Clean Install Files And Folders Issue

Jan 6, 2010

I upgraded from Vista. I chose the 2nd option that I thought was a clean install. However after the install I still had all my files and folders on the C: drive. Did I not get a clean install?

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Need To Backup Files And Clean Install?

Aug 8, 2009

YOU MUST DO A CLEAN INSTALL. There is no upgrade path. There are user migration tools you can use, but you will need to backup your files and do a clean install. I have seen several threads about this and just want to clarify. The upgrade from Windows Vista is a valid upgrade path, but Windows XP to Windows 7 is not.

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To Do A Clean Install And Backup The Files

Dec 11, 2010

I'm considering going from vista to windows 7 (32 bit to 64 bit which I have checked is possible on my laptop).However, I have a couple of programmes on my current laptop which I have lost the disks for (e.g Microsoft Money) or I bought and downloaded from the site e.g recovery software.Given I need to do a clean install, is there anyway of me being able to backup these programmes and then reinstall with windows 7?

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Vista 32 To 7-64 Clean Install Save Files

Oct 2, 2011

what I have: Vista 32 bit system - 2 hard drives

what I want: Win 7 64 bit system - 2 hard drives

what I want to do: a clean install of Win 7 64 bit on the primary hard drive

the second hard drive is free to be used as a backup location during the clean install process

question: how do I backup all critical data to the secondary hard drive before doing a clean install on the primary drive? and then how do I reinstall the data from the secondary drive back to the primary hard drive with the new Win 7 64 bit system on it?

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Clean Install , No Options Available After Files Load

Jul 26, 2012

I'm trying to do a clean install of Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I boot from my CD drive, Windows loads the files and then the blue background comes up but there is nothing to click on.Basically I get to step 3 here but have nothing to click on to continue. Clean Install Windows 7

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Any Way To Migrate Windows 7 OS Files To SSD Without Clean Install?

Dec 7, 2011

I am running windows 7 professional on a 1tb HDD. I recently got a new 120gb ssd, and it is very fast! However, I am trying to figure out how I would migrate just my critical OS files over to the SSD without doing a clean install of Windows 7. Any working programs or workarounds to do this? (Without Data Loss).

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Clean Install Windows 7 - Transferring Files / Programs And Preferences

Feb 13, 2011

I've just done a clean install on a blank hard drive of windows 7 ultimate x64. I had this exact version of windows on another hard drive but I did something and now I can't boot into it any more. So I want to transfer all my files and stuff - I can link up and view everything on my old hard drive, it just won't boot - is there any software or any easy way to transfer my program files so that I don't have to reinstall them all? Also, I'm not sure how to transfer all my windows settings - is it just a file somewhere that I copy across? I've had a look at 'windows easy transfer' but it looks like it only works if you can boot into both operating systems - which I can't.

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Will Clean Install Of 64bit Make Files On Another Drive Incompatible

Jun 19, 2012

I'm currently doing a clean install of windows 7 64 bit on my 32 bit XP computer, I used the upgrade advisor beforehand and it said a lot of my programs where 64 bit compatable, and a large chunk of them are on my other hard drive (the one im not installing windows 7 on). After the install is finished will they be useable or will I have to reinstall them?

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Clean Windows 7 Install-loading Files To Scrolling Progress Bar To Blank Desktop W/cursor?

May 5, 2010

When I try to do a clean install of Windows 7 I get the loading files white progress bar you normally get during an installation, it then goes directly to the scrolling progress bar that would normally appear before a Windows startup, and then goes to a blank Windows 7 desktop with only a cursor (that I can move).I have a computer with the following specs:[CODE]I have tried to install with every version I can get my hands on, both 32 and 64 bit. None of them are upgrade versions. I've tried installing on a fresh WD Raptor and an Intel G25 SSD. All other drives have been disconnected. I've moved my memory around and tried with one stick. My mainboard has the latest official BIOS, although there is a new beta.

I ran the Windows 7 compatibility test and didn't see anything that would cause this problem.I have searched the internet and have not been able to find a solution sonstalling Windows XP has never been a problem, just Windows 7, always with the same problem.This is one of the few times when I have not been able to look around a find an existing answer to a problem and I am stumped.

