Unable To Open Browse Window Through Other Programs

Jan 16, 2011

problem is that when i go to microsoft word or powerpoint or excel, i press the "open" button and nothing happens. absolutely nothing as in no window will pop up that has the c: drive similar to when you run windows explorer or anything. i should add that windows explorer still works, its just using the "open" or "browse" button that nothing happens. This also happens in other programs as well i just cant think of them at the moment. The problem seemed to start one day when i was playing a computer game and i was also using deskspace (for organization) what happened was that the game switched to a completely seperate desktop and changed one of the desktop wallpapers. if you dont know deskspace is a virtual desktop manager that organizes it like a cube (cube desktop is better but i cant get it to let me change the icons on each desktop which completely defeats the purpose for me. Deskspace is somewhat similar to compiz for anyone who knows about that program for linux. So back to the problem after that i went to change the wallpaper back to what it was before, and i pressed the "browse" button and nothing happened. I didnt really think much of it until i tried to use word today and pressed "open" and nothing happened. from there i tried various programs and none seemed to work.

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[DESKTOP] Open Window Window Appears Requesting To Open Username Upon Windows Startup

Jan 26, 2011

I'm Running Windows 7(64bit)Each time I boot into Windows 7 Prem (64) a open window apears requesting my username at the top of the open window to specify a a program to open it?I've clicked on note pad and I get the following information that apears, each time though it requests, or looks for a program to use to open.

Interface List
1...........................Software Loopback Interface 1
14...00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Microsoft 6to4 Adapter
16...00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface


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Can't Open Programs Without The "Open With" Window Popping Up

Feb 20, 2012

Can't open programs without the "Open With" window popping up!

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Unable To Open Programs?

Jan 24, 2012

Problem started earlier tonight. I clicked accept or okay on something that I think was a Windows Update (Honestly, at this point, I'm unsure of what it is I really clicked. I know that's stupid of me to click accept or ok on something I wasn't paying attention to, but it's too late now.) and my computer completely restarted. When it came back up, I attempted to get back on Skype, Windows Live Messenger, and Mozilla Firefox. None of them would open. I clicked on the icons as well as the links in my start menu. Although, on the start menus, it showed as if I was still signed into those programs. My mouse pointer on the screen gave me a little circle as if it were loading, but nothing happened. Suddenly, I got a blue screen with something that said "Crash" and "Dump" in it. I panicked. When it finally restarted my computer again, I still cannot access any programs, including my anti virus. I can get into Pain, My Documents, and such, but nothing else really.

I tried restoring to three days before, but the problem followed me. I also tried Safe Mode, nothing would work there either. I am using a separate computer to access this website. I am using Windows 7

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Unable To Open Internet Explorer And Other Programs?

Aug 3, 2012

Everytime I try to open Internet Explorer, a window comes up then closes as soon as it shows. Like a blink. I've tried reseting the IE settings on the control panel and it still doesn't work. I've also tried system restore and it still didn't work.

There are also some other programs that won't open, like McAfee Internet Security, it opens but it's just comes up as a plain white window.This started happening a couple of days ago, I did a windows update and the problem went away. But then after turning the laptop off and on again, it stopped working again (Can't open internet explorer) and this time, after the update I couldn't connect to the internet.

I don't know how and why this started happening as I'm not the one who uses the laptop, but maybe it's the windows update that did this or I'm thinking maybe McAfee? But I'm not really sure.

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Error 80070641 + Unable To Open Some Programs

Jun 4, 2012

Last week Friday, I had problems scanning from my HP6110, so I restarted my computer. When it restarted, it went into an automatic repair that said would take a "few minutes." After about half an hour, I tried to cancel the repair, but a message indicated it would not stop. After about an hour, I hard booted the system, but the computer would not start. I let the repair continue and was able to start the computer after two or three more hours.Since that repair, I have been unable to open many programs, including QuickBooks (2010, 2011, 2012 & 2012 Enterprise), a tax program, IE, Kaspersky and iTunes. I am also unable to install windows updates, and get error code 80070641. Adobe Flash is not working. Kaspersky will not "turn on." (When the Windows update problem started, I also had error code 641. That is now gone.)

I cannot restore to a point where the computer worked -- the last restore I have is from after the problem. I have tried re-registering msiexec, run MS Fixit Install/Uninstall, Fixit 50809, Fixit Performance, Fixit wuRNP, installed and completed a Spybot scan (no problems), tried to install an updated Java (I can't listen to music via my browser because of a Java issue), merged the default .exe associations in my registry, checked my Event Viewer logs for issues when my computer went through repair, deleted every instance of Norton/Symantec security that I could find, tried sfc scannow but got hung at 41%, completed chkdsk, ran Windows Defender quick scan and found no problems and a couple of other things.Some programs work, e.g., Firefox, Word, Excel and Outlook. I tried to find something common between the non-working vs working programs, and the only thing I can see is that the programs that are not working are not showing up in my control panel.I bought the laptop used, but the prior owner only used it about a dozen times. Prior to these issues, I was able to install, scan, print and open programs with no problems. I'm running Windows 7 x64.

