System Prefers Auto-generated IPv6 Address Over Configured One
Mar 20, 2011
I have a number of systems with various flavors of Windows 7 installed - x64, x86, Home Premium, Ultimate, and so on. Some were factory installs, some were installed by me at various times.Although I manually configured an IPv6 address on each system, they all exhibit the problem of using an automatically-generated IPv6 address instead of the one I have configured. This makes it difficult to connect to servers which use IP addresses for access control, as the automatically-generated addresses change on reboot.[code] one which I have hard-coded, an auto-generated one marked "preferred" and another auto-generated one which is not marked "preferred". When I try to access another IPv6 host on the same LAN, the connection comes from the 2430:1432:1:2:60ee:fe68:8697:cf8a address.I've searched for a way to force Windows to use the IPv6 address I configured and I haven't found anything that worked.
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Oct 28, 2012
I've been doing some reading but I still do not understand and so I need someone's help. I did copy and paste my operating system below.I am constantly getting "no site configured at this address" when I try to access Yahoo.I also constantly go to tools, internet options, delete my cookies etc.[code]
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Jun 3, 2011
How can you get rid of auto-configuration IP Address??
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Jul 18, 2011
I have lost the Autofill/autocomplete & spell checker from my Google toolbar. How can I get these back please?
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Jan 2, 2012
Is there any way i can create an auto updated text file of my computer's ip address and have it in dropbox? I'm trying to connect to my computer via a remote connection app on my android - "Xtralogic Remote Desktop" and setting a static IP doesn't work on my router for some reason, i tried and tested it. So i was wondering if i could keep a text file in my dropbox that i could access from my phone that has my ip address of my computer so i can enter it into the app whenever i want to use it via 3G.
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Aug 10, 2011
I have been researching the problem Outlook 2010 has had with NOT remembering email addresses for the Auto complete after the program is shut down and restarted.
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Mar 16, 2012
We set up three new terminals this week at the office; they're all running Win 7 Pro 32-bit. I set them all up simultaneously (literally sat at a desk and entered the same keystrokes at each of them), so I don't see any obvious reason that one is behaving differently from the other two. The essential problem is that the terminal doesn't see the Internet. Here are all the particulars that I think might be interesting, listed in no particular order:
- The terminal ran fine for several hours. Email access, Internet access, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. At that point, the user called me to show me a dialog box. I used System Restore to go back in time to 9 a.m. in case the user had somehow managed to do anything (though she's not an admin).
- IPv6 is disabled.
- The workplace uses Static IPs. The IP address is entered correctly in the IPv4 properties (x.x.x.213), but at cmd / ipconfig, I get this result: "Autoconfiguration IPv4 address:"
- In Network and Sharing Center, the network (which is only known as Unidentified Network) is set to type Public. When I reset it to type Work and reboot, it resets to type Public.
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Jul 8, 2012
These BSODs dont let Windows finish to create a dump you can see in the pictures, it always hangs in the "Initializing disk for crash dump..." and then reboots. Only one time it finished, and it was something related to Ready Boost (which was never used or allowed to be used in the system, so I am considering this as not related to the problem...I already looked for BSODs related to Ready Boost, and it came in no help). So, since the Windows dont make a dump file, I am afraid the dump files collected from your "tool" are not related to this problem. I also believe that the Bluethoot devices listed as problematic in the diagnostic tools are not related to the problem also, since I almost never use any bluethoot device with my PC.After the system reboots from the BSODs it looks like the BIOS is weird, it usually says that "no operational system was detected", so I have to turn off the PC and then wait some time and turn it on again, and usually this makes the BIOS "see" the Windows again (sometimes I have to unplug the power cable and wait until all the LEDs are off). Just a couple of times the messages were different, like "The CPU could not be overclocked" opening another BIOS screen from American Megatrends.
These BSODs usually started just after I opened Firefox is with a little problem at the first start starts to consume 25% of my CPU and hangs...I have to kill the firefox process and then open it back again to use it (the second time it loads fine)...if I didnt I would have gotten an BSOD in just a few seconds. This happened in a few other programs too, but randomly, first the process hangs, then the entire system and then the BSOD cames. Almost all the BSODs had no usefull data on them as you can see in the pictures.But since Firefox is a memory hog and some times I got KERNEL_IN_PAGE_ERROR and KERNEL_IN_MEMORY_ERROR (I dont have that picture I think), I started to believe that the problem may be in the RAM timings, or some other RAM related problem...Now with these new Ram timings I let firefox consume 25% of my CPU, at the first start of firefox, for minutes, and the system doesn't crash anymore. Also the only 2 times Firefox had set an BSOD it came with a message from Windows before, saying that "Instruction 0x123456 (i dont know the number :P) could not be read" and then it crashed explorer.exe and then the computer crashed. As I said, it's more stable, but still not "stable".
