Upgrading From XP 32bit To Windows 7 64bit - Clean Install?

Jun 26, 2009

I just preorded the windows 7 upgrade and I'm wondering, is it possible for me to "upgrade" (Clean install) my windows xp 32 bit to 64bit windows 7? I've read the windows 7 FAQ and it said of your upgrading from XP, a clean install is required to upgrade but does the upgrade offer allow for xp 32bit to be upgraded to w7 64bit?

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Windows 7 Home - Upgrading From 32bit To 64bit (Requires Clean Install)

May 11, 2011

I have a computer running a 32 bit oem version of windows 7 home. I really need to change this to a 64 bit version. I do not want to do this illegally. Can I buy this upgrade copy of 7 professional, perform a clean install of windows prof. 64 bit with the upgrade disc, and then use my current oem 32 bit home disc and or license key, to validate that i do in fact have a copy of windows currently.

So technically I wont be "Upgrading" from 32 to 64, I will be re-installing. I have asked several tech savy friends, and while they don't think it cant work, they are unsure. Essentially I am asking if anyone knows what validation windows requires for its upgrade discs. I am given to understand it requires you to put in your original windows disc at some point, and i assume your original key, but will it accept a 32 bit disc/key?

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Start A Clean Install Of Windows 64bit Over 32bit

Apr 13, 2012

how do I do a clean install of 64 bit windows 7 replacing 32 bit windows 7? I purchased a separate 64 bit disk. Before the Windows 7 32 bit, it was vista 64 bit, so the system is a 64 bit system. I just need to know how to get it going. When I insert the 64 bit disk, all it says is that it is incompatible. So what do I do?

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Upgrading Of Windows 7 32bit To 64bit

Apr 24, 2011

I know that one copy of windows 7 can only activate one computer. I have two, one already with windows 7 32bit installed and one without windows 7. I plan on buying a new one, installing windows 7 on my second computer and upgrading windows 7 to 64bit on the other. If I upgrade, will windows use the old activation key or require me to enter a new one, because that computer came with windows 7 32bit so I don't have the disc.

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Upgrading From Windows 7 32bit To 64bit?

Jun 9, 2010

I want to upgrade my windows 7 32 bit installation to 64bit so I can add some extra ram to my system, but I was wondering if I do a backup on my 32bit install, format the drive, and then install 64 bit windows 7 and recover from the backup will it work? Can you use a 32 bit backup on a 64 bit machine?

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Upgrading Windows 7 32bit To 64bit?

Oct 13, 2011

i have brought new desktop and installed windows 7 32 bit and now i would like to install windows 7 64 bit how to do that. is there any other patch should i download... or should i install new operating system itself....

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Upgrading To 64bit From 32bit Windows 7

Feb 13, 2012

installed wrong bit version of win7 anyway to upgrade to 64bit without buying a new set?

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Upgrading From Vista 32Bit To Windows 7 64bit?

Jul 28, 2011

The reason on why i want to upgrade from a 32 bit to 64bit is because i have some extra ram that is not being used. Also i want my computer to be a little bit better when playing my games.

Processor : Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz 2.34 GHz
Memory(RAM) : 4.00 GB
System type: 32-bit Operating system
Graphics : NVIDIA GeForce G100
64-bit capable Yes
Model : Aspire M5700

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Upgrading From 32bit Vista To 64bit Windows 7?

May 6, 2012

I am trying to go from 32 bit Vista to 64 bit Windows 7. The 32 bit Vista was installed by mistake. My system can handle a 64 bit OS. Now I have finally found the time to upgrade. But the 64 bit installation DVD can't be read from my OS. I have tried setting up my CMOS so that I can boot from the DVD but I have run into some issues. First of all, when I look at my keyboard during the boot procedure, I noticed that the little light which indicates that one row of buttons are to be used for F1 - F12 keys, the little green led light goes on and off. Sometimes, during the boot process, it is on, sometimes it is off.

