Will Clean Install Of 64bit Make Files On Another Drive Incompatible

Jun 19, 2012

I'm currently doing a clean install of windows 7 64 bit on my 32 bit XP computer, I used the upgrade advisor beforehand and it said a lot of my programs where 64 bit compatable, and a large chunk of them are on my other hard drive (the one im not installing windows 7 on). After the install is finished will they be useable or will I have to reinstall them?

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Can't Make Elan Touchpad Scroll On Samsung Clean Install

Dec 9, 2011

I have installed the Elan touchpad driver I can't get it to scroll correctly. In addition an Elan touchpad .exe run box comes up at every boot which does nothing when Run. I finally browsed to it in the Programs folder and deleted that .exe file so it wouldn't pop up at every start. It shows installed in the Device Manager, however doesn't have the functions I had in the Samsung factory install. This and the sound driver don't seem to work right when installed, as though there is more software needed that isn't on the Downloads page at Support for NP-RF511.

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Make SFC Use The Windows 7 DVD For Files To Be Replaced Instead Of The Files On The Hard Drive?

May 22, 2010

Is there a way to make SFC use the Windows 7 DVD for files to be replaced instead of the files on the hard drive?

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BSOD Windows 7 64bit Clean Install

Sep 3, 2012

I have just installed windows 7 64-bit Ultimate. I have Tested RAM (MemTest), HDD (windows), SSD(windows), GPU (Furmark)

1. Running only windows update, no drivers or any other software installed.
2. Running windows update and using browser (Google Chrome), AV (Microsoft Security Essentials)
3. Booted in Safe Mode with network connection.

Asus P8Z-77-V-Pro
HDD 500GB Segate baracuda
SSD 60GB Corsair Force 3 (windows is installed here)
8GB RAM Corsair vengeance
Nvidia GTX560 ti TOP factory overclocked
Intel i5 2400s 3,7Ghz

Dump's files is attached...

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Upgrading From XP 32bit To Windows 7 64bit - Clean Install?

Jun 26, 2009

I just preorded the windows 7 upgrade and I'm wondering, is it possible for me to "upgrade" (Clean install) my windows xp 32 bit to 64bit windows 7? I've read the windows 7 FAQ and it said of your upgrading from XP, a clean install is required to upgrade but does the upgrade offer allow for xp 32bit to be upgraded to w7 64bit?

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Clean 64bit Install In New PC But Still Access Old Vista32 Data?

Jun 22, 2012

i intend to do a clean install of Windows 7 64bit. i currently have vista32 on my primary 500gb hd. i want to move my data onto my secondary 320gb hd so that i can clean install on the 500gb ... but i still want to access the data on the 2nd (vista32) HD.i want to use the Windows 7 HD in a new pc i have built. so:

1. how best to move my data to the second HD so that it can be read by the primary?

2. will there be a problem reading the second HD in a new set up (mobo, cpu etc)?

3. should i format the 500gb and then put it in the new setup then do the clean install?3b. if i should do that - should i partition it first?

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Clean Install Windows 7 64bit - USB Ports Not Working

Apr 1, 2012

I have recently downloaded Windows 7 - 32 bit onto a new discrete (i.e. Physically separate) HDD. In the installation process it had severe problems with USB and PCIe drivers. That is they don't work and there were! marks in Device Manager. I was lucky in having access to an old PS2 kybd which allowed me some access to the new os. Luckily, since I was booting off of a Windows XP Home Edition on a separate HDD I managed to use its drivers which worked on the Windows 7 and allowed me to get my USB kyybd and mouse working again. It also automatically down loaded the other drivers for my devices like the USB dongle for wireless internet access.

This is a long preamble to my actual problem and the reason for this message. I have not had as much success when I tried the same exercise; this time with Windows 7 - 64 bit installation. The 64 bit was installed on a separate partition on the same physical drive as the 32 bit version. The 32 bit drivers from Win 7 - 32 bit and XP don't work. I thought the 32 bit drivers for such basic things as USB pointing devices would work in the 64 bit version; but clearly not. Also, clearly my installation disk is negligent in not loading the drivers in either installation. Where can I go to get these basic drivers.

