Repartition Hard Drive / Combine Partitions

Oct 22, 2011

I have a desktop PC with confused partitions (see image below).

1) C: 62.50 GB NTFS (3 GB free speace, about 2%, that's a problem)
2) 8 MB unallocated
3) "Add to C2" 66 MB NTFS
4) 39.97 GB Free space
5) D: "Data" 195.54 GB NTFS

I'd like to combine 1, 2, 3, and 4 into one partition. And then repartition in a way that allows me to install Linux (two ext3 partitions? one for swap disk?).How can I do that? Is that complicated with GParted?

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How To Repartition The Hard Drive

Nov 27, 2012

I have never created a partition in my hard drive before. It's full of corrupt files now and too small, so I'd like to undo the mess and repartition if possible. My Acer system is Win7 Premium 64 bit.

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How Many Partitions Are Best For 500 Gb Hard Drive

Apr 3, 2012

how many partions are better for 500 gb hard drive

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Drive Icon Missing For Partitions On Hard Drive?

Mar 14, 2011

I just started having an issue on a clean install of Windows 7 SP1 build 7601.The icons for the W & Z partitions is suddenly showing as a broken link.I have tried right clicking on each partition > properties > customize > restore default folder picture and there is no change for either to update the icon.

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Installed New SSD Boot Drive, Want To Repartition Existing Drive

Mar 23, 2012

I have a partition question and after scouring the Web, can't find anyone with the exact same situation as mine. Basically what I'm wondering is if I can delete a primary partition and then extend another, non primary into that space.

Here's what I have and why I want to do this: my laptop came from the factory with one 500GB SATA drive, split into two partitions (C, primary, and D, logical, each 250GB). The Win7 install was on the C drive. Recently, I installed a 120GB SSD as a second drive, and using the tools with it, copied the contents of my existing C partition to the new SSD, and then made the SSD the boot drive labeled as the C drive. So far so good, everything works fine.

Now, what I'm left with is this: C: 120GB (SSD, now the boot drive with the Win7 install) D: 250GB (SATA, the original D partition, Disk Management IDs it as a logical drive, extended partition) E: 250GB (SATA, the original C partition, Disk Management IDs it as a primary partition)

So, I have the original "C drive" on E now... it's no longer the system/boot drive. Obviously I don't need the files on it as they are all on the new SSD. What I want to do is to delete all those files and then combine what's on D and E into one 500GB D drive as I have no reason to have the two partitions. Is it possible to just delete the E partition and then extend the D partition into the unallocated space? I'm confused because it seems as though the D partition may rely on the E partition being there since the E drive IDs as primary. Or would the D partition become primary?

I know I could just back up the D partition to an external drive, delete both D and E partitions, and reformat as one new D and restore the files, but I don't want to create more work for myself if I don't have to. Obviously I don't want to mess up the files on the D drive though, which is why I'm asking.

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Deleted Partitions On Hard Drive

Oct 30, 2012

Okay, so I go to do a fresh install of Windows 7 on my machine as I have sveral times. I booted from the Win 7 cd and it came to the hard drive selection page. Here's where the trouble started. I have two identical 2TB hard drives and a 3TB drive in my machine. My gut told me to unhook my 2TB drive that I use for photos and music, the other 2TB is my data (C) drive. I said to myself, "Self, you have done this so many times, no problem". Well, problem. It deleted the partitions on my data drive. It never formatted the drive though. After the first reboot, my (C) drive booted and I knew that I was in a heap of trouble.

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Windows 7 On Two Different Partitions Same Hard Drive?

Jul 25, 2010

I had installed Windows 7 on one partition and it went bad for some unknow reason so I created another clean partion and installed win 7 on it. I also added partion for music, pictures, etc. Now the question is how do I get rid of the first version since it was giving me the BSOD. It boots as though I have dual boot but the second one listed it the one I would like to get rid of leaving user files intact.

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One Of Hard Drive Partitions Is Not Visible

Feb 25, 2010

When upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 , one of my partitions is not visible. This stores lot of photo-shop tutorials , songs , videos and ebooks.

Will I ever be able to get them back ?

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Windows 7 Is Not Detecting Other Partitions On Same Hard Drive

Jan 13, 2009

I installed Windows 7 64-bit on my computer which has only 1 hard drive (640GB). I partitioned it using XP to have 4 partitions: 1) XP Partition 2) Linux Partition 3) Linux Swap 4) Windows 7.The problem is Windows 7 cannot detect any partition besides it's own partition, so I cannot access any of my data from the other partitions (XP and ubuntu --- I don't care about ubuntu but I need the data on the XP partition). I know the other partitions exist since I can access XP still, and I believe XP can detect all 4 partitions.I went to start->menu then searched for partition and selected "Create and format hard disk partitions" and it actually detected all the partitions. The problem was the other partitions did not have drive letters associated with them.So I just right clicked and changed the drive letters.

