Run Newly Install Applications Without Restart PC?

Oct 12, 2010

Some when we're installing applications they're requesting for "Restart PC before use that Software" (You must restart PC before use this software). So are there any way to run that newly installed application without restart PC or longing-off PC.

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Newly Saved/created Files Missing After Restart?

Sep 10, 2012

I try to search them but nothing is coming up and then I saved/created again but the computer tells me "another file with that name already existed..." but I don't seem them anywhere in the folder.

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Freeze/Restart During Graphic-Intensive Applications?

Jul 15, 2011

I started noticing frequent locks-ups/freezing/restarting/BSOD when my pc runs any game, plays HD vids, and anything that requires the Graphic card to do some work. Sometimes the USB ports just suddenly drop out and stop working.

It only happens when I use something that the FX card needs to run on heavily. If im just browsing the net or working in a document, nothing happens. I see it most when i open "World of Warcraft" for example, its on the highest settings etc, at a random time between 5-60 minutes it will freeze/restart/BSOD. Sometimes i get lucky, but most of the time i will have to hard reboot cuz of a lock-up of the keyboard or mouse.

I dont think its a heating problem because i just removed all the dust and such from my PC about 2 weeks ago, and temp's of the processors look ok. I noticed something else, if i touch the case of my PC at specific spots, i get a bit of a shock from the electricity, i dont know if that has anything to do with it, but it could be PSU related? Im not so sure. Just giving u all the details.

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Install A Second OS On A Newly Installed SSD Drive?

Oct 16, 2010

I have an ASUS G73 laptop and have installed an OCZ 240GB SSD drive. The laptop currently has Windows 7 Home premium 64 on it on the original drive. I would like to install a new Windows 7 Professional 64 version on the new drive and be able to dual boot. I have formatted the new drive and it is recognized in My Computer and I can save files on it.When i tried to install 7 Pro, it would not show the new drive as an option to install on. I tried this by inserting the disc in the DVD drive and by rebooting with the DVD in the drive. I also took the original drive out of it's bay and tried to reboot and could not get it to install. I then moved the new drive to the original drive's bay and rebooted and could not get it to install.When you all finish giggling about all the stuff I went through, could you post a guide on what I can do to get it to install?

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Windows 7 Clean Install On Newly Built Computer

Feb 1, 2012

I have put together a computer, new motherboard, processor, hard drive, everything. Now I'm trying to install Windows 7 from a boot DVD, but obviously have no drivers installed, so my computer doesn't communicate with my monitor. I guess I'm stuck between needing the driver installed, but needing Windows to install the driver? Do I need to install MS-DOS or something first?I have a completely blank hard drive. Trying to install Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit.

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Windows 7 Fresh Install On Newly Built Machine

Apr 29, 2012

I needed to upgrade anyway, so I bought a new motherboard, new SATA HDD and a new copy of Windows 7 Home Premium..I had problems with th initial install, it started hanging three quarters of the way through, I checked online and found that if I disconnected all USB connections it installed fine.Now installed it won't load up correctly, or if it does it crashes almost straight away, it runs fine in safe mode, but I can't use Windows Update in safe mode.Rather than reinstall again.I've got the feeling the problem may relate to the build rather than the software, but wanted to check if anyone had experienced similar problems?

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Crash Of A Newly Install Windows 7 System - Error 0x80041003

Nov 10, 2012

I just had my newly installed Windows 7 32 bit system crash. Here is the error code from the event viewer. Can anyone tell me what I can do to resolve this error?Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected.

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Some Applications Won't Install On Windows 7

Mar 16, 2011

Some applications wont install on Win7 eg; Glary Utilities, Iolo System Mechanic 10.1.2 update,Malwarebytes Anti-malware plus some others i cant remember. As soon as the installation gets to Extracting files the progress bar stops and the entire system freezes neccessitating a hard reboot. Other progams install without a problem?

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64 Bit Applications Does Not Install In Windows 7 (64 Bit)?