I have tried Logitech with no luck as my kybd/mouse combo doesn't even show up on their site. I have tried going to Microsoft site to get generic 64 bit drivers but they are not being very kind in that regard. There is nothing to download. Clearly they don't want to give anything away free! My Logitech USB kybd/mouse combo is model Y-RK56A for the kybd and M-RR95 for the mouse. My mobo is a Gigabyte GA-880GA-UD3H and I have its CD but w/o mouse I can't get it to install on the Win 7-64 partition. I thought when it installed on my XP partition it would have installed both sets of drivers. Can I extract just the 64 bit USB drivers from there?

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Start A Clean Install Of Windows 64bit Over 32bit

Apr 13, 2012

how do I do a clean install of 64 bit windows 7 replacing 32 bit windows 7? I purchased a separate 64 bit disk. Before the Windows 7 32 bit, it was vista 64 bit, so the system is a 64 bit system. I just need to know how to get it going. When I insert the 64 bit disk, all it says is that it is incompatible. So what do I do?

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Windows 7 Home - Upgrading From 32bit To 64bit (Requires Clean Install)

May 11, 2011

I have a computer running a 32 bit oem version of windows 7 home. I really need to change this to a 64 bit version. I do not want to do this illegally. Can I buy this upgrade copy of 7 professional, perform a clean install of windows prof. 64 bit with the upgrade disc, and then use my current oem 32 bit home disc and or license key, to validate that i do in fact have a copy of windows currently.

So technically I wont be "Upgrading" from 32 to 64, I will be re-installing. I have asked several tech savy friends, and while they don't think it cant work, they are unsure. Essentially I am asking if anyone knows what validation windows requires for its upgrade discs. I am given to understand it requires you to put in your original windows disc at some point, and i assume your original key, but will it accept a 32 bit disc/key?

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Windows 7 64bit Clean Install Error, Unable To Create System Partition

Sep 19, 2012

I had 32 bit Windows 7 home premium provided by OEM. Recently I purchased Windows 7 professional 64 bit in order to increase my memory.(My system is 64 bit capable) I followed [1]. I am using USB for installation. I booted the system with USB. Then at disk manager I deleted all the partitions(including recovery ) Then I refreshed and click next and I got an error saying setup unable to create system partition.

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Need To Backup Files And Clean Install?

Aug 8, 2009

YOU MUST DO A CLEAN INSTALL. There is no upgrade path. There are user migration tools you can use, but you will need to backup your files and do a clean install. I have seen several threads about this and just want to clarify. The upgrade from Windows Vista is a valid upgrade path, but Windows XP to Windows 7 is not.

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To Do A Clean Install And Backup The Files

Dec 11, 2010

I'm considering going from vista to windows 7 (32 bit to 64 bit which I have checked is possible on my laptop).However, I have a couple of programmes on my current laptop which I have lost the disks for (e.g Microsoft Money) or I bought and downloaded from the site e.g recovery software.Given I need to do a clean install, is there anyway of me being able to backup these programmes and then reinstall with windows 7?

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Clean Install Files And Folders Issue

Jan 6, 2010

I upgraded from Vista. I chose the 2nd option that I thought was a clean install. However after the install I still had all my files and folders on the C: drive. Did I not get a clean install?

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Vista 32 To 7-64 Clean Install Save Files

Oct 2, 2011

what I have: Vista 32 bit system - 2 hard drives

what I want: Win 7 64 bit system - 2 hard drives

what I want to do: a clean install of Win 7 64 bit on the primary hard drive

the second hard drive is free to be used as a backup location during the clean install process

question: how do I backup all critical data to the secondary hard drive before doing a clean install on the primary drive? and then how do I reinstall the data from the secondary drive back to the primary hard drive with the new Win 7 64 bit system on it?

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Clean Install , No Options Available After Files Load

Jul 26, 2012

I'm trying to do a clean install of Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I boot from my CD drive, Windows loads the files and then the blue background comes up but there is nothing to click on.Basically I get to step 3 here but have nothing to click on to continue. Clean Install Windows 7

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Any Way To Migrate Windows 7 OS Files To SSD Without Clean Install?