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Mar 9, 2011
started when i downloaded some shady looking software off of a shady website got some bsod n my comp was randomly bsod-ing, norton keeps on popping up messages saying they blocked recent attempts to get into my system coming from what are obviously random generated urls (i went to one n norton got all at me) , but these are coming through my web browser, so i deleted all my browser files xept my important bookmarks n stuff and reinstalled Google chrome, but while reinstalling Firefox comp bsod'd halfway through so im not gonna install that google chrome wouldn't load up but i found some hack-ish thing to get it to load although i dont trust these login stuff on this website tried some i forget what its called command prompt input to fix corrupted files n tht may have stifled the bsod problem a bit, BUT i did a freaking full system scan with malwarebytes anti malware (cuz i dont trust norton cuz norton says this virus is trying to attack norton) and it found NOTHING.AND I HAVE HOMEWORK, well i guess i can do hw in safe mode, basically this is a problem tht comes n goes.
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Mar 29, 2012
My mousepointer blinking and shows green spinning circle, this happens when I move mousepoint over desktop or task bar. I opened Task Manager and noticed hundreds explorer.exe processes are running, however only one Windows Explorer icon is displayed in the Task Bar.I guess that some program is always trying to start another instance of Windows Explorer. How can I trace it? How can I find a program (or a service, event, etc) which causing clogging of my computer?
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Sep 9, 2012
I have a 64 bit system on my main drive and a 32 bit system on my secondary hard drive. When I start my computer it asks me which operation system I want to start windows in and I choose 64 bit. My hard drive with the 32 bit system is corrupted and I haven't used it in months so I want to remove it from asking me which system to run. I want the 64 system to automatically start without me needing to choose it.
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Jul 20, 2009
I need to connect to a VPN in order to use my university's exchange email client.Does anybody know if I can define it to connect automatically when my system starts? As it is, I need to manually connect each time (which isn't that difficult, but I rather not having to do it).
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Jan 19, 2012
Upgraded my PC to a windows 7 64bit professional.However, I'm unable to read a xml file generated by accounting software (ACCPAC) stored in my windows NT 2003 server.Error message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
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May 16, 2010
How to Disable Auto System Sounds Leveling in Windows 7 ?
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Jul 2, 2012
Well i thought that turning off the option for auto restart when a system failure occurs would be a good idea so i could see a blue screen of death so i could determine the problem with my computer but it did nothing. My computer still restarts whenever.
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Aug 22, 2012
i want play in GTA iv.but my game is not waking.
i have a i5
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Jul 7, 2012
My internet connection shows 'no internet access' even though my ISP shows the connection is coming into the house just fine. I usually use a router (NetGear-WNR3500U) but I right now I have the Ethernet connection plugged directly into my PC. I tried directly plugging into my laptop and the internet works just fine. So I know the problem resides in the PC.
Some troubleshooting things I have tried.
-Power cycled my modem, router and PC.
-Repinged my connection from my ISP(Comcast Xfinity)
-Used the reset option on the router and the modem
-I was walked through the internet options needed with the tech support from my ISP to make sure DHCP was enabled and every other setting was correct, and he cleared me that all settings were correct.
-Tried ipconfig commands to /renew and /release my IP When I tried ipconfig /renew I get the error 'An error occurred while renewing interface Local Area Connection : unable to contact your DHCP server'
-Restored my PC to a restore point where the Internet was working
All of these options did not work.
What I think the problem is and I am not sure how to fix it, when I run the ipconfig /all command my Auto configuration IPv4 Address shows which I was told is a router IP address even though I am plugged directly from the modem to my PC with an Ethernet cord. So I think that's my problem? But I am not sure.
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Nov 30, 2009
I recently upgraded Windows 7 pro and am running 2 monitors an old 17" Tatung LCD and a 24" Samsung 245BW.
Previously while running XP and XP64 i was able to choose a mode in my nvidia control panel that says configure monitors independenty. this option is no longer available.
What is happening is that when i run a game full screen, my second monitor flickers then adjusts for the resolution of the game that i am playing skewing the view of that screen. when i exit out it reverts to normal.
since i am using extended desktop i believe that it essentially is attempting to force the resolution onto my second screen. previously in xp and xp64, when entering the game at an adjusted resolution, due to the screens being "separately configured" the primary monitor adjusted resolution while the 2nd remained perfect.
