System Configuration Set To Selective Startup?

Jan 26, 2012

I went to check my msconfig today and I noticed my "Startup Selection" was set to "Selective Startup". I certainly do not recall doing this and have been having no problems with my computer so I was wondering if it's meant to be like this? Should I leave it alone or change it back to normal startup?

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Startup And Services In System Configuration?

Mar 11, 2012

my OS is windows 7 just wondering what startup programs i can disable in system configuration and more importantly which ones i shouldnt disable, or does it even matter. i just want to get max performance from my pc. i have attached my startup snapshot. also do all services need to be enabled in sys config.?

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Stuck In Selective Startup?

Sep 4, 2012

I got a new laptop recently (Windows 7 Home Premius SP1), and but there were several dozen updates that wouldn't install. After looking around online a bit, I eventually decided to go to msconfig and change the startup to only boot with windows programs, which solved that particular problem.Now however I can't change it back to normal startup.If I change it back and click apply, then when I go back in the setting is as before. If I just click "okay" and restart with new settings, then it does a selective startup anyway and reverts the settings.

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"System Configuration Cannot Save The Original Boot Configuration For Later Restoration"

Nov 15, 2012

I'm having trouble with my very new computer (Lenovo Y480 with Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit), which I've narrowed down to the following sequence:

1. I restored computer to original factory settings (to rule out possible causes)

2. I ran msconfig, and checked the boxes 'Safe Mode' and 'Networking.' I got the following error message:"System configuration cannot save the original boot configuration for later restoration. Boot changes will be reverted. The system cannot find the file specified"

3. The default boot option disappeared from the boot menu (Windows 7, default OS, current OS).

4. When I restarted my computer, it would not boot and gave me the error 0xc00034, stating that the file BootBCD was missing.

I did not do anything else with my computer after restoring the factory settings, and I did not connect to the internet. I originally encountered the problem when I wanted to try installing Windows updates in safe mode after some of the installations failed. I have replicated the error several times, including after successfully installing all Windows updates.

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Windows 7 64 Bit Update Configuration Freezes On Startup?

May 11, 2011

i got a home built computer with Corsair Dominator DDR3 1600MHz 4GB CL9 Gigabyte GA-MA790GP-UD4H,Socket-AM2+/AM3 GPU is a XFX Radeon HD 5770 1GB GDDR5 AMD Phenom 9850 Black Edition Quad-Core Samsung SpinPoint F1 500GB SATA2, WD CaviarŪ Black 750GB, 3,5", SATA

My PC was woriking fine and got some updates, moste of them installed with no problem at all, but two days ago i started up my computer and it whent strait to, config/update screen and starts at 32% it dosent built up to 32%, it starts there and dose nothing else, same thing happends if i manualy reboot and start it in safe mode.

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Bypass User Account Control In The Startup Configuration File?

Mar 17, 2011

I have two applications that require User Account Control. When I include them in my startup they are not executed.Is the a way to bypass User Account Control in the startup configuration file?

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Windows 7 Randomly Crashes On Startup Or Requires System Repair On Startup

Jan 14, 2011

Ever since I bought my new computer and installed Windows 7 64 bit Pro I have noticed that sometimes when I start my computer the startup locks up or crashes, requiring me to restart or it takes me to the system repair screen and running this process does nothing.

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How To Find System Bit Configuration

Jan 5, 2013

ading hard drives and to be able work and store programs

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Run The Stopped Services In System Configuration?

Aug 6, 2012

I use port forwarding on port 3389 on my home router so I can remote to my PC from wherever I am. I have some concerns about the amount of unauthorized log on attemps that are present in the security section of event viewer on my home PC. Obviously someone is scanning for open ports, and from what I can see none of the attempts were successful at logging in, but I'm wondering what approach I should take to hide the presence of this open port?

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Run The Stopped Services In System Configuration

Aug 13, 2011

I would like to run the stopped services in system configuration

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Backup User And System Files - Reset To Default Configuration

Feb 23, 2009

How to Reset the Backup Files Configuration in Windows 7 ?

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Windows 7 Won't Startup, System Repair And System Restore Failed?

Feb 15, 2013

Living is south FL can be a bitch when the rains come as there often is a ton of accompanying lightening that plays havoc with the electrical system, even though I have surge protectors inside and outside the house. We just had some very heavy rains with lightening and my computer shut down several times, but I could restart it each time...except for the last time when Windows wouldn't startup. At that point, Start Up Repair came into play. Although I routinely backup on an external drive, of course I never did it this month-DUH!Results from SUR were error free (error code=0x0) on all the parameters tested, however there were the following error codes reported:"Unspecified change to the system configuration might have caused the problem." Failed: 0x1fRepair Action: System FilesFailed: x490There were more options to select for a recovery task, but I didn't try them as they didn't seem to be as salient as the two above.

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How To Make A Selective Backup

Jun 15, 2012

When I try to make a selective backup on a plug and play it loads all my files and refuses to let me choose,how do I bring it to heel.Running Windows 7 64 bit on a laptop.