Oct 12, 2012

I've a Windows 7 OS and is configured to 64 bit. See status below:C:UsersRatish>echo %programfiles% C:Program FilesSo, I think my OS is running in 64 bit mode itself. I also checked the system configuration and it said 64 bit.But, when I try installing any application with x64 mode, it does not install and throws a message saying this is Win32 m/c. So, though my OS is in 64 bit, it allows only 32 bit applications to work. Any idea how resolve this?

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DVD Drive Stops Responding While Trying To Install Applications

Sep 24, 2012

I use an Asus g50vt., Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Recently I've encountered a problem with my DVD drive. My DVD drive: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-T50L ATA Device. I'm trying to install an application, in this case Guild Wars 2. Things are going smoothly until the installation freezes. If I try to interact with the DVD drive via My Computer, Windows Explorer freezes up and I need to end the process and start it up again. The disk will not eject from the drive. If I try to reboot, it freezes on boot-up and I need to turn the computer completely off and on again for it to work. Once it boots up, it's returned to normal. If I try to reinstall Guild Wars 2, the whole issue repeats itself.

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Create One Installer Which Can Install A Custom List Of Applications

Sep 20, 2011

I'm looking for a software that can create one installer which can install a custom list of applications.

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Why Cannot Install Wireless Network Applications On Asus Eee Pc 1015 Cx

Oct 19, 2012

when i install azurewavewireless on my Eee PC 1015cx, it is showing that your device is ejected or unplugged

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Create A Backup Image Of A Clean Install Of Windows + Certain Applications?

Aug 29, 2011

I'd like to create a backup image of a clean install of Windows + certain applications.My plan is this: Format my SSD that I am currently using. Install fresh windows 7, do all the updates, install a few choice applications, and then get an image of it to use for recovery. I have a few questions on this topic as well:

1. This is probably obvious, but I want to make sure; I can store the image wherever I like, correct? If I am using an SSD for my boot drive, I can image that, and store the image on a regular hard drive, right?

2. How big will the image be? Is it going to be as big as the entire drive that I back up? I cannot imagine how it would go any differently, but I am hoping for some unrealized magic.

3. Do I need to buy the Ghost software? If not, does it make imaging a whole lot easier to make it worth the price tag?

4. How arduous and time consuming is the actual recovery process?

p.s. Something I just thought of. I don't know how I would do the actual backup without an OS to interface with so maybe I could make the image contain everything except the basic install of windows to cut down on space and time. Is this feasible?

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Can't Start Up After Install Restart

Aug 11, 2010

Today I decided to reinstall my windows 7 and did that. But when the install was finished so that i has to restart and continue the setup this happened.
As usual it say 15 seconds until restart then resarts and my computer get stuck on the startup screen (not on windows but in my case the motherboard welocme msg[the very first screen you see with press DEL to enter setup])

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Windows Needs To Install Updates And Restart

Apr 10, 2012

I got the box telling me that "Windows needs to install updates and restart etc.". [code]

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Windows 7 Install Fails On Restart?

Jun 10, 2011

I have put together a new computer and went to install windows. Boot off the cd, everything is fine. New drive (64gb SSD for the OS) so the partitions are the 100mb windows boot partition and the remaining space for the OS, everything is fine. It starts copying and expanding files, everything is fine. Then i get to "Windows needs to restart to complete the install", ok, no problem, computer shuts down and restarts."Windows did not shut down successfully.... I select Start normally.tarting windows, pretty logo,Setup recovered from an unexpected shutdown select on option"... Safe mode, command prompt, "Setup is starting servuices"Then "the computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install windows, click OK to restart the computer and then restart the installation."

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Easy Way To Install Updates And Restart Automatically?

Mar 25, 2012

I am reinstalling Windows rather often, but would like to do this without creating a slipstream DVD. Windows update has this tendency to wait a couple of hours before telling you that it has found an update. Is there a way to launch the updater agent on startup and then restart the computer thus installing the updates and running the agent again? I must say that installing updates is a pain where the sun doesn't shine since you need to watch it in order to reboot and launch the updater 6-7 times on a fresh install.

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Updates Does Not Install / IE 9 - Reverting Changes With Error On Restart

May 29, 2012

I installed windows 7 ultimate 64 bits, I do all updates including sp1, and it appears one last update that is IE 9 but on optional. It seems that it install, when I restart pc windows is installing ok, but when it restarts it started installing and reverting changes with error. I already downloded the file and its is the same. I do reset updates and is the same.