The CMOS procedure tells me I can hit F12 and set the boot order. I can hit F12 but when I go into that menu, I notice my keyboard is dead. The CPU does not accept any commands from me. So I need to power off and power on and try again. The CMOS procedure tells me I can hit DEL and that launches the whole CMOS utility. There I can set the boot order so that the DVD is run first. But when I save and exit, I notice my keyboard is dead again. This time, the screen is showing things being set and loaded and I am prompted to hit any key to show I am sure that I want to boot from the DVD.

I hit the Y key and I hit the spacebar, but it becomes clear that my input is ignored since my keyboard is being ignored. And the ol' Vista OS is loaded. Is there any way to set things up in the VISTA OS to force a boot from the DVD? I guess I can load the OS in save mode and format the C drive, but if I do that I might risk having a dead computer since the CMOS does not seem to be trusting enough to boot from the DVD drive even if you tell it to.

Microsoft has this page of links: [URL]
And then there is this link: [URL]

And the Notes section specifies that I need boot off the DVD drive: "To install a 64-bit version of Windows 7 on a computer running a 32-bit version of Windows, you'll need to start, or boot, your computer using a 64-bit Windows 7 installation disc or files."

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Using Easy Transfer When Upgrading XP 32bit To Windows 7 64bit

Nov 14, 2012

My OS is XP Pro 32-bit. Using Easy Transfer 32-bit saved selected files to external HD. After installing Win 7 64-bit, can I use the resident Easy Transfer to reapply/import the earlier saved files?

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Upgrading Windows 7 - Will 32bit Programs Work On 64bit?

Jun 28, 2011

I want to upgrade my OS from windows 7 32bit to 64bit. How about the application and software, are those 32bit software can work on windows 7 64bit?

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Upgrading OS From 32bit To 64bit?

Jun 14, 2011

I've got Win 7 Pro 32bit I'd like to upgrade it to 64

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Upgrading From 32bit To 64bit?

Jun 21, 2011

Recently, going back over my quasi-gaming rig, I found out that my processor (Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200) is 64-bit, not 32. I've been running 32-bit Windows 7 ever since I got it. When I bought Windows 7, I did so off of the Microsoft store, so I always have the option to go back into my purchase history and download a new .iso of either the 32- or 64-bit release. I did so, and ran Microsoft's USB/DVD tool for Windows 7 to put it on a USB drive (I didn't have any DVD-R's on hand) and it all seemed to work perfectly fine. But when I try to boot from the USB drive, it goes from the "Windows is loading files" screen to the "Starting Windows" screen, then gives me an unexpected error and forces me to reboot. I already tried redownloading the .iso, in case it was a corrupt download.

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Upgrading From Vista Home Premium 32bit To Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit?

Feb 1, 2012

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium on my Dell Inspiron 1721. Can I upgrade to windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit software. I have purchased Windows 7 Ultimate and received both 32 and 64 bit software discs.

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Upgrading HDD With SSD - How To Do Clean Install Of Windows 7

Aug 21, 2011

I am thinking about upgrading my hdd with an ssd... my question is how do I do a clean install of windows 7? I don't want to reinstall from a system image, and do not own a system installation disc. I did make a system repair disc however, is this the same?

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Clean Installed Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit From Vista Home Premium 64bit?

Feb 28, 2010

I got windows 7 ultimate 32bit free from my school, and decided that I wanted to clean install, and not upgrade it. I transferred all my files off, booted the laptop up with the windows 7 disk, and proceeded to clean install. I didn't have the drivers cd for my laptop, but I just wiped my drive and installed 7 anyway. Now I have windows 7 ultimate 32bit, and can only use 3 of my 4 gigabytes of memory.. The thing I don't really understand is the whole upgrading option, and like, I know that it's a windows 7 32bit dvd, but it doesn't seem right to go from 64bit to 32bit. So is there anyway I can make it 64bit without having to buy a new dvd? And if not, how much am I missing out on, with not having 64bit, especially with having 4 gigabytes of ram?