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Hard Drive Partitions - Disk Managment

Dec 3, 2009

I have just installed Windows 7 on a new hard drive.

If i click on My Computer i see a C drive (Windows 7) with just the one partition as i expected.

But if i right click on My Computer and go to manage then go to disk managment is see that the hard drive with Windows 7 on has two partitions one called System Reserved and is 100Mb and then the C Drive with Windows 7 on.

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Backup Entire Hard Drive Including Partitions

Nov 25, 2012

i just bought a new computer running windows 7 home edition. my question is, can windows 7 make an entire image of my hard drive including (and this important) the recovery partition? If It can can anyone please tell me how. i need to have a complete backup of my hard drive in case of hard drive failure.

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Resizing Partitions On Hard Drive Using Disk Management.

Sep 2, 2012

There was originally just one HDD and I wanted all my "Media" to be in one partition and then Programme Files etc. in another (being C). This was just so that I could copy the entire 'Drive' I had created making moving videos and photos around easier.So I used the built in disk partition manager and created some unallocated space, then called that space Drive (A) - But now that (A) drive is full and I want to add an additional 40Gb to it from the original C, but I the "Extend Volume" option is greyed out on the (A) drive even with the 40Gb as Unallocated.

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How To Hide Other Partitions Of Hard Drive From Users / Guests

Dec 12, 2012

I dont mind C: being exposed but I'd like my data to be accessed only by me. D: is where I have some data. D: and C: are the same physical disk. E: and F: are USB Storage drives and also have my data. How can I do this?

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Unpartition A Samsung N150 Hard Drive Into Maybe 1 Or Two Partitions?

Jan 31, 2013

I have a friends Samsung n150 i have just formatted the hard drive partitions with killdisc. I would like to make the hard drive have just one partition maybe two. It is currently split up into 3 or 4 partitions. Is there software i can put onto a flash stick to do this ? Or how would i go about doing this ?Reason being is because i dont want to put windows 7 onto the first partition and have loads of memory left in another partition not being used.

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How To Get Data Back From A Formatted Hard Drive With New Partitions

Feb 2, 2013

How to get data back from a formatted hard drive with new partitions

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Combine SSD Drive And SD Card Into One Partition

Oct 31, 2012

My Lenovo X1 carbon will be here soon and it has a 128GB SSD drive. It also have a SD card slot. If I bought a 128GB SD card would it be possible to create one partition across both drives, a la, Apples new Fusion drive?

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How To Reformat, Repartition Etc For Reinstalling Windows 7

Jun 2, 2011

I have been able to do this, but it's been years and I forget.I used Partition Wizard 6.0 the last few times, but need some guidance now. So, I have:- A used machine I want to wipe clean and then start from scratch, eventuallyallowing it to boot from the Windows 7 installation disk.- Umpteen utilities besides Partition Wizard- A keen desire to have this happen while I'm still young(after trying some tips at another forum I thought I'd post here because):the laptop still will not boot from a known, good, Windows 7 installation disk, instead returning an error code: "CD BOOT: Cannot boot from CD - code 5".Granted, it is not a CD I try to boot from but a DVD, but I suppose that code covers both media. I would have my work cut out from me if I tried to cram 3 650 432 KB onto a CD, wouldn't I?The PC boots fine, however, from Hiren's Boot CD (Mini XP thereon runs fine, for what that's worth), GParted, and some other utility disks like those that I have.Where do I go from here? Am I destined to forever use this potentionally fine machine to play Solitaire off Hiren's Mini XP? Puhleeze - say it isn't so!PS: I tried some suggested leads at, but as usual got bogged down somewhere on the 2'nd or 3'rd page of the preamble to the actual solution to the problem at hand, and fell in a deep, nigthmare-ridden sleep from which I just awoke after 5 hours

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Can't Rename Hard Disk Partitions Labels?

Sep 4, 2010

Partitions labels in Windows Explorer are different than Disk Management ! When I Rename any Partition labels nothing Change !

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Hard Disk Locked - Do Not Create Partitions, Format Etc

Dec 6, 2012

I'm here with 8 hd's all blocked, formats need them but I'm not getting or creating a partition because they are blocked, HDD Unlock saw the program but is expensive and is paid

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External Hard Drives Partitions Are Hidden In Windows 7

Jul 29, 2011

My external hard drives partitions are hidden in windows 7

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Clone Hard Drive To 64gb Flash Drive And Restore To Another Hard Drive?