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Windows 7 VGA Driver Install Every Time Restart System

Jul 5, 2011

I have DellGX280 machine ...i have install win7 than install all drivers than restart computer ...again detect vga drive.. every time i restart system the detect vga driver.

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Windows 7 Ultimate Install Stops After First Restart In Custom On New HD

Jul 29, 2012

New HD in Dell Studio laptop, partitioned. Have tried valid/new DVD installing Windows 7 ultimate, custom, for clean install on clean drive. Gets through first 4 steps in install to first restart/reboot while in "completing installation" mode, and quits to black screen, no blinking cursor. Have reformatted partitioned drive to remove old Windows 7 efforts, but still no change. If I do Ctrl-alt-del, I get windows boot manager with 5 copies of Win 7 available. Advanced option f8 offers nothing. Memory diagnostics fine. Selecting any one of these Win 7 goes to blank screen, no cursor.

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ASUS M4A89GTD Raid 0 Windows 7 Install Restart

Sep 26, 2011

So I just recently decided to do a RAID 0 configuration on my ASUS M4A89GTD with two 1 tb drives. I first set the Raid controller to the raid 0 setting and added my two drives. The raid manager reported back the raid 0 drive was healthy and working fine.

I proceeded to go through with a fresh windows 7, 64-bit install. The install goes fine but when the computer boots up to load windows 7, it hits a blue screen and instantly restarts. Over and over again.

I think I tracked down the issue to a rogue registry entry. Apparently there is an entry called iaStorV that causes the drivers.sys file to not load the drivers correctly, causing a blue screen error.

Things ive tried: Using ubuntu off a cd. Didn't work because the chntpw doesn't know how to mount a raid 0 drive Regedit bootloading programs, dont work because they dont know how to deal with a raid drive Regedit in the system restore command prompt. Doesn't work because it's version doesn't match windows 7

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Getting A Restart Message Upon Booting While Trying To Install A Legitimate Copy Of Windows 7?

Mar 10, 2011

I keep getting a restart message upon booting while trying to install a legitimate copy of windows 7 64 bit on an HP Pavillion a6130n. This is a clean install on a reformatted drive.I have added memory and thats about it

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Newly Built PC Resets Itself?

Jan 11, 2013

I have recently built myself a PC (Windows 7, i5) and it's running fine except for one problem. Every now and again, when I've been away from it, I find that it's reset itself. I don't think it's overheating as the machine has two extra case fans and the temps seem fine.How should I go about starting to investigate this as it has never reset itself while I've been there.

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First BSOD On Newly Built Computer?

Jul 5, 2011

i built this computer on june 23rd, had zero issues. i oc'd it to 4.5ghz on the 25th, have been playing crysis 1, and nfs undercover with no issues. i've run both at the same time while running prime95, and having core temp up, averaging 53c.


listed above is all of my components.the crash happened while i was transferring files from my slave drive to my external cousin was using the computer, watching a video on Internet.the dump file is attached to this thread, i'd analyze it myself, but i haven't the slightest clue how.the bsod error said: stop 0x00000124

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Newly Repaired PC Won't Boot Windows 7

Dec 4, 2011

I recently had a Gateway LX6810 repaired. The system board, NVidia card and power supply were replaced. It is a 64bit machine. I downloaded a new version of Windows 7 from Microsoft to another PC, then copied each of the 3 files to CD. The Gateway does go through the normal boot process and the drive priority is DVD as first boot. When The drive spins all I get is the white cursor in the upper left corner.

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Random BSODs On Newly Repaired Pc

May 7, 2011

I've just gotten my pc back after basicly everything got replaced, due to being in a building where there was a fire. Since it came back, I've started to have BSOD issues, which pop up randomly while playing games or doing other things. I already ran a Memtest overnight. It ran for 10 hours and came out with 0 errors.I've tried to attach everything stated in the Post New Thread-thread. If I missed anything, please let me know.