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Change The Permissions On The Folders (the Locked Ones) Windows Says The Files/folders Doesn't Exist

Nov 10, 2010

i use BitLord to download random stuff anyways the Downloads Folder Shows up like this : Now when i open Nero up it shows this Weird thing is if i hover over the folder from normal window it says the Downloads folder is only 800mb (as it is only showing me one item) yet from Nero it says the folder is over 9 Gigs. Im set as Owner of the folder and i have all permissions set for me however i am still unable to see these files outside of nero and i don't know why.When i go and try to change the permissions on the folders (the locked ones) windows says the files/folders doesn't exist...

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Clean Windows For Desktop Folders?

Jul 2, 2011

Is there a way to get clean windows (folders) on the desktop, without all the navigation bars and icons? For about two decades, I've organized my Windows desktop with a handful of folders containing links to the most-used programs - sort of an always-up start menu. The folders are in Startup so they open on boot.Even with the navigation stuff on the left closed, the Windows 7 folders have too much stuff on the top and bottom.

Is there a way to get something that looks more like the classic Windows folder? They don't have to be consistent with the other folders, but they do have to be there all the time.

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Cannot Install 0x80070714 When Try To Install Windows 7 Into Clean Disk / Installation Just Stops

Feb 13, 2013

I am getting an error "cannot install" 0x80070714 when I try to install windows 7 into a clean disk and the installation just stops..

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Clean Install Versus System Image File Install?

Jun 10, 2012

tell me if a re-install from a system image file on my notebook is as good as a clean install from say a retail disk.I can not format all my drive and start a fresh. Can my System image file become glitchy or infected with a virus.?

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IDT Audio Drivers Won't Install - Windows 7x64, Clean Install?

Jan 30, 2012

I'm working on a re-install of all components following a complete corruption of the boot sector on my drive which could not be fixed with repairs. The last time I installed everything fresh, I had no issues. Between then and now, there have been no hardware changes on my system, but now I am having issues installing the IDT Codecs. I keep getting an error along the following lines: Quote: ExitError: Error=Device Object not present, restart the system and run setup again. Running under compatibility mode, and running drivers from both the motherboard CD and the manufacturer website both have the same effect. The CD, when booted, says "This OS not support!" and only contains 32-bit vista codecs. ECS' website download indicates the IDT drivers as being compatible with Windows 7. Both do not work. It is almost as if the hardware "disappeared," despite the fact that I was using the drivers quite successfully till just 2 days ago, when the boot sector went kaput.

Windows has installed its own default set, which do nothing to power the 8mm jacks which I use with my speakers, but instead put sound through the HDMI, which is useless because I use a dedicated graphics card. I have tried uninstalling this codec and re-installing IDT, to no effect. Windows replaces with its own default codec.I have referenced this thread here, but offered solutions do not seem to work for me: Intel IDT Audio Driver will not install

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Performance Difference Between Windows 7 Clean Install And Upgrade Install

Feb 3, 2010

Does anyone know whether there is a difference in performance between doing a clean install of Windows 7 vs upgrading Vista? Any better stability? I'm just wondering whether it's worth the trouble of the clean install.

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Is Clean Install Still A Way To Install Windows 7 With Upgrade Disc On A New Hdd

Jun 29, 2010

I have seen a lot on clean installs but all guides are from like 2009. Is clean install still a way to install windows 7 with upgrade disc on a new hdd? since i have a hdd with vista on it and i have the licence how do i install 7 with the licence and a black hdd?

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Clean Up System Files?

Nov 3, 2011

clean up system files?

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How To Clean Up Temporary Files

Nov 30, 2011

I'm trying to clean up my SSD and free as much space as I possibly can. I noticed Adobe Acrobat has saved a huge cache of files in a temporary folder that - when I try to locate the folder under Windows using the exact same path, it doesn't exist. Is it possible to delete these and other temp files? How do I look for them?

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Perform Clean Install After Upgrade Install?

Feb 26, 2011

I originally did the upgrade install of Windows 7 from Vista to Windows 7. I am seeing that I now am running "ChkDsc" every time that my computer is shut down. I was told that I would be better off to do a clean install and reinstall programs and files. Can I do a clean install with my upgrade disc, or will I be creating additional problems ?

