Wireless Appears ON But Unable To Browse

Apr 25, 2011

Before i start i'll list my system specs and wireless adapter

*AMD Athlon II Dual-core M320 2.10 GHz,
*4 GB RAM,
*AMD M880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200,
*Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit operating system,
*Atheros AR9285 802.11 b/g/n Wifi Adapter.

I currently own a TP-Link TL-WR841ND router. When connected through ethernet cable i have no quarrels and everything works fine.The router and adapter are both up to date with the latest firmware etc.However, when connecting through wireless i am able to browse the web for roughly 10 minutes before i am unable to do so. The wireless connection appears active but i am unable to browse.To fix the problem i have to disable the device then enable, then diagnose which is sometimes followed by the first step again.

Other notes, i have Hamachi installed (i suggest this because hamachi produces a new icon in the adapter settings), however i'm unsure about it as the ethernet connection has no problems with hamachi installed.

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Unable To Browse Internet?

Jun 18, 2011

just got a new computer and i have some issues that i cannot figure out. i opened the comp, and everything starts fine. i can not use internet explor. for some reason. it will load google and Internet fine, but everything else it wont seem to. it gives me a failure to connect message. it also will not allow me to update windows, or even go to microsoft. i have turned on/off windows firewall ect. everything i can think of- which isnt a whole lot. i know it is connecting to the internet because like i said it will go to a coulpe sites. other than that it wont download or anything. my os is windows 7 home premium

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Unable To Browse For Picture?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm having what I consider to be a unique problem that even my roommate who works in tech support can't seem to figure out. I was recently a victim of...long story short, a "spider" program. I've since stopped it from collecting data, etc. and locked down my router to only allow certain MAC IDs, but now no matter which browser I use (IE,FF,Ch), I am unable to open a windows explorer window to browse for a file to upload...in this case I'm attempting to add a "gig" to fiverr.com and they require that I upload a picture, but nothing happens. The following are steps that I've already taken, yet the problem persists:Full AVG virus scan: leaned/quarantined all issueshijackthis: no rogue BHOs foundMalwarebytes full scan: all objects cleanedSpybot S&D full scan: all objects cleanedWindows event viewer: no mention or error of trying to open window to upload file.

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Will Browse But Unable To Download Anything

Oct 27, 2012

I have a Dell 9200 (4GB ram) just did a clean install of Windows 7 64bit.All went OK but now in a strange position it can browse internet no problem, get to any any sites but will not download anything?When I click on download .. normal download box opens but nothing in the 'download To' or' Transfer rate' fields.Eventually they time out and drop.The top bar of download window shows 0% and does not change.And nothing is ever downloaded.Tried several sites nothing will download.It has however downloaded many windows updates and installed them, so it must be able to get data OK.Only thing other than standard install is after OS loaded I moved the default user profile location (as per tech doc here)I have tried different ports on router and even swapped ports & cables of PC's that are working still dame browses happily, but no downloads.First thing I want to download is anti-virus cant even download Kaspersky file.On network & sharing it shows that connected to LAN and if I open the LA icon .. it does show as active and happily sending & receiving.

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Unable To Browse Internet

Sep 4, 2011

I am unable to browse the net. i have tried to use different browsers but the problem is same. it says unable to locate the DNS/ webpage. i tried using data card and WiFi. my internet connection is perfectly establishing but still unable to browse. Win 7 is the os i am working on.

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Internet Connected But Unable To Browse?

Jun 19, 2011

win 7 64 bit. all drivers updated with all microsoft updates applied. I have a Clear 4G modem.Strong signal. Other devices may connect and browse. The asus will browse great with good speed then suddenly not use the intenet. At first I thought it was a modem issue. Tried flushing the dns and winsock blah blah. Only a restart will resolve the issue.sometimes only for a minute sometimes I can go days with no problem. I have AVG protection and have run the malware tool. Oh, can ping websites thru cmd with zero loss

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Unable To Browse But Connected To Internet

Mar 27, 2012

I'm a windows 7 32 bit user. I have problem that i can't browsing. From what I check the default gateway have different value with the DHCP server value.