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BSOD On A Newly Built Machine

Nov 4, 2011

I just put together this computer on the 2nd and since then I've blue screened 9 times. I've done some research and all the drivers are up to date, to the best of my knowledge, and I have installed all the updates from Windows Updates? I'm not sure what to try next.I downloaded the 'SF Diag Tool' and have attached both the minidump and the system information.

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Newly Downloaded Programs Don't Appear On Desktop?

Aug 18, 2010

So for example, I download the file ''File.rar'', download completes, but its not on the desktop.

To make it appear, I have to refresh (Right click > Refresh). Does anyone know how to make it so that they just appear on my desktop without having to refresh?

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Encountering This On A Newly Reformatted Windows 7 PC

Mar 11, 2012

I would like to consult here this problems which I have been encountering lately.Firstly, here's my PC specs:

cpu: Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 2.93ghz
ram: 2x2gb Kingston ddr2 800mhz (newly bought)
gpu: Radeon hd 6570 1gb ddr3 (newly bought)
psu: generic 600w (newly bought)
hdd: Seagate 1TB - os installed here (newly bought)
Seagate 2TB - (as backup for files)

I successfully installed windows 7, after that I installed first an anti virus, I was a previous ESET user, but upon looking at reviews I settled with Comodo Internet security. I then installed Tuneup Utilities 2012, then other various programs, firefox,Idm, my huge archive of old games.I noticed that there would appear on the screen some distortions/blurry lines/runny lines from time to time. If I would try to reset the settings on the monitor itself, the lines would either get worse or simply reduce. I also tried to change the resolution in the AMD Catalyst control manager, and in the screen resolution setting, but it doesn't permanently solve my problem. I tried changing the refresh rate, but to no avail. What's also wierd is that these "lines/distortions" only appear when I am on the desktop and doing simple tasks like browsing the web, playing windowed games like scrabble, pinball, etc. but whenever I would play full games like Stronghold, Red Alert 3, Need for Speed, etc. there seems to be no signs of the lines or distortions that are occurring. Sometimes these lines/distortions would occur on the borderlines of a window, sometimes on a specific side of the screen.. right now as I'm writing this there seems to be no distortions, (current setting is 60hz refresh rate) but when I change it to 75, the distortions would appear again.What seems to be the problem? Hardware or software?The video card has updated drivers, I tried doing system restores, I tried uninstalling the gpu driver and reinstalling again, removing the vga cord,(I can't reformat again since my dvd drive's condition is getting worse, I was only lucky that my Windows 7 install was successful.)

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Newly Installed Freezes At Startup

Nov 19, 2009

I just installed Windows 7 yesterday from Vista (I got a CD through the upgrade because I got a new computer) and the install went fine. It worked for about 4 hours perfectly, but suddenly it just froze. I couldn't do anything with the mouse or keyboard. After manually shutting it off (power button) I can turn it back on, it loads the desktop and I am able to move the mouse for a few seconds, then it freezes.

I've tried booting in Safe Mode (what I'm in right now) and removing all the startup programs, and that didn't help. So now I've come for help.

Current Operating System, pre-install

•Do you have a single OS on your computer, are you planning on multi-booting with this installation? Just 7 right now. I'm planning to do Ubuntu once I get 7 working.

•Are you multi-booting now? No.

Current Hardware

•How many internal hard drives (HD) are connected to your system? 1 250 GB drive.

•Are they IDE or SATA? I don't know. Probably whichever one's worse.

•How many DVD drives are connected to your system? 1

•Are they IDE or SATA Drives? I don't know.

•Any external HDs used? No.

•Are they connected by USB or eSATA? N/A

•Check Disk Management for any HDs listed with a yellow triangle and explanation point? No

•Is this a New Clean HD? No

• Have you pre-formatted the HD? What?

Windows 7 installation details

•Build 7600, Home Premium, 32 bit, from a DVD/CD upgrade disk.


•Any Over Clocking of the RAM, CPU or GPU? No.

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No Sound In Newly Installed Windows 7 Hp?

Aug 9, 2012

like the title says just installed but no sound at all and my speakers are plugged in , also checked for driver updates it said nothing needs to be updated..

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