Unable To Open Internet Explorer And Other Programs?

Aug 3, 2012

Everytime I try to open Internet Explorer, a window comes up then closes as soon as it shows. Like a blink. I've tried reseting the IE settings on the control panel and it still doesn't work. I've also tried system restore and it still didn't work.

There are also some other programs that won't open, like McAfee Internet Security, it opens but it's just comes up as a plain white window.This started happening a couple of days ago, I did a windows update and the problem went away. But then after turning the laptop off and on again, it stopped working again (Can't open internet explorer) and this time, after the update I couldn't connect to the internet.

I don't know how and why this started happening as I'm not the one who uses the laptop, but maybe it's the windows update that did this or I'm thinking maybe McAfee? But I'm not really sure.

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No Programs Open Besides Internet Explorer?

Dec 16, 2011

so i am running the windows 7 home permium 64bit and i am having quite the problem. none of my programs will open. it seems like the olny thing that will open is internent explorer, paint, actual folders, those kinds of things. nothing else will open such as itunes, malwarebytes to scan for anything, not even flashplayer will open to watch Internet. i've tried starting it in safe mode and still nothing will open. ive run a diagnostic test to see if it was the hardware and everthing checked out okay. i have even tried sfc /scannow command - system file checker and that came back negative. so i am out of ideas.

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All Programs Open In Internet Explorer?

Sep 27, 2011

for some reason, all of my programs are opening in internet explorer. All of my desktop icons are, "The white sheet with blue "E" on it". when i open it, it goes in internet explorer 9 thingy where u download stuff. it asks me if i wanna open/save the program in a .INK file. What should i do? P.S. it only does this for desktop programs, i can go in program files x86, and still open them.

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Unable To Open Internet Explorer Normally

Feb 2, 2012

I am not able to open internet explorer normally and when i try to open any icons

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How To Open Programs Using Windows 7 Explorer

May 8, 2012

im using windows 7..by mistake i opened the photoshop using windows media center as default...now every software and even browsers are not opening ...when i click any program windows media center opens.

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Internet Explorer Unable To Connect To Internet?

Jul 7, 2012

I have been having problems with my new computer running Win7 Ultimate and have had to do an upgrade install. Now IE8 and Incredimail are unable to connect to the internet although Norton, Windows, System Mechanic, etc.,can all download updates

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Unable To Open Programs?

Jan 24, 2012

Problem started earlier tonight. I clicked accept or okay on something that I think was a Windows Update (Honestly, at this point, I'm unsure of what it is I really clicked. I know that's stupid of me to click accept or ok on something I wasn't paying attention to, but it's too late now.) and my computer completely restarted. When it came back up, I attempted to get back on Skype, Windows Live Messenger, and Mozilla Firefox. None of them would open. I clicked on the icons as well as the links in my start menu. Although, on the start menus, it showed as if I was still signed into those programs. My mouse pointer on the screen gave me a little circle as if it were loading, but nothing happened. Suddenly, I got a blue screen with something that said "Crash" and "Dump" in it. I panicked. When it finally restarted my computer again, I still cannot access any programs, including my anti virus. I can get into Pain, My Documents, and such, but nothing else really.

I tried restoring to three days before, but the problem followed me. I also tried Safe Mode, nothing would work there either. I am using a separate computer to access this website. I am using Windows 7

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No Programs Responding - Cannot Even Open Windows Explorer

Mar 27, 2012

I just started up my Laptop (Sony Vaio 2.6GHz | 4GB RAM | ATI Radeon | Windows 7 Home Premium) and none of the programs on my laptop are responding when I click on them to start them. Not even Windows Explorer opens. Nothing responds. I can open the windows start button, but that is about it. The PC is still under warranty, so it's quite new (4months). I also take great care of it, I do not load all sorts of crap on it. Only the essentials.

It all started yesterday, when my PC became really slow and I had to restart it, where it literally took 10 minutes too shut down (NO windows updates being installed...). I restarted it, ran a check disc for bad sectors, and it found none. Only a few bad clusters. I also ran - sfc /scannow command in cmd. However, when I open some of the programs (non windows system programs such as explorer and task manager), it gives me the following error: "The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion".

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Explorer.exe Freezing In Time, Won't Open Programs Or Update Itself

Jul 14, 2012

My explorer.exe is bugging. I cannot open anything, even Windows Task Manager and it seems to be that it's frozen in time. Windows Task Manager is not open, and I have two icons in my tray for it, both frozen. Skype won't update itself, like, my friend, I was IMing him and I read the IM, and it's still saying I have a notification, on Skype AND on explorer.exe (Task bar wise).

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Internet Explorer Won't Open?