Nov 14, 2012

I have a hard drive I want to backup to a 64gb flash drive and then restore it to another different hard drive than where it came from. I have windows 7 and office on my laptop and I want it on my desktop pc. There isn't close to 64gb of info on my laptop so it should be fine even though the hard drive says I have 160gb. It is all free space except for those programs.

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Cannot Copy / Backup To Or Encrypt Partitions On External Hard Drives

Dec 9, 2011

I have Asus N55SF laptop, with Windows 7 SP1 64 bit. Also, I have 2 external hard drives. One with USB 3.0, and one USB 2.0. Following problems, I am going to describe below, happen to the both of them. Just to mention, external drives are tested on desktop computer and following problems do not happen.

Let me now describe what happens when I try certain actions:
- When I try to copy large files (10 or more GB) I get an error that destination is no longer visible. External drives disappear from My Computer and I can't do safe remove. But when I copy files using programs FastCopy or TeraCopy everything copies well and drives do not disappear.
- When I try to do Windows Backup and encrypt them using BitLocker drives also disappear, and are not visible within OS.

There is a difference between external hard with USB 3.0 port and the one with 2.0 port:
- When one with 3.0 disappears after described actions I can't see it from Device Manager, I can see it only after windows reboot. USB 3.0 disk connects to one USB 3.0 port on laptop.
- When one with 2.0 port disappears I can see it from Device Manager, and I only have to unplug it, and plug it in again to see it. USB 2.0 disk connects to 2 USB 2.0 ports on laptop.

Common to both disks is that when then disappear from My computer the diode on the external disk cases are still flashing, what probably means that they have some power. Both disk are formated to NTFS, and Allocation unit size is set to: Default. Their removal policy is set to: Better performance (default). On laptop I only have Windows, Office and Asus drivers. Antivirus is: MSE.

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Restore Default Security Permissions For The Hard Disk Partitions?

Jul 12, 2010

I have changed the permissions for the access of files and folders in the security tab of given in the properties of the Hard Disk Partition.Now I other users of the same computer cannot access the drive or make changes there. I tried hard to solve the problem but the output is "Access Denied". Any way to make this permissions to its default(or The normal state which it was). My OS is Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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Upgrading Hard Drive On A Solid State/Hard Drive System?

Oct 25, 2011

So, I have a i7 2600K system with a solid state disk as the boot drive, and an older (c2008) Samsung Spinpoint F3 500GB drive as the data drive for programs (that I deem as not worthy of the quick load times). The hard drive has given me some errors over time, and I bought a hard disk to replace it (a Hitachi 1TB). The issue I'm having is that the fact that Windows 7 puts a small (100MB) partition on the F3, and for some reason, even though I'm running Acronis 2012, it doesn't seem to be able to clone the F3 over to the Hitachi. I've also tried Drive XML, and for my 2 hour wait, I only managed to acquire a boot error. Thankfully, I've not done anything rash to destroy the data on the F3, but given the fact that I've seen corrupted files in Steam from that drive, I'm not will to trust it long term with my data. I really need to get the data onto that Hitachi, though... Anyone have any advice for upgrading the HDD in a SSD/HDD system? I don't really feel like it should be so hard, especially if I've bought Acronis True Image, but maybe they haven't designed their product to handle this scenario quite yet? 

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Created Two Partitions On 1TB Drive - How To Resize Again

May 1, 2012

I am running W7 pro 64-bit. I have just installed a 1TB drive from another machine, which already had some onfo on it which I wanted to keep. I shrank the disk- using Disk Management- to create 2 partitions. Is it possible to un-shrink the disk?

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Changing Drive Letters - Four Partitions

Oct 31, 2009

I have two HDs; on the first one (80 GBs), I have four partitions, with XP on C: (and this is the boot drive), then D:, E:, and finally Vista on F:. I have another HD, a 1 TB one, which I use for storage, and I have made a lot of partitions on it, generally about 100 GB each. When I ran the setup for 7, I selected a partition on the second drive which was labelled S:. After 7 installed, and I opened My Computer, I saw that everything was messed up, and 7 was now on C:.

I know it doesn't mean it is physically on C:, it is still on the same partition of the second HD where I installed it, but it shows its partition as C:. I used Computer Management to change most of the drive letters so that they appear as they do in XP, but every time I try to change the drive letter of 7 from C: to S:, it gives an error, something about not allowed to change drive letter of system disk which has the pagefile.