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Unable To Open Browse Window Through Other Programs

Jan 16, 2011

problem is that when i go to microsoft word or powerpoint or excel, i press the "open" button and nothing happens. absolutely nothing as in no window will pop up that has the c: drive similar to when you run windows explorer or anything. i should add that windows explorer still works, its just using the "open" or "browse" button that nothing happens. This also happens in other programs as well i just cant think of them at the moment. The problem seemed to start one day when i was playing a computer game and i was also using deskspace (for organization) what happened was that the game switched to a completely seperate desktop and changed one of the desktop wallpapers. if you dont know deskspace is a virtual desktop manager that organizes it like a cube (cube desktop is better but i cant get it to let me change the icons on each desktop which completely defeats the purpose for me. Deskspace is somewhat similar to compiz for anyone who knows about that program for linux. So back to the problem after that i went to change the wallpaper back to what it was before, and i pressed the "browse" button and nothing happened. I didnt really think much of it until i tried to use word today and pressed "open" and nothing happened. from there i tried various programs and none seemed to work.

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PC Unable To See Wireless Network

Sep 25, 2011

Prior to Saturday morning, my computer was able to detect the router and connect to the internet. However, as of yesterday, my computer is no longer able to see any wireless networks.My dad did change the frequency of the router yesterday, but all the other PC's in the house are able to connect again - except for mine. I've tried rebooting the livebox, rebooting my PC, pressing the wi-fi button, changing my adapter's usb slot and also reinstalling my adapter's drivers. None of these have made a difference.

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Unable To Hook Up Wireless

Sep 5, 2011

i just bought this computer an cant hook up wireless?

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Unable To Set Up The Wireless Connection

Nov 3, 2011

I am unable to set up the wireless connection

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Unable To Connect Wireless?

Oct 11, 2012

Model - Sony vaio S serise svs13112enb unable to connect wireless

how to configured sony vaio laptop wireless setting

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Unable Get Wireless Driver?

Oct 25, 2012

I have toshiba setellite c660. Iam unable get its wiriless driver the link to useNetwork controller has a yellow markalso ethernet and unkown device.

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Unable To Access Wireless Internet?

Jun 29, 2011

I have a wireless router "Belkin", and when I am try and access the internet I receive an error message "Server not found" this only occurred occasionally an once I would connect directly it would solve the problem. And I would again be able to go wireless. However, the problem has occurred and now persists. My IT guy at work suggested that I remove my wireless driver and reinstall I did that and I am still experiencing the same problem. Here is my "ipconfig/all":

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : MININT-1GU3A0D
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : Belkin


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Unable To Connect With Wireless Network?

Jul 15, 2011

the icon says i am not connected and there is a network available but i am actually connected!

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Unable To Connect With Wireless Connection

Jun 24, 2012

I have Windows 7 and have a wireless internet set up. If someone else connects to the network, I cannot connect with my computer. The network is encrypted, WEP I believe. The password is 26 digits long (don't know if that helps)

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Unable To Install Wireless Printer?

Nov 18, 2012

Have a wireless Lexmark printer for three computers, (His, Hers, Laptop). All were working great. I set up (tried) Homegroup. Piece of cake for Hers and Laptop. His gets "This computer cannot connect to a Homegroup" message - another problem. Hers tried to do 2-sided printing, used to work great but could not now. I noticed that the printer on Hers was now named Laptop. We only use the Laptop for traveling. So I removed Laptop printer on Hers and tried to add the printer. Now I cannot add the printer, it tries, gets to the "installing printer popup and hangs forever with no CPU usage. I cannot cancel. The only way to go on is to restart. Have tried the following all without success. Deleted the printer and the printer drivers. Installed the drivers from DVD. Tried to add printer. Hangs as described above. Plus tried everything else I could think of, removing printer, adding printer, etc.