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Can't Ping / Browse Or Open

May 8, 2011

i am using a windows xp sp3 desktop and i am trying to get to my wifes Windows 7 gateway laptop. Both are on the same LAN and workgroup. i however can not ping her static address on her laptop when she is connected via wireless N to our the share router. i go into the router and see that she is connected but from the desktop i can not ping her static address by Ip nor by name does not work. i also tried going thru network places nothing. i am just trying to copy and paste files to her C$ drive. i tried turning off windows firewall on the laptop nothing still does not work.

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Unable To Browse Internet?

Jun 18, 2011

just got a new computer and i have some issues that i cannot figure out. i opened the comp, and everything starts fine. i can not use internet explor. for some reason. it will load google and Internet fine, but everything else it wont seem to. it gives me a failure to connect message. it also will not allow me to update windows, or even go to microsoft. i have turned on/off windows firewall ect. everything i can think of- which isnt a whole lot. i know it is connecting to the internet because like i said it will go to a coulpe sites. other than that it wont download or anything. my os is windows 7 home premium

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Unable To Browse For Picture?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm having what I consider to be a unique problem that even my roommate who works in tech support can't seem to figure out. I was recently a victim of...long story short, a "spider" program. I've since stopped it from collecting data, etc. and locked down my router to only allow certain MAC IDs, but now no matter which browser I use (IE,FF,Ch), I am unable to open a windows explorer window to browse for a file to upload...in this case I'm attempting to add a "gig" to fiverr.com and they require that I upload a picture, but nothing happens. The following are steps that I've already taken, yet the problem persists:Full AVG virus scan: leaned/quarantined all issueshijackthis: no rogue BHOs foundMalwarebytes full scan: all objects cleanedSpybot S&D full scan: all objects cleanedWindows event viewer: no mention or error of trying to open window to upload file.

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Will Browse But Unable To Download Anything

Oct 27, 2012

I have a Dell 9200 (4GB ram) just did a clean install of Windows 7 64bit.All went OK but now in a strange position it can browse internet no problem, get to any any sites but will not download anything?When I click on download .. normal download box opens but nothing in the 'download To' or' Transfer rate' fields.Eventually they time out and drop.The top bar of download window shows 0% and does not change.And nothing is ever downloaded.Tried several sites nothing will download.It has however downloaded many windows updates and installed them, so it must be able to get data OK.Only thing other than standard install is after OS loaded I moved the default user profile location (as per tech doc here)I have tried different ports on router and even swapped ports & cables of PC's that are working still dame browses happily, but no downloads.First thing I want to download is anti-virus cant even download Kaspersky file.On network & sharing it shows that connected to LAN and if I open the LA icon .. it does show as active and happily sending & receiving.

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Unable To Browse Internet

Sep 4, 2011

I am unable to browse the net. i have tried to use different browsers but the problem is same. it says unable to locate the DNS/ webpage. i tried using data card and WiFi. my internet connection is perfectly establishing but still unable to browse. Win 7 is the os i am working on.

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Internet Connected But Unable To Browse?

Jun 19, 2011

win 7 64 bit. all drivers updated with all microsoft updates applied. I have a Clear 4G modem.Strong signal. Other devices may connect and browse. The asus will browse great with good speed then suddenly not use the intenet. At first I thought it was a modem issue. Tried flushing the dns and winsock blah blah. Only a restart will resolve the issue.sometimes only for a minute sometimes I can go days with no problem. I have AVG protection and have run the malware tool. Oh, can ping websites thru cmd with zero loss

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Unable To Browse But Connected To Internet

Mar 27, 2012

I'm a windows 7 32 bit user. I have problem that i can't browsing. From what I check the default gateway have different value with the DHCP server value.

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Wireless Appears ON But Unable To Browse

Apr 25, 2011

Before i start i'll list my system specs and wireless adapter

*AMD Athlon II Dual-core M320 2.10 GHz,
*4 GB RAM,
*AMD M880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200,
*Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit operating system,
*Atheros AR9285 802.11 b/g/n Wifi Adapter.

I currently own a TP-Link TL-WR841ND router. When connected through ethernet cable i have no quarrels and everything works fine.The router and adapter are both up to date with the latest firmware etc.However, when connecting through wireless i am able to browse the web for roughly 10 minutes before i am unable to do so. The wireless connection appears active but i am unable to browse.To fix the problem i have to disable the device then enable, then diagnose which is sometimes followed by the first step again.

Other notes, i have Hamachi installed (i suggest this because hamachi produces a new icon in the adapter settings), however i'm unsure about it as the ethernet connection has no problems with hamachi installed.