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Upgrading Windows 7 32bit To Windows 7 64bit?

Feb 7, 2012

My computer came with windows 7 professional, 32 bit.I have a legal copy of windows 7 home premium which has 64 bit capability.Should I change?

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Upgrading From Windows Ultimate 32bit To Ultimate 64bit?

Aug 3, 2010

Can I upgrade from Windows ultimate 32bit ver 6.1 ( build 7600) to windows 7 ultimate 64bit edition and keep all of my installed programs and files ?[meaning not having them moved to a new folder called windows.old]

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Windows 7 32bit CLEAN Install On MSI CX600 Not Detecting HDD

Feb 9, 2011

i recently had to get a new hdd for my MSI CX600 laptop and im trying to install windows 7 on it, when it asks to select what drive to install on no drives are listed.

the hdd is listed in the bios and i have tried the shift+f10 and list disk etc and nothing is working. now i gotta rest my thumbs as im posting this via my telstra T-Hub.

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Factory OEM Clean Install Of Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit?

Sep 29, 2012

I downloaded the correct .iso file from the Digital River list and have since burned a new DVD using imgburn set at 4x for an excellent copy. At this point I'm not sure if I must first reset the BIOS boot order in Setup or if just having the DVD in the drive will prompt me to press any key to continue. FWIW, I'm using a Liteon DVD-ROM drive Model eTDU108.

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BSOD Windows 7 64bit Clean Install

Sep 3, 2012

I have just installed windows 7 64-bit Ultimate. I have Tested RAM (MemTest), HDD (windows), SSD(windows), GPU (Furmark)

1. Running only windows update, no drivers or any other software installed.
2. Running windows update and using browser (Google Chrome), AV (Microsoft Security Essentials)
3. Booted in Safe Mode with network connection.

Asus P8Z-77-V-Pro
HDD 500GB Segate baracuda
SSD 60GB Corsair Force 3 (windows is installed here)
8GB RAM Corsair vengeance
Nvidia GTX560 ti TOP factory overclocked
Intel i5 2400s 3,7Ghz

Dump's files is attached...

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Upgrading From Windows 7 32-bit To Windows 7 64-bit With A Clean Install?

Jul 22, 2012

I have Windows 7 installed (32-bit) and want to upgrade to 64-bit. My PC is 64-bit ready. I have read that to do this I need to do a clean install however when I boot up from the disc drive it says press any key to boot from DVD and when I do it just loads windows normally, it won't load in to do a clean install. I tried the 32-bit disk and it's doing exactly the same thing, it just won't start the clean install, keeps loading windows as normal. It's a bought original disk. I tried making a bootable usb and run it from there but that didn't work either. Oh and I'm definately pressing the press any key bit in the time frame.

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Upgrading From Windows 7 32-bit To Windows 7 64-bit With A Clean Install?

Jul 20, 2012

I have Windows 7 installed (32-bit) and want to upgrade to 64-bit. My PC is 64-bit ready. I have read that to do this I need to do a clean install however when I boot up from the disc drive it says press any key to boot from DVD and when I do it just loads windows normally, it won't load in to do a clean install.

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Install Windows 7 64bit Instead Of 32bit?

Aug 23, 2012

I have Windows 7 32bit with an upgrade disc (so it only has the 32bit on it) and I would like to put 64bit on. I don't care about my data or programs (they are backed up) but I am wondering where I could get iso images and whether my product key will work.

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Install Windows 7 64bit Over 32bit?

May 4, 2011

How do you install win 7 64bit over windows 7 32bit - is it possible to make two partitions and install win 7 64bit on a differnent partition or not ?