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USB Selective Suspend Not Working?

Oct 27, 2011

well the USB selective suspend option I have set to "never" and it dont care, it turns off the drive all the time

I can sit there and the drive will spin up and then turn off every 30-45 min, it spins up and then spins down pretty fast as if it was just work up by me and then it is going back to sleep - I cant figure out what on my computer is waking it up but I dont care I dont want it to even go to sleep in the first place

I dont want the USB drives to ever, ever, EVER! spin down no matter what I dont care about power useage or drive life, I cant effing stand this, when I boot into Linux no problems at all the drive will stay running for hours at a time but stupid effing Windows dont work

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System Restore Point : Create At System Startup

Feb 27, 2010

How to Automatically Create A System Restore Point at Startup ?

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USB Selective Suspend Won't Stay Disabled

Aug 31, 2012

I just upgraded my HTPC and so built my first Windows 7 PC (never had a need to upgrade from XP, believe it or not). So far I am quite impressed but I am having a number of issues with power management. I'd love some help tying all these together so I'll start at the beginning.I've had the machine running for two weeks now. It's an Intel DH77DF mobo, all the newest drivers on it, fresh from Intel's site. At first I noticed the keyboard would become unresponsive after a while -- not even the lights for caps/num lock would turn on (MS Wired Keyboard 600). So I figured it was shutting off the USB ports and so I went into Device Manager and hit the properties for all USB ports and unchecked allowing Windows to shut them off to save power. I then went to power management and turned it on to maximum performance.

Next morning, I wake up and go to hit the PC to put on some music and the keyboard is unresponsive again. (Aside: I have two keyboards connected, the MS one mentioned earlier and a Logitech diNovo Mini for HTPC stuff. There's also an old MS wired mouse attached (which has never lost power, oddly enough).) I restart to bring the keyboard back around -- because unplugging it and putting it in any USB port won't bring it back -- and when I restart, it takes FOREVER. I'm talking 15-20 minutes (when boot after POST takes like 30 seconds). The restart eventually craps out to a BSOD: power driver state failure, error code 0x9F.So I researched that error and most of the advice seems to come to "run sfc scannow" (done, more than once, no issues) and "update your drivers" (already done). I looked in the event viewer for evidence of that crash but don't think I found anything.

I found a page on a registry entry you can make for disabling selective suspend in USB completely, and I've done that, and it says it's disabled under the advanced settings in power management, but, I peripherals still die. I noticed something during this morning's restart. I had my work laptop on and it's a Mac, and Finder always shows the devices on the network. During the long shutdown that goes to bluescreen, the HTPC is not on the network before restart, comes on to to the network five minutes or so into the long shutdown, hangs out on the network for a few minutes, disappears, and then BSOD about a minute after that. It's not just USB shutting down, I guess (if I had a SATA device I'd test that too).

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Disable USB Selective Suspend Setting?

Aug 4, 2011

Is it possible to command line disable disable USB selective suspend setting? or even regedit it?


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Re-Installed Selective App Configure Restoring

Feb 28, 2011

what Hardware to upgrade my system with. But I got a unrepairable error and had to re-install Windows.Basically, I re-installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64 and then loaded a System Backup Image that wouldn't load in System Restore and I was back to square one, with a nice new registry, that was totally EMPTY. I have ALL my files from the last install, in addition to the Windows.old folder.But what do I do with them? How do I get all the right bits in the right places without totally researching every pre-installed app?Or better yet, is there any software that can help me do this? I'm a graphic artist, so all my 2d/3d design & web developer apps need to have their special configs replaced, or I have a year of configuring down the drain (3DS Max is totally different that stock, for example). Also, theres my "Fallout: New Vegas" and other game saves and my special Web Development Browser plug-ins. Oh, I forgot about all my FTP site logins and passwords.Fortunately, I had installed KeePass the day before the crash (when I made the Backup Image too!), so my other Logins/PWs are intact. I recommend all you guys with lots of passwords to manage get this great app. Just don't match the PW file to your current install's User account. I'd be screwed if I had done so.

I guess most the stuff can just be replaced with new versions and I can tinker with them to get it all as it was.I just couldn't find any threads about this particular subject, beyond the basic "How to Load a System Image Restore Image", etc.I was just wondering if there were any options other than dealing with each software install individually.

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Mouse Scroller Has Selective Working Properties

Feb 24, 2012

I've just bought an Acer Desktop with Windows 7 Pro, my MS mouse scroll wheel works on the internet, but I can't scroll down my Favourites/Bookmarks, nor will it work on saved pics etc. where before the scrolling would zoom in/out. It worked ok on my HP/XP set up.