I am wondering if there is a way to "configure" these monitors independently or possibly lock or separate my secondary screen from being attacked to my primary screen.
I have tried using ultramon but i could not get it to do what i wished. I may be totally mistaken or blinded by a simple fix, or possibly it may not be a feature availabe in 7. any advice would be extremely helpfull.
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May 14, 2012
I have 3 laptops, was trying to boot from linux distro 32 bit on all of them. The oldest toshiba laptop is a 32 bit and the bootable dvd works! My 2 newer Asus laptops 64bit cant boot the dvd. All of their boot orders have also been configured. Asus even has a BBS option that can let me boot into dvd drive directly. On 1 Asus I only get a blank screen. On the other, no medium detected, cdrom boot priority indicated "boot ready".
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Jun 30, 2011
This is my actual configuration, what you think is it good or bad? should i change it on 2 splitters instead of splitter and divider?
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Aug 16, 2012
I just got some surround sound headphones. When I restart my computer after having set my sound configuration for the headphones to 7.1 (supported by these headphones) the sound configuration will be at 5.1. I don't know what is causing it to keep going to 5.1.When the set up is at 7.1 the two rear speakers are enabled. This might seem small but I play battlefield 3 and being able to better hear enemies who are behind me willter and this is one of the reasons I got the headphones so I definitely prefer these two speakers to work.
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Jun 15, 2011
how to set up my laptop because the internet is disable.and is no even connect a 3G
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Apr 28, 2012
"Computer appears to be configured properly but the device or resource [URL] is not responding". It's not the DNS cause that's all properly set and I've double checked, restarted computer and did a virus scan with security essentials.. came up with nothing. I'm connected to the router, just not the internet and when I go into my router and disable firewall it gets rid of the yellow triangle caution symbol and says internet access.. but I can't do anything..
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Jul 6, 2011
I m trying to connect two PC using IPv6 and i m getting reply to connected but i can't access shared folder it say Network Error Windows can't access.i m tried following Address \fe80::1 So How can i get shared folder Using IPv6..
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Sep 7, 2011
im getting this error im loged in my internet now but on IPV6 network settings it says ipv6 no network access can you help me .also troubleshoot it and it says "your computer does not meet the requirements for direct acess why also when im using internet the conection wents off sometime
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Jul 29, 2012
does PC connect a wifi router faster when a proxy server is configured?
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Dec 14, 2012
your computer appears to be correctly configured but the device or resource ( is not responding.. this is the message I keep getting.. I can connect to facebook on my kindle but my laptop just wont do it.. I can connect to any other site on my laptop just not facebook..
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Dec 6, 2011
I'll try my best to explain all the issues clearly.from very above downto the third line are:IPv4 connection : not connected (Not OK, it wasn't like that)IPv6 connection : not connected (No public IPv6 connection in China, this is OK)Media State: connectedBut as you can see below, network is OK (Yeah, it seems that). The problem is, this ADSL connection is not showed in 'Avtive Networks'.Most online activities are OK, but somw applications like EA Origin are malfunctioned(I'm sure it is because of the problem in network connection)I've tried reset my winsock, LSP, netsh int ipv4,also reinstalled drivers. All above didn'you may wanna have a look at my Network and Share Center. Here it comes.Area 1 shows that there is no active networks except a 'unidentified network'(this refers to Local Area Conncetion. Since I don't neither have a router nor use LAN, that don't matter). When ADSL was OK, I got a active ADSL network there.
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Jun 20, 2012
IPv6 shows No Network Access. Never had this before. WOn't let me log on to my Diablo 2 Battlenet(Yes 2, not 3, yet) No idea why or how it happened. This is a desktop and hooked up by a wire.And now saying No Internet Access!
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Apr 14, 2011
I have a QNAP NAS and several devices (mostly Windows 7 and iOS devices)The vast majority of my networking setup seems OK - however on one Windows 7 laptop I am having problems. The Laptop can 'see' remote shares, access the Internet and ping other devices on the network - however remote devices cannot ping the laptop. Whilst trying to ascertain what could be the cause I thought that I would ping 'localhost' on the laptop - after all, it should be able to see itself!
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Sep 27, 2012
My wifi was working fine a few days ago but i think the windows update has messed up my wifi adapter or connection. I did do a system restore when this happened a few days ago but since the restore is more then 1month old it is no more.So far i have tried the following:restarting/rebooting router,updating/reinstalling drivers,and many other things but nothing seemed to work i dont understand why it is scanning for wifi but on the mapping it says adapter isnt connected.I have shown a few pics to help you:
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