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Unable To Install Windows 7 - Clean Install

Jan 31, 2010

I'm an IT student who got a free Win 7 x64 disk from my school, and I am unable to do a clean install. My system specs are as follows:

Intel Core 2 Duo 3.12 Ghz
nVidia GeForce 9800 GTX 512 MB PCI-e
320 GB Western Digital HD SATA
1 Gb DDR2 1066 MHz and 2x2Gb DDR2 1066 MHz SDRAM

I set my boot sequence to boot from DVD-ROM drive first, and HD second. It goes to the "Windows is loading files" screen and gets hung up. I started the process and went to watch TV for an hour, and it is still on the "Windows is loading files" screen. I haven't gotten any error messages. I've unplugged all USB devices from my computer as I have seen on this forum that it has worked for some people.

edited to add: I originally had only 2 Gb of RAM, and it got hung up at the "Windows is loading files" screen. I thought it was getting hung up because I didn't have enough RAM, so I bought brand new 2 sticks of 2 Gb RAM. I took out one of the 1 Gb sticks and placed both of the 2 Gb of RAM...for a total of 5 Gigs. And, it is still doing the same thing.

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Clean Off Residual Files To Reinstall OS?

Jan 1, 2013

I tried installling windows 7 over a windows 8 installation,because I couldn't get win 8 to boot up without the disc in the drive. But it doesn't load the normal way, showing you the partitions and then after you pick one you get the " press any key to continue" then it finishes. It's an Hitachi desk star HD. I used to format it by hooking it up as a slave to my other desktop but it's not working. Is there a disk that I could run to clean the residual files off the HD so I can reinstall Win

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Clean Up All Unneeded Windows Xp Files

Jul 19, 2011

could you clean up all of my cumputa errors

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Hidden Files After Virus Clean Up Windows 7?

Jun 13, 2011

I ran malwarebytes and it seemed to clean the system up.i can not see my files or the desktop icons.

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Files And Folders Alphabetically?

Nov 25, 2010

I was going to restore my netbook OS back to XP from Windows 7 (The fancy looks aren't worth the trouble) and I found I had apparently deleted my XP restore file. So I decided to stick with Windows 7 for awhile.One irritating feature was that my files and folders within a folder were not in alphabetical order.It took me 30 min of messing around to finally alphabetize one folder and apply that to all folders

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Hiding .* Files And Folders?

Apr 22, 2011

I was wondering if there are any possible things I could do to get windows 7 to hide files and folders that start with the character "." (you know like Linux).
I find many windows programs create files that are not hidden but start with ".", and while tecnically this is a problem with the program, almost all of them do this so it would be very nice if windows handled this correctly.

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How To Protect Files And Folders

Dec 13, 2010

Are there any way to make folders undeletable? Are there any software for that?

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How To Get Files To Be At Top And Folders At Bottom

May 17, 2011

I have a windows 7 ultimate OS and i am trying to solve an small issue i am having. Each time i open windows explorer to view my documents i get all my folders at the top and my files below. I have done everything to change this around and it does not work. Question how do i get my files to be at the top and my folders at the bottom, it keeps giving me a folder button and displaying folders instead of files.

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How To Display Files Above Folders

Jul 17, 2011

When I go to C:/users/my name/My Documents and select it, the right panel displays the files on top and the folders below. When I go to Libraries/Documents/My Documents and select it, the right panel displays the folders above the files. Most of my folders display the sub-folders above the files. How can I make all selected folders display the sub-folders above the files? None of the usual SORT routines change this display mode.

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Overwriting Folders But Not Files?

Sep 9, 2011

I get two entirely different looking prompts when overwriting, one asks me if I want to overwrite folders and I can select Yes and press Enter. The other asks me if I want to overwrite files and when I highlight Copy and Replace and press Enter nothing happens. I have to move my mouse over it and click to make it go.

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Re-setting All Folders And Files?

Nov 28, 2011

I have 10,000 pictures in a couple of hundred folders so I'm trying to Re-set all folders and files to details or large or whatever and I forgot how to do it because it has been a long time since

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Searching For Files And Folders?

May 18, 2012

Just got my Windows 7 computer. I am used to XP file search dialog box. I looked at the "How to configure and fully utilize Windows 7 Search" on this site.

I think I am going to have to take a couple of days to figure this out.

Couple of quick questions: 1. In the search results window, I RMB a file and select "open in new window". the new window address bar does not contain a path. It contains some search info. How do I open in a new window and have the path in the address bar?

2. It appears the search does not limit itself to file names. It is also searching for contents. How do I prevent it from searching contents.

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