Raid-1 Drive Pull Out To Transfer And Reformat

Jan 3, 2013


I have a pair of mirrored RAID-1 drives (these have been removed and sitting as is for about 6months or so)

There is no important data on this that im concerned about preserving.

What i want to do is reformat them into 2 separate single storage HDD'safter installing them into my new system. or will it mess up my new system?

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RAID File After Reformat

Feb 16, 2013

I am about to reformat my hard drive, long story as to why, but I am starting from scratch. I know how to install windows, drivers etc. but one thing I am not sure about is configuring the RAID, as I wasn't the one who did it when we installed everything the first time. I am assunming that when I reformat the hard drive that the RAID will need to be reconfigured? I have RAID 5 with three hard drives, each 500 GB. I have a program called Intel Rapid Storage Technology that "manages" the hard drives,but if I am correct I have to set up RAID before installing windows. Can anyone point me to a how-to page or explain how to configure the RAID the same way I currently have it? Or will the RAID not be affected?

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Reformat A Former Boot Drive?

Apr 14, 2011

I recently purchased a new laptop - Toshiba R835 P50x - and replaced the 640gb 5400rpm drive with a 120gb ssd(Kingston v100). I cloned the 640gb, 3 partition(2 hidden) drive to the SSD(all 3 paritions) and replaced it in the laptop and everything is working just fine I now have the original drive in a usb external enclosure and would like to use it for an external back-up drive.What the best(and easiest) method reformatting that drive to eliminate the hidden partitions, and give me just one?

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How Do I Reformat The External Hard Drive ?

Nov 28, 2009

Should i flash my bios to get rid of infection

how do i reformat the external hard drive

or what tools can i use.

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How To Reformat Drive C With Existing Windows 7

May 8, 2011

how to reformat my drive c with existing Windows 7 and reinstall Windows 7 again?

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How To Reformat Drive C With Existing Windows 7

Nov 25, 2012

My HP mini laptop has been distructed its program and the Swedish keyboard and word program turn up side down...I want to reboot or reformat so it will be in its normal program.

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Mac Formatted Hard Drive To Reformat To Windows 7?

Oct 25, 2012

I have a problem for a Mac formatted WD My Passport external drive. PC recognizes the WD Smartware part of the disk but not the data. I want to reformat the whole drive to Windows 7, but I can't see any options to do that.

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Clean Install Windows 7 - Cannot Reformat Drive

Aug 23, 2012

I'm trying to do a clean reinstall, but I can't reformat the drive. I don't get very far, menu 'where do you want to install window', which is supposed to have a Format option, it doesn't!

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Reformat External Hard Drive With Operating System

Nov 13, 2011

I have a hard drive I recovered from my old Dell laptop when the motherboard gave out. Originally, I just put it in an external hard case and have been using it as external storage. Now it is getting filled up, so I would like to reformat it to remove the OS partition (Vista) to give me access to the entire drive. I have removed and baked up all my files, but cannot find a way to repartition the drive to remove the OS volume. Disk manager will not let me access that volume to delete it - nor will diskpart. In fact, only the non-OS volume even shows up with a drive letter in diskpart.

I have searched the web but have only been able to find info on how to reformat the main hard drive...and this is definitely NOT what I want to do.

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How To Reformat Hard Drive After Transferring Windows 7 License

Jun 21, 2012

I've ordered new parts for a new computer and I read that I could transfer the license being used on this (current) computer to the new one because I have the full version of Windows not the OEM. I plan on (if possible) transfering my windows 7 license to the new computer/SSD and use this old hard drive for storage/backup. But I'm a little confused/unsure about a few things: 1. Do I install Windows 7 and activate it on the new computer/SSD first and then remove Windows 7 from the old hard drive? Or do I have to remove it from the old computer before attempting to install on the new one, 2. How do I remove Windows from the old drive? I haven't reformatted before but from what I've read from guides, I use the windows CD to reformat, but it reinstalls a clean version of Windows. How would I clean the old drive without reinstalling Windows?

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How To Open Files From External Hard Drive After Reformat

Sep 16, 2012

Just recently i had to reformat my computer, i had some pretty personal documents where i placed in a password protected folder. I forgot exactly how i password protected it but to access the file i would click on a file called locker, and a black screen would open up, i would type in the password push enter and the file would appear, then to lock it i just open locker again and push "y".

I had to reformat my computer so copied all the contents that was inside the folder (and not the locker) onto a hard drive and reformmated my computer, however, now i cannot access these files. I can see them but they all say access denied due to permission rights.

I've followed all the security changes ive found and made myself the owner, set security settings to full control etc however, still cannot access these files. They are really important and was wondering if there was a way i can access them again or is there any programs that can unlock them? Ive tried all the programs similar to |unlocker"

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How To Pull Up Word Files

Oct 31, 2012

how do i pull up a list of word files saved, all of them?