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Selective Disconnects From Belkin Surf+ Router

May 24, 2011

I have a strange problem I can't get to the bottom of. I have replaced my father's wired modem (he's with in the UK) with a Belkin Surf+ (F7D2301uk) router running firmware version 1.00.16. When he tries to access the network from his Tosh C660 Win 7 Home Premium, 64bit laptop the network connection between the laptop & router disconnects after a minute or so. The only way to reestablish a connection is to Disconnect and Connect again in the Wireless Network section of Networking panel. But here's the weird bit. My own Mac Book keeps connected fine without any problems as does my Sony Ericsson X10 phone.

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Changed My Msconfig To Selective And Can't Get Back To Normal ?

Nov 2, 2011

I tried to disable a couple of startup programs by checking Selective startup and disables some programs on startup. Now my computer is running funny. When I tried to go back into msconfig and check normal (under general tab) and click apply, it won't save and automatically goes back to selective. I've tried running as admin...still can't change it.Tired restore to an early point....what happened? I'm running Windows 7

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Selective Sharing On Network - Read Access To Specific Folders

Sep 4, 2011

I have main PC [office_PC]. On that PC is basically everything. music, pics, videos etc. It is the primary computer but I also have a laptop and a tablet that access that data too. I need/want full access to everything on the office-PC read/write. no problem easily done and I have had no issues currently until today. (64 bit win 7 system)

My daughter saved up and purchased a netbook [Morgan-Netbook] (OS:win 7 starter). I got her on the network and when connected it asked about homegroup so I said yes and now I see her and she sees me. BUT she has full read/write access to everything on the PC. I can access everything I would expect via the homegroup but then under the "network" icon I can see all my shared folders and she has way more access.

I would like her to have read access to pics, videos and specific folders but not necessarily everything else. I have tried adding her as a user in the sharing permissions but my Office PC only wants to see Location as "office-PC" so I cannot choose her from a list to restrict her access specifically. If I limit the access globally then I lose it for me as well. How do I limit access to just her so that she can see the folders we want but she only has READ access?

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"Dynamic Disk Are Not Supported By This Operating System Or Server Configuration"

Aug 11, 2012

i wanna divide the 'C' ,i used the "New simple volume wizard " after pressing finish i got the msg The operation you selected will convert the selected basic disk to dynamic disk. if you convert the disk t dynamic , you will not be able to start installed operating systems from any volume on the disk (except the current boot volume). are you sure ? when i press yes i got error msg "Dynamic disk are not supported by this operating system or server configuration . dynamic disk are not supported on clusters.

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"The Boot Configuration Data Store Could Not Be Opened. The System Cannot Find The File Specified"

Dec 5, 2010

I was messing around with the partition editor in Fedora 14 and accidentally changed the file type on the boot partition. When I go through the startup repair and do the command prompt method, when I enter bcdedit I get the message "The boot configuration data store could not be opened. The system cannot find the file specified"When I do bootrec.exe /fixboot it give me this. "The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded an that the volume is not corrupted" /fixmbr says that it completes successfully btw.

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"Windows Could Not Finish Configuring The System, To Attempt To Resume Configuration, Restart The Computer"

Feb 28, 2012

During a full system restore of my computer i didn't realize it was not charging and left it to finish the restore. Shortly coming back later, it had died so i rebooted it. During the reboot, it did its normal process well restoring," Setup is starting services.", but then during the process when gathering windows data to restore the computer in its final stages, it gives me the message" Windows could not finish configuring the system. To attempt to resume configuration, restart the computer." Shortly after starting my computer, going through the same process, it gives me that message again, and then it repeats, and eventually of course, goes into a circle of completing the same issue.

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After A System Restore Computer Won't Startup

Jan 14, 2013

my computer says windows is starting up, then windows is shutting down.

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Windows 7 Operating System In Startup?

Mar 10, 2011

I've searched the net and this forum but can't seem to find an answer. I'm sure it's probably simple but I've never seen it before when I was using XP.Why is there an entry in Startup titled "Windows Operating System"?I'm loathe to uncheck it, I just don't understand why it would be there?

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Getting An Error Message At System Startup?

Jun 7, 2012

i am getting an error message at system startup ,there was a problem starting msipkb32.dll.

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C++ Runtime Errors On System Startup?

Feb 18, 2011

I run Windows 7 32 bit.Recently I noticed when I start up the computer AVG get's an immediate run time error and I cant' turn it back on Explorer (not internet explorer) is unresponsive. For example I can't even rename a file, it wont' let me

If I alt cntrl delete, I can't click anything, including the task manager. It seems like a problem with explorer, it happens every time I restart the computer and I cannot figure it out. (a little side note, I use rocketdock... completely unresponsive).

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No Startup Menu After System Fix Removal

Dec 29, 2011

after installing Kaspersky pure in my computer, I got rid of the System fix virus but all the missing files or links,I did the uhhide from this forum and claimes back my desktop icons, but my startup menu still shows empty files,I cant seem my microsoft office and others

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VDiskBus Error On System Startup

Dec 10, 2011

Each time I start my system, I get an error in the Event Viewer:

The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: VDiskBus

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