Dec 7, 2011

I am running windows 7 professional on a 1tb HDD. I recently got a new 120gb ssd, and it is very fast! However, I am trying to figure out how I would migrate just my critical OS files over to the SSD without doing a clean install of Windows 7. Any working programs or workarounds to do this? (Without Data Loss).

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Clean Install Windows 7 - Transferring Files / Programs And Preferences

Feb 13, 2011

I've just done a clean install on a blank hard drive of windows 7 ultimate x64. I had this exact version of windows on another hard drive but I did something and now I can't boot into it any more. So I want to transfer all my files and stuff - I can link up and view everything on my old hard drive, it just won't boot - is there any software or any easy way to transfer my program files so that I don't have to reinstall them all? Also, I'm not sure how to transfer all my windows settings - is it just a file somewhere that I copy across? I've had a look at 'windows easy transfer' but it looks like it only works if you can boot into both operating systems - which I can't.

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Clean Install Onto New Drive

Nov 20, 2009

I have Windows 7 rc running on one of my 2 ide drives, with XP on an SATA drive - dual booting.

I purchased a 500gb SATA drive to replace the the 2 ide drives

The plan is to:

- connect the new drive while shutdown

- boot into XP

- Partition new drive, with the first partition active(with partition Magic).

- Transfer non-OS partition data to the new ones

- shut down and disconnect the ide drives

- insert Windows 7 disc and perform install on first partion of new drive.

I understand that the MBR is on the Windows 7 partition.

Will I have any problems with the XP install, or will the new Windows 7 install create a new MBR to allow dual boot?

I know I'll have issues with drive letters. But other than the XP, and Windows 7 partitions it's just data - no programs.

Or, are there any other problems you see with my procedure?

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BSOD After Clean Install On New SSD Drive

Jun 28, 2012

Is Windows 7

- x64 ?
- the original installed OS on the system
- full retail version
- What is the age of system (hardware)? approx. 1 year, ssd drive new
- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) clean install

I have recently (4 days ago)aquired a new Crucial 128Gb ssd drive and performed a clean installation of windows 7 64bit, since then i have been experiencing random BSODs (3 times so far)All software is genuine. Have performed full malware and antivirus check. Results are clean.

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How To Do Clean Install / Upgrade On New Drive

Oct 18, 2009

I own Windows Vista 64bit, and have ordered Windows 7 Professional 64bit upgrade. How do I do a clean installation of Windows 7 on a new hard drive?

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Backing Up For Clean Install On The Same Drive

Nov 11, 2009

I want to do a clean install of my purchased Windows 7 from Windows 7 RC. The problem is I have a lot of data that I want to keep and since it is about 500GB in size, i have no cheap way of backing it up (obviously considering buying another HDD, but i'd rather not for now). I was thinking that maybe I should partition my 1TB main HDD into 2, and transfer all my data over to new partition, format/clean install the old one and lastly merge the partitions. Is this possible?

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Make Program Files Folder On Secondary Hard Drive Default?

Jan 5, 2013

I have a 120GB SSD for system etc. I have a 1TB HDD for everything else. How do I change the default program files folders (x86 and regular) so that when I am installing a program the first choice is on this second drive instead of C?

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Clean Install Windows 7 - Cannot Reformat Drive

Aug 23, 2012

I'm trying to do a clean reinstall, but I can't reformat the drive. I don't get very far, menu 'where do you want to install window', which is supposed to have a Format option, it doesn't!

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Clean Install Which Hard Drive Do I Choose?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm doing a clean install on my computer, and it's going alright until it asks me to choose which hard drive I want to install Windows 7 on. Apparently I have 2: a C drive and a D(Recovery) drive.What should I do in this situation? Should I just install on the C drive, or should I do what it says here: Partition the Hard Drive in a Windows 7 Install and delete the partitions and create a new one.

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Clean Install Onto Secondary Internal Drive

Sep 28, 2009

I have a Core 2 Duo PC with 2 SATA internal drives:

Seagate 320 gig, with C and D partitions. C contains a legit retail upgrade version of Vista Home. D is for data.

Western Digital 640 gig, with a single E partition, currently used as backup.

I ordered a Windows 7 Home Premium retail upgrade at the discounted price a few months ago and expect it in a month.