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How To Pull Up Word Files

Oct 31, 2012

how do i pull up a list of word files saved, all of them?

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Add Pull-down Menus On The Quick Launch Bar?

Aug 4, 2012

I still use the quick launch bar in Win 7 and I'm wondering something: is there a way to make a folder on that bar appear as a pull-down (or, pull-up) menu?I mean similar to the way Chrome allows you to make a folder on your bookmarks bar, in that clicking it brings a pull-down list of those bookmarksSo in this case, I'd like to click a "games" folder on my quick launch bar, and have it open a menu similarly, rather than just open a folder of links.

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Low Disk Space, Can Transfer Data On D Drive To An External Hard Drive

Nov 13, 2012

Low disk space, Can transfer data on D drive to an external hard drive

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Windows 7 - When I Pull The Document Back Up, The Photos Won't Open?

Jul 16, 2010

I recently went from Windows XP to Windows 7.I installed my Microsoft Publisher 2007 program on the computer.I can design my documents with jpeg and save them but when I pull the document back up, the photos won't open.I keeps giving me a message about photo gallery.

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Single Drive To Raid 0 ?

Sep 28, 2009

I recently built a computer with only one drive, I was wondering if it is possible to install another one and have them runing on raid 0 or do you suggest another type of raid maybe with 3 drives.

I have an asus mobo p5q3 so I can use Drive Xpert technology but a lot of reviews says that the speed of the drives is split in two when using these 2 sata connection (white and orange).

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Possible To Set Up A RAID 0 With Current Drive

May 30, 2011

I just purchased a new 10,000 RPM VelociRaptor drive and I'm going to use it as my OS drive. Is it possible to set up a RAID 0 with my current drive (hitachi 1TB 7200RPM) without having to format it?

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RAID 1 On Windows C Drive

Oct 27, 2012

I am doing a quick windows build here on a couple of computers and want to RAID 1 the windows C drive. The motherboard i got for them does not support RAID (I kinda figured it would). So now i was thinking of just doing a software RAID in windows. I got the C drive to mirror each other in disk management but the issue seems to be booting. When the computer starts it asks which hard drive i want to boot from and when i simulate hard drive failure the boot manager doesn't come up at all and i am stuck with the no boot device error. My guessing is that there is something on the 100MB system partition that isn't copying over.

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Internet Explorer/Firefox Won't Pull A Page After Windows 7 Updates

Nov 17, 2011

I just installed the mandatory Windows 7 system updates in early November and now my IE and Firefox cannot pull a page on any site. I have turned off my personal software firewall and reconfigured my router. My wireless devices work perfectly but my desktop does not want to work. The network icon states that the Internet is connected but won't access it.

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Running Office 2007 - Why Does Power Point Not Pull Up On Windows 7

Apr 20, 2012

I am running Windows 7 system. I have installed Office 2007 but cannot open power point emails.

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Backup RAID / Recover To New Drive

Jan 5, 2013

until recently I had an XP PC with a single main OS IDE HD. To backup I performed monthly an Acronis clone to an identical 2nd IDE HD that I bought for this purpose. Easy.
Now I have a Windows 7 PC with two identical SSD's in RAID0 as main OS drive and a 2nd internal HD. I would like to perform a backup of this system so that I can later restore it to any HD configuration I choose (for example a single SSD, or a single HD, etc). Is this possible or the restore will need to be done to the same original configuration (two SSD's in RAID0+2nd int HD)? What would be the simplest software that will accomplish this?

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Re-install Of Windows 7 With RAID 0 Drive

Nov 20, 2010

My PC is currently using a single RAID 0 drive that contains my Windows install and all my data in a single partition C: (I'm well backed up so happy with the risk of RAID0)

The RAID0 drive is setup by my motherboard controller so Windows just sees the one drive.

I am thinking of adding an separate drive for windows, hopefully an SSD. I would like to do a fresh install of Windows 7 on the new disk then rename the old RAID0 drive to something different such as D: . Then reorganise it into just a data disk.

My question is.. will the new Windows 7 installation just see the old RAID0 disk as another disk? I know this would work witha normal disk, but does RAID0 transfer over to a new installation ok?

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Possible To Move XP Backup To RAID 0 Drive

May 29, 2012

Just wondering what or if I could move an xp backup onto a raid 0 drive. I did setup the drives in raid in the bios, and they show as raid. I booted into my marcium backup and ran my xp backup onto the drive, that showed in marcium as a raid 0 drive. When I booted, which went fine, into xp it shows in disk management as raid 0. But the problem is, it shows two drives, together and the 2nd drive as being un partitioned. Therefore I'm only running on one drive. Is this fixable, or do I need a clean install?

