Unable To Run Xp Programs

Aug 6, 2011

I upgraded to win 7 pro so I could run xp programs. I downloaded the program from microsoft they said I needed. Doesnt work!!! Wont run my xp programs. As usual Microsoft has ripped me off again with no instructions on how to make it work.

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Unable To Download Programs?

Mar 7, 2012

Suddenly today I am unable to perform any downloads. For example:1. When I try to download Google Chrome I get this message[CODE]

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Unable To Install Programs

Jun 2, 2011

Everytime i try to install a program it just hangs and never completes. I am running window 7 64bit and have been search the internet for any possible solution. Everything i have tried has not worked. Examples of programs i have not been able to install include, new version of java, flash player, itunes.

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Unable To Open Programs?

Jan 24, 2012

Problem started earlier tonight. I clicked accept or okay on something that I think was a Windows Update (Honestly, at this point, I'm unsure of what it is I really clicked. I know that's stupid of me to click accept or ok on something I wasn't paying attention to, but it's too late now.) and my computer completely restarted. When it came back up, I attempted to get back on Skype, Windows Live Messenger, and Mozilla Firefox. None of them would open. I clicked on the icons as well as the links in my start menu. Although, on the start menus, it showed as if I was still signed into those programs. My mouse pointer on the screen gave me a little circle as if it were loading, but nothing happened. Suddenly, I got a blue screen with something that said "Crash" and "Dump" in it. I panicked. When it finally restarted my computer again, I still cannot access any programs, including my anti virus. I can get into Pain, My Documents, and such, but nothing else really.

I tried restoring to three days before, but the problem followed me. I also tried Safe Mode, nothing would work there either. I am using a separate computer to access this website. I am using Windows 7

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Unable To Add / Remove Programs

May 24, 2012

So, I wanted to free up some space on my hard drive, and I found this. The funny thing is, I don't even have 2.95 TB on my hard drive. Its a 640 GB. Anyway, I was wondering if any on here could tell me a way to fix this problem, and to get the "Uninstall or change a program" feature to stop lying to me.

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Unable To Install Any Programs

Mar 11, 2012

My issues first began with Microsoft Office Word Starter. I couldn't run it -- I would get an error message about there being no associated file. I fixed this with system restore, and my computer was good for a while. Perhaps a week later, I noticed I was unable to install any programs. I would get a notification saying something about shell.dll and that there was no file associated with whatever it was that I would try to install (VLC player, Adobe Reader, the list goes on... but for some reason WinRAR worked).I tried to remedy this by doing a system restore. When my computer started up again, a notification popped up saying that system restore failed (or that it was unable to make changes). Today, I noticed I am unable to run anything as administrator, FireFox has been acting up, and my computer has been freezing quite frequently.

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Unable To Pin Programs To The Taskbar

Dec 3, 2009

am i correct in saying that you are unable to pin programs which are ran in compatibility mode onto the taskbar?

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Unable To Uninstall 9/10 Programs?

Oct 3, 2011

Whenever I'm uninstalling something it comes up saying it cannot find the installation .msi. Could I solve this issue by downloading the set-up from the Internet again, or what?

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Unable To Run Exe Files Or Update Programs

Mar 24, 2012

I tried to update itunes and failed because of "Invalid signatures." I cannot only not update itunes but i cannot run any setup.exe like itunes or skype. I also cannot update my malware program or update mozilla firefox. I am looking for any insight on what could be doing this. I will try anything.

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Unable To Hide Program In ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS?

Oct 9, 2010

Unable to Hide Program in ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS..........

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Unable To Install Anti-virus Programs

Jul 31, 2012


I had a problem with a website while running Microsoft Security Essentials. I tried to reinstall MSE but I keep getting an error during the installation. I also tried to install AVG with no luck. It is like I can't install programs.

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Unable To Open Browse Window Through Other Programs

Jan 16, 2011

problem is that when i go to microsoft word or powerpoint or excel, i press the "open" button and nothing happens. absolutely nothing as in no window will pop up that has the c: drive similar to when you run windows explorer or anything. i should add that windows explorer still works, its just using the "open" or "browse" button that nothing happens. This also happens in other programs as well i just cant think of them at the moment. The problem seemed to start one day when i was playing a computer game and i was also using deskspace (for organization) what happened was that the game switched to a completely seperate desktop and changed one of the desktop wallpapers. if you dont know deskspace is a virtual desktop manager that organizes it like a cube (cube desktop is better but i cant get it to let me change the icons on each desktop which completely defeats the purpose for me. Deskspace is somewhat similar to compiz for anyone who knows about that program for linux. So back to the problem after that i went to change the wallpaper back to what it was before, and i pressed the "browse" button and nothing happened. I didnt really think much of it until i tried to use word today and pressed "open" and nothing happened. from there i tried various programs and none seemed to work.

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Unable To Open Internet Explorer And Other Programs?

Aug 3, 2012

Everytime I try to open Internet Explorer, a window comes up then closes as soon as it shows. Like a blink. I've tried reseting the IE settings on the control panel and it still doesn't work. I've also tried system restore and it still didn't work.

There are also some other programs that won't open, like McAfee Internet Security, it opens but it's just comes up as a plain white window.This started happening a couple of days ago, I did a windows update and the problem went away. But then after turning the laptop off and on again, it stopped working again (Can't open internet explorer) and this time, after the update I couldn't connect to the internet.

I don't know how and why this started happening as I'm not the one who uses the laptop, but maybe it's the windows update that did this or I'm thinking maybe McAfee? But I'm not really sure.

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Downloaded Vaio Gate / Unable To Add Programs

Jun 27, 2011

I downloaded Vaio Gate for my desktop pc but I'm unable to add programs to it. When I drag icons to gate, nothing happens.

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Error 80070641 + Unable To Open Some Programs

Jun 4, 2012

Last week Friday, I had problems scanning from my HP6110, so I restarted my computer. When it restarted, it went into an automatic repair that said would take a "few minutes." After about half an hour, I tried to cancel the repair, but a message indicated it would not stop. After about an hour, I hard booted the system, but the computer would not start. I let the repair continue and was able to start the computer after two or three more hours.Since that repair, I have been unable to open many programs, including QuickBooks (2010, 2011, 2012 & 2012 Enterprise), a tax program, IE, Kaspersky and iTunes. I am also unable to install windows updates, and get error code 80070641. Adobe Flash is not working. Kaspersky will not "turn on." (When the Windows update problem started, I also had error code 641. That is now gone.)

I cannot restore to a point where the computer worked -- the last restore I have is from after the problem. I have tried re-registering msiexec, run MS Fixit Install/Uninstall, Fixit 50809, Fixit Performance, Fixit wuRNP, installed and completed a Spybot scan (no problems), tried to install an updated Java (I can't listen to music via my browser because of a Java issue), merged the default .exe associations in my registry, checked my Event Viewer logs for issues when my computer went through repair, deleted every instance of Norton/Symantec security that I could find, tried sfc scannow but got hung at 41%, completed chkdsk, ran Windows Defender quick scan and found no problems and a couple of other things.Some programs work, e.g., Firefox, Word, Excel and Outlook. I tried to find something common between the non-working vs working programs, and the only thing I can see is that the programs that are not working are not showing up in my control panel.I bought the laptop used, but the prior owner only used it about a dozen times. Prior to these issues, I was able to install, scan, print and open programs with no problems. I'm running Windows 7 x64.

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Unable To View All Programs From Start Menu

Aug 19, 2012

Where can I find all of my programs and files to remove unwanted downloads that I can't remove from my laptop?

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Unable To Install Programs On Windows 7 Ultimate?

Oct 26, 2012

I am unable to install programmes on my windows 7 ultimate.

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Black Screen After Log In / Unable To Run Task Manager Or Any Programs

Jun 12, 2012

My Dell Inspiron laptop with Windows 7 was working fine until yesterday evening.When I turn it on, it loads the Log In screen and I am able to type in my password and log in. However, after that I am presented with a black screen and a white cursor. It will not let me open Task Manager and when I press alt, ctrl and delete, after a few minutes I get this error message "Failure to display security and shut down options".I have tried System Restore but had no luck with that.I am not able to run in Safe Mode either, it constantly freezes.My laptop did not come with a Windows 7 operating CD.

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Black Screen After Log In, Unable To Run Task Manager Or Any Programs

Jun 12, 2012

My Dell Inspiron laptop with Windows 7 was working fine until yesterday evening.

When I turn it on, it loads the Log In screen and I am able to type in my password and log in. However, after that I am presented with a black screen and a white cursor. It will not let me open Task Manager and when I press alt, ctrl and delete, after a few minutes I get this error message "Failure to display security and shut down options".

I have tried System Restore but had no luck with that. I am not able to run in Safe Mode either, it constantly freezes. My laptop did not come with a Windows 7 operating CD.

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Unable To Uninstall Updates Impacting Other Programs, Windows 7?

Jul 25, 2012

There are two Microsoft updates that has caused a very important program to stop working. I have identified the two that caused the problem, however they cannot be removed per the Microsoft message that once installed they cannot be removed. Please, is there another way I can remove them so I can get my program up and running?

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Windows 7 Recovery Virus - Unable To Restore Start Menu Programs List

Jun 10, 2011

A client of mine (I'm an IT summer temp in a production facility) recently contracted the Windows 7 Recovery virus and contacted me to fix it. Having encountered the XP version recently and resolved the issue, I was able to easily remove the virus and associated rootkit. The difference this time was that unhide.exe failed to restore the start>all programs menu shortcuts, although it did manage to restore the folder structure. I read through and followed the instructions of another thread here: [URL]. Which did not resolve the issue. The output given by SystemLook is as follows:

SystemLook 04.09.10 by jpshortstuff
Log created at 09:14 on 09/06/2011 by debra
Administrator - Elevation successful

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Unable To Start Most Programs From Taskbar And Start Menu?

Jul 1, 2012

When I start up my computer, my Steam starts up, then I manually start Chrome. Chrome comes up fine, Steam does too, but when I try to right click on Steam and click friends, all it does is create another steam process running at 100-108 K. Then if I close Chrome and try to reopen it, it will do the same. This happens with EVERY program after I start up. There's a 5 second window where I can open programs without issue, then after that it will only start 108 K copies of them. It takes me around 30 restarts just to get it working properly, if not more.

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Office 2010 Unable To Remove It From Add/Remove Programs?

Jul 25, 2011

I am attempting to uninstall (and then reinstall) Office 2010 Prof Plus. I am not able to remove it from Add/Remove programs, have read through some help info and attempted to use the Windows Fixit, Revo & Ripoutoffice2007, none of which have removed it (Revo didn't take it out and then pulled up a million 'left over' files, none of which I deleted).

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Some Programs Won't Go To Start Menu's Recent Programs List

Dec 30, 2010

No matter how many times I launch Skype or iTunes, they just won't get added to the Start Menu's Recent Programs list.

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Can No Longer Install Programs Or Modify Existing Programs

Feb 9, 2011

So over the past few days it seems that I have lost control of my C drive and all of its contents.I can no longer properly access it, and everything opens in "Read-Only". I can no longer install programs or modify existing programs.According to the security permissions, I have none. Nor can I change my permissions because in order to change them I need access to the C drive, which I don't have.I have tried creating other users and putting them in the admin group, etc. but nothing is working.

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Recently Installed Programs Not Showing Up In Add/remove Programs?

Sep 8, 2011

Today I decided to install some stuff on my computer as it was out of date..I installed Java, Flash player and adobe reader X but when I go to add/remove they are not showing up in that section?

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Slow/crashing Programs, Programs Disappearing From Start Bar

Feb 3, 2013

Every time I start up normally into Win7 everything is fine for a couple of minutes. I'll open a few programs, then after a few minutes of them running they'll hang and enter the 'not responding' mode. (firefox, steam, IE). If I don't already have task manager running the system will basically be unresponsive and the only thing I can do is reboot manually. If I have task manager running I can sometimes end a process or two but some will remain open & unresponsive. Any programs that are working (including task manager) disappear when I minimize them and no programs appear on the task bar, (though they can be retrieved with alt+tab).

McAfee also has 'real time scanning' permanently disabled.

This is all very strange as there was nothing wrong four days ago when I was away, and the symptoms occured within 2-3 minutes of booting up this evening. The system runs in safe mode.

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Windows 7 Will Download Programs But Not Install Programs?

Aug 24, 2011

I have just bought a new acer aspier 5750z-4830 intel core b940 processor 4gb ddr3 memory 500 gb hdd 3 days ago and I am unable to install any new programs.I have tried to download meny sotwer not at the same time but the results are horrable.google chrome: 7 hours and never downloads. yahoo mesenger: connection is always lost and retrys never work. when i click cancle it says that it maybe my firewall but even when i allow the progrom through it won't work. so i turned if off for a little while still nothing. java: my laptop dose not come with java so i tried instlling it...121 hours to install this is rediclious.The download speed may not be so good right now beacuse we where hit by a storm 3 days ago however i have to ability to downlod but not the ability to install which i think is a bit weird

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Unable To Format The New Flopy Drive Showing Error Windows Is Unable To Form

Feb 28, 2012

i have new flopy drive when i m formatting its showing the error that windows is unable to format the drive

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Programs Does Not Show All Programs Installed

Sep 7, 2011

This fault is occur a after using Iobit Uninstaller. I closed this program before uninstrallation process of selected programs completed. After this only 5 programs are showing. I restore syatem by Iobit Uninstaller. but no any change.I checked registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall). There is only 5 keys. How do I recover these registry keys.

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Add Programs To Default Programs List?

Feb 6, 2011

I downloaded Adobe Shockwave Player which is needed to view a file (.swf), and it appears in the control panel as an installed program. However, it does not appear as a default program when I am trying to use the "associate a file type or protocal with a specific program" even when I press the browse list. The program also does not appear when I "right click" the file itself and use the open command. The program also does not appear in the list of programs on the "All Progams: list when clicking the windows icon. So, can someone tell me how to get programs onto the default list....(Please, I have seen a number of threads that talk about how to "set" the default program which I am well aware of...I need to know how to get a program to be recognized and incoroporated as part of the list).

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