Error 80070641 + Unable To Open Some Programs

Jun 4, 2012

Last week Friday, I had problems scanning from my HP6110, so I restarted my computer. When it restarted, it went into an automatic repair that said would take a "few minutes." After about half an hour, I tried to cancel the repair, but a message indicated it would not stop. After about an hour, I hard booted the system, but the computer would not start. I let the repair continue and was able to start the computer after two or three more hours.Since that repair, I have been unable to open many programs, including QuickBooks (2010, 2011, 2012 & 2012 Enterprise), a tax program, IE, Kaspersky and iTunes. I am also unable to install windows updates, and get error code 80070641. Adobe Flash is not working. Kaspersky will not "turn on." (When the Windows update problem started, I also had error code 641. That is now gone.)

I cannot restore to a point where the computer worked -- the last restore I have is from after the problem. I have tried re-registering msiexec, run MS Fixit Install/Uninstall, Fixit 50809, Fixit Performance, Fixit wuRNP, installed and completed a Spybot scan (no problems), tried to install an updated Java (I can't listen to music via my browser because of a Java issue), merged the default .exe associations in my registry, checked my Event Viewer logs for issues when my computer went through repair, deleted every instance of Norton/Symantec security that I could find, tried sfc scannow but got hung at 41%, completed chkdsk, ran Windows Defender quick scan and found no problems and a couple of other things.Some programs work, e.g., Firefox, Word, Excel and Outlook. I tried to find something common between the non-working vs working programs, and the only thing I can see is that the programs that are not working are not showing up in my control panel.I bought the laptop used, but the prior owner only used it about a dozen times. Prior to these issues, I was able to install, scan, print and open programs with no problems. I'm running Windows 7 x64.

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Unable To Open Programs?

Jan 24, 2012

Problem started earlier tonight. I clicked accept or okay on something that I think was a Windows Update (Honestly, at this point, I'm unsure of what it is I really clicked. I know that's stupid of me to click accept or ok on something I wasn't paying attention to, but it's too late now.) and my computer completely restarted. When it came back up, I attempted to get back on Skype, Windows Live Messenger, and Mozilla Firefox. None of them would open. I clicked on the icons as well as the links in my start menu. Although, on the start menus, it showed as if I was still signed into those programs. My mouse pointer on the screen gave me a little circle as if it were loading, but nothing happened. Suddenly, I got a blue screen with something that said "Crash" and "Dump" in it. I panicked. When it finally restarted my computer again, I still cannot access any programs, including my anti virus. I can get into Pain, My Documents, and such, but nothing else really.

I tried restoring to three days before, but the problem followed me. I also tried Safe Mode, nothing would work there either. I am using a separate computer to access this website. I am using Windows 7

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Unable To Open Browse Window Through Other Programs

Jan 16, 2011

problem is that when i go to microsoft word or powerpoint or excel, i press the "open" button and nothing happens. absolutely nothing as in no window will pop up that has the c: drive similar to when you run windows explorer or anything. i should add that windows explorer still works, its just using the "open" or "browse" button that nothing happens. This also happens in other programs as well i just cant think of them at the moment. The problem seemed to start one day when i was playing a computer game and i was also using deskspace (for organization) what happened was that the game switched to a completely seperate desktop and changed one of the desktop wallpapers. if you dont know deskspace is a virtual desktop manager that organizes it like a cube (cube desktop is better but i cant get it to let me change the icons on each desktop which completely defeats the purpose for me. Deskspace is somewhat similar to compiz for anyone who knows about that program for linux. So back to the problem after that i went to change the wallpaper back to what it was before, and i pressed the "browse" button and nothing happened. I didnt really think much of it until i tried to use word today and pressed "open" and nothing happened. from there i tried various programs and none seemed to work.

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Unable To Open Internet Explorer And Other Programs?