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Unable To Find Wireless Networks

Mar 25, 2011

Since a while ago, I tried to connect my laptop to any wireless network available around my neighborhood, but I couldn't find any. I tried connecting with a DSL cable from my friend's Pc, but I couldn't connect to the internet. So i tried setting up a "Dial-up Connection" , I followed the instructions, i restarted my laptop, but didn't work either because I needed a password and username from the internet provider. After that, I tried to look for other people's wireless networks again, but this box appeared:"Not connected. No connections are available" I used the troubleshoot option at the bottom, but it said "Troubleshooting couldn't identify the problem". I tried turning off my Windows Firewall ("Home or work (private) networks" and "Public Networks"), but the problem is still going on.

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Unable To Connect To Any Wireless Network?

Apr 9, 2011

Just started having problems connection to any network or internet. Have new lappy that was working great until today. I am going out of town for a while and I was setting up my Slingbox. Somewhere along the line, I lost ANY connections, even to the router.

Have tried 3 different restore points. Can connect with wire to the router & get internet. HP, 64 bit.

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Unable To Connect To Sky Wireless Broadband

Jun 24, 2012

I have recently moved to Sky Broadband and I am experiencing difficulties regarding my wireless connection.

The device in question is a Sony Vaio FW56E (Windows 7, home premium , 64 bit). I initially contacted Sky regarding the connection but as all my other wireless devices (Blu Ray, Ipod, Vista notebook) connect without any issues they could not help.Sky have confirmed that it is not a fault with the Router and that it must be a software/hardware issue with my Vaio.

My Vaio is connecting to the Sky network but I cannot actually access the internet. I have checked all the settings and checked my wireless password. I have also looked into my firewall settings and tried to connect with windows firewall disabled.

Listed below are all the steps I have taken to try and resolve this issue.

Reset the Rouer
Removed the Sky network and reconnected again.
Checked that the wireless is actually enabled.
Changed the wireless channel several times.
Updated the VAIO via windows update using the Ethernet.
Reset the router.

If it is of any use the Rouer Sky provided is a Sagecom F@ST2504n.

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Unable To Connect To Wireless Network

Nov 15, 2009

Have a brand new pavailion quad cord windows 7 home premium 64bit. i also purchased a usb wireless adapter[url]...

this adapter was working fine for a few hours. the internet connection is cable, the adapter gets about two bars of connectivity, and now when i try to connect to network i get unable to connect to network. i have removed the wirless network, have added it back, entered the security key and nothing. i have a netgear wireless router. not sure what the deal is. i have made sure the power settings on the adapter are off, and this adapter doesnt seem to have the sleep mode option on it. windows 7 also found the drivers automatically. the machine is brand new, other machines/devices on in the house get to the internet just fine.

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Unable To Connect To Adhoc Wireless Networks?

Apr 28, 2011

I previously bought a used laptop running Win 7 Ultimate which I am the administrator and for ages I have wondered why I am always unable to connect to adhoc wireless networks, connecting to wireless access points have no issue though.Connecting to adhoc networks always gives me the 'your network administrator has blocked you from connecting to this network' message. I recently found out, as below there seems to be a group policy set in place?Can anyone show me how I can disable this policy please, without having to reinstall windows 7 again as that would really be too much effort for me[CODE]

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Unable To Connect To Home Wireless Network?

Nov 2, 2011

When i am in sch, i can use my sch wireless.However, when i reached home whenever i try to connect to my wireless network but its say unidentified network. My sis have no issue with the internet.The problem is solved whenever i restart my modem. Anyone here can kindly tell me how to solve this problem? I am running on windows 7 professional with my sch domain connected to my com.

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Unable To See Existing Homegroup On Wireless Network

Dec 24, 2011

After reformatting my laptops hard drive, it is unable to see the existing homegroup on my wireless network. Before the reformat, I was able to share files and printers using the existing homegroup on my main desktop computer. I have tried homegroup troubleshooter without success.