My Seagate drive is running low on space and I want to retire it. I would like to boot to the Win 7 DVD, have my Vista install on the Seagate recognized, and then do a clean install of Windows 7 on the Western Digital drive, currently E.

I hope to buy another considerably larger backup drive shortly to replace the Western Digital as a backup drive.

Will the WD drive be available as a location for the installation in these circumstances?

Any previous time I have installed MS operating systems, I always chose to install to the same drive as the existing OS. This time things are different due to little space on the Seagate drive. Windows 7 would certainly fit on my current C, but I want to retire that drive.

Or will this remain a complete unknown until some time after October 22?

Or will I be forced to install to the Seagate and then somehow migrate the install to the WD?

I have not played with the RC, so I don't know what options are normally presented during the install.

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Do I Have To Partition My Hard Drive For Clean Install ?

Oct 27, 2009

I have download windows 7, backed up all my drivers and copied all my important info onto my external Hard drive and am about to try and clean install windows 7.

But do i have to partition the hard drive? My Dell laptop has a 110GB hard drive which came already partitioned. 10GB is called 'Recovery', do i need to do the same and make a larger partition and install Windows 7 or just leave it as it is?

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Install Upgrade Version On Clean, New Drive

Feb 5, 2010

I have a dead computer, it was a p4 winXP box 6+ years old. I will be assembling a new computer with 64 bit processor and SSD boot drive. I have a full XP license. I would prefer to buy an 'upgrade' version of Windows 7, but will I be able to install an upgrade version of windows 7 on a clean, blank drive? I would strongly prefer not to have to install XP and activate it just to reinstall windows 7. The additional factor is that some people have posted in forums that an 'upgrade' from a 32 bit os to 64 bit windows 7 does not work.

I would prefer to hear from someone who has actually done it and succeeded or failed, not 'it should work' or 'it should not work', because I can find people posting both ways theorizing that it should or should not.

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Clean Windows 7 Install-loading Files To Scrolling Progress Bar To Blank Desktop W/cursor?

May 5, 2010

When I try to do a clean install of Windows 7 I get the loading files white progress bar you normally get during an installation, it then goes directly to the scrolling progress bar that would normally appear before a Windows startup, and then goes to a blank Windows 7 desktop with only a cursor (that I can move).I have a computer with the following specs:[CODE]I have tried to install with every version I can get my hands on, both 32 and 64 bit. None of them are upgrade versions. I've tried installing on a fresh WD Raptor and an Intel G25 SSD. All other drives have been disconnected. I've moved my memory around and tried with one stick. My mainboard has the latest official BIOS, although there is a new beta.

I ran the Windows 7 compatibility test and didn't see anything that would cause this problem.I have searched the internet and have not been able to find a solution sonstalling Windows XP has never been a problem, just Windows 7, always with the same problem.This is one of the few times when I have not been able to look around a find an existing answer to a problem and I am stumped.

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Clean Install Compress The Drive Save Space

Mar 30, 2012

I just put in a new hard drive and installed my Windows 7. Under properties / General there is an option to "Compress this drive to save space." By checking this does it compromise performance at all?

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Limited Access To D Drive After Windows 7 Clean Install

Mar 1, 2011

I recently did a clean install of Windows 7 pro (64 bit) over an XP pro (32 bit) with 2 HD. The install proceeded without any major "hiccups". After the install, I noticed that when I try to access files on the "D" drive --- my second, I get error messages stating "user does not have access". I have tried troubleshooting but to no avail. Really would like to access those files. Both drives "show" NTFS where they were both FAT32 prior to the new OS. I don't understand how I can access the files on the "C" drive but not on the "D" drive. The files that I would most like to access are *.doc and *.pdf.

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Wiping Hard Drive Clean To Install Windows 7

Mar 9, 2011

I bought an HP desktop about 2 years ago with vista 64 bit on it and it has been crappy ever since. I've had problems with programs not being recognized, things not installing at all when they should, and it freezing up for no good reason. Anyway, I went out and bought Windows 7 ultimate the full version. I saved the few files I have on a jump drive and I want to completely wipe out the hard drive and install windows 7 and start from scratch.

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