config.?

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After A System Restore Computer Won't Startup

Jan 14, 2013

my computer says windows is starting up, then windows is shutting down.

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Getting An Error Message At System Startup?

Jun 7, 2012

i am getting an error message at system startup ,there was a problem starting msipkb32.dll.

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C++ Runtime Errors On System Startup?

Feb 18, 2011

I run Windows 7 32 bit.Recently I noticed when I start up the computer AVG get's an immediate run time error and I cant' turn it back on Explorer (not internet explorer) is unresponsive. For example I can't even rename a file, it wont' let me

If I alt cntrl delete, I can't click anything, including the task manager. It seems like a problem with explorer, it happens every time I restart the computer and I cannot figure it out. (a little side note, I use rocketdock... completely unresponsive).

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No Startup Menu After System Fix Removal

Dec 29, 2011

after installing Kaspersky pure in my computer, I got rid of the System fix virus but all the missing files or links,I did the uhhide from this forum and claimes back my desktop icons, but my startup menu still shows empty files,I cant seem my microsoft office and others

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VDiskBus Error On System Startup

Dec 10, 2011

Each time I start my system, I get an error in the Event Viewer:

The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: VDiskBus

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