So is it at all possible to force change the drive letters so that 7 is shown on S: and XP on C:. I opened C: (the 7 installation) and found many text files in system folders and program files which point to locations on C:, so if I force a change from C: to S:, what happens to all of these - do they automatically change their paths to S:, or does the whole thing just go phut!

I had the same problem when I installed Vista, but I didn't use it all that much, and so I didn't do anything about it, but I like 7, and unlike Vista which everyone said was an intermediate product until the next version came out, 7 is here to stay. I am ready to do another clean install if there is any way around this problem.

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Deleting Partitions, Format The Whole Drive

Jul 3, 2009

Ok, I have my WD 160GB Vraptor partition and dual booting Vista & Win 7 ultimate x64. Disk 0

My 750GB Samsung used to be my old XP + Vista dual booting and it is partitioned as such. Disk 1

I have finished transfering all the pertinent data to my USB WD 320Gb Passport so now I want to format the whole drive and leave it as Back-Up for Data, Videos & Music + the ocassional game that doesn't fit on my Primary drive.

Here's the kicker, I am new to Vista & 7, if I remember correctly, in XP I used to go to Disk managment, select the disk and tell it to format it and it was done (I never did this often so I could be confused).

At any rate, the choices I get with Win 7 are:

If I right click on Disk 1, my only choices are, Convert to Dynamic Disk or Offline Right clicking on either of the other Disk 1 partitions gives me more choices. Format, Shrink or Delete volume My issue is that I do not want to have 2 more partitions but a full drive. I am sure that one of those options is the one I may need but I just don't know which one to choose and I really hate to work twice (if not more) to get to where I want to go.

any help tips or directions you guy may want to throw my way?

P.S.: I think I am over thiking this and as soon as I delete the volume, the partitions will go away and I am going to end where I want but I just like to be sure.

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Remove Partitions From Second Internal Drive?

Oct 14, 2012

Have two internal hard drives.Thought would be good to partition them for organization.Have found that this slows Lightroom down.Can I unpartition without changing or losing any of the the files?

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How To Clone And Copy Over Windows Partitions Onto A SSD Drive

Nov 22, 2010

I have been lurking around and posting several threads over the last few weeks regarding how to clone and copy over my windows partitions onto a SSD drive.I feel a little overwhelmed with it all can I just confirm if I can do the following as well? The following is based on me thinking that it might be best to clone the Windows 7 partition first onto the whole drive and then shrink the resulting C partition to define additional partitions for the rest - owing to my dual boot set-up.

1. Align the SSD
2. Make a System Image and create Restore Disk of my C and D Drives.
3. Back-Up the files.Place the SSD into the compartment and power up.
4. Clean Install Windows 7 REM
5. Then apply the System Repair and Install the saved System Image which will identically place the C and D drives on the SSD
6. Then take out partition software and create an ext4 partition for linux (since I have and would like to continue with a dual boot).

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Unable To Rename The Drive (partitions) Names

Dec 5, 2009

When i installed is version of win7 ie,Tiny7 Rev01 By experience. After that i tried to rename the drives(partitions) in 'My Computer' the first one ie,C: got renamed but the others r not. When i right clicking the a drive suppose D: & click to rename the edit cursor comes but after clicking OK it stays as 'LOCAL DISK D', but earlier when i installed this same version there was no such problem.

Anyone has any fix? If yes then plzzzz help me guys. Waiting for your response desperatly..

EDIT: One info i forgot to write here ie,I have A dual boot..i have XP installed in a other partition ie,C:..When i rename any partition while logged in win7 it not get renamed as i said but after that if i restart & log in XP then that specific partition which i renamed i win7 shows in XP..Eg:Suppose i renamed the C: as Master in stays as local disk as in the sc above...but after that when log in Xp the C: shows as Master...&& in Xp everything is normal..

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Computer Is Not Booting Hard Drive/Unresponsive Hard Drive?

Jun 16, 2011

I have a HP Touchsmart IQ500. Turning my computer PC on today, all I got was a blue HP invent screen with setup, boot menu, system recovery, and system diagnosis, and I could not get past it. I entered the BIOS and figured out that the hard drive was listed as "not installed." Pretty sure that is the main problem.I tried a system restore (with the Windows 7 install disc), but I guess the computer couldn't read the hard drive enough to enter safe mode (I tried restarting and F8ing several times). I put in an external hard drive, and the BIOS read it; however, windows does not allow you to partition an OS on a hard drive.

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