Sep 17, 2012

internet explorer wont open. when i click on it, it slides to right of computer

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All My Programs Are Opening In Internet Explorer (IE)

Jan 6, 2010

All my programs on the start menu open in Internet Explorer (IE) including the desktop icons.I'm trying to avoid repairing my Windows 7 and System Restore isn't working. In need of everybody's assistance.

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Programs Hanging When I Was Using Internet Explorer?

Jan 18, 2013

Frequently programs hang, this seems to manifest itself mainly whilst using internet explorer, allthough sometimes in other programs such as word, suspect a virus , maybe downloaded when I inadvertently forgot to check for extra additions to a required download.

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Unable To Open Browse Window Through Other Programs

Jan 16, 2011

problem is that when i go to microsoft word or powerpoint or excel, i press the "open" button and nothing happens. absolutely nothing as in no window will pop up that has the c: drive similar to when you run windows explorer or anything. i should add that windows explorer still works, its just using the "open" or "browse" button that nothing happens. This also happens in other programs as well i just cant think of them at the moment. The problem seemed to start one day when i was playing a computer game and i was also using deskspace (for organization) what happened was that the game switched to a completely seperate desktop and changed one of the desktop wallpapers. if you dont know deskspace is a virtual desktop manager that organizes it like a cube (cube desktop is better but i cant get it to let me change the icons on each desktop which completely defeats the purpose for me. Deskspace is somewhat similar to compiz for anyone who knows about that program for linux. So back to the problem after that i went to change the wallpaper back to what it was before, and i pressed the "browse" button and nothing happened. I didnt really think much of it until i tried to use word today and pressed "open" and nothing happened. from there i tried various programs and none seemed to work.

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Error 80070641 + Unable To Open Some Programs

Jun 4, 2012

Last week Friday, I had problems scanning from my HP6110, so I restarted my computer. When it restarted, it went into an automatic repair that said would take a "few minutes." After about half an hour, I tried to cancel the repair, but a message indicated it would not stop. After about an hour, I hard booted the system, but the computer would not start. I let the repair continue and was able to start the computer after two or three more hours.Since that repair, I have been unable to open many programs, including QuickBooks (2010, 2011, 2012 & 2012 Enterprise), a tax program, IE, Kaspersky and iTunes. I am also unable to install windows updates, and get error code 80070641. Adobe Flash is not working. Kaspersky will not "turn on." (When the Windows update problem started, I also had error code 641. That is now gone.)

I cannot restore to a point where the computer worked -- the last restore I have is from after the problem. I have tried re-registering msiexec, run MS Fixit Install/Uninstall, Fixit 50809, Fixit Performance, Fixit wuRNP, installed and completed a Spybot scan (no problems), tried to install an updated Java (I can't listen to music via my browser because of a Java issue), merged the default .exe associations in my registry, checked my Event Viewer logs for issues when my computer went through repair, deleted every instance of Norton/Symantec security that I could find, tried sfc scannow but got hung at 41%, completed chkdsk, ran Windows Defender quick scan and found no problems and a couple of other things.Some programs work, e.g., Firefox, Word, Excel and Outlook. I tried to find something common between the non-working vs working programs, and the only thing I can see is that the programs that are not working are not showing up in my control panel.I bought the laptop used, but the prior owner only used it about a dozen times. Prior to these issues, I was able to install, scan, print and open programs with no problems. I'm running Windows 7 x64.

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New Laptop Internet Explorer Won't Open

Dec 16, 2009

I received a new laptop and used it for several hours.

I then shut it down and restarted and Internet Explorer won't open.

I have internet connection but can't open Internet Explorer.

Any Suggestions?

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Hyperlinks In Internet Explorer 9 Do Not Open?

Jul 26, 2011

When using Google Search and then clicking on a hyperlink title that I used to be able to open, I am getting an error message "Internet Explorer Cannot Display the Web Page". I believe something has changed my internet settings. How can I correct it?

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Internet Explorer Will Not Open Properly?

Sep 12, 2011

My IE9 suddenly stopped displaying the Home Page, unless I click on the "Home" icon.I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, thinking some part of it had become corrupted, but I have the same problem. Not that I really need Internet Explorer.I have both Mozilla Firefox and Avant browsers that I use most of the time.IE9 does work. It just displays the error message "Internet Explorer is currently running without add-ons" when you start it. I have my Home Page set to Encrypted Google, which comes up after I click on the Home icon.

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Internet Explorer Crashes As Soon As Open It?

Oct 12, 2011

Everytime I try and open internet explorer it immediately crashes. I have read on some forums that it could be caused by an Add On, therefore I have tried running internet explorer from the sytem tools menu with No Add Ons, but it still does the same thing opens and immediately crashes. I have runn CCleaner hoping that perhaps a registry problem was the cause, but this did not resolve the issue either.