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Drive Crashed In RAID Config

Jun 17, 2012

I have an HTPC that I've had for about 4 years now. Today when I booted it up it went into an infinite loop with the 'Startup Repair Utility" where it would just sit there claiming to be repairing the drive but never actually completing or providing a notification of the issues (typical Microsoft troubleshooting). Anyway, I finally was able to get into the advanced settings of the utility and get to a command prompt and see what was going on.

1)The previous RAID 1 configuration was setup as the main C: drive with the OS and also where I had all our music stored. But now during the boot sequence the bios startup it flashes in red complaining about the RAID array having degraded and when I finally got into a command prompt it was no longer mapped to C:, the two drives in the array were mapping independently as drive E: and F: respectively (the DVD-ROM is the D: drive).

2)My first concern was to get my music off it so I plugged in an external USB drive and went into command prompt and tried to xcopy from E:, it started to copy then failed catastrophically with a weird error so that would appear to be the bad drive. I then tried the same thing on drive F: (the mirror) and its cranking along nicely copying all my music over. My fingers are crossed but I suspect I'll be OK, its unlikely to get two drive failures in the same array at the exact same time

Once I get my data off the good drive how should I proceed? I assume I need to get a new duplicate drive installed and then can I not rebuild the RAID array from the good drive? I've never done this before, the machine came built for me so I'm not familiar how it is setup. What I do know is that it has a 'RAID utility' you can jump into at boot up by hitting F10.

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Installing Win 7 RC On A RAID Drive Array

Aug 1, 2009

I'm trying to install Windows 7 64-bit on my brand new custom PC, using a RAID0 drive array. I already set the array in the BIOS, and the BIOS sees it. All shall be going to plan...


The beginning of the install goes fine, I accept the Terms and all that good stuff, it's loading files, yadadada.. but when it gets to the part where it's asking me where Windows 7 is asking me what drive it should be on, nothing is there. It asks for drivers (my SB750 RAID drivers) so it can find the drives, I put in my USB flash drive with the RAID drivers (I tried both from disk and website), it tells me that no new devices could be found.

I don't think it's a problem with my physical computer, So it's either that I messed something up in the BIOS or Windows 7 is being picky on it's RAID arrays.

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Large Transfer Of Data Between Drive C: And Drive F:

Dec 3, 2011

I have been suggested to keep my data in a separate drive than my operating system.

Actually, my hard drive is partitioned in two drives, c: and F:

I want to transfers my directory c:user to f:user. I did try to copy between them, but some files where not transferred

So what is the best way to do that. After, do I need to do special thing to make sure that all the references will be followed to the new files positions, IE when accessing them via my task manager

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Reformatting Hard Drive And RAID Configuration?

Jan 15, 2013

I am about to reformat my hard drive, long story as to why, but I am starting from scratch. I know how to install windows, drivers etc. But one thing I am not sure about is configuring the RAID, as I wasn't the one who did it when we installed everything. I am asunming that when I reformat the RAID will need to be reconfigured? I have RAID 5 with three hard drives, each 500 GB. I have a program called Intel Rapid Storage Technology that "manages" the hard drives,but if I am correct I have to set up RAID before installing windows. How to configure the RAID the same way I currently have it? This is a homebuilt comp, i7 930 2.8 ghz, 6 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, Gigabyte motherboard...

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Raid 0 Drive 1 At Risk / How To Back Up And Restore

Feb 10, 2012

My Laptop came with Raid 0 over 2 one terrabyte harddisks. Last week i started getting Drive 1 at risk message. I looked it up and it turns out that this message occurs some time before your drive fails.I did a Full computer backup using windows Back up utility using an external Hard drive. Now I'm going to buy a new internal Hard drive to replace the faulty one.What are the steps i have to do to back up properly?After some search,I learned that:

1_ Backup everything.
2_ Replace Faulty drive.
3_ Rebuild Raid 0 array.
4_ Restore the system image.

Does the new internal Hard drive have to be the same brand/type/size as the old Faulty hard drive? Also I've never used Raid, so how do i recreate a new raid 0 array ? From Bios ? Should i create a repair disk too ? or would Windows dvd work?

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Raid Card Will Not Boot With Drive Installed

Nov 13, 2009

I installed a Rosewell RC-217 Raid card (Silicon Image Sil 3124 SoftRaid 5 Controller-- in Device Manager). The card installed well in Windows 7 64 bit. No problems in device manager.The problem starts when i plug the drive in then rebooted. The boot stops at the 'Starting Window' and hangs. If i boot into windows then plug the drive in all work well. Windows sees the drive and i gave it a drive letter. works great.Problem is i can't boot my system without un-pluging the drive.

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How To Get Raid Drivers On To Machine Without Floppy Drive

May 17, 2011

I am installing Windows 7 pro 32 bit on a machine with no floppy drive.The mobo is Asus p5b and intel e6600 core 2 duo can i get raid drivers on to machine without floppy drive.can i use usb pendrive? or can i install driver after i have installed Windows 7 pro?

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