Laptop Hardisk Failing Error?

Jan 28, 2012

I have a WDC WD5000BEVT-75A0RT0 Laptop hardisk ,and just in recent times it gave me an error from Windows 7 and when I boot my laptop saying that S.M.A.R.T found an error, and backup your data immediately the HDD is going to fail. Now I am quite a power user, and understand computer's quite well, but my laptop is just a year old (out of my warranty period), now how can this happen? I don't rough use my laptop at all, I didn't notice any hardware failure problems related to the HDD no clicking noises,I think its more to do with the software ? I ran a chkdsk and everything came out normal for my drive C: which is the WD drive.What do I do next?

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SP1 Update Failing, Error 80070002

Dec 3, 2012

I have a users laptop that is failing to install SP1 with the above error code (80070002). WU is installing other updates so it appears to be a problem with SP1 rather than WU. Installing while logged in gives me the error code but if you hit shutdown then it just sits on the Configuring screen and the user has had to hard power off the laptop after a few hours.

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Hp Laptop And Hard Drives Failing?

Feb 8, 2013

I recieved a HP G62 340US about a year ago. A couple months back, around christmas, the computer stopped booting. It hung at the windows 7 starting screen. I ran a test and the long dst failed. I bought a new seagate 500Gb hard drive and reinstalled windows 7 (from the recovery disks that I had to buy). My computer has been working fine since about a week ago. When I opened Firefox or wordpad, I would get a BSOD. I found out it was a problem with my fonts folder. If I try to open the fonts folder, I get another BSOD. Then today I opened Photoshop and another BSOD. When my computer restarted, It said hard drive failure is immenent, then I preformed hard drive diagnostics. SMART passed, short dst passed, and long dst failed. Last week when I preformed the test, everything passed. I am worried that my hard drive will die again soon. Could it be that the hard drive is corrupted where the font folder is?

Failure ID:QC7VBS-5LI6H6-XXD0141-61DJ03
Product ID:XH066UA#ABA
Windows 7 64 Bit Home
8 GB upgraded ram
My hdd is:
Seagate Momentus Thin ST500LT012 500GB 5400 RPM 2.5"

Should I include the dump for the bsod as well?

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Internet Time Failing - DNS Resolution Error

May 15, 2011

My internet time is failing with the following error:

"NtpClient was unable to set a manual peer to use as a time source because of DNS resolution error on ''.
NtpClient will try again in 3473457 minutes and double the reattempt interval thereafter. The error was: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. (0x80072AFC)

I assume either my ISP/router is the issue or something else strange is going on. I tried changing my DNS server to the google ones as well as adding a server to my hosts file but it still returns the same error. Just curious what exactly the message means if it really is DNS related as hard-coding the IP into the internet time requester returns the same error.

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Receiving Error That Hard Drive Is Failing?

Sep 19, 2011

I have a toshiba hard drive in my laptop that Windows 7 says "Windows detected a hard disk problem." I've backed up my personal files, and now I'm trying to figure out if it can be repaired or if I'm going to have to buy a new hard drive. I tried to run the Toshiba hard drive diagnostic, but the tool isn't allowing me to select my drive and can't run without being able to do that, even though it is my only hard drive. I've checked for viruses and malware, and it says there are none. I've defraged as well

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Updates Failing With Error Code 800736B3

Nov 6, 2009

after successfully installing windows 7 (my first windows install since XP, after which I moved to Ubuntu) and doing the initial set-up etc., installing my own anti virus software and MS Office etc, I thought it was time to let it update itself.

however, every time I tell it to update then shut down it fails. I tried to troubleshoot it using the MS help box which was very little actual help, and then tried to initiate the update manually, however, when it comes to installing some windows 7 security and system updates and some IE updates, installation fails, resulting in error code 800736B3, whatever that means. The updates it fails on are:

security update for INternet explorer 8 for windows 7 (KB974455)

security update for windows 7 (KB974571)

security update for windows 7 (KB975467)

update for internet explorer 8 compatability view list for windows 7 (KB975364)

update for internet explorer 8 for windows 7 (KB976749)

update for windows 7 (KB974431) I'm currently running avast! (v4.8 home edition) following Windows 7 informing me that it would not allow AVG to run (it was from an 'untrusted source' apparently, despite having been working a few days previously), but thats another problem entirely

Any help than can be offered will be much obliged! All I've been able to turn up from googling is a command that un-registers windows, which then for some reason allows the updates to occur, following which I can use my original activation code (given to me by digital river with the student upgrade deal) to re-activate windows, although I am reluctant to try this!

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IE9 Windows 7 64-bit Update Keeps Failing (error 9C48)?

Sep 3, 2011

I got this windows IE9 update 36.7 mb, but no matter what I do the update fails after restore point is created. It seems I got the same problem as here: Update fails with error code 9C48. - Microsoft Answers but it keeps failing. I tried disabling my Avast AV but no luck.

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Windows Updates Failing Due To Error Code: 800B0100?