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How To Set Internet Explorer As Open With Option

Jul 7, 2012

Internet Explorer is not one of my options in my Open With selection. How do I put it there so that I can open a file that I want to open as a web page.

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Links Won't Open In Internet Explorer 9 Or 8 Or Any?

Oct 14, 2012

When I click on a link the page is just white and the computer continues to search

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Unable To Install Internet Explorer 8

Jan 21, 2011

I use Windows 7 with IE8 (apparently!) on a Dell desktop pc. I say apparently, because I haven't actually installed IE8 and don't understand how it is on my pc. The last software I installed was IE7. Anyways, my pc was working fine until a few weeks ago when MSN did one of its auto updates. Since then, I am having loads of problems accessing stuff like Lovefilm, Facebook, ebay etc where I have to sign in. The sites keep asking me to sign in, even when I am signed in and/or throw me out and ask me to sign in when I move on to another page, or perform an action.

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Unable To Reset Internet Explorer 9?

Jul 15, 2012

IE 9 32 bit on windows 7 6; does not reset completely.I reverted to IE8 and tried. Got this error message:

Problem Event Name: BEX64
Application Name: ieunatt.exe
Application Version: 8.0.7600.16385
Application Timestamp: 4a5bca31
Fault Module Name: StackHash_1dc2
Fault Module Version:


I am the only user/administrator. I went into safe mode when I had IE8, took possession /full control of inetcpl.cpl and ieunatt.exe under my name as administrator.Returned to normal mode tried resetting IE8. Same error as above.Ran the group policy .vbs from this web site to reset group policy.Still could not completely restore the 'reset to default'' settings completely.Everything else works. I reinstalled IE9.The BEX64 error does not show up on attempting to reset to default in IE9.

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Open More Than 1 Instance Of Internet Explorer With Windows 7?

Oct 1, 2012

how to open more than 1 instance of internet explorer with windows 7?

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Cannot Open Wmp And Internet Explorer On Windows 7 Ultimate

Mar 9, 2011

I have windows 7 ultimate on my hp laptop. for a month now, I cannot open window media player. When I click to open wmp, it does not do anything. If I go to song and click play, it gives me server execution failed error. I cannot open internet explore 32bits. But, I can open internet explorer 64 bits.

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Windows 7 Home Premium X64 Internet Explorer 9 Won't Open?

Jan 25, 2012

I can not open IE 9. No error messages are displayed to give me. I tried installing Google Chrome and, like IE 9, it will not open either. Currently, I can only get Firefox to open. I have scanned the laptop using ESET's online scanner, which found nothing. I also scanned with MSE with the same results. No infections of any form are found.

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Cannot Open WMP And Internet Explorer. Server Execution Error

Mar 9, 2011

I am using windows 7 ultimate x64 on my hp laptop. Since a month, I cannot open wmplayer. if i go to mp3 song and hit play. it tell me server execution error. Also, I cannot start 32 bit or regular internet explorer. I can open x64 internet explorer. I already try to install and uninstall wmp by using control panel .but, it is not working.

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Cannot Open Windows Media Player Or Internet Explorer

Jan 13, 2013

I an unable to open windows media player or internet explorer, when I open internet explorer it looks like its about to load up my homepage but I get nothing but a blank page. Also when I tried to open skydrive that wouldn't work either. I tried to open windows media player today and that wouldn't open either. I can use firefox that works ok and vlc player but anything to do with windows will not work. The only thing new i put on my laptop was zune for my new Samsung Omina 7 phone. However internet explorer was not working prior to this.

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Links Of Skype And Fring Does Not Open In Internet Explorer

Sep 1, 2011

i have google chrome and ie,when i click on go to my rynga's account page or skype's any link,it open in google chrome,not in ie,why?how can i open it in IE.

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Unable To Upgrade To Internet Explorer 9 On Windows 7 Computer?

Dec 18, 2011

I am running windows 7 x64 on a core 2 quad. I can never seem to upgrade internet explorer 8 to 9. I keep receiving errors. I have deactivated all of the addons. My computer is completely up to date but for this one. I received error code:80246007 What should I do?

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"Unable To Download... Unable To Open This Internet Site"

May 18, 2010

I am using Windows7 and IE8 on a Dell2350. The computer was working fine till last Friday and now I can't download anything. I keep getting a message saying "Unable to download... Unable to open this internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later." The dialog box itself doesn't show how big the file is or the download speed or the time left. I also keep getting a message saying a program has corrutped my program setting.

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Unable To Print In Either Outlook 2003 Or Internet Explorer With Windows 7?

Sep 27, 2010

I'm unable to print in either Outlook 2003 or Internet Explorer with Windows 7. I've tried 3 different printers. Same problem. All other programs seem to print fine.

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