Aug 3, 2012

Everytime I try to open Internet Explorer, a window comes up then closes as soon as it shows. Like a blink. I've tried reseting the IE settings on the control panel and it still doesn't work. I've also tried system restore and it still didn't work.

There are also some other programs that won't open, like McAfee Internet Security, it opens but it's just comes up as a plain white window.This started happening a couple of days ago, I did a windows update and the problem went away. But then after turning the laptop off and on again, it stopped working again (Can't open internet explorer) and this time, after the update I couldn't connect to the internet.

I don't know how and why this started happening as I'm not the one who uses the laptop, but maybe it's the windows update that did this or I'm thinking maybe McAfee? But I'm not really sure.

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SSVagent.exe Error; Cannot Open Programs Or Print?

Jan 7, 2012

When I click on that it takes me to the same box again. At the top of the box it says "SSVagent.exe" I googled that and it seems to be some type of malware?? I ran a full scan using my Kaspersky Security software and nothing was found. I also cannot print to my network printer from the 2 laptops that are connected to it or from the main desktop. I tried using system restore but although it goes back to a previous day, the problem still exists. The only way I can run any program is if I right click and choose "Run as administrator." Then if I'm on internet explorer, for example, after I clicked run as administrator, every time I want to change websites or screens, I get that pop-up box asking me to choose a program. Once I close that box out then the webpage loads.

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Error Message 'javascript:void(0)' - Unable To Open Some Pages

Sep 11, 2011

I've recently been having problems opening some pages in Internet Explorer. Today for example I wanted to go to HP's support site. I got to the main site but when I clicked on Product Support the page wouldn't open and the message 'javascript:void(0)' appeared in the bottom left hand corner. It seems to be a fairly random problem as it only affects some websites.

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Windows 7 - Get Programs That Are Already Open To Open Up With ONE Click?

Sep 2, 2012

When I have a couple of screens open on my desktop. When I click on an icon for, lets say, iTunes, I can see the iTunes window appear behind the translucent taskbar of Win 7. Ditto for MS World.How do i get programs that are already open to open up with ONE click, instead of having to closed down all the other windows.

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Windows Programs Will Not Open Images, Can Open Them With PSP

Oct 20, 2011

For a while my windows 7 64 bit would open my images in Documents. Now when I try they appear as a garbled strange format. If I go to PSP ProX2 they open fine. This is a problem for me since I often need to add images to document Newsletters I send out.

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Certain Programs Won't Open, Some Do Open Weird?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a fairly new HP Desktop PC. I'm running Windows 7 Home 64-bit SP1. Yesterday I noticed that iTunes won't open when I double-click on the shortcut icon on my desktop. I restarted my computer, same issue. I restarted in Safe Mode, same issueI did notuninstall/reinstall because I also can't open my Spybot-SD. Same thing happens. The process is listed in Task Manager, but the programs just don't open. I have not trieduninstalling/reinstalling the programs because I tried doing a System Restore back to early February. The System Restore was successful but the problem persists. Also, Windows Media Player opens, but it opens weird, wherein it freezes on a white square for a few minutes before finally loading. Also, my DVD burning software, DVD Flick, opens but first it freezes on a yellow square.

It's hard to Google this problem because of all the programs involved, and I'm sure there are more programs that won't open that I'm just not aware of yet. I didn't do anything that I can think of that could've caused the problem (and if I had, the system restore would've fixed it). So I scanned my PC for viruses with Symantec and I also scanned for malware with Microsoft Security Essentials and both scans came up clean. Not being able to use iTunes presents a problem because I can't update my phone or make changes to my phone at all.

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Unable To Format The New Flopy Drive Showing Error Windows Is Unable To Form

Feb 28, 2012

i have new flopy drive when i m formatting its showing the error that windows is unable to format the drive

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"Unable To Download... Unable To Open This Internet Site"

May 18, 2010

I am using Windows7 and IE8 on a Dell2350. The computer was working fine till last Friday and now I can't download anything. I keep getting a message saying "Unable to download... Unable to open this internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later." The dialog box itself doesn't show how big the file is or the download speed or the time left. I also keep getting a message saying a program has corrutped my program setting.