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Adding 'open In New Window' To Search Results, & Opening In New Window?

Feb 16, 2012

Whenever I search in Windows 7, I want to have the ability to open found folders in a new window. If I r-click, that option is not there. Is there a way to add this to Windows 7?

Also: When I go to 'open file location', the file's folder opens in the same window - highly annoying. In Vista, it opens in a new window. Anyway to change this behvior in Windows 7 to act like Vista, so the file opens in a new window?

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Window Won't Open In Same Window

Oct 30, 2009

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit .I have ticked in Folder Options to open windows in same window but it won't work,the windows are opening in new window!

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Windows 7 - Get Programs That Are Already Open To Open Up With ONE Click?

Sep 2, 2012

When I have a couple of screens open on my desktop. When I click on an icon for, lets say, iTunes, I can see the iTunes window appear behind the translucent taskbar of Win 7. Ditto for MS World.How do i get programs that are already open to open up with ONE click, instead of having to closed down all the other windows.

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Windows Programs Will Not Open Images, Can Open Them With PSP

Oct 20, 2011

For a while my windows 7 64 bit would open my images in Documents. Now when I try they appear as a garbled strange format. If I go to PSP ProX2 they open fine. This is a problem for me since I often need to add images to document Newsletters I send out.

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Folders Always Open In A New Window?

May 29, 2009

I installed McAfee's latest Beta suite thing last night. Now whenever I am navigating through my files and open a folder, a NEW WINDOW pops up and the old one stays there. It's very annoying. I tried toggling the "Open folders in new window" option in Folder Options but it did nothing.

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When Open A New Window It Disappears

Jan 15, 2013

When i go to open a new windoiw and i already have one open it seems to disappear within seconds such like the conformation email i got for this forum with i click on the link a window went to open but flashed and disappered i couldn't even use the spell check on this because the window disapeared I'm running Windows XP and this just started today .

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Open Command Window Here

Oct 26, 2009

How to Use "Open Command Window Here" in Windows 7 ?

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Cant Keep Mimimized Window Open

Oct 11, 2011

My windows keep minimizing when I don't want them to. How can I keep them open?

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Keep More Than One Window Open At A Time?

Sep 6, 2012

how o keep more than one window open at a time?

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When Closing Some Programs The Window Do Not Disappear

Jun 5, 2011

I have 4 PCs running W7 Home Premium 32 bit all with the same annoying problem. Very often when I close Windows Live Mail 2011, Microsoft Security Essentials or Word Pad the corresponding process is killed but the window will not disappear before I click the Desktop Ikon. It only happens with those 3 programs. The 4 PCs are 1 Sony Vaio Laptop, 1 ThinkPad T60 and 2 ASUS Desktop PCs. It have been the same alle the time (for more than 1 year). Everything is 100% updated. W7s are OEM Versions. The Log do not show any problems referring to this issue.

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Can't Open Apps - "Open With" Window Always Appears

Jul 30, 2011

Can't open any programs cuz this annoying window "Open with" pops up asking what application I want to open this file with? If I go browse and select the file (i.e. IE) then another window opens asking if I want to run, save or cancel. When I hit Run.... windows close and nothing happens. Pretty much dead in the water here. Tried recovery to an older config...

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How To Activate Pin Feature For Open Window

Jan 12, 2012

I recently received a new computer at work with Windows 7 loaded on it. In the upper right-hand corner of any window, there is a pushpin icon beside the minimize icon. I can use this to pin any open window so that it always stays on top. I didn't realize that this feature is available on Windows 7, and it is not visible on my Windows 7 installation at home (this is an office computer). How to activate it?

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Open New Window In Full Screen

Oct 26, 2009

It's probably something simple but I haven't found it yet. Any way to set ALL new windows to full screen rather than the standard 1/3rd screen?

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Oblivion Not Running In A Window When I Open It

Nov 5, 2011

I'm running windows 7 64 bit and well.. After going past the first screen - you know the little one, where you can choose how you want to load it and such - well if i choose to load it in a window it doesn't load. I click play and a small black box quickly comes on and off the screen and then nothing happens. And if i highlight the icon on the taskbar it shows a picture of oblivion working fine. But its not working on my screen.

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Controling Which Monitor A Window Will Open On

Dec 9, 2009

Is there a way to control which duel monitor will open windows applications on? When I had XP I found a way in some settings that made a monitor the main monitor for opening windows and apps.

Windows 7 opens windows where ever it likes. Its almost guess work which monitor will open what and its seems to be random as.

I have a GTX7900 Nvidia Card if that helps running duel Samsung SynMasters 245T.

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Open Each Folder In The Same Or Own Separate New Window

Sep 22, 2009

How to Open each Folder in the Same or Own Separate New Window in Windows 7 ?

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Open Command Window Here As Administrator

Mar 21, 2010

Add or Remove "Open Command Window Here as Administrator" to the Context Menu ?

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