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Wireless Laptop Unable To See Wired Devices

Dec 6, 2011

I have a new Windows 7 (HP) laptop normally connecting to a Netgear WNDR3700v2 router wirelessly. There is also windows XP-Pro file server, an XP thin client (running phone system) connected to the router via Ethernet. Finally, there is a 500GB USB drive plugged into to the router's USB ReadyShare port.

When the laptop is connected via Ethernet it can see and communicate with all Ethernet devices and all Ethernet devices can connect with the wireless laptop including the routers ReadyShare USB storage. All connectivity appears normal and shares are valid and recognized.

When the laptop is connected wirelessly, all wired devices continue to recognize it normally but can NOT communicate with it. The laptop sees nothing but the router's gateway. It does not recognize any other device connected to the router wirelessly or via Ethernet and does not recognize the USB storage connected to the router via ReadyShare.

It should be noted that the Netgear WNDR3700v2 router does see all wired and wireless devices. Also note that network discovery and file sharing is enabled on the laptop.

Netgear has assured me that all is well with the router (and I agree). I believe the problem is with Windows 7 wireless settings but this is the first Windows 7 device we have and I just don't know enough about the OS to know where to look to correct the problem.

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Unable To Connect Toshiba Laptop To Wireless Network

Oct 22, 2012

I have a fairly new Toshiba Satellite P755 laptop and just started having an issue connecting to my Netgear wireless internet network since yesterday. The issue is that every time I turn on my laptop after it was off or hibernated my computer won't connect to my wireless network but I do see it available to connect to. When I try to connect it won't work unless I reset or unplug the router and plug it in again (Windows Diagnostic Tool says check router access points). Once I do that and wait a couple minutes I can connect to my network again. I have a Realtek RTL8188CE Wireless card and made sure my drivers were up to date. I have tried unchecking the option under Device Manager to not use it if the battery is low and that didn't work. I also tried to system restore and when I did that I got the following error: (0xc0000022) which says an unspecified error occurred and my files and settings were not changed. I have AVG Free 2013 and haven't made any new changes or updates recently.

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Windows 7 -unable To Get Wireless Internet Connections Icon?

May 14, 2012

I just reformatted my son's dell inspiron 9300 laptop xp machine and want to get him connected back into the internet.I have done this about a year ago and don't remember how I did it.I have researched for about 3-4 hours now and can't find info on this antiquated windows xp system.

I have windows 7 installed on the host desktop which is connected to my linksys router.I have my laptop windows 7 working fine with internet.I have another son's windows 7 laptop working fine with the internet.My other boy with the windows xp doesn't even see the internet wireless available connections icon in the tray.

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Computer Unable To Connect To Wireless Network At New Apartment

Jan 2, 2012

Yesterday I moved into a new apartment in Vancouver, Canada. Several friends came up with me to help me move in. My friends were able to connect to the wireless network. However, as soon as I tried connecting to the network, the wireless signal began to appear and disappear rapidly for everyone connected, effectively cutting off wireless access. This problem only occurs when I sign on. Furthermore.


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Can't Browse Through Folders

Jul 14, 2012

i can't browse my computer when i'm going to save a file either when i'm gonna upload something somewhere.


my guess is have to be something with the libraries but can't figure it out.. i've tried everything that is 'obvious' like dragging folders into the white area etc.

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I Can't Browse Folders

Oct 12, 2012

I can't see any folders to choose from, and even when I choose where to download stuff

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Cant Browse UNC Root From XP To 7 After SP1

Mar 15, 2011

If I browse my Windows 7 PC via UNC (\192.168.0.x) on an XP PC I am unable to get a list of shares. If I Directly open \192.168.0.xShareName that will work perfectly.
I have a vista PC on the same network and that can see the root fine. The only thing that I can think of is that SP1 has done something. but not sure why it would only effect showing the list of shares. As a side note in the event log i see the "Software Protection Service" keeps stopping and then starting, I tried googling it but no one seems to know if this is usual behavior to check the licence or if it shouldn't stop.

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