May 16, 2011

I'm unable to do any windows updates due to error code 800B0100. I think a recent virus I had may have tampered with update files. I tried running the System Update Readiness Tool as suggested in Help and Support however the update installation on that failed too. Due to other problems I've been having recently I'm considering re-installing my OS at this point.

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ASUS Laptop Trying And Failing To Install Unneeded Driver?

Jul 16, 2011

I bought a refurbed Asus K50IJ-BBZ5 laptop this week.When I log into an administrator account after bootup, it will immediately give me a message about installing new device driver software, then in 20 seconds or so say that the install failed.The failure message specifically says"Device Driver software was not successfully installed.First, my ethernet works fine. I've plugged the laptop into a router and gotten to the internet, lost connection upon unplugging (i.e., it's not a wireless signal that is connecting me), reconnected upon plugging back in. Furthermore, when I have wireless enabled and am not plugged in by ethernet, I connect to the internet fine as well.So my wired and wireless internet access is fine.Third, it shows that specific network adapter working fine. Fourth, when I do try to update the device driver software using the device manager, it tells me that my driver is up to date.So my issue isn't so much with the network adapter/ethernet, since they do what I want them to. My issue is how do I stop the computer from pushing this driver at me?And I have cleaned the computer of most ASUS bloatware, and used msconfig to find what's running at startup, and there's nothing running that I see that is pushing this on me.

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Stop Hardisk From Spinning Down?

Dec 15, 2011

How can I stop my hardisk from spinning down? When Im watching a film the picture freezes for a moment and then I hear the hardisk spinning up again!

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Hardisk Is Plugged But Not Being Recognized?

May 17, 2012

how do i get mt hardisk to start working

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Compaq Presario Laptop Drive Is Failing While Installing Windows 7?

Apr 11, 2012

I am trying to install Windows7 as I did earlier but now I m getting an error "Cant install on this disk Pls use another"...Now how to check whether my hard drive has gone bad or any other issue.

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Hardisk To Usb Transfer Rate Is Very Slow?

May 21, 2012

i have been having this problem for about three weeks now and my transfer rate is very slow.... and at the end it even takes longer... sometimes it even gets stuck at somepoints but resumes after quite a while

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Failing Hard Drive On Laptop / System Restore Or Back Up Software?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a failing hard drive on my laptop, when i proceed to buy a new one, what do i need to do to get windows 7 onto the new hard drive? can i do that with system restore or back up software?

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Large Folder Missing On External Hardisk?

Mar 9, 2012

Yesterday i copied a large folder 51gb into my external hardisk and I used windows 7. One file name was too long and I was prompted. I selected skip file. I remember seeing the folder in my hardisk after copy. But no longer there today. the space still occupied tried using programs like pci recovery. not found. The folder has many work files.

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How To Disable Please Insert A Disk Into Drive / Device / Hardisk / DR3 Message

Sep 15, 2011

how to disable please insert na disk into drive/device/hardisk/DR3 message

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Free Download Software Of Formating A Hardisk With Disk Inclusure With Existing?

Jan 1, 2013

I can see my external hard drive in device manager, but not able to access it..what driver im gonna use

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Screensaver Keeps Failing

Oct 7, 2012

Win 7 Home Prem SP1, 64 bit, 8 gb ram. Only using the screensavers that come with Windows, no matter which one I select at varying times it will fail. I can normally reboot and it works again for a time or switch to a new selection where it will work for 2-3 weeks again. I can't find any information on others experiencing the same issue and have been using numerous virus/spyware apps to find anything. MS Security Essentials, Avast, Stinger, Housecall, SuperAntiSpyware and only find tracking cookies.I know it would help if I could get the exact error message and will update when I do get a chance to write it down.

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Failing To Boot From HDD?

Feb 9, 2013

I found my laptop hdd had several bad sectors. Lacking the cash to just buy new i did a full format to get them flagged as unusable. After that took 17hours i installed windows 7 ultimate x64. When it needed to do the necessary restart it failed on the bios screen (the mobo logo intel for example). I tried gettin in the bios to change boot order and cant. However take the hdd out and i can boot from cd or access bios options etc. hdd back n boom fails still. However the processor is still working hard.

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Backup Keeps Failing?

Jan 21, 2012

I have tried 3 times backing up my system to an external HD I have. Each time, it gives me an error saying it failed. I also see an error code: 0x81000015The strange thing is I have backed up to this HD previously with no problems and now it's not working.The HD has a capacity of 500 GB and currently has 225 GB free. I have cleared out all the backup related information off it and try again and it fails as it gets towards the end of the backup process

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How To Prevent GPU Fan From Failing Again

Nov 28, 2012

I just returned my failing GPU and replaced it with a new one, still the same brand but with a working fan.I wanted to hear from you guys some tips on how to prevent my GPU from failing again.

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CPU Failing Prime 95

Nov 8, 2011

I recently built my new rig (specs in profile). Now last night, I was running Prime95 to get an idea of my stock temps, and Core 3 failed (expected x, returned y). Fearing the worst, I reran it, and it again failed, but on a different core. Just to eliminate any RAM issues, I did a couple of passes with Memtest, and seems to be alright there.