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Clean Install Windows 7 64bit - USB Ports Not Working

Apr 1, 2012

I have recently downloaded Windows 7 - 32 bit onto a new discrete (i.e. Physically separate) HDD. In the installation process it had severe problems with USB and PCIe drivers. That is they don't work and there were! marks in Device Manager. I was lucky in having access to an old PS2 kybd which allowed me some access to the new os. Luckily, since I was booting off of a Windows XP Home Edition on a separate HDD I managed to use its drivers which worked on the Windows 7 and allowed me to get my USB kyybd and mouse working again. It also automatically down loaded the other drivers for my devices like the USB dongle for wireless internet access.

This is a long preamble to my actual problem and the reason for this message. I have not had as much success when I tried the same exercise; this time with Windows 7 - 64 bit installation. The 64 bit was installed on a separate partition on the same physical drive as the 32 bit version. The 32 bit drivers from Win 7 - 32 bit and XP don't work. I thought the 32 bit drivers for such basic things as USB pointing devices would work in the 64 bit version; but clearly not. Also, clearly my installation disk is negligent in not loading the drivers in either installation. Where can I go to get these basic drivers.

I have tried Logitech with no luck as my kybd/mouse combo doesn't even show up on their site. I have tried going to Microsoft site to get generic 64 bit drivers but they are not being very kind in that regard. There is nothing to download. Clearly they don't want to give anything away free! My Logitech USB kybd/mouse combo is model Y-RK56A for the kybd and M-RR95 for the mouse. My mobo is a Gigabyte GA-880GA-UD3H and I have its CD but w/o mouse I can't get it to install on the Win 7-64 partition. I thought when it installed on my XP partition it would have installed both sets of drivers. Can I extract just the 64 bit USB drivers from there?

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Windows 7 Will Not Install 64bit On System, Only 32bit?

Jan 3, 2011

I just formatted my computer and after completion of my install of Windows 7 I noticed that it installed the 32-bit version, yet for the last year it has been running the 64-bit version!! I have no idea why it won't let me install the 64-bit version, I even tried another fresh install of Windows 7 but I got the same result. Thinking it was hardware, I ran the Windows Experience Index and then clicked "View details etc.." and it indeed did say that my system IS 64-bit capable!What am I doing wrong?? Or what am I not doing in order to reach the [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]64-bit[/COLOR][/COLOR] install threshold?

Component Details Subscore Base score
Processor [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Intel[/COLOR][/COLOR](R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz 6.4 5.5
Determined by lowest subscore
Memory (RAM) 2.00 GB ---->> 5.5
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM v1.1) ---->> 6.7
Gaming graphics 1023 MB Total available graphics memory ---->> 6.7


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Creating 64bit Install USB From 32bit Windows 7 OS

Jul 3, 2011

I'm getting a new Macbook Air without an optical drive in a couple of weeks so I'm trying to create a bootable USB drive so I can install Windows 7 on it on day one (can't live without a bit of Windows 7)

I'm currently running Windows 7 on my Dell XPS M1330 which is a 32 bit install, but I want to create a 64bit bootable USB (the new version of Windows 7 I have is 64 bit and the new computer has 4 gig of ram).

When I try and do this through Microsoft's USB DVD Download tool, though, I get an error:

'Files copied successfully. However, we were unable to run bootsect to make the USB device bootable. If you need assistance with bootsect, please click the "Online Help" link above for more information.'

The online help section didn't even mention bootsect, but I'm pretty sure this is an issue because I'm trying to create a bootable USB install stick of a 64 bit version from a 32 bit version.

Does anybody know a way around this without installing 64bit Windows 7 on my computer?

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Install Diablo 3 On 32bit Or 64bit Windows 7?

May 2, 2012

I was wondering when I get the Diablo 3. Which version of Windows 7, will it run best in?

If one versions is better than the other, than by how much is the difference?

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Install A 32bit Windows 7 OS To A 64bit Laptop?

Dec 31, 2012

I want to install 32 bit window 7 in my 64 bit laptop due to one software is not working in 64 bit operating system.

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Install 32bit Software On 64bit Windows 7?

Feb 3, 2013

how can we install 32bit software on 64bit window7

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