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Can't Open Programs Without The "Open With" Window Popping Up

Feb 20, 2012

Can't open programs without the "Open With" window popping up!

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Can't Open Most Programs

Jul 3, 2012

My son recently bought minecraft. Today he installed something call too many itens for mindcraft. After that most of my programs on the computer will not open. Instead of there normal icons on the desktop they have the internet explorer logo. when I click on it a window pops up asking me if I want to open or save this file.

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Some Programs Just Won't Open

Feb 12, 2011

Since the ninth of February some programs (mainly Warhammer Dawn of war 2, Skype and starcraft 2) just won't run. When I open Skype it doesn't give me nothing and the process just disappears after a few seconds. Warhammer gives me an error which he cannot find info on his website and starcraft 2 gives me a Huge message which can be found here : [URL]. And I have OTL but I just don't know how to use it.

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Cannot Open Any .exe Programs

May 15, 2011

Most programs I try to open takes me to "Open With" window where I can only choose from one selected program (Internet explorer) and never works. Some programs, like HijackThis says: Application Not Found.

I had recently had the Win 7 Total Security virus and removed it. Now I can't open anything.

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PC Won't Open Certain Programs?

Jun 29, 2011

I have an issue with my Windows / my PC. Last night I used my PC just fine and so on. But when I turned it on today and logged in I couldn't open my most used programs (StarCraft II, Windows Live & Firefox 5 - Dunno if there's more). I find it extremely ordinary, and it has never happened before..

What happens is, that I click the shortcut and nothing happens. I tried editing my exefile default to something else, but this doesn't work either. I thought to myself: Oh well, I'll just uninstall - but NO! I can't even uninstall the programs.

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Cannot Open Any Programs

Apr 6, 2012

As of last night, my computer will no longer allow any programs to open. This includes IE and all other web browsers. There is no error message, the applications simply fail to open. The hourglass appears as if a program is starting, but then it vanishes and the program never opens.

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Can't Open Programs?

Jun 21, 2012

I was working on my computer and needed to reboot after doing a scan with spybot search and destroy. All of the sudden on bootup there is a prolonged period where the screen is just dead. When it loads finally, it's very slow. I have Google chrome pinned to the taskbar and when I click on the icon, it pops up asking for approval if I want chrome to make changes to my hard drive. I also can't right click or type. I've tried everything I can think of, even two system restores.

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Can't Open Any Programs

Dec 11, 2009

from desktop or all programs.I think my brother done something that not tellimg me.anyway it says:This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action.Please install or,if one is already installed,create an association in the Default Programs control panel.

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Can't Open Any Programs

Mar 4, 2010

I am using Win 7 system and microsoft Essential for AV. sadly I got a virus e mail ( which i didn't know) from UPS, and after that I tried to use microsoft security essential to remove them. it said remove successfully.

(1) however, I still can't open any program. when I try to open, it always pop up the " open with" window. but I am able to use right mouse click and " run as adminstrator" - is that .exe running file I am missing? where can I download it?

(2) under the action center, notification and Icons - I still can see this virus name there - av.exe... but I can delete or do anything of it.

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Why Won't Some Programs Open

Apr 30, 2011

why wont some programs open?

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Sometimes Programs Don't Open?

Nov 10, 2011

Sometimes when I open firefox or some other program, the program doesn't open or it does open after awhile.. What do you think causes the problem? It doesn't happen everyday.. Only once in awhile it comes back. The process starts, but when I go to task manger, its only using 108kb.

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Cannot Open Any Programs

Jan 23, 2013

Today i went on my computer and i randomly had all sorts of issues. I ran malawarebytes and removed everything. When i restarted i could open for example firefox but after 5 minutes i could not open any other program, not just browsers. Once i click to open something it would show the loading circle for a couple of seconds and then nothing would happen. If i click refresh on my desktop the loading circle pops up and never goes away. My background gets like a shade of white over it and i cant even press my start menu. If i try to go to task manager the screen goes black and says "failure to display security and shut down options when ctl+alt+del was pressed. I tried to restore back to several dates but still no change.

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Cannot Open Or Run Programs

Jan 27, 2013

I've been having a prob with my laptop here. None of the files I click will open, it flashes like it normally would but nothing happens. I also did a system restore, but that did nothing. The only way my laptop is somewhat functioning is if it's in Safe mode with networking prompt.

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Windows 7 Will Not Let Open Any Programs?

May 12, 2011

Windows will not let me open any of my programs this happen updating windows. I went back and restored it and windows updated and now i have the same problem again.

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All Of Programs Want To Open With Notepad

Aug 17, 2012

Well today i was trying to open something with java binary, and i didnt have it anymore for some reason, maybe becaues I got Java 64 bit, but ya, then I clicked notepad, and not I cant fix it? Ive tried reinstalling Java, even got the 32 bit. But I cant find a way to figure this out. Help please its urgent. I think it is a problem with the ".Ink" , but i dont know how to fix it. Only some of the things want to open with notepad, only the ones that are ".exe".

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Cant Open Any Programs On Windows 7?

Sep 1, 2010

I having trouble on my acer laptop Im running windows 7 home premium 32 bit edition... When I click on a program I get a pop up window saying File download / security waring do u want to run or save this file...if i click on run or save its still doesnt allow me to open any programs .

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All Programs Open After Reboot?

Aug 19, 2011

setting / program / hack for Windows 7 that would do the same?

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Programs Always Fails To Open

Jan 6, 2012

I have a Gateway NV79 laptop.Just today my computer went from working just fine to the none of the programs running.I cannot open Word, Firefox, Add/Remove programs, images, anything. The loading icon flickers intermittently before ceasing. I once received the error message "there was a problem sending the command to the program."I am posting this from another computer.I have researched the problem and explored various errors and virus fixes and none of them totally address my issue.So far I have restarted the system, restarted it in safemode, completed a system restore to three days ago, and another system restore to twelve days from ago.I am not technologically adept.

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Windows 7 Programs Won't Open

Feb 16, 2012

My computer won't open any programs at the minute, either from the desktop or start menu.

What happened I downloaded a file online and it installed seachqu toolbar on all my browsers which I didn't want.

I uninstalled the downloaded file and followed forum advice to get rid of searchqu (which didn't remove it but stopped it affecting my computer).

I also downloaded spyware doctor 8 as I was worried about spyware. I didn't realise I have to buy it though to remove things and there was only minimal spyware on there so I wasn't too concerned.

Tried to uninstall spyware doctor and windows wouldn't let me - it said it may already have been removed. Now I can't open any programs except mcafee which can't find a problem and Internet explorer which opens but doesn't search (it times out).

iTunes, Firefox, office products etc won't open. They make a loading sign the nothing happens.

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Failing To Open From Other Programs

Apr 26, 2012

On my laptop, I recently started having the peculiar issue that when I tried to attach files to my e-mails, the "Browse" button that should have opened an explorer window did not open one at all. I tried it with various e-mail accounts and all of them did not work.Then, I tried using a "save image as" to see if that part of the explorer was also not responding, and it was not. Lastly, I checked another program I had that would need to browse through explorer.exe and it also failed to run. If I just try to browse files regularly by clicking on the folder and looking through them, it works just fine. It's just other programs are not getting through to be able to access the files.The last thing I changed about my computer was updating video drivers, and there's no reason as to why that would have any influence (not to mention the update I did was about 2 weeks before the explorer started acting up). Also, I do want to make it clear that it is not the "browser" at fault, but the "browse" function that connects to my computer.

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