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SSD Failing To Boot?

Apr 12, 2012

got a bit of a serious issue. I've got a Corsair SSD that's no longer booting. It was setup as 1 partition (C drive). I've attempted use the Windows recovery tools via my installation disc but it doesn't even list my hard drive or partition and thus fails to detect the Windows installation.My first thought was a corrupted MBR so I attempted to use the command line tools from the Windows install disc, i.e.bootrec.exe /fixmbr etc. However I get "the system cannot find the path specified" error.I even tried removing the hard drive and putting it into an external enclosure and plugged into another computer via USB. However the 3rd party computer fails to recognise the drive (probably for the same reasons).

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Network Failing

May 5, 2009

I have been tearing my hair out with my network disconnection issue - OK builds pre 7048 broken after 7057 to 7100. I have a Realtek 8139 NIC. I have tried all sorts of drivers none of them fixed it. Last night I thought I would take a difference approach.

The status windows showed the NIC had received 2,590,---,--- packets within the the first ten minutes of turning on the PC before failing, so some service was chewing a massive amount of data. I used the resource monitor and found that it was PID 4 - SYSTEM, this seemed a bit strange as nothing was running.

It then suddenly occurred that with all my video files sitting on a server on the network maybe it was Media-center indexing the files. So i removed the locations from media-center libraries and instantly the network settled down and there was hardly any traffic. I put a network link into my local video folder so hopefully it wont index the network drive.

I will run it like this for the next couple of days to see if it fixes it, should everything be OK its a bug Microsoft

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Windows 7 Updates Failing?

Oct 4, 2011

I had a Vista home premium. I updated it to windows 7 premium. It is 32 bit. A lot of my updates have failed. I get code 800 b0100. I have looked it up on the net. I was wondering if I should put my discs in for the windows upgrade and run it thru again over the top of what I have... I also have win 7 64 bit on my network and it was original/ I have no problems with it. Barb aztzu has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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Computer Failing To Boot

Jun 18, 2011

last night my computer just shut down out seemingly for no reason and when i tried to power it back up it was asking me to insert a boot device

i was planning to reformat in a few hours anyway so it didnt phase me to much so i continued to reformat the computer with no issues then once it had finished installing and i got to the desktop it just powered off again except this time it wouldnt load past bios it just kept restarting. the intersting part with the restarts was that the bios would restart but the power to the computer would not get interrupted. Also its not always the exact some position that it decides to restart some times it will be within 1 second sometimes i get to the desktop only for it to shut down again if i try and do anything

i have tried swapping out parts to identify the faulty part. no luck. ive stripped it down to its basic parts ( cpu Mobo ram n gfx) still same thing happens i dont even have the HDs plugged in so i dont believe it to be a virus on the HD. ive tried flashing the Cmos by taking out the battery for half an hour and this seemed to work but it asked for bootmgr so i reformated the HD again only for it all to start happening again.only this time the power does turn off some times.

i have checked the temperature of the CPU and its sitting on around 47 degrees so nothing out of the ordinary the cpu coolant gell is a bit dry but given that there doesnt seem to be a heat issue i dont know why that would make an immediate difference


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Computer Failing To Start

Jan 13, 2012

i have a acer aspire 5735z and its failing to start, it wont even let me reinstall it, - i have windows 7 ultimate on it

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Windows 7 Failing To Start

Feb 14, 2012

It seems some others are having a similar problem but thought I had to start my own post,Yesterday and this morning my pc refuses to boot initially. Sometimes it goes to the POST and stops there, sometimes to the windows 7 screen and stops there. I managed to start in safe mode but the only thing odd in there was 'C: was ok, A: (floppy) ok, D: was renamed 'F' and E: was ok (I have a TSSTcorp DVD drive and a Lite-On lightscribe drive).

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Windows 7 Failing To Startup?

Jul 16, 2012

Got a netbook that's been running Windows 7 for over 6 month no problem, today tried to boot up and no luck - black screen with the yellow bar running along the bottom for hours. Tried the startup repair which then gave me the chance to restore - picked this and same issue was running for hours with nothing happening. Now put Windows 7 on a USB and trying to repair though that but seems to be the same issue?

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Windows 7 Updates Keep Failing?

Jun 22, 2011

My windows 7 updates keep failing to install and takes me to start up repair everytime and is really frustrating - what can I do?

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Windows 7 Updates Failing?

Sep 26, 2012

I've tried numerous times to try and update Windows Updates (trying to update on a new computer: Lenovo Thinkpad T530) but every time I shut it off, it says it's updating and it looks like it's doing fine but when I turn it says it's configuring Windows updates and it always gets stuck at the 15% mark and then says Windows updates failed, reverting changes. The error is: Error code 80071A9 I've tried Microsofts Fixits and the readiness update and all that stuff but it doesn't help at all.It's really bugging me now because this is the second or third time that my computer went to a black screen saying that it needs to check the disk (I can't remember the exact wording right now). It says the disk is fine every time but it still worries me to have this